Visible to the public A Content-Based Phishing Email Detection Method

TitleA Content-Based Phishing Email Detection Method
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsChe, H., Liu, Q., Zou, L., Yang, H., Zhou, D., Yu, F.
Conference Name2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRS-C)
Date Publishedjul
ISBN Number978-1-5386-2072-4
KeywordsComputer crime, content-based phishing email detection, Creativity, cybernetics, database management systems, Databases, Electronic mail, email categories, Filtering, fuzzy control, fuzzy logic control algorithm, Human Behavior, human factors, information extraction, information storage, Investment, phishing, phishing email, pubcrawl, Resource description framework, Semantic Web, semantic Web database, Social Engineering, social engineering concepts, social engineering criteria, unsolicited e-mail

Phishing emails have affected users seriously due to the enormous increasing in numbers and exquisite camouflage. Users spend much more effort on distinguishing the email properties, therefore current phishing email detection system demands more creativity and consideration in filtering for users. The proposed research tries to adopt creative computing in detecting phishing emails for users through a combination of computing techniques and social engineering concepts. In order to achieve the proposed target, the fraud type is summarised in social engineering criteria through literature review; a semantic web database is established to extract and store information; a fuzzy logic control algorithm is constructed to allocate email categories. The proposed approach will help users to distinguish the categories of emails, furthermore, to give advice based on different categories allocation. For the purpose of illustrating the approach, a case study will be presented to simulate a phishing email receiving scenario.

Citation Keyche_content-based_2017