Visible to the public Improving physical layer security for wireless ad hoc networks via full-duplex receiver jamming

TitleImproving physical layer security for wireless ad hoc networks via full-duplex receiver jamming
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsZheng, T. X., Yang, Q., Wang, H. M., Deng, H., Mu, P., Zhang, W.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 18th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC)
ISBN Number978-1-5090-3009-5
KeywordsAd Hoc Network Security, composability, High definition video, Human Behavior, human factors, jamming, power system reliability, probability, pubcrawl, Receivers, Resiliency, security, Transmitters

This paper studies physical layer security in a wireless ad hoc network with numerous legitimate transmitter-receiver pairs and passive eavesdroppers. A hybrid full-/half-duplex receiver deployment strategy is proposed to secure legitimate transmissions, by letting a fraction of legitimate receivers work in the full-duplex (FD) mode sending jamming signals to confuse eavesdroppers upon their own information receptions, and other receivers work in the half-duplex mode just receiving desired signals. This paper aims to properly choose the fraction of the FD receivers to enhance network security. Tractable expressions for the connection outage probability and the secrecy outage probability of a typical legitimate link are first derived, based on which the network-wide secrecy throughput is maximized. Some insights into the optimal fraction are further developed. It is concluded that the fraction of the FD receivers triggers a non-trivial trade-off between reliability and secrecy, and the optimal fraction significantly improves the network security performance.

Citation Keyzheng_improving_2017