Software Defined Networks (SDNs) have gained prominence recently due to their flexible management and superior configuration functionality of the underlying network. SDNs, with OpenFlow as their primary implementation, allow for the use of a centralised controller to drive the decision making for all the supported devices in the network and manage traffic through routing table changes for incoming flows. In conventional networks, machine learning has been shown to detect malicious intrusion, and classify attacks such as DoS, user to root, and probe attacks. In this work, we extend the use of machine learning to improve traffic tolerance for SDNs. To achieve this, we extend the functionality of the controller to include a resilience framework, ReSDN, that incorporates machine learning to be able to distinguish DoS attacks, focussing on a neptune attack for our experiments. Our model is trained using the MIT KDD 1999 dataset. The system is developed as a module on top of the POX controller platform and evaluated using the Mininet simulator.
The exponential growth in the number of mobile devices, combined with the rapid demand for wireless services, has steadily stressed the wireless spectrum, calling for new techniques to improve spectrum utilization. A geo-location database has been proposed as a viable solution for wireless users to determine spectrum availability in cognitive radio networks. The protocol used by secondary users (SU) to request spectral availability for a specific location, time and duration, may reveal confidential information about these users. In this paper, we focus on SUs' location privacy in database-enabled wireless networks and propose a framework to address this threat. The basic tenet of the framework is obfuscation, whereby channel requests for valid locations are interwoven with requests for fake locations. Traffic redirection is also used to deliberately confuse potential query monitors from inferring users' location information. Within this framework, we propose two privacy-preserving schemes. The Master Device Enabled Location Privacy Preserving scheme utilizes trusted master devices to prevent leaking information of SUs' locations to attackers. The Crowd Sourced Location Privacy Preserving scheme builds a guided tour of randomly selected volunteers to deliver users channel availability queries and ensure location privacy. Security analysis and computational and communication overhead of these schemes are discussed.
Traffic normalization, i.e. enforcing a constant stream of fixed-length packets, is a well-known measure to completely prevent attacks based on traffic analysis. In simple configurations, the enforced traffic rate can be statically configured by a human operator, but in large virtual private networks (VPNs) the traffic pattern of many connections may need to be adjusted whenever the overlay topology or the transport capacity of the underlying infrastructure changes. We propose a rate-based congestion control mechanism for automatic adjustment of traffic patterns that does not leak any information about the actual communication. Overly strong rate throttling in response to packet loss is avoided, as the control mechanism does not change the sending rate immediately when a packet loss was detected. Instead, an estimate of the current packet loss rate is obtained and the sending rate is adjusted proportionally. We evaluate our control scheme based on a measurement study in a local network testbed. The results indicate that the proposed approach avoids network congestion, enables protected TCP flows to achieve an increased goodput, and yet ensures appropriate traffic flow confidentiality.
This paper focuses on one type of Covert Storage Channel (CSC) that uses the 6-bit TCP flag header in TCP/IP network packets to transmit secret messages between accomplices. We use relative entropy to characterize the irregularity of network flows in comparison to normal traffic. A normal profile is created by the frequency distribution of TCP flags in regular traffic packets. In detection, the TCP flag frequency distribution of network traffic is computed for each unique IP pair. In order to evaluate the accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method, this study uses real regular traffic data sets as well as CSC messages using coding schemes under assumptions of both clear text, composed by a list of keywords common in Unix systems, and encrypted text. Moreover, smart accomplices may use only those TCP flags that are ever appearing in normal traffic. Then, in detection, the relative entropy can reveal the dissimilarity of a different frequency distribution from this normal profile. We have also used different data processing methods in detection: one method summarizes all the packets for a pair of IP addresses into one flow and the other uses a sliding moving window over such a flow to generate multiple frames of packets. The experimentation results, displayed by Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves, have shown that the method is promising to differentiate normal and CSC traffic packet streams. Furthermore the delay of raising an alert is analyzed for CSC messages to show its efficiency.
Internet of things (IoT) is internetworking of various physical devices to provide a range of services and applications. IoT is a rapidly growing field, on an account of this; the security measurements for IoT should be at first concern. In the modern day world, the most emerging cyber-attack threat for IoT is ransomware attack. Ransomware is a kind of malware with the aim of rendering a victim's computer unusable or inaccessible, and then asking the user to pay a ransom to revert the destruction. In this paper we are evaluating ransomware attacks statistics for the past 2 years and the present year to estimate growth rate of the most emerging ransomware families from the last 3 years to evaluate most threatening ransomware attacks for IoT. Growth rate results shows that the number of attacks for Cryptowall and locky ransomware are notably increasing therefore, these ransomware families are potential threat to IoT. Moreover, we present a Cryptowall ransomware attack detection model based on the communication and behavioral study of Cryptowall for IoT environment. The proposed model observes incoming TCP/IP traffic through web proxy server then extracts TCP/IP header and uses command and control (C&C) server black listing to detect ransomware attacks.
Promoting data sharing between organisations is challenging, without the added concerns over having actions traced. Even with encrypted search capabilities, the entities digital location and downloaded information can be traced, leaking information to the hosting organisation. This is a problem for law enforcement and government agencies, where any information leakage is not acceptable, especially for investigations. Anonymous routing is a technique to stop a host learning which agency is accessing information. Many related works for anonymous routing have been proposed, but are designed for Internet traffic, and are over complicated for internal usage. A streaming design for circuit creation is proposed using elliptic curve cryptography. Allowing for a simple anonymous routing solution, which provides fast performance with source and destination anonymity to other organisations.
Industrial Control System (ICS) consists of large number of electronic devices connected to field devices to execute the physical processes. Communication network of ICS supports wide range of packet based applications. A growing issue with network security and its impact on ICS have highlighted some fundamental risks to critical infrastructure. To address network security issues for ICS a clear understanding of security specific defensive countermeasures is required. Reconnaissance of ICS network by deep packet inspection (DPI) consists analysis of the contents of the captured packets in order to get accurate measures of process that uses specific countermeasure to create an aggregated posture. In this paper we focus on novel approach by presenting a technique with captured network traffic. This technique is capable to identify the protocols and extract different features for classification of traffic based on network protocol, header information and payload to understand the whole architecture of complex system. Here we have segregated possible types of attacks on ICS.
Among the current Wi-Fi two security models (Enterprise and Personal), while the Enterprise model (802.1X) offers an effective framework for authenticating and controlling the user traffic to a protected network, the Personal model (802.11) offers the cheapest and the easiest to setup solution. However, the drawback of the personal model implementation is that all access points and client radio NIC on the wireless LAN should use the same encryption key. A major underlying problem of the 802.11 standard is that the pre-shared keys are cumbersome to change. So if those keys are not updated frequently, unauthorized users with some resources and within a short timeframe can crack the key and breach the network security. The purpose of this paper is to propose and implement an effective method for the system administrator to manage the users connected to a router, update the keys and further distribute them for the trusted clients using the Freescale embedded system, Infrared and Bluetooth modules.
Flooding attacks are well-known security threats that can lead to a denial of service (DoS) in computer networks. These attacks consist of an excessive traffic generation, by which an attacker aim to disrupt or interrupt some services in the network. The impact of flooding attacks is not just about some nodes, it can be also the whole network. Many routing protocols are vulnerable to these attacks, especially those using reactive mechanism of route discovery, like AODV. In this paper, we propose a statistical approach to defense against RREQ flooding attacks in MANETs. Our detection mechanism can be applied on AODV-based ad hoc networks. Simulation results prove that these attacks can be detected with a low rate of false alerts.
Botnets are emerging as the most serious cyber threat among different forms of malware. Today botnets have been facilitating to launch many cybercriminal activities like DDoS, click fraud, phishing attacks etc. The main purpose of botnet is to perform massive financial threat. Many large organizations, banks and social networks became the target of bot masters. Botnets can also be leased to motivate the cybercriminal activities. Recently several researches and many efforts have been carried out to detect bot, C&C channels and bot masters. Ultimately bot maters also strengthen their activities through sophisticated techniques. Many botnet detection techniques are based on payload analysis. Most of these techniques are inefficient for encrypted C&C channels. In this paper we explore different categories of botnet and propose a detection methodology to classify bot host from the normal host by analyzing traffic flow characteristics based on time intervals instead of payload inspection. Due to that it is possible to detect botnet activity even encrypted C&C channels are used.
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) are an important defense tool against the sophisticated and ever-growing network attacks. These systems need to be evaluated against high quality datasets for correctly assessing their usefulness and comparing their performance. We present an Intrusion Detection Dataset Toolkit (ID2T) for the creation of labeled datasets containing user defined synthetic attacks. The architecture of the toolkit is provided for examination and the example of an injected attack, in real network traffic, is visualized and analyzed. We further discuss the ability of the toolkit of creating realistic synthetic attacks of high quality and low bias.
The digital forensics refers to the application of scientific techniques in investigation of a crime, specifically to identify or validate involvement of some suspect in an activity leading towards that crime. Network forensics particularly deals with the monitoring of network traffic with an aim to trace some suspected activity from normal traffic or to identify some abnormal pattern in the traffic that may give clue towards some attack. Network forensics, quite valuable phenomenon in investigation process, presents certain challenges including problems in accessing network devices of cloud architecture, handling large amount network traffic, and rigorous processing required to analyse the huge volume of data, of which large proportion may prove to be irrelevant later on. Cloud Computing technology offers services to its clients remotely from a shared pool of resources, as per clients customized requirement, any time, from anywhere. Cloud Computing has attained tremendous popularity recently, leading to its vast and rapid deployment, however Privacy and Security concerns have also increased in same ratio, since data and application is outsourced to a third party. Security concerns about cloud architecture have come up as the prime barrier hindering the major shift of industry towards cloud model, despite significant advantages of cloud architecture. Cloud computing architecture presents aggravated and specific challenges in the network forensics. In this paper, I have reviewed challenges and issues faced in conducting network forensics particularly in the cloud computing environment. The study covers limitations that a network forensic expert may confront during investigation in cloud environment. I have categorized challenges presented to network forensics in cloud computing into various groups. Challenges in each group can be handled appropriately by either Forensic experts, Cloud service providers or Forensic tools whereas leftover challenges are declared as be- ond the control.
Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks pose a threat to any service provider on the internet. While traditional DoS flooding attacks require the attacker to control at least as much resources as the service provider in order to be effective, so-called low-rate DoS attacks can exploit weaknesses in careless design to effectively deny a service using minimal amounts of network traffic. This paper investigates one such weakness found within version 2.2 of the popular Apache HTTP Server software. The weakness concerns how the server handles the persistent connection feature in HTTP 1.1. An attack simulator exploiting this weakness has been developed and shown to be effective. The attack was then studied with spectral analysis for the purpose of examining how well the attack could be detected. Similar to other papers on spectral analysis of low-rate DoS attacks, the results show that disproportionate amounts of energy in the lower frequencies can be detected when the attack is present. However, by randomizing the attack pattern, an attacker can efficiently reduce this disproportion to a degree where it might be impossible to correctly identify an attack in a real world scenario.
In our previous work [1], we presented a study of using performance escalation to automatic detect Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) types of attacks. We propose to enhance the work of security threat detection by using mobile phones as the detector to identify outliers of normal traffic patterns as threats. The mobile solution makes detection portable to any services. This paper also shows that the same detection method works for advanced persistent threats.
Most network traffic analysis applications are designed to discover malicious activity by only relying on high-level flow-based message properties. However, to detect security breaches that are specifically designed to target one network (e.g., Advanced Persistent Threats), deep packet inspection and anomaly detection are indispensible. In this paper, we focus on how we can support experts in discovering whether anomalies at message level imply a security risk at network level. In SNAPS (Semantic Network traffic Analysis through Projection and Selection), we provide a bottom-up pixel-oriented approach for network traffic analysis where the expert starts with low-level anomalies and iteratively gains insight in higher level events through the creation of multiple selections of interest in parallel. The tight integration between visualization and machine learning enables the expert to iteratively refine anomaly scores, making the approach suitable for both post-traffic analysis and online monitoring tasks. To illustrate the effectiveness of this approach, we present example explorations on two real-world data sets for the detection and understanding of potential Advanced Persistent Threats in progress.
Anonymous communications are important for many of the applications of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) deployed in adversary environments. A major requirement on the network is the ability to provide unidentifiability and unlinkability for mobile nodes and their traffic. Although a number of anonymous secure routing protocols have been proposed, the requirement is not fully satisfied. The existing protocols are vulnerable to the attacks of fake routing packets or denial-of-service broadcasting, even the node identities are protected by pseudonyms. In this paper, we propose a new routing protocol, i.e., authenticated anonymous secure routing (AASR), to satisfy the requirement and defend against the attacks. More specifically, the route request packets are authenticated by a group signature, to defend against potential active attacks without unveiling the node identities. The key-encrypted onion routing with a route secret verification message is designed to prevent intermediate nodes from inferring a real destination. Simulation results have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed AASR protocol with improved performance as compared with the existing protocols.
Storage area networking is driving commodity data center switches to support lossless Ethernet (DCB). Unfortunately, to enable DCB for all traffic on arbitrary network topologies, we must address several problems that can arise in lossless networks, e.g., large buffering delays, unfairness, head of line blocking, and deadlock. We propose TCP-Bolt, a TCP variant that not only addresses the first three problems but reduces flow completion times by as much as 70%. We also introduce a simple, practical deadlock-free routing scheme that eliminates deadlock while achieving aggregate network throughput within 15% of ECMP routing. This small compromise in potential routing capacity is well worth the gains in flow completion time. We note that our results on deadlock-free routing are also of independent interest to the storage area networking community. Further, as our hardware testbed illustrates, these gains are achievable today, without hardware changes to switches or NICs.
Existing approaches to diagnosing sensor networks are generally sink based, which rely on actively pulling state information from sensor nodes so as to conduct centralized analysis. First, sink-based tools incur huge communication overhead to the traffic-sensitive sensor networks. Second, due to the unreliable wireless communications, sink often obtains incomplete and suspicious information, leading to inaccurate judgments. Even worse, it is always more difficult to obtain state information from problematic or critical regions. To address the given issues, we present a novel self-diagnosis approach, which encourages each single sensor to join the fault decision process. We design a series of fault detectors through which multiple nodes can cooperate with each other in a diagnosis task. Fault detectors encode the diagnosis process to state transitions. Each sensor can participate in the diagnosis by transiting the detector's current state to a new state based on local evidences and then passing the detector to other nodes. Having sufficient evidences, the fault detector achieves the Accept state and outputs a final diagnosis report. We examine the performance of our self-diagnosis tool called TinyD2 on a 100-node indoor testbed and conduct field studies in the GreenOrbs system, which is an operational sensor network with 330 nodes outdoor.
The significant dependence on cyberspace has indeed brought new risks that often compromise, exploit and damage invaluable data and systems. Thus, the capability to proactively infer malicious activities is of paramount importance. In this context, inferring probing events, which are commonly the first stage of any cyber attack, render a promising tactic to achieve that task. We have been receiving for the past three years 12 GB of daily malicious real darknet data (i.e., Internet traffic destined to half a million routable yet unallocated IP addresses) from more than 12 countries. This paper exploits such data to propose a novel approach that aims at capturing the behavior of the probing sources in an attempt to infer their orchestration (i.e., coordination) pattern. The latter defines a recently discovered characteristic of a new phenomenon of probing events that could be ominously leveraged to cause drastic Internet-wide and enterprise impacts as precursors of various cyber attacks. To accomplish its goals, the proposed approach leverages various signal and statistical techniques, information theoretical metrics, fuzzy approaches with real malware traffic and data mining methods. The approach is validated through one use case that arguably proves that a previously analyzed orchestrated probing event from last year is indeed still active, yet operating in a stealthy, very low rate mode. We envision that the proposed approach that is tailored towards darknet data, which is frequently, abundantly and effectively used to generate cyber threat intelligence, could be used by network security analysts, emergency response teams and/or observers of cyber events to infer large-scale orchestrated probing events for early cyber attack warning and notification.
Tor is a popular low-latency anonymous communication system. However, it is currently abused in various ways. Tor exit routers are frequently troubled by administrative and legal complaints. To gain an insight into such abuse, we design and implement a novel system, TorWard, for the discovery and systematic study of malicious traffic over Tor. The system can avoid legal and administrative complaints and allows the investigation to be performed in a sensitive environment such as a university campus. An IDS (Intrusion Detection System) is used to discover and classify malicious traffic. We performed comprehensive analysis and extensive real-world experiments to validate the feasibility and effectiveness of TorWard. Our data shows that around 10% Tor traffic can trigger IDS alerts. Malicious traffic includes P2P traffic, malware traffic (e.g., botnet traffic), DoS (Denial-of-Service) attack traffic, spam, and others. Around 200 known malware have been identified. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to perform malicious traffic categorization over Tor.
Although current Internet operations generate voluminous data, they remain largely oblivious of traffic data semantics. This poses many inefficiencies and challenges due to emergent or anomalous behavior impacting the vast array of Internet elements such as services and protocols. In this paper, we propose a Data Semantics Management System (DSMS) for learning Internet traffic data semantics to enable smarter semantics- driven networking operations. We extract networking semantics and build and utilize a dynamic ontology of network concepts to better recognize and act upon emergent or abnormal behavior. Our DSMS utilizes: (1) Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm (LDA) for latent features extraction and semantics reasoning; (2) big tables as a cloud-like data storage technique to maintain large-scale data; and (3) Locality Sensitive Hashing algorithm (LSH) for reducing data dimensionality. Our preliminary evaluation using real Internet traffic shows the efficacy of DSMS for learning behavior of normal and abnormal traffic data and for accurately detecting anomalies at low cost.
Skype has been a typical choice for providing VoIP service nowadays and is well-known for its broad range of features, including voice-calls, instant messaging, file transfer and video conferencing, etc. Considering its wide application, from the viewpoint of ISPs, it is essential to identify Skype flows and thus optimize network performance and forecast future needs. However, in general, a host is likely to run multiple network applications simultaneously, which makes it much harder to classify each and every Skype flow from mixed traffic exactly. Especially, current techniques usually focus on host-level identification and do not have the ability to identify Skype traffic at the flow-level. In this paper, we first reveal the unique sequence signatures of Skype UDP flows and then implement a practical online system named SkyTracer for precise Skype traffic identification. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time to utilize the strong sequence signatures to carry out early identification of Skype traffic. The experimental results show that SkyTracer can achieve very high accuracy at fine-grained level in identifying Skype traffic.
Botnets are one of the most destructive threats against the cyber security. Recently, HTTP protocol is frequently utilized by botnets as the Command and Communication (C&C) protocol. In this work, we aim to detect HTTP based botnet activity based on botnet behaviour analysis via machine learning approach. To achieve this, we employ flow-based network traffic utilizing NetFlow (via Softflowd). The proposed botnet analysis system is implemented by employing two different machine learning algorithms, C4.5 and Naive Bayes. Our results show that C4.5 learning algorithm based classifier obtained very promising performance on detecting HTTP based botnet activity.
Botnet detection represents one of the most crucial prerequisites of successful botnet neutralization. This paper explores how accurate and timely detection can be achieved by using supervised machine learning as the tool of inferring about malicious botnet traffic. In order to do so, the paper introduces a novel flow-based detection system that relies on supervised machine learning for identifying botnet network traffic. For use in the system we consider eight highly regarded machine learning algorithms, indicating the best performing one. Furthermore, the paper evaluates how much traffic needs to be observed per flow in order to capture the patterns of malicious traffic. The proposed system has been tested through the series of experiments using traffic traces originating from two well-known P2P botnets and diverse non-malicious applications. The results of experiments indicate that the system is able to accurately and timely detect botnet traffic using purely flow-based traffic analysis and supervised machine learning. Additionally, the results show that in order to achieve accurate detection traffic flows need to be monitored for only a limited time period and number of packets per flow. This indicates a strong potential of using the proposed approach within a future on-line detection framework.
Rapid advances in wireless ad hoc networks lead to increase their applications in real life. Since wireless ad hoc networks have no centralized infrastructure and management, they are vulnerable to several security threats. Malicious packet dropping is a serious attack against these networks. In this attack, an adversary node tries to drop all or partial received packets instead of forwarding them to the next hop through the path. A dangerous type of this attack is called black hole. In this attack, after absorbing network traffic by the malicious node, it drops all received packets to form a denial of service (DOS) attack. In this paper, a dynamic trust model to defend network against this attack is proposed. In this approach, a node trusts all immediate neighbors initially. Getting feedback from neighbors' behaviors, a node updates the corresponding trust value. The simulation results by NS-2 show that the attack is detected successfully with low false positive probability.