Visible to the public Behavior Analysis for Safety and Security in Automotive Systems

TitleBehavior Analysis for Safety and Security in Automotive Systems
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsRieke, R., Seidemann, M., Talla, E. K., Zelle, D., Seeger, B.
Conference Name2017 25th Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing (PDP)
Date PublishedMarch 2017
ISBN Number978-1-5090-6058-0
KeywordsAnalytical models, automobiles, Automotive engineering, automotive security, automotive systems, behavior analysis, complex event processing, Computational modeling, connected car, cyber physical systems, global security operations, Human Behavior, human factors, Internet of Vehicles, Metrics, Petri nets, predictive security analysis, process discovery, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Safety, security, security modeling and simulation, security monitoring, security of data

The connection of automotive systems with other systems such as road-side units, other vehicles, and various servers in the Internet opens up new ways for attackers to remotely access safety relevant subsystems within connected cars. The security of connected cars and the whole vehicular ecosystem is thus of utmost importance for consumer trust and acceptance of this emerging technology. This paper describes an approach for on-board detection of unanticipated sequences of events in order to identify suspicious activities. The results show that this approach is fast enough for in-vehicle application at runtime. Several behavior models and synchronization strategies are analyzed in order to narrow down suspicious sequences of events to be sent in a privacy respecting way to a global security operations center for further in-depth analysis.

Citation Keyrieke_behavior_2017