Wu, Min-Hao, Huang, Jian-Hung, Chen, Jian-Xin, Wang, Hao-Jyun, Chiu, Chen-Yu.
Machine Learning to Identify Bitcoin Mining by Web Browsers. 2022 2nd International Conference on Computation, Communication and Engineering (ICCCE). :66—69.
In the recent development of the online cryptocurrency mining platform, Coinhive, numerous websites have employed “Cryptojacking.” They may need the unauthorized use of CPU resources to mine cryptocurrency and replace advertising income. Web cryptojacking technologies are the most recent attack in information security. Security teams have suggested blocking Cryptojacking scripts by using a blacklist as a strategy. However, the updating procedure of the static blacklist has not been able to promptly safeguard consumers because of the sharp rise in “Cryptojacking kidnapping”. Therefore, we propose a Cryptojacking identification technique based on analyzing the user's computer resources to combat the assault technology known as “Cryptojacking kidnapping.” Machine learning techniques are used to monitor changes in computer resources such as CPU changes. The experiment results indicate that this method is more accurate than the blacklist system and, in contrast to the blacklist system, manually updates the blacklist regularly. The misuse of online Cryptojacking programs and the unlawful hijacking of users' machines for Cryptojacking are becoming worse. In the future, information security undoubtedly addresses the issue of how to prevent Cryptojacking and abduction. The result of this study helps to save individuals from unintentionally becoming miners.
Faircloth, Christopher, Hartzell, Gavin, Callahan, Nathan, Bhunia, Suman.
A Study on Brute Force Attack on T-Mobile Leading to SIM-Hijacking and Identity-Theft. 2022 IEEE World AI IoT Congress (AIIoT). :501–507.
The 2021 T-Mobile breach conducted by John Erin Binns resulted in the theft of 54 million customers' personal data. The attacker gained entry into T-Mobile's systems through an unprotected router and used brute force techniques to access the sensitive information stored on the internal servers. The data stolen included names, addresses, Social Security Numbers, birthdays, driver's license numbers, ID information, IMEIs, and IMSIs. We analyze the data breach and how it opens the door to identity theft and many other forms of hacking such as SIM Hijacking. SIM Hijacking is a form of hacking in which bad actors can take control of a victim's phone number allowing them means to bypass additional safety measures currently in place to prevent fraud. This paper thoroughly reviews the attack methodology, impact, and attempts to provide an understanding of important measures and possible defense solutions against future attacks. We also detail other social engineering attacks that can be incurred from releasing the leaked data.
Kandera, Branislav, Holoda, Šimon, Jančík, Marián, Melníková, Lucia.
Supply Chain Risks Assessment of selected EUROCONTROL’s surveillance products. 2022 New Trends in Aviation Development (NTAD). :86–89.
Cybersecurity is without doubt becoming a societal challenge. It even starts to affect sectors that were not considered to be at risk in the past because of their relative isolation. One of these sectors is aviation in general, and specifically air traffic management. Nowadays, the cyber security is one of the essential issues of current Air Traffic Systems. Compliance with the basic principles of cyber security is mandated by European Union law as well as the national law. Therefore, EUROCONTROL as the provider of several tools or services (ARTAS, EAD, SDDS, etc.), is regularly conducting various activities, such as the cyber-security assessments, penetration testing, supply chain risk assessment, in order to maintain and improve persistence of the products against the cyber-attacks.
Hossain Faruk, Md Jobair, Tasnim, Masrura, Shahriar, Hossain, Valero, Maria, Rahman, Akond, Wu, Fan.
Investigating Novel Approaches to Defend Software Supply Chain Attacks. 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW). :283–288.
Software supply chain attacks occur during the processes of producing software is compromised, resulting in vulnerabilities that target downstream customers. While the number of successful exploits is limited, the impact of these attacks is significant. Despite increased awareness and research into software supply chain attacks, there is limited information available on mitigating or architecting for these risks, and existing information is focused on singular and independent elements of the supply chain. In this paper, we extensively review software supply chain security using software development tools and infrastructure. We investigate the path that attackers find is least resistant followed by adapting and finding the next best way to complete an attack. We also provide a thorough discussion on how common software supply chain attacks can be prevented, preventing malicious hackers from gaining access to an organization's development tools and infrastructure including the development environment. We considered various SSC attacks on stolen code-sign certificates by malicious attackers and prevented unnoticed malware from passing by security scanners. We are aiming to extend our research to contribute to preventing software supply chain attacks by proposing novel techniques and frameworks.
Shaocheng, Wu, Hefang, Jiang, Sijian, Li, Tao, Liu.
Design of a chaotic sequence cipher algorithm. 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Data Science and Computer Application (ICDSCA). :320–323.
To protect the security of video information use encryption technology to be effective means. In practical applications, the structural complexity and real-time characteristics of video information make the encryption effect of some commonly used algorithms have some shortcomings. According to the characteristics of video, to design practical encryption algorithm is necessary. This paper proposed a novel scheme of chaotic image encryption, which is based on scrambling and diffusion structure. Firstly, the breadth first search method is used to scramble the pixel position in the original image, and then the pseudo-random sequence generated by the time-varying bilateral chaotic symbol system is used to transform each pixel of the scrambled image ratio by ratio or encryption. In the simulation experiment and analysis, the performance of the encrypted image message entropy displays that the new chaotic image encryption scheme is effective.
Monani, Ravi, Rogers, Brian, Rezaei, Amin, Hedayatipour, Ava.
Implementation of Chaotic Encryption Architecture on FPGA for On-Chip Secure Communication. 2022 IEEE Green Energy and Smart System Systems (IGESSC). :1–6.
Chaos is an interesting phenomenon for nonlinear systems that emerges due to its complex and unpredictable behavior. With the escalated use of low-powered edge-compute devices, data security at the edge develops the need for security in communication. The characteristic that Chaos synchronizes over time for two different chaotic systems with their own unique initial conditions, is the base for chaos implementation in communication. This paper proposes an encryption architecture suitable for communication of on-chip sensors to provide a POC (proof of concept) with security encrypted on the same chip using different chaotic equations. In communication, encryption is achieved with the help of microcontrollers or software implementations that use more power and have complex hardware implementation. The small IoT devices are expected to be operated on low power and constrained with size. At the same time, these devices are highly vulnerable to security threats, which elevates the need to have low power/size hardware-based security. Since the discovery of chaotic equations, they have been used in various encryption applications. The goal of this research is to take the chaotic implementation to the CMOS level with the sensors on the same chip. The hardware co-simulation is demonstrated on an FPGA board for Chua encryption/decryption architecture. The hardware utilization for Lorenz, SprottD, and Chua on FPGA is achieved with Xilinx System Generation (XSG) toolbox which reveals that Lorenz’s utilization is 9% lesser than Chua’s.
ISSN: 2640-0138
Safitri, Winda Ayu, Ahmad, Tohari, Hostiadi, Dandy Pramana.
Analyzing Machine Learning-based Feature Selection for Botnet Detection. 2022 1st International Conference on Information System & Information Technology (ICISIT). :386–391.
In this cyber era, the number of cybercrime problems grows significantly, impacting network communication security. Some factors have been identified, such as malware. It is a malicious code attack that is harmful. On the other hand, a botnet can exploit malware to threaten whole computer networks. Therefore, it needs to be handled appropriately. Several botnet activity detection models have been developed using a classification approach in previous studies. However, it has not been analyzed about selecting features to be used in the learning process of the classification algorithm. In fact, the number and selection of features implemented can affect the detection accuracy of the classification algorithm. This paper proposes an analysis technique for determining the number and selection of features developed based on previous research. It aims to obtain the analysis of using features. The experiment has been conducted using several classification algorithms, namely Decision tree, k-NN, Naïve Bayes, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The results show that taking a certain number of features increases the detection accuracy. Compared with previous studies, the results obtained show that the average detection accuracy of 98.34% using four features has the highest value from the previous study, 97.46% using 11 features. These results indicate that the selection of the correct number and features affects the performance of the botnet detection model.
Shao, Rulin, Shi, Zhouxing, Yi, Jinfeng, Chen, Pin-Yu, Hsieh, Cho-Jui.
Robust Text CAPTCHAs Using Adversarial Examples. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data). :1495–1504.
CAPTCHA (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) is a widely used technology to distinguish real users and automated users such as bots. However, the advance of AI technologies weakens many CAPTCHA tests and can induce security concerns. In this paper, we propose a user-friendly text-based CAPTCHA generation method named Robust Text CAPTCHA (RTC). At the first stage, the foregrounds and backgrounds are constructed with font and background images respectively sampled from font and image libraries, and they are then synthesized into identifiable pseudo adversarial CAPTCHAs. At the second stage, we utilize a highly transferable adversarial attack designed for text CAPTCHAs to better obstruct CAPTCHA solvers. Our experiments cover comprehensive models including shallow models such as KNN, SVM and random forest, as well as various deep neural networks and OCR models. Experiments show that our CAPTCHAs have a failure rate lower than one millionth in general and high usability. They are also robust against various defensive techniques that attackers may employ, including adversarially trained CAPTCHA solvers and solvers trained with collected RTCs using manual annotation. Codes available at https://github.com/RulinShao/RTC.
Raavi, Rupendra, Alqarni, Mansour, Hung, Patrick C.K.
Implementation of Machine Learning for CAPTCHAs Authentication Using Facial Recognition. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Information System (ICDSIS). :1–5.
Web-based technologies are evolving day by day and becoming more interactive and secure. Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart (CAPTCHA) is one of the security features that help detect automated bots on the Web. Earlier captcha was complex designed text-based, but some optical recognition-based algorithms can be used to crack it. That is why now the captcha system is image-based. But after the arrival of strong image recognition algorithms, image-based captchas can also be cracked nowadays. In this paper, we propose a new captcha system that can be used to differentiate real humans and bots on the Web. We use advanced deep layers with pre-trained machine learning models for captchas authentication using a facial recognition system.
Zuo, Xiaojiang, Wang, Xiao, Han, Rui.
An Empirical Analysis of CAPTCHA Image Design Choices in Cloud Services. IEEE INFOCOM 2022 - IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops (INFOCOM WKSHPS). :1–6.
Cloud service uses CAPTCHA to protect itself from malicious programs. With the explosive development of AI technology and the emergency of third-party recognition services, the factors that influence CAPTCHA’s security are going to be more complex. In such a situation, evaluating the security of mainstream CAPTCHAs in cloud services is helpful to guide better CAPTCHA design choices for providers. In this paper, we evaluate and analyze the security of 6 mainstream CAPTCHA image designs in public cloud services. According to the evaluation results, we made some suggestions of CAPTCHA image design choices to cloud service providers. In addition, we particularly discussed the CAPTCHA images adopted by Facebook and Twitter. The evaluations are separated into two stages: (i) using AI techniques alone; (ii) using both AI techniques and third-party services. The former is based on open source models; the latter is conducted under our proposed framework: CAPTCHAMix.
Hossen, Imran, Hei, Xiali.
aaeCAPTCHA: The Design and Implementation of Audio Adversarial CAPTCHA. 2022 IEEE 7th European Symposium on Security and Privacy (EuroS&P). :430–447.
CAPTCHAs are designed to prevent malicious bot programs from abusing websites. Most online service providers deploy audio CAPTCHAs as an alternative to text and image CAPTCHAs for visually impaired users. However, prior research investigating the security of audio CAPTCHAs found them highly vulnerable to automated attacks using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems. To improve the robustness of audio CAPTCHAs against automated abuses, we present the design and implementation of an audio adversarial CAPTCHA (aaeCAPTCHA) system in this paper. The aaeCAPTCHA system exploits audio adversarial examples as CAPTCHAs to prevent the ASR systems from automatically solving them. Furthermore, we conducted a rigorous security evaluation of our new audio CAPTCHA design against five state-of-the-art DNN-based ASR systems and three commercial Speech-to-Text (STT) services. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that aaeCAPTCHA is highly secure against these speech recognition technologies, even when the attacker has complete knowledge of the current attacks against audio adversarial examples. We also conducted a usability evaluation of the proof-of-concept implementation of the aaeCAPTCHA scheme. Our results show that it achieves high robustness at a moderate usability cost compared to normal audio CAPTCHAs. Finally, our extensive analysis highlights that aaeCAPTCHA can significantly enhance the security and robustness of traditional audio CAPTCHA systems while maintaining similar usability.
Lee, Bowhyung, Han, Donghwa, Lee, Namyoon.
Demo: Real-Time Implementation of Block Orthogonal Sparse Superposition Codes. 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :1–2.
Short-packet communication is a key enabler of various Internet of Things applications that require higher-level security. This proposal briefly reviews block orthogonal sparse superposition (BOSS) codes, which are applicable for secure short-packet transmissions. In addition, following the IEEE 802.11a Wi-Fi standards, we demonstrate the real-time performance of secure short packet transmission using a software-defined radio testbed to verify the feasibility of BOSS codes in a multi-path fading channel environment.
ISSN: 2694-2941
Yang, Dongli, Huang, Jingxuan, Liu, Xiaodong, Sun, Ce, Fei, Zesong.
A Polar Coding Scheme for Achieving Secrecy of Fading Wiretap Channels in UAV Communications. 2022 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC). :468–473.
The high maneuverability of the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), facilitating fast and flexible deployment of communication infrastructures, brings potentially valuable opportunities to the future wireless communication industry. Nevertheless, UAV communication networks are faced with severe security challenges since air to ground (A2G) communications are more vulnerable to eavesdropping attacks than terrestrial communications. To solve the problem, we propose a coding scheme that hierarchically utilizes polar codes in order to address channel multi-state variation for UAV wiretap channels, without the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) known at the transmitter. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the scheme achieves the security capacity of the channel and meets the conditions of reliability and security.
ISSN: 2377-8644
Hwang, Seunggyu, Lee, Hyein, Kim, Sooyoung.
Evaluation of physical-layer security schemes for space-time block coding under imperfect channel estimation. 2022 27th Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC). :580–585.
With the advent of massive machine type of communications, security protection becomes more important than ever. Efforts have been made to impose security protection capability to physical-layer signal design, so called physical-layer security (PLS). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the performance of PLS schemes for a multi-input-multi-output (MIMO) systems with space-time block coding (STBC) under imperfect channel estimation. Three PLS schemes for STBC schemes are modeled and their bit error rate (BER) performances are evaluated under various channel estimation error environments, and their performance characteristics are analyzed.