Visible to the public When Smart TV Meets CRN: Privacy-Preserving Fine-Grained Spectrum Access

TitleWhen Smart TV Meets CRN: Privacy-Preserving Fine-Grained Spectrum Access
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsGuan, C., Mohaisen, A., Sun, Z., Su, L., Ren, K., Yang, Y.
Conference Name2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS)
ISBN Number978-1-5386-1792-2
KeywordsApplied Cryptography, Cognitive radio, composability, CRN, cryptography, digital television, dynamic spectrum sharing techniques, exclusion zone, high definition television, homomorphic encryption, idle channels, interactive television, Interference, IPTV, Metrics, MPC technique, multiparty computation technique, primary TV users, privacy, privacy requirement, Privacy-preserving, privacy-preserving fine-grained spectrum access, pubcrawl, radio spectrum management, resilience, Resiliency, Resource management, Scalability, SDC server, secondary spectrum reuse, secondary users, secondary WiFi transmission, set-top boxes, smart TV, spectrum allocation decision process, spectrum database controller, television transmitters, Transmitters, trusted third party, TV, TV receivers, TV transmitters, TV white space model, UHF TV band, white box cryptography, White Box Encryption, wireless LAN

Dynamic spectrum sharing techniques applied in the UHF TV band have been developed to allow secondary WiFi transmission in areas with active TV users. This technique of dynamically controlling the exclusion zone enables vastly increasing secondary spectrum re-use, compared to the "TV white space" model where TV transmitters determine the exclusion zone and only "idle" channels can be re-purposed. However, in current such dynamic spectrum sharing systems, the sensitive operation parameters of both primary TV users (PUs) and secondary users (SUs) need to be shared with the spectrum database controller (SDC) for the purpose of realizing efficient spectrum allocation. Since such SDC server is not necessarily operated by a trusted third party, those current systems might cause essential threatens to the privacy requirement from both PUs and SUs. To address this privacy issue, this paper proposes a privacy-preserving spectrum sharing system between PUs and SUs, which realizes the spectrum allocation decision process using efficient multi-party computation (MPC) technique. In this design, the SDC only performs secure computation over encrypted input from PUs and SUs such that none of the PU or SU operation parameters will be revealed to SDC. The evaluation of its performance illustrates that our proposed system based on efficient MPC techniques can perform dynamic spectrum allocation process between PUs and SUs efficiently while preserving users' privacy.

Citation Keyguan_when_2017