Visible to the public Modeling Semantic Dependencies to Allow Flow Monitoring in Networks with Black-Box Nodes

TitleModeling Semantic Dependencies to Allow Flow Monitoring in Networks with Black-Box Nodes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsGries, Stefan, Ollesch, Julius, Gruhn, Volker
Conference Name2019 IEEE/ACM 5th International Workshop on Software Engineering for Smart Cyber-Physical Systems (SEsCPS)
Keywordsblack-box nodes, compositionality, Cyber Dependencies, Cyber-physical systems, dependency model, dependency modeling, flow monitoring, Heterogeneous systems, History, human factors, information flow monitor, Metrics, modeling semantic dependencies, Monitoring, Monitoring tools, Protocols, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security of data, semantic dependencies, Semantics, Temperature measurement, Temperature sensors
AbstractCyber-Physical Systems are distributed, heterogeneous systems that communicate and exchange data over networks. This creates semantic dependencies between the individual components. In the event of an error, it is difficult to identify the source of an occurring error that is spread due to those underlying dependencies. Tools such as the Information Flow Monitor solve this problem, but require compliance with a protocol. Nodes that do not adhere to this protocol prevent errors from being tracked. In this paper, we present a way to bridge these black-box nodes with a dependency model and to still be able to use them in monitoring tools.
Citation Keygries_modeling_2019