Visible to the public A framework for improving network resilience using SDN and fog nodes

TitleA framework for improving network resilience using SDN and fog nodes
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsModarresi, A., Gangadhar, S., Sterbenz, J. P. G.
Conference Name2017 9th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling (RNDM)
Date Publishedsep
KeywordsCloud and fog computing, cloud computing, Computational modeling, Computer architecture, computer network security, decentralise computing, edge computing, edge detection, edge network, Fog Computing, fog nodes, Future Internet, Internet of Things, Intrusion detection, IoT, IoT traffic, IP networks, IP spoofing, IP spoofing security application, local decision-making elements, long-term storage, Mininet network simulator, network communication, network resilience, Network security, network traffic, OpenFlow, OpenFog, pubcrawl, resilience, Resiliency, Resilient Security Architectures, SDN, Secrets, security, software defined networking, software-defined networking, survivability, Switches, telecommunication traffic

The IoT (Internet of Things) is one of the primary reasons for the massive growth in the number of connected devices to the Internet, thus leading to an increased volume of traffic in the core network. Fog and edge computing are becoming a solution to handle IoT traffic by moving timesensitive processing to the edge of the network, while using the conventional cloud for historical analysis and long-term storage. Providing processing, storage, and network communication at the edge network are the aim of fog computing to reduce delay, network traffic, and decentralise computing. In this paper, we define a framework that realises fog computing that can be extended to install any service of choice. Our framework utilises fog nodes as an extension of the traditional switch to include processing, networking, and storage. The fog nodes act as local decision-making elements that interface with software-defined networking (SDN), to be able to push updates throughout the network. To test our framework, we develop an IP spoofing security application and ensure its correctness through multiple experiments.

Citation Keymodarresi_framework_2017