Visible to the public SECURECONFIG: NFC and QR-code based hybrid approach for smart sensor configuration

TitleSECURECONFIG: NFC and QR-code based hybrid approach for smart sensor configuration
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsUlz, T., Pieber, T., Steger, C., Lesjak, C., Bock, H., Matischek, R.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID)
Date Publishedmay
ISBN Number978-1-5090-4576-1
Keywordsarbitrary configuration data, configuration, Context, cryptography, cyber physical systems, dedicated security controller, Hardware, Intelligent sensors, Internet, Internet of Things, Mobile handsets, Near Field Communication, NFC code, protocol, Protocols, pubcrawl, QR codes, QR-Code, radiofrequency identification, Resiliency, SC, SECURECONFIG, security, security controller, smart factory, smart home, Smart Sensor, smart sensor configuration, smartphone

In smart factories and smart homes, devices such as smart sensors are connected to the Internet. Independent of the context in which such a smart sensor is deployed, the possibility to change its configuration parameters in a secure way is essential. Existing solutions do provide only minimal security or do not allow to transfer arbitrary configuration data. In this paper, we present an NFC- and QR-code based configuration interface for smart sensors which improves the security and practicability of the configuration altering process while introducing as little overhead as possible. We present a protocol for configuration as well as a hardware extension including a dedicated security controller (SC) for smart sensors. For customers, no additional hardware other than a commercially available smartphone will be necessary which makes the proposed approach highly applicable for smart factory and smart home contexts alike.

Citation Keyulz_secureconfig:_2017