Alkoudsi, Mohammad Ibrahim, Fohler, Gerhard, Völp, Marcus.
Tolerating Resource Exhaustion Attacks in the Time-Triggered Architecture. 2022 XII Brazilian Symposium on Computing Systems Engineering (SBESC). :1—8.
The Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) presents a blueprint for building safe and real-time constrained distributed systems, based on a set of orthogonal concepts that make extensive use of the availability of a globally consistent notion of time and a priori knowledge of events. Although the TTA tolerates arbitrary failures of any of its nodes by architectural means (active node replication, a membership service, and bus guardians), the design of these means considers only accidental faults. However, distributed safety- and real-time critical systems have been emerging into more open and interconnected systems, operating autonomously for prolonged times and interfacing with other possibly non-real-time systems. Therefore, the existence of vulnerabilities that adversaries may exploit to compromise system safety cannot be ruled out. In this paper, we discuss potential targeted attacks capable of bypassing TTA's fault-tolerance mechanisms and demonstrate how two well-known recovery techniques - proactive and reactive rejuvenation - can be incorporated into TTA to reduce the window of vulnerability for attacks without introducing extensive and costly changes.
Anastasakis, Zacharias, Psychogyios, Konstantinos, Velivassaki, Terpsi, Bourou, Stavroula, Voulkidis, Artemis, Skias, Dimitrios, Gonos, Antonis, Zahariadis, Theodore.
Enhancing Cyber Security in IoT Systems using FL-based IDS with Differential Privacy. 2022 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS). :30—34.
Nowadays, IoT networks and devices exist in our everyday life, capturing and carrying unlimited data. However, increasing penetration of connected systems and devices implies rising threats for cybersecurity with IoT systems suffering from network attacks. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning take advantage of huge volumes of IoT network logs to enhance their cybersecurity in IoT. However, these data are often desired to remain private. Federated Learning (FL) provides a potential solution which enables collaborative training of attack detection model among a set of federated nodes, while preserving privacy as data remain local and are never disclosed or processed on central servers. While FL is resilient and resolves, up to a point, data governance and ownership issues, it does not guarantee security and privacy by design. Adversaries could interfere with the communication process, expose network vulnerabilities, and manipulate the training process, thus affecting the performance of the trained model. In this paper, we present a federated learning model which can successfully detect network attacks in IoT systems. Moreover, we evaluate its performance under various settings of differential privacy as a privacy preserving technique and configurations of the participating nodes. We prove that the proposed model protects the privacy without actually compromising performance. Our model realizes a limited performance impact of only ∼ 7% less testing accuracy compared to the baseline while simultaneously guaranteeing security and applicability.
Alotaibi, Jamal, Alazzawi, Lubna.
PPIoV: A Privacy Preserving-Based Framework for IoV- Fog Environment Using Federated Learning and Blockchain. 2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT). :597—603.
The integration of the Internet-of-Vehicles (IoV) and fog computing benefits from cooperative computing and analysis of environmental data while avoiding network congestion and latency. However, when private data is shared across fog nodes or the cloud, there exist privacy issues that limit the effectiveness of IoV systems, putting drivers' safety at risk. To address this problem, we propose a framework called PPIoV, which is based on Federated Learning (FL) and Blockchain technologies to preserve the privacy of vehicles in IoV.Typical machine learning methods are not well suited for distributed and highly dynamic systems like IoV since they train on data with local features. Therefore, we use FL to train the global model while preserving privacy. Also, our approach is built on a scheme that evaluates the reliability of vehicles participating in the FL training process. Moreover, PPIoV is built on blockchain to establish trust across multiple communication nodes. For example, when the local learned model updates from the vehicles and fog nodes are communicated with the cloud to update the global learned model, all transactions take place on the blockchain. The outcome of our experimental study shows that the proposed method improves the global model's accuracy as a result of allowing reputed vehicles to update the global model.
Yang, Xuefeng, Liu, Li, Zhang, Yinggang, Li, Yihao, Liu, Pan, Ai, Shili.
A Privacy-preserving Approach to Distributed Set-membership Estimation over Wireless Sensor Networks. 2022 9th International Conference on Dependable Systems and Their Applications (DSA). :974—979.
This paper focuses on the system on wireless sensor networks. The system is linear and the time of the system is discrete as well as variable, which named discrete-time linear time-varying systems (DLTVS). DLTVS are vulnerable to network attacks when exchanging information between sensors in the network, as well as putting their security at risk. A DLTVS with privacy-preserving is designed for this purpose. A set-membership estimator is designed by adding privacy noise obeying the Laplace distribution to state at the initial moment. Simultaneously, the differential privacy of the system is analyzed. On this basis, the real state of the system and the existence form of the estimator for the desired distribution are analyzed. Finally, simulation examples are given, which prove that the model after adding differential privacy can obtain accurate estimates and ensure the security of the system state.
Salama, Ramiz, Al-Turjman, Fadi.
AI in Blockchain Towards Realizing Cyber Security. 2022 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Everything (AIE). :471—475.
Blockchain and artificial intelligence are two technologies that, when combined, have the ability to help each other realize their full potential. Blockchains can guarantee the accessibility and consistent admittance to integrity safeguarded big data indexes from numerous areas, allowing AI systems to learn more effectively and thoroughly. Similarly, artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to offer new consensus processes, and hence new methods of engaging with Blockchains. When it comes to sensitive data, such as corporate, healthcare, and financial data, various security and privacy problems arise that must be properly evaluated. Interaction with Blockchains is vulnerable to data credibility checks, transactional data leakages, data protection rules compliance, on-chain data privacy, and malicious smart contracts. To solve these issues, new security and privacy-preserving technologies are being developed. AI-based blockchain data processing, either based on AI or used to defend AI-based blockchain data processing, is emerging to simplify the integration of these two cutting-edge technologies.
S, Harichandana B S, Agarwal, Vibhav, Ghosh, Sourav, Ramena, Gopi, Kumar, Sumit, Raja, Barath Raj Kandur.
PrivPAS: A real time Privacy-Preserving AI System and applied ethics. 2022 IEEE 16th International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC). :9—16.
With 3.78 billion social media users worldwide in 2021 (48% of the human population), almost 3 billion images are shared daily. At the same time, a consistent evolution of smartphone cameras has led to a photography explosion with 85% of all new pictures being captured using smartphones. However, lately, there has been an increased discussion of privacy concerns when a person being photographed is unaware of the picture being taken or has reservations about the same being shared. These privacy violations are amplified for people with disabilities, who may find it challenging to raise dissent even if they are aware. Such unauthorized image captures may also be misused to gain sympathy by third-party organizations, leading to a privacy breach. Privacy for people with disabilities has so far received comparatively less attention from the AI community. This motivates us to work towards a solution to generate privacy-conscious cues for raising awareness in smartphone users of any sensitivity in their viewfinder content. To this end, we introduce PrivPAS (A real time Privacy-Preserving AI System) a novel framework to identify sensitive content. Additionally, we curate and annotate a dataset to identify and localize accessibility markers and classify whether an image is sensitive to a featured subject with a disability. We demonstrate that the proposed lightweight architecture, with a memory footprint of a mere 8.49MB, achieves a high mAP of 89.52% on resource-constrained devices. Furthermore, our pipeline, trained on face anonymized data. achieves an F1-score of 73.1%.
Ham, MyungJoo, Woo, Sangjung, Jung, Jaeyun, Song, Wook, Jang, Gichan, Ahn, Yongjoo, Ahn, Hyoungjoo.
Toward Among-Device AI from On-Device AI with Stream Pipelines. 2022 IEEE/ACM 44th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering in Practice (ICSE-SEIP). :285—294.
Modern consumer electronic devices often provide intelligence services with deep neural networks. We have started migrating the computing locations of intelligence services from cloud servers (traditional AI systems) to the corresponding devices (on-device AI systems). On-device AI systems generally have the advantages of preserving privacy, removing network latency, and saving cloud costs. With the emergence of on-device AI systems having relatively low computing power, the inconsistent and varying hardware resources and capabilities pose difficulties. Authors' affiliation has started applying a stream pipeline framework, NNStreamer, for on-device AI systems, saving developmental costs and hardware resources and improving performance. We want to expand the types of devices and applications with on-device AI services products of both the affiliation and second/third parties. We also want to make each AI service atomic, re-deployable, and shared among connected devices of arbitrary vendors; we now have yet another requirement introduced as it always has been. The new requirement of “among-device AI” includes connectivity between AI pipelines so that they may share computing resources and hardware capabilities across a wide range of devices regardless of vendors and manufacturers. We propose extensions of the stream pipeline framework, NNStreamer, for on-device AI so that NNStreamer may provide among-device AI capability. This work is a Linux Foundation (LF AI & Data) open source project accepting contributions from the general public.
Abbasi, Wisam, Mori, Paolo, Saracino, Andrea, Frascolla, Valerio.
Privacy vs Accuracy Trade-Off in Privacy Aware Face Recognition in Smart Systems. 2022 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC). :1—8.
This paper proposes a novel approach for privacy preserving face recognition aimed to formally define a trade-off optimization criterion between data privacy and algorithm accuracy. In our methodology, real world face images are anonymized with Gaussian blurring for privacy preservation. The anonymized images are processed for face detection, face alignment, face representation, and face verification. The proposed methodology has been validated with a set of experiments on a well known dataset and three face recognition classifiers. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach to correctly verify face images with different levels of privacy and results accuracy, and to maximize privacy with the least negative impact on face detection and face verification accuracy.
Golatkar, Aditya, Achille, Alessandro, Wang, Yu-Xiang, Roth, Aaron, Kearns, Michael, Soatto, Stefano.
Mixed Differential Privacy in Computer Vision. 2022 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR). :8366—8376.
We introduce AdaMix, an adaptive differentially private algorithm for training deep neural network classifiers using both private and public image data. While pre-training language models on large public datasets has enabled strong differential privacy (DP) guarantees with minor loss of accuracy, a similar practice yields punishing trade-offs in vision tasks. A few-shot or even zero-shot learning baseline that ignores private data can outperform fine-tuning on a large private dataset. AdaMix incorporates few-shot training, or cross-modal zero-shot learning, on public data prior to private fine-tuning, to improve the trade-off. AdaMix reduces the error increase from the non-private upper bound from the 167–311% of the baseline, on average across 6 datasets, to 68-92% depending on the desired privacy level selected by the user. AdaMix tackles the trade-off arising in visual classification, whereby the most privacy sensitive data, corresponding to isolated points in representation space, are also critical for high classification accuracy. In addition, AdaMix comes with strong theoretical privacy guarantees and convergence analysis.
Shaikh, Rizwan Ahmed, Sohaib Khan, Muhammad, Rashid, Imran, Abbas, Haidar, Naeem, Farrukh, Siddiqi, Muhammad Haroon.
A Framework for Human Error, Weaknesses, Threats & Mitigation Measures in an Airgapped Network. 2022 2nd International Conference on Digital Futures and Transformative Technologies (ICoDT2). :1—8.
Many organizations process and store classified data within their computer networks. Owing to the value of data that they hold; such organizations are more vulnerable to targets from adversaries. Accordingly, the sensitive organizations resort to an ‘air-gap’ approach on their networks, to ensure better protection. However, despite the physical and logical isolation, the attackers have successfully manifested their capabilities by compromising such networks; examples of Stuxnet and Agent.btz in view. Such attacks were possible due to the successful manipulation of human beings. It has been observed that to build up such attacks, persistent reconnaissance of the employees, and their data collection often forms the first step. With the rapid integration of social media into our daily lives, the prospects for data-seekers through that platform are higher. The inherent risks and vulnerabilities of social networking sites/apps have cultivated a rich environment for foreign adversaries to cherry-pick personal information and carry out successful profiling of employees assigned with sensitive appointments. With further targeted social engineering techniques against the identified employees and their families, attackers extract more and more relevant data to make an intelligent picture. Finally, all the information is fused to design their further sophisticated attacks against the air-gapped facility for data pilferage. In this regard, the success of the adversaries in harvesting the personal information of the victims largely depends upon the common errors committed by legitimate users while on duty, in transit, and after their retreat. Such errors would keep on repeating unless these are aligned with their underlying human behaviors and weaknesses, and the requisite mitigation framework is worked out.
Chandrashekhar, RV, Visumathi, J, Anandaraj, A. PeterSoosai.
Advanced Lightweight Encryption Algorithm for Android (IoT) Devices. 2022 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communication and Applied Informatics (ACCAI). :1—5.
Security and Controls with Data privacy in Internet of Things (IoT) devices is not only a present and future technology that is projected to connect a multitude of devices, but it is also a critical survival factor for IoT to thrive. As the quantity of communications increases, massive amounts of data are expected to be generated, posing a threat to both physical device and data security. In the Internet of Things architecture, small and low-powered devices are widespread. Due to their complexity, traditional encryption methods and algorithms are computationally expensive, requiring numerous rounds to encrypt and decode, squandering the limited energy available on devices. A simpler cryptographic method, on the other hand, may compromise the intended confidentiality and integrity. This study examines two lightweight encryption algorithms for Android devices: AES and RSA. On the other hand, the traditional AES approach generates preset encryption keys that the sender and receiver share. As a result, the key may be obtained quickly. In this paper, we present an improved AES approach for generating dynamic keys.