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Eckhard Böde, Werner Damm.  2021.  Simulation of Abstract Scenarios: Towards Automated Tooling in Criticality Analysis.
invited presentation at Workshop “From autonomous driving to innovative vehicle concepts”, Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences SATW, December 2020
Werner Damm.  2021.  Challenges for Assuring Safety for AI based Mobility Applications.
invited presentation at the award event of the Artificial Intelligence Dependability Assessment (AI-DA) Student Challenge, Siemens Mobility, July 16, 2021
Werner Damm, Andreas Hein, Mark Busse.  2021.  The Car that Cares. Patent application at the German Patent office DPMA . :20.
Klaus Bengler, Bianca Biebl, Werner Damm, Martin Fränzle, Willem Hagemann, Moritz Held, Klas Ihme, Severin Kacianka, Sebastian Lehnhoff, Andreas Luedtke et al..  2021.  A Metamodel of Human Cyber Physical Systems. Working Document of the PIRE Project on Assuring Individual, Social, and Cultural Embeddedness of Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (ISCE-ACPS). :41.
Werner Damm, Johannes Helbig, Peter Liggesmeyer, Philipp Slusallek.  2021.  Trusted AI: Why We Need a New Major Research and Innovation Initiative for AI in Germany and Europe. White paper submitted to German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. :41.
White paper submitted to German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Werner Damm, Martin Fränzle, Willem Hagemann, Paul Kröger, Astrid Rakow.  2019.  Dynamic Conflict Resolution Using Justification Based Reasoning. Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation, Responsibility, and Explanations in Science and Technology. 308:47–65.
Birte Kramer, Christian Neurohr, Matthias Büker, Eckard Böde, Martin Fränzle, Werner Damm.  2020.  Identification and Quantification of Hazardous Scenarios for Automated Driving. Model-Based Safety and Assessment. :163–178.
We present an integrated method for safety assessment of automated driving systems which covers the aspects of functional safety and safety of the intended functionality (SOTIF), including identification and quantification of hazardous scenarios. The proposed method uses and combines established exploration and analytical tools for hazard analysis and risk assessment in the automotive domain, while adding important enhancements to enable their applicability to the uncharted territory of safety analyses for automated driving. The method is tailored to support existing safety processes mandated by the standards ISO 26262 and ISO/PAS 21448 and complements them where necessary. It has been developed in close cooperation with major German automotive manufacturers and suppliers within the PEGASUS project ( Practical evaluation has been carried out by applying the method to the PEGASUS Highway-Chauffeur, a conceptual automated driving function considered as a common reference system within the project.
Janos Sztipanovits, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Gabor Karsai, Shankar Sastry, Claire Tomlin, Werner Damm, Martin Fränzle, Jochem Rieger, Alexander Pretschner, Frank Köster.  2019.  Science of design for societal-scale cyber-physical systems: challenges and opportunities. Cyber-Physical Systems. 5:145-172.

Emerging industrial platforms such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet (II) in the US and Industrie 4.0 in Europe have tremendously accelerated the development of new generations of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that integrate humans and human organizations (H-CPS) with physical and computation processes and extend to societal-scale systems such as traffic networks, electric grids, or networks of autonomous systems where control is dynamically shifted between humans and machines. Although such societal-scale CPS can potentially affect many aspect of our lives, significant societal strains have emerged about the new technology trends and their impact on how we live. Emerging tensions extend to regulations, certification, insurance, and other societal constructs that are necessary for the widespread adoption of new technologies. If these systems evolve independently in different parts of the world, they will ‘hard-wire’ the social context in which they are created, making interoperation hard or impossible, decreasing reusability, and narrowing markets for products and services. While impacts of new technology trends on social policies have received attention, the other side of the coin – to make systems adaptable to social policies – is nearly absent from engineering and computer science design practice. This paper focuses on technologies that can be adapted to varying public policies and presents (1) hard problems and technical challenges and (2) some recent research approaches and opportunities. The central goal of this paper is to discuss the challenges and opportunities for constructing H-CPS that can be parameterized by social context. The focus in on three major application domains: connected vehicles, transactive energy systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles.Abbreviations: CPS: Cyber-physical systems; H-CPS: Human-cyber-physical systems; CV: Connected vehicle; II: Industrial Internet; IoT: Internet of Things

Janos Sztipanovits, Xenofon Koutsoukos, Gabor Karsai, Shankar Sastry, Claire Tomlin, Werner Damm, Martin Frönzle, Jochem Rieger, Alexander Pretschner, Frank Köster.  2019.  Science of design for societal-scale cyber-physical systems: challenges and opportunities. Cyber-Physical Systems. 5:145-172.

Emerging industrial platforms such as the Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet (II) in the US and Industrie 4.0 in Europe have tremendously accelerated the development of new generations of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) that integrate humans and human organizations (H-CPS) with physical and computation processes and extend to societal-scale systems such as traffic networks, electric grids, or networks of autonomous systems where control is dynamically shifted between humans and machines. Although such societal-scale CPS can potentially affect many aspect of our lives, significant societal strains have emerged about the new technology trends and their impact on how we live. Emerging tensions extend to regulations, certification, insurance, and other societal constructs that are necessary for the widespread adoption of new technologies. If these systems evolve independently in different parts of the world, they will ‘hard-wire’ the social context in which they are created, making interoperation hard or impossible, decreasing reusability, and narrowing markets for products and services. While impacts of new technology trends on social policies have received attention, the other side of the coin – to make systems adaptable to social policies – is nearly absent from engineering and computer science design practice. This paper focuses on technologies that can be adapted to varying public policies and presents (1) hard problems and technical challenges and (2) some recent research approaches and opportunities. The central goal of this paper is to discuss the challenges and opportunities for constructing H-CPS that can be parameterized by social context. The focus in on three major application domains: connected vehicles, transactive energy systems, and unmanned aerial vehicles.Abbreviations: CPS: Cyber-physical systems; H-CPS: Human-cyber-physical systems; CV: Connected vehicle; II: Industrial Internet; IoT: Internet of Things

Karsten Lemmer, Werner Damm, Janos Stzipanovits, Shankar Sastry, Claire Tomlin, Frank Köster, Meike Jipp.  2019.  Societal and Technological Research Challenges for Highly Automated Road Transportation Systems in Germany and the US: Diversities and Synergy Potentials. Workshop on Societal and Technological Research Challenges for Highly Automated Road Transportation Systems in Germany and the US: Diversities and Synergy Potentials.
Werner Damm, Martin Fränzle, Andreas Lüdtke, Jochem W. Rieger, Alexander Trende, Anirudh Unni.  2019.  Integrating Neurophysiological Sensors and Driver Models for Safe and Performant Automated Vehicle Control in Mixed Traffic. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium.

In the future, mixed traffic Highly Automated Vehicles (HAV) will have to resolve interactions with human operated traffic. A particular problem for HAVs is the detection of human states influencing safety, critical decisions, and driving behavior of humans. We demonstrate the value proposition of neurophysiological sensors and driver models for optimizing performance of HAVs under safety constraints in mixed traffic applications.

Werner Damm, Martin Fränzle, Willem Hagemann, Paul Kröger, Astrid Rakow.  2019.  Justification Based Reasoning in Dynamic Conflict Resolution. 4th Workshop on Formal Reasoning about Causation, Responsibility, and Explanations in Science and Technology.

We study conflict situations that dynamically arise in traffic scenarios, where different agents try to achieve their set of goals and have to decide on what to do based on their local perception.
We distinguish several types of conflicts for this setting. In order to enable modelling of conflict situations and the reasons for conflicts, we present a logical framework that adopts concepts from epistemic and modal logic, justification and temporal logic. Using this framework, we illustrate how conflicts can be identified and how we derive a chain of justifications leading to this conflict. We discuss how conflict resolution can be done when a vehicle has local, incomplete information, vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V) and partially ordered goals.

Werner Damm, Eike Möhlmann, Thomas Peikenkamp, Astrid Rakow.  2018.  A Formal Semantics for Traffic Sequence Charts. Principles of Modeling - Essays Dedicated to Edward A. Lee on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. :182–205.
Werner Damm, Roland Galbas.  2018.  Exploiting Learning and Scenario-Based Specification Languages for the Verification and Validation of Highly Automated Driving. 1st {IEEE/ACM} International Workshop on Software Engineering for {AI} in Autonomous Systems, SEFAIAS@ICSE 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden, May 28, 2018. :39–46.

We propose a series of methods based on learning key structural properties from traffic data-basis and on statistical model checking, ultimately leading to the construction of a scenario catalogue capturing requirements for controlling criticality for highly autonomous vehicles. We sketch underlying mathematical foundations which allow to derive formal confidence levels that vehicles tested by such a scenario catalogue will maintain the required control of criticality in real traffic matching the probability distributions of key parameters of data recorded in the reference data base employed for this process.

Werner Damm, Ralf Kalmar.  2017.  Autonome Systeme - Fähigkeiten und Anforderungen. Informatik Spektrum. 40:400–408.

Autonomous systems are on everyone's lips, driven by current discussions in the automotive sector. In fact, automated systems of varying degrees of autonomy are part of current roadmaps and projections in many industries. In this article, the various industry-specific taxonomies and standards are summarized and characterized in terms of their functional capabilities and requirements for methods, processes and tools from the perspective of software engineering.