Visible to the public Application of Generalized Regression Neural Network in Cloud Security Intrusion Detection

TitleApplication of Generalized Regression Neural Network in Cloud Security Intrusion Detection
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsGao, F.
Conference Name2017 International Conference on Robots Intelligent System (ICRIS)
Date Publishedoct
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1227-9
KeywordsArtificial neural networks, Cloud Security, cloud security intrusion detection, clustering training samples, data training, generalized regression neural network, generalized regression neural network clustering analysis, Hafnium compounds, individual owned invasion category, Intelligent systems, intrusion data, Intrusion detection, learning (artificial intelligence), Metrics, network intrusion, network intrusion behavior modes, neural nets, pattern classification, pattern clustering, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, regression analysis, resilience, Resiliency, robots, security of data

By using generalized regression neural network clustering analysis, effective clustering of five kinds of network intrusion behavior modes is carried out. First of all, intrusion data is divided into five categories by making use of fuzzy C means clustering algorithm. Then, the samples that are closet to the center of each class in the clustering results are taken as the clustering training samples of generalized neural network for the data training, and the results output by the training are the individual owned invasion category. The experimental results showed that the new algorithm has higher classification accuracy of network intrusion ways, which can provide more reliable data support for the prevention of the network intrusion.

Citation Keygao_application_2017