Visible to the public Ambiguity as a Barrier to Information Security Policy Compliance: A Content Analysis

TitleAmbiguity as a Barrier to Information Security Policy Compliance: A Content Analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsButhelezi, M. P., Poll, J. A. van der, Ochola, E. O.
Conference Name2016 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI)
Date Publisheddec
ISBN Number978-1-5090-5510-4
KeywordsCollaboration, Content analysis, Education, educational institution, Educational institutions, governance, Government, Guidelines, Information security, information security policy compliance, Information services, InfoSec policy document, institutional information resources, Natural languages, policy, Policy ambiguity, Policy clarity, Policy human aspects, policy-based governance, pubcrawl, security of data, security policies, Security policy compliance, Software, South Africa, text analysis, usable security

Institutions use the information security (InfoSec) policy document as a set of rules and guidelines to govern the use of the institutional information resources. However, a common problem is that these policies are often not followed or complied with. This study explores the extent to which the problem lies with the policy documents themselves. The InfoSec policies are documented in the natural languages, which are prone to ambiguity and misinterpretation. Subsequently such policies may be ambiguous, thereby making it hard, if not impossible for users to comply with. A case study approach with a content analysis was conducted. The research explores the extent of the problem by using a case study of an educational institution in South Africa.

Citation Keybuthelezi_ambiguity_2016