Visible to the public IoT Enabled Robots with QR Code Based Localization

TitleIoT Enabled Robots with QR Code Based Localization
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsBabu, S., Markose, S.
Conference Name2018 International Conference on Emerging Trends and Innovations In Engineering And Technological Research (ICETIETR)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-5744-7
Keywordsartificial intelligence, control engineering computing, cryptography, cyber physical systems, Dijkstras algorithm, encrypted communication channel, Floor Mapping, Floors, heading measurements, indoor localization, indoor navigation, Internet of Things, IoT devices, IoT enabled robots, mobile robots, Path optimization, path planning, Protocols, pubcrawl, QR code, QR code detection, QR code landmark recognition, QR codes, Resiliency, Robot sensing systems, sensor data, Servers, Service robots, shortest path computation, smart devices, SSHv2 protocol, wireless LAN, wireless local area network

Robots are sophisticated form of IoT devices as they are smart devices that scrutinize sensor data from multiple sources and observe events to decide the best procedural actions to supervise and manoeuvre objects in the physical world. In this paper, localization of the robot is addressed by QR code Detection and path optimization is accomplished by Dijkstras algorithm. The robot can navigate automatically in its environment with sensors and shortest path is computed whenever heading measurements are updated with QR code landmark recognition. The proposed approach highly reduces computational burden and deployment complexity as it reflects the use of artificial intelligence to self-correct its course when required. An Encrypted communication channel is established over wireless local area network using SSHv2 protocol to transfer or receive sensor data(or commands) making it an IoT enabled Robot.

Citation Keybabu_iot_2018