Visible to the public Information Theoretical Secure Key Sharing Protocol for Noiseless Public Constant Parameter Channels without Cryptographic Assumptions

TitleInformation Theoretical Secure Key Sharing Protocol for Noiseless Public Constant Parameter Channels without Cryptographic Assumptions
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKorzhik, Valery, Starostin, Vladimir, Morales-Luna, Guillermo, Kabardov, Muaed, Gerasimovich, Aleksandr, Yakovlev, Victor, Zhuvikin, Aleksey
Conference Name2019 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (FedCSIS)
Keywordsartificial noise, Bit error rate, composability, compositionality, computer network security, constant parameter noiseless public channel, cryptographic assumptions, cryptographic protocols, cryptography, eavesdropper channels, eigenvalues, Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, information theoretical secure key sharing protocol, Internet, key sharing protocol, matrix algebra, noiseless public constant parameter channels, physical layer security, privacy, Privacy Amplification, privacy amplification procedure, private key cryptography, protocol restrictions, Protocols, pubcrawl, Quantization (signal), Shannon information, Signal to noise ratio, SNR, theoretical cryptography

We propose a new key sharing protocol executed through any constant parameter noiseless public channel (as Internet itself) without any cryptographic assumptions and protocol restrictions on SNR in the eavesdropper channels. This protocol is based on extraction by legitimate users of eigenvalues from randomly generated matrices. A similar protocol was proposed recently by G. Qin and Z. Ding. But we prove that, in fact, this protocol is insecure and we modify it to be both reliable and secure using artificial noise and privacy amplification procedure. Results of simulation prove these statements.

Citation Keykorzhik_information_2019