Visible to the public Genetic Hash Algorithm

TitleGenetic Hash Algorithm
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsEddeen, L.M.H.N., Saleh, E.M., Saadah, D.
Conference NameComputer Science and Information Technology (CSIT), 2014 6th International Conference on
Date PublishedMarch
Keywordsauthentication, Biological cells, Chromosome, complex random generated images, cryptography, data encapsulation, data hiding, Data visualization, Fitness value, genetic algorithms, genetic hash algorithm, Genetics, Hash functions, hash visualization, image watermarking, search optimization technique, security, trees (mathematics), visualization, Watermarking

Security is becoming a major concern in computing. New techniques are evolving every day; one of these techniques is Hash Visualization. Hash Visualization uses complex random generated images for security, these images can be used to hide data (watermarking). This proposed new technique improves hash visualization by using genetic algorithms. Genetic algorithms are a search optimization technique that is based on the evolution of living creatures. The proposed technique uses genetic algorithms to improve hash visualization. The used genetic algorithm was away faster than traditional previous ones, and it improved hash visualization by evolving the tree that was used to generate the images, in order to obtain a better and larger tree that will generate images with higher security. The security was satisfied by calculating the fitness value for each chromosome based on a specifically designed algorithm.

Citation Key6805974