Visible to the public Robust Digital Signature to Protect IP Core against Fraudulent Ownership and Cloning

TitleRobust Digital Signature to Protect IP Core against Fraudulent Ownership and Cloning
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsSengupta, Anirban, Chandra, N. Prajwal, Kumar, E. Ranjith
Conference Name2019 IEEE 9th International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE-Berlin)
Date PublishedSept. 2019
ISBN Number978-1-7281-2745-3
Keywordscomposability, consumer electronic devices, crypto digital signature approach, cryptography, digital signal processing chips, digital signature, digital signature processing cores, digital signatures, DSP, encoding, Encryption, fraudulent ownership, industrial property, intellectual property security, IP cloning, IP core, multimedia based reusable Intellectual property cores, multiple security modules, policy-based governance, Protection., pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, robust digital signature, Synthesis, system-on-chip, system-on-chips, watermarking approach

Digital signal processing (DSP) and multimedia based reusable Intellectual property (IP) cores form key components of system-on-chips used in consumer electronic devices. They represent years of valuable investment and hence need protection against prevalent threats such as IP cloning and fraudulent claim of ownership. This paper presents a novel crypto digital signature approach which incorporates multiple security modules such as encryption, hashing and encoding for protection of digital signature processing cores. The proposed approach achieves higher robustness (and reliability), in terms of lower probability of coincidence, at lower design cost than existing watermarking approaches for IP cores. The proposed approach achieves stronger proof of authorship (on average by 39.7%) as well as requires lesser storage hardware compared to a recent similar work.

Citation Keysengupta_robust_2019