Visible to the public Vulnerabilities in two-area Automatic Generation Control systems under cyberattack

TitleVulnerabilities in two-area Automatic Generation Control systems under cyberattack
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsBiswas, S., Sarwat, A.
Conference Name2016 Resilience Week (RWS)
ISBN Number978-1-5090-2002-7
KeywordsAGC system, automatic generation control, composability, control engineering computing, cyber criminals, cyberattack, Gain control, Generators, Mathematical model, Metrics, power grid, power grid vulnerability analysis, power grids, power system control, power system stability, pubcrawl, Resiliency, security, security measures, security of data, two-area automatic generation control systems

The power grid is a prime target of cyber criminals and warrants special attention as it forms the backbone of major infrastructures that drive the nation's defense and economy. Developing security measures for the power grid is challenging since it is physically dispersed and interacts dynamically with associated cyber infrastructures that control its operation. This paper presents a mathematical framework to investigate stability of two area systems due to data attacks on Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system. Analytical and simulation results are presented to identify attack levels that could drive the AGC system to potentially become unstable.

Citation Keybiswas_vulnerabilities_2016