Visible to the public Multi-Level Security for the 5G/IoT Ubiquitous Network

TitleMulti-Level Security for the 5G/IoT Ubiquitous Network
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsSalman, O., Kayssi, A., Chehab, A., Elhajj, I.
Conference Name2017 Second International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-2859-1
Keywords5G, 5G mobile communication, 5G-IoT ubiquitous network, Access Control, BLP, Computational modeling, computer network security, Context, Context modeling, fifth-generation mobile communication networks, Human Behavior, human factors, information security domain, Internet of Things, IoT, Metrics, Multi-Level Security, multilevel security model, network bandwidth, network domain, pubcrawl, Resiliency, Scalability, security model, Temperature measurement, transaction data, Ubiquitous Computing Security

5G, the fifth generation of mobile communication networks, is considered as one of the main IoT enablers. Connecting billions of things, 5G/IoT will be dealing with trillions of GBytes of data. Securing such large amounts of data is a very challenging task. Collected data varies from simple temperature measurements to more critical transaction data. Thus, applying uniform security measures is a waste of resources (processing, memory, and network bandwidth). Alternatively, a multi-level security model needs to be applied according to the varying requirements. In this paper, we present a multi-level security scheme (BLP) applied originally in the information security domain. We review its application in the network domain, and propose a modified version of BLP for the 5G/IoT case. The proposed model is proven to be secure and compliant with the model rules.

Citation Keysalman_multi-level_2017