Visible to the public Strategy of Relay Selection and Cooperative Jammer Beamforming in Physical Layer Security

TitleStrategy of Relay Selection and Cooperative Jammer Beamforming in Physical Layer Security
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2020
AuthorsZhang, Ming, Shang, Yong, Zhao, Yaohuan
Conference Name2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall)
Keywordsarray signal processing, composability, cooperative jamming, jamming, Metrics, physical layer security, power allocation, Power demand, pubcrawl, relay selection, Relays, Resiliency, Resource management, Vehicular and wireless technologies
AbstractIn this paper, a novel strategy of relay selection and cooperative jammer beamforming is proposed. The proposed scheme selects one node from the intermediate nodes as relay and the rest nodes as friendly jammers. The relay operates in amplify-and-forward (AF) strategy. Jammer weights are derived to null the jamming signals at the destination and relay node and maximize the jamming signal at the eavesdropper. Furthermore, a closed-form optimal solution of power allocation between the selected relay and cooperative jammers is derived. Numerical simulation results show that the proposed scheme can outperform the conventional schemes at the same power consumption.
Citation Keyzhang_strategy_2020