Visible to the public Shared Experiences of Technology and Trust: An Experimental Study of Physiological Compliance Between Active and Passive Users in Technology-Mediated Collaborative Encounters

TitleShared Experiences of Technology and Trust: An Experimental Study of Physiological Compliance Between Active and Passive Users in Technology-Mediated Collaborative Encounters
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMontague, E., Jie Xu, Chiou, E.
JournalHuman-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedOct
KeywordsAtmospheric measurements, Biomedical monitoring, Group performance, groupware, Joints, Monitoring, multiagent systems, multiprogramming, multitask environment, multiuser technological environment, Optical wavelength conversion, Particle measurements, passive user, physiological compliance, physiological compliance (PC), physiology, reliability, shared experiences, technology-mediated collaborative encounters, Trust, trust in technology, Trusted Computing

The aim of this study is to examine the utility of physiological compliance (PC) to understand shared experience in a multiuser technological environment involving active and passive users. Common ground is critical for effective collaboration and important for multiuser technological systems that include passive users since this kind of user typically does not have control over the technology being used. An experiment was conducted with 48 participants who worked in two-person groups in a multitask environment under varied task and technology conditions. Indicators of PC were measured from participants' cardiovascular and electrodermal activities. The relationship between these PC indicators and collaboration outcomes, such as performance and subjective perception of the system, was explored. Results indicate that PC is related to group performance after controlling for task/technology conditions. PC is also correlated with shared perceptions of trust in technology among group members. PC is a useful tool for monitoring group processes and, thus, can be valuable for the design of collaborative systems. This study has implications for understanding effective collaboration.

Citation Key6837486