As the malware threat landscape is constantly evolving and over one million new malware strains are being generated every day [1], early automatic detection of threats constitutes a top priority of cybersecurity research, and amplifies the need for more advanced detection and classification methods that are effective and efficient. In this paper, we present the application of machine learning algorithms to predict the length of time malware should be executed in a sandbox to reveal its malicious intent. We also introduce a novel hybrid approach to malware classification based on static binary analysis and dynamic analysis of malware. Static analysis extracts information from a binary file without executing it, and dynamic analysis captures the behavior of malware in a sandbox environment. Our experimental results show that by turning the aforementioned problems into machine learning problems, it is possible to get an accuracy of up to 90% on the prediction of the malware analysis run time and up to 92% on the classification of malware families.
We present AVAMAT: AntiVirus and Malware Analysis Tool - a tool for analysing the malware detection capabilities of AntiVirus (AV) products running on different operating system (OS) platforms. Even though similar tools are available, such as VirusTotal and MetaDefender, they have several limitations, which motivated the creation of our own tool. With AVAMAT we are able to analyse not only whether an AV detects a malware, but also at what stage of inspection does it detect it and on what OS. AVAMAT enables experimental campaigns to answer various research questions, ranging from the detection capabilities of AVs on OSs, to optimal ways in which AVs could be combined to improve malware detection capabilities.
Malware sandboxes, widely used by antivirus companies, mobile application marketplaces, threat detection appliances, and security researchers, face the challenge of environment-aware malware that alters its behavior once it detects that it is being executed on an analysis environment. Recent efforts attempt to deal with this problem mostly by ensuring that well-known properties of analysis environments are replaced with realistic values, and that any instrumentation artifacts remain hidden. For sandboxes implemented using virtual machines, this can be achieved by scrubbing vendor-specific drivers, processes, BIOS versions, and other VM-revealing indicators, while more sophisticated sandboxes move away from emulation-based and virtualization-based systems towards bare-metal hosts. We observe that as the fidelity and transparency of dynamic malware analysis systems improves, malware authors can resort to other system characteristics that are indicative of artificial environments. We present a novel class of sandbox evasion techniques that exploit the "wear and tear" that inevitably occurs on real systems as a result of normal use. By moving beyond how realistic a system looks like, to how realistic its past use looks like, malware can effectively evade even sandboxes that do not expose any instrumentation indicators, including bare-metal systems. We investigate the feasibility of this evasion strategy by conducting a large-scale study of wear-and-tear artifacts collected from real user devices and publicly available malware analysis services. The results of our evaluation are alarming: using simple decision trees derived from the analyzed data, malware can determine that a system is an artificial environment and not a real user device with an accuracy of 92.86%. As a step towards defending against wear-and-tear malware evasion, we develop statistical models that capture a system's age and degree of use, which can be used to aid sandbox operators in creating system i- ages that exhibit a realistic wear-and-tear state.
The 911 emergency service belongs to one of the 16 critical infrastructure sectors in the United States. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks launched from a mobile phone botnet pose a significant threat to the availability of this vital service. In this paper we show how attackers can exploit the cellular network protocols in order to launch an anonymized DDoS attack on 911. The current FCC regulations require that all emergency calls be immediately routed regardless of the caller's identifiers (e.g., IMSI and IMEI). A rootkit placed within the baseband firmware of a mobile phone can mask and randomize all cellular identifiers, causing the device to have no genuine identification within the cellular network. Such anonymized phones can issue repeated emergency calls that cannot be blocked by the network or the emergency call centers, technically or legally. We explore the 911 infrastructure and discuss why it is susceptible to this kind of attack. We then implement different forms of the attack and test our implementation on a small cellular network. Finally, we simulate and analyze anonymous attacks on a model of current 911 infrastructure in order to measure the severity of their impact. We found that with less than 6K bots (or \$100K hardware), attackers can block emergency services in an entire state (e.g., North Carolina) for days. We believe that this paper will assist the respective organizations, lawmakers, and security professionals in understanding the scope of this issue in order to prevent possible 911-DDoS attacks in the future.
This paper describes the various malware datasets that we have obtained permissions to host at the University of Arizona as part of a National Science Foundation funded project. It also describes some other malware datasets that we are in the process of obtaining permissions to host at the University of Arizona. We have also discussed some preliminary work we have carried out on malware analysis using big data platforms.
Internet of things (IoT) is internetworking of various physical devices to provide a range of services and applications. IoT is a rapidly growing field, on an account of this; the security measurements for IoT should be at first concern. In the modern day world, the most emerging cyber-attack threat for IoT is ransomware attack. Ransomware is a kind of malware with the aim of rendering a victim's computer unusable or inaccessible, and then asking the user to pay a ransom to revert the destruction. In this paper we are evaluating ransomware attacks statistics for the past 2 years and the present year to estimate growth rate of the most emerging ransomware families from the last 3 years to evaluate most threatening ransomware attacks for IoT. Growth rate results shows that the number of attacks for Cryptowall and locky ransomware are notably increasing therefore, these ransomware families are potential threat to IoT. Moreover, we present a Cryptowall ransomware attack detection model based on the communication and behavioral study of Cryptowall for IoT environment. The proposed model observes incoming TCP/IP traffic through web proxy server then extracts TCP/IP header and uses command and control (C&C) server black listing to detect ransomware attacks.
Remote Access Trojans (RATs) give remote attackers interactive control over a compromised machine. Unlike large-scale malware such as botnets, a RAT is controlled individually by a human operator interacting with the compromised machine remotely. The versatility of RATs makes them attractive to actors of all levels of sophistication: they've been used for espionage, information theft, voyeurism and extortion. Despite their increasing use, there are still major gaps in our understanding of RATs and their operators, including motives, intentions, procedures, and weak points where defenses might be most effective. In this work we study the use of DarkComet, a popular commercial RAT. We collected 19,109 samples of DarkComet malware found in the wild, and in the course of two, several-week-long experiments, ran as many samples as possible in our honeypot environment. By monitoring a sample's behavior in our system, we are able to reconstruct the sequence of operator actions, giving us a unique view into operator behavior. We report on the results of 2,747 interactive sessions captured in the course of the experiment. During these sessions operators frequently attempted to interact with victims via remote desktop, to capture video, audio, and keystrokes, and to exfiltrate files and credentials. To our knowledge, we are the first large-scale systematic study of RAT use.
Recently, the increase of interconnectivity has led to a rising amount of IoT enabled devices in botnets. Such botnets are currently used for large scale DDoS attacks. To keep track with these malicious activities, Honeypots have proven to be a vital tool. We developed and set up a distributed and highly-scalable WAN Honeypot with an attached backend infrastructure for sophisticated processing of the gathered data. For the processed data to be understandable we designed a graphical frontend that displays all relevant information that has been obtained from the data. We group attacks originating in a short period of time in one source as sessions. This enriches the data and enables a more in-depth analysis. We produced common statistics like usernames, passwords, username/password combinations, password lengths, originating country and more. From the information gathered, we were able to identify common dictionaries used for brute-force login attacks and other more sophisticated statistics like login attempts per session and attack efficiency.
Botnets have long been used for malicious purposes with huge economic costs to the society. With the proliferation of cheap but non-secure Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices generating large amounts of data, the potential for damage from botnets has increased manifold. There are several approaches to detect bots or botnets, though many traditional techniques are becoming less effective as botnets with centralized command & control structure are being replaced by peer-to-peer (P2P) botnets which are harder to detect. Several algorithms have been proposed in literature that use graph analysis or machine learning techniques to detect the overlay structure of P2P networks in communication graphs. Many of these algorithms however, depend on the availability of a universal communication graph or a communication graph aggregated from several ISPs, which is not likely to be available in reality. In real world deployments, significant gaps in communication graphs are expected and any solution proposed should be able to work with partial information. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of some community detection algorithms in detecting P2P botnets, especially with partial information. We show that the approach can work with only about half of the nodes reporting their communication graphs, with only small increase in detection errors.
In this paper, a novel method to do feature selection to detect botnets at their phase of Command and Control (C&C) is presented. A major problem is that researchers have proposed features based on their expertise, but there is no a method to evaluate these features since some of these features could get a lower detection rate than other. To this aim, we find the feature set based on connections of botnets at their phase of C&C, that maximizes the detection rate of these botnets. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) was used to select the set of features that gives the highest detection rate. We used the machine learning algorithm C4.5, this algorithm did the classification between connections belonging or not to a botnet. The datasets used in this paper were extracted from the repositories ISOT and ISCX. Some tests were done to get the best parameters in a GA and the algorithm C4.5. We also performed experiments in order to obtain the best set of features for each botnet analyzed (specific), and for each type of botnet (general) too. The results are shown at the end of the paper, in which a considerable reduction of features and a higher detection rate than the related work presented were obtained.
Machine learning has been widely used and achieved considerable results in various research areas. On the other hand, machine learning becomes a big threat when malicious attackers make use it for the wrong purpose. As such a threat, self-evolving botnets have been considered in the past. The self-evolving botnets autonomously predict vulnerabilities by implementing machine learning with computing resources of zombie computers. Furthermore, they evolve based on the vulnerability, and thus have high infectivity. In this paper, we consider several models of Markov chains to counter the spreading of the self-evolving botnets. Through simulation experiments, this paper shows the behaviors of these models.
Botnets have been a serious threat to the Internet security. With the constant sophistication and the resilience of them, a new trend has emerged, shifting botnets from the traditional desktop to the mobile environment. As in the desktop domain, detecting mobile botnets is essential to minimize the threat that they impose. Along the diverse set of strategies applied to detect these botnets, the ones that show the best and most generalized results involve discovering patterns in their anomalous behavior. In the mobile botnet field, one way to detect these patterns is by analyzing the operation parameters of this kind of applications. In this paper, we present an anomaly-based and host-based approach to detect mobile botnets. The proposed approach uses machine learning algorithms to identify anomalous behaviors in statistical features extracted from system calls. Using a self-generated dataset containing 13 families of mobile botnets and legitimate applications, we were able to test the performance of our approach in a close-to-reality scenario. The proposed approach achieved great results, including low false positive rates and high true detection rates.
Cyber-physical system integrity requires both hardware and software security. Many of the cyber attacks are successful as they are designed to selectively target a specific hardware or software component in an embedded system and trigger its failure. Existing security measures also use attack vector models and isolate the malicious component as a counter-measure. Isolated security primitives do not provide the overall trust required in an embedded system. Trust enhancements are proposed to a hardware security platform, where the trust specifications are implemented in both software and hardware. This distribution of trust makes it difficult for a hardware-only or software-only attack to cripple the system. The proposed approach is applied to a smart grid application consisting of third-party soft IP cores, where an attack on this module can result in a blackout. System integrity is preserved in the event of an attack and the anomalous behavior of the IP core is recorded by a supervisory module. The IP core also provides a snapshot of its trust metric, which is logged for further diagnostics.
Ransomwares have become a growing threat since 2012, and the situation continues to worsen until now. The lack of security mechanisms and security awareness are pushing the systems into mire of ransomware attacks. In this paper, a new framework called 2entFOX' is proposed in order to detect high survivable ransomwares (HSR). To our knowledge this framework can be considered as one of the first frameworks in ransomware detection because of little publicly-available research in this field. We analyzed Windows ransomwares' behaviour and we tried to find appropriate features which are particular useful in detecting this type of malwares with high detection accuracy and low false positive rate. After hard experimental analysis we extracted 20 effective features which due to two highly efficient ones we could achieve an appropriate set for HSRs detection. After proposing architecture based on Bayesian belief network, the final evaluation is done on some known ransomware samples and unknown ones based on six different scenarios. The result of this evaluations shows the high accuracy of 2entFox in detection of HSRs.
Ransomware is a growing threat that encrypts auser's files and holds the decryption key until a ransom ispaid by the victim. This type of malware is responsible fortens of millions of dollars in extortion annually. Worse still, developing new variants is trivial, facilitating the evasion of manyantivirus and intrusion detection systems. In this work, we presentCryptoDrop, an early-warning detection system that alerts a userduring suspicious file activity. Using a set of behavior indicators, CryptoDrop can halt a process that appears to be tampering witha large amount of the user's data. Furthermore, by combininga set of indicators common to ransomware, the system can beparameterized for rapid detection with low false positives. Ourexperimental analysis of CryptoDrop stops ransomware fromexecuting with a median loss of only 10 files (out of nearly5,100 available files). Our results show that careful analysis ofransomware behavior can produce an effective detection systemthat significantly mitigates the amount of victim data loss.
Attacks of Ransomware are increasing, this form of malware bypasses many technical solutions by leveraging social engineering methods. This means established methods of perimeter defence need to be supplemented with additional systems. Honeypots are bogus computer resources deployed by network administrators to act as decoy computers and detect any illicit access. This study investigated whether a honeypot folder could be created and monitored for changes. The investigations determined a suitable method to detect changes to this area. This research investigated methods to implement a honeypot to detect ransomware activity, and selected two options, the File Screening service of the Microsoft File Server Resource Manager feature and EventSentry to manipulate the Windows Security logs. The research developed a staged response to attacks to the system along with thresholds when there were triggered. The research ascertained that witness tripwire files offer limited value as there is no way to influence the malware to access the area containing the monitored files.
Android is currently the most widely used mobile environment. This trend encourages malware writers to develop specific attacks targeting this platform with threats designed to covertly collect data or financially extort victims, the so-called ransomware. In this paper we use formal methods, in particular model checking, to automatically dissect ransomware samples. Starting from manual inspection of few samples, we define a set of rule in order to check whether the behaviours we find are representative of ransomware functionalities.
Future wars will be cyber wars and the attacks will be a sturdy amalgamation of cryptography along with malware to distort information systems and its security. The explosive Internet growth facilitates cyber-attacks. Web threats include risks, that of loss of confidential data and erosion of consumer confidence in e-commerce. The emergence of cyber hack jacking threat in the new form in cyberspace is known as ransomware or crypto virus. The locker bot waits for specific triggering events, to become active. It blocks the task manager, command prompt and other cardinal executable files, a thread checks for their existence every few milliseconds, killing them if present. Imposing serious threats to the digital generation, ransomware pawns the Internet users by hijacking their system and encrypting entire system utility files and folders, and then demanding ransom in exchange for the decryption key it provides for release of the encrypted resources to its original form. We present in this research, the anatomical study of a ransomware family that recently picked up quite a rage and is called CTB locker, and go on to the hard money it makes per user, and its source C&C server, which lies with the Internet's greatest incognito mode-The Dark Net. Cryptolocker Ransomware or the CTB Locker makes a Bitcoin wallet per victim and payment mode is in the form of digital bitcoins which utilizes the anonymity network or Tor gateway. CTB Locker is the deadliest malware the world ever encountered.
Cybercrimes today are focused over returns, especially in the form of monetary returns. In this paper - through a literature study and conducting interviews for the people victimized by ransomware and a survey with random set of victimized and non-victimized by ransomware - conclusions about the dependence of ransomware on demographics like age and education areshown. Increasing threats due to ease of transfer of ransomware through internet arealso discussed. Finally, low level awarenessamong company professionals is confirmed and reluctance to payment on being a victim is found as a common trait.
Extortion using digital platforms is an increasing form of crime. A commonly seen problem is extortion in the form of an infection of a Crypto Ransomware that encrypts the files of the target and demands a ransom to recover the locked data. By analyzing the four most common Crypto Ransomwares, at writing, a clear vulnerability is identified; all infections rely on tools available on the target system to be able to prevent a simple recovery after the attack has been detected. By renaming the system tool that handles shadow copies it is possible to recover from infections from all four of the most common Crypto Ransomwares. The solution is packaged in a single, easy to use script.
A trap set to detect attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. But setting up these honeypots and keep these guzzling electricity 24X7 is rather expensive. Plus there is always a risk of a skillful hacker or a deadly malware may break through this and compromise the whole system. Honeypot name suggest, a pot that contents full of honey to allure beers, but in networks Scenario honeypot is valuable tool that helps to allure attackers. It helps to detect and analyze malicious activity over your network. However honeypots used for commercial organization do not share data and large honeypot gives read only data. We propose an Arm based device having all capability of honeypots to allure attackers. Current honeypots are based on large Network but we are trying to make s device which have the capabilities to establish in small network and cost effective. This research helps us to make a device based on arm board and CCFIS Software to allure attackers which is easy to install and cost effective. CCFIS Sensor helps us to Capture malware and Analysis the attack. In this we did reverse Engineering of honeypots to know about how it captures malware. During reverse engineering we know about pros and cons of honeypots that are mitigated in CCFIS Sensor. After Completion of device we compared honeypots and CCFIS Sensor to check the effectiveness of device.
The threats of reverse-engineering, IP piracy, and hardware Trojan insertion in the semiconductor supply chain are greater today than ever before. Split manufacturing has emerged as a viable approach to protect integrated circuits (ICs) fabricated in untrusted foundries, but has high cost and/or high performance overhead. Furthermore, split manufacturing cannot fully prevent untargeted hardware Trojan insertions. In this paper, we propose to insert additional functional circuitry called obfuscated built-in self-authentication (OBISA) in the chip layout with split manufacturing process, in order to prevent reverse-engineering and further prevent hardware Trojan insertion. Self-tests are performed to authenticate the trustworthiness of the OBISA circuitry. The OBISA circuit is connected to original design in order to increase the strength of obfuscation, thereby allowing a higher layer split and lower overall cost. Additional fan-outs are created in OBISA circuitry to improve obfuscation without losing testability. Our proposed gating mechanism and net selection method can ensure negligible overhead in terms of area, timing, and dynamic power. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique in several benchmark circuits.
Botnets are considered one of the most dangerous species of network-based attack today because they involve the use of very large coordinated groups of hosts simultaneously. The behavioral analysis of computer networks is at the basis of the modern botnet detection methods, in order to intercept traffic generated by malwares for which signatures do not exist yet. Defining a pattern of features to be placed at the basis of behavioral analysis, puts the emphasis on the quantity and quality of information to be caught and used to mark data streams as normal or abnormal. The problem is even more evident if we consider extensive computer networks or clouds. With the present paper we intend to show how heuristics applied to large-scale proxy logs, considering a typical phase of the life cycle of botnets such as the search for C&C Servers through AGDs (Algorithmically Generated Domains), may provide effective and extremely rapid results. The present work will introduce some novel paradigms. The first is that some of the elements of the supply chain of botnets could be completed without any interaction with the Internet, mostly in presence of wide computer networks and/or clouds. The second is that behind a large number of workstations there are usually "human beings" and it is unlikely that their behaviors will cause marked changes in the interaction with the Internet in a fairly narrow time frame. Finally, AGDs can highlight, at the moment, common lexical features, detectable quickly and without using any black/white list.
Botnets are emerging as the most serious cyber threat among different forms of malware. Today botnets have been facilitating to launch many cybercriminal activities like DDoS, click fraud, phishing attacks etc. The main purpose of botnet is to perform massive financial threat. Many large organizations, banks and social networks became the target of bot masters. Botnets can also be leased to motivate the cybercriminal activities. Recently several researches and many efforts have been carried out to detect bot, C&C channels and bot masters. Ultimately bot maters also strengthen their activities through sophisticated techniques. Many botnet detection techniques are based on payload analysis. Most of these techniques are inefficient for encrypted C&C channels. In this paper we explore different categories of botnet and propose a detection methodology to classify bot host from the normal host by analyzing traffic flow characteristics based on time intervals instead of payload inspection. Due to that it is possible to detect botnet activity even encrypted C&C channels are used.