Visible to the public Security-Aware Synthesis of Human-UAV Protocols

TitleSecurity-Aware Synthesis of Human-UAV Protocols
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsElfar, Mahmoud, Zhu, Haibei, Cummings, M. L., Pajic, Miroslav
Conference Name2019 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Date Publishedmay
Keywordsautonomous aerial vehicles, collaboration protocols, collected experimental data, command and control systems, command injection attacks, composability, control engineering computing, formal verification, Games, geolocation strategies, geolocation task, Geology, Global Positioning System, H-UAV protocol synthesis, human operators, human-UAV coalition, human-UAV protocols, human-unmanned aerial vehicle, learning (artificial intelligence), Metrics, Military aircraft, model checkers, Protocols, pubcrawl, RESCHU-SA testbed, Resiliency, security, security-aware synthesis, stealthy false-data injection attacks, stochastic game-based model, stochastic games, Stochastic processes, Task Analysis, UAV hidden-information constraint
AbstractIn this work, we synthesize collaboration protocols for human-unmanned aerial vehicle (H-UAV) command and control systems, where the human operator aids in securing the UAV by intermittently performing geolocation tasks to confirm its reported location. We first present a stochastic game-based model for the system that accounts for both the operator and an adversary capable of launching stealthy false-data injection attacks, causing the UAV to deviate from its path. We also describe a synthesis challenge due to the UAV's hidden-information constraint. Next, we perform human experiments using a developed RESCHU-SA testbed to recognize the geolocation strategies that operators adopt. Furthermore, we deploy machine learning techniques on the collected experimental data to predict the correctness of a geolocation task at a given location based on its geographical features. By representing the model as a delayed-action game and formalizing the system objectives, we utilize off-the-shelf model checkers to synthesize protocols for the human-UAV coalition that satisfy these objectives. Finally, we demonstrate the usefulness of the H-UAV protocol synthesis through a case study where the protocols are experimentally analyzed and further evaluated by human operators.
Citation Keyelfar_security-aware_2019