The wide deployment of general purpose and embedded microprocessors has emphasized the need for defenses against cyber-attacks. Due to the globalized supply chain, however, there are several stages where a processor can be maliciously modified. The most promising stage, and the hardest during which to inject the hardware trojan, is the fabrication stage. As modern microprocessor chips are characterized by very dense, billion-transistor designs, such attacks must be very carefully crafted. In this paper, we demonstrate zero overhead malicious modifications on both high-performance and embedded microprocessors. These hardware trojans enable privilege escalation through execution of an instruction stream that excites the necessary conditions to make the modification appear. The minimal footprint, however, comes at the cost of a small window of attack opportunities. Experimental results show that malicious users can gain escalated privileges within a few million clock cycles. In addition, no system crashes were reported during normal operation, rendering the modifications transparent to the end user.
Basic Input Output System (BIOS) is the most important component of a computer system by virtue of its role i.e., it holds the code which is executed at the time of startup. It is considered as the trusted computing base, and its integrity is extremely important for smooth functioning of the system. On the contrary, BIOS of new computer systems (servers, laptops, desktops, network devices, and other embedded systems) can be easily upgraded using a flash or capsule mechanism which can add new vulnerabilities either through malicious code, or by accidental incidents, and deliberate attack. The recent attack on Iranian Nuclear Power Plant (Stuxnet) [1:2] is an example of advanced persistent attack. This attack vector adds a new dimension into the information security (IS) spectrum, which needs to be guarded by implementing a holistic approach employed at enterprise level. Malicious BIOS upgrades can also cause denial of service, stealing of information or addition of new backdoors which can be exploited by attackers for causing business loss, passive eaves dropping or total destruction of system without knowledge of user. To address this challenge a capability for verification of BIOS integrity needs to be developed and due diligence must be observed for proactive resolution of the issue. This paper explains the BIOS Integrity threats and presents a prevention strategy for effective and proactive resolution.
The key challenge to a datacenter network is its scalability to handle many customers and their applications. In a datacenter network, packet classification plays an important role in supporting various network services. Previous algorithms store classification rules with the same length combinations in a hash table to simplify the search procedure. The search performance of hash-based algorithms is tied to the number of hash tables. To achieve fast and scalable packet classification, we propose an algorithm, encoded rule expansion, to transform rules into an equivalent set of rules with fewer distinct length combinations, without affecting the classification results. The new algorithm can minimize the storage penalty of transformation and achieve a short search time. In addition, the scheme supports fast incremental updates. Our simulation results show that more than 90% hash tables can be eliminated. The reduction of length combinations leads to an improvement on speed performance of packet classification by an order of magnitude. The results also show that the software implementation of our scheme without using any hardware parallelism can support up to one thousand customer VLANs and one million rules, where each rule consumes less than 60 bytes and each packet classification can be accomplished under 50 memory accesses.
Existing main-memory hash join algorithms for multi-core can be classified into two camps. Hardware-oblivious hash join variants do not depend on hardware-specific parameters. Rather, they consider qualitative characteristics of modern hardware and are expected to achieve good performance on any technologically similar platform. The assumption behind these algorithms is that hardware is now good enough at hiding its own limitations-through automatic hardware prefetching, out-of-order execution, or simultaneous multi-threading (SMT)-to make hardware-oblivious algorithms competitive without the overhead of carefully tuning to the underlying hardware. Hardware-conscious implementations, such as (parallel) radix join, aim to maximally exploit a given architecture by tuning the algorithm parameters (e.g., hash table sizes) to the particular features of the architecture. The assumption here is that explicit parameter tuning yields enough performance advantages to warrant the effort required. This paper compares the two approaches under a wide range of workloads (relative table sizes, tuple sizes, effects of sorted data, etc.) and configuration parameters (VM page sizes, number of threads, number of cores, SMT, SIMD, prefetching, etc.). The results show that hardware-conscious algorithms generally outperform hardware-oblivious ones. However, on specific workloads and special architectures with aggressive simultaneous multi-threading, hardware-oblivious algorithms are competitive. The main conclusion of the paper is that, in existing multi-core architectures, it is still important to carefully tailor algorithms to the underlying hardware to get the necessary performance. But processor developments may require to revisit this conclusion in the future.
This paper presents an efficient implementation of key-value store using Bloom filters on FPGA. Bloom filters are used to reduce the number of unnecessary accesses to the hash tables, thereby improving the performance. Additionally, for better hash table utilization, we use a modified cuckoo hashing algorithm for the implementation. They are implemented in FPGA to further improve the performance. Experimental results show significant performance improvement over existing approaches.
The secure hash algorithm (SHA)-3 has been selected in 2012 and will be used to provide security to any application which requires hashing, pseudo-random number generation, and integrity checking. This algorithm has been selected based on various benchmarks such as security, performance, and complexity. In this paper, in order to provide reliable architectures for this algorithm, an efficient concurrent error detection scheme for the selected SHA-3 algorithm, i.e., Keccak, is proposed. To the best of our knowledge, effective countermeasures for potential reliability issues in the hardware implementations of this algorithm have not been presented to date. In proposing the error detection approach, our aim is to have acceptable complexity and performance overheads while maintaining high error coverage. In this regard, we present a low-complexity recomputing with rotated operands-based scheme which is a step-forward toward reducing the hardware overhead of the proposed error detection approach. Moreover, we perform injection-based fault simulations and show that the error coverage of close to 100% is derived. Furthermore, we have designed the proposed scheme and through ASIC analysis, it is shown that acceptable complexity and performance overheads are reached. By utilizing the proposed high-performance concurrent error detection scheme, more reliable and robust hardware implementations for the newly-standardized SHA-3 are realized.
Integrated circuits (ICs) are now designed and fabricated in a globalized multivendor environment making them vulnerable to malicious design changes, the insertion of hardware Trojans/malware, and intellectual property (IP) theft. Algorithmic reverse engineering of digital circuits can mitigate these concerns by enabling analysts to detect malicious hardware, verify the integrity of ICs, and detect IP violations. In this paper, we present a set of algorithms for the reverse engineering of digital circuits starting from an unstructured netlist and resulting in a high-level netlist with components such as register files, counters, adders, and subtractors. Our techniques require no manual intervention and experiments show that they determine the functionality of >45% and up to 93% of the gates in each of the test circuits that we examine. We also demonstrate that our algorithms are scalable to real designs by experimenting with a very large, highly-optimized system-on-chip (SOC) design with over 375000 combinational elements. Our inference algorithms cover 68% of the gates in this SOC. We also demonstrate that our algorithms are effective in aiding a human analyst to detect hardware Trojans in an unstructured netlist.
Security of a computer system has been traditionally related to the security of the software or the information being processed. The underlying hardware used for information processing has been considered trusted. The emergence of hardware Trojan attacks violates this root of trust. These attacks, in the form of malicious modifications of electronic hardware at different stages of its life cycle, pose major security concerns in the electronics industry. An adversary can mount such an attack with an objective to cause operational failure or to leak secret information from inside a chip-e.g., the key in a cryptographic chip, during field operation. Global economic trend that encourages increased reliance on untrusted entities in the hardware design and fabrication process is rapidly enhancing the vulnerability to such attacks. In this paper, we analyze the threat of hardware Trojan attacks; present attack models, types, and scenarios; discuss different forms of protection approaches, both proactive and reactive; and describe emerging attack modes, defenses, and future research pathways.
This paper addresses the potential danger using integrated circuits which contain malicious hardware modifications hidden in the silicon structure. A so called hardware Trojan may be added at several stages of the chip development process. This work concentrates on formal hardware Trojan detection during the design phase and highlights applied verification techniques. Selected methods are discussed and their combination used to increase an introduced “Trojan Assurance Level”.
The use of side-channel measurements and fingerprinting, in conjunction with statistical analysis, has proven to be the most effective method for accurately detecting hardware Trojans in fabricated integrated circuits. However, these post-fabrication trust evaluation methods overlook the capabilities of advanced design skills that attackers can use in designing sophisticated Trojans. To this end, we have designed a Trojan using power-gating techniques and demonstrate that it can be masked from advanced side-channel fingerprinting detection while dormant. We then propose a real-time trust evaluation framework that continuously monitors the on-board global power consumption to monitor chip trustworthiness. The measurements obtained corroborate our frameworks effectiveness for detecting Trojans. Finally, the results presented are experimentally verified by performing measurements on fabricated Trojan-free and Trojan-infected variants of a reconfigurable linear feedback shift register (LFSR) array.
The detectability of malicious circuitry on FPGAs with varying placement properties yet has to be investigated. The authors utilize a Xilinx Virtex-II Pro target platform in order to insert a sequential denial-of-service Trojan into an existing AES design by manipulating a Xilinx-specific, intermediate file format prior to the bitstream generation. Thereby, there is no need for an attacker to acquire access to the hardware description language representation of a potential target architecture. Using a side-channel analysis setup for electromagnetic emanation (EM) measurements, they evaluate the detectability of different Trojan designs with varying location and logic distribution properties. The authors successfully distinguish the malicious from the genuine designs and provide information on how the location and distribution properties of the Trojan logic affect its detectability. To the best of their knowledge, this has been the first practically conducted Trojan detection using localized EM measurements.
The migration from a vertical to horizontal business model has made it easier to introduce hardware Trojans and counterfeit electronic parts into the electronic component supply chain. Hardware Trojans are malicious modifications made to original IC designs that reduce system integrity (change functionality, leak private data, etc.). Counterfeit parts are often below specification and/or of substandard quality. The existence of Trojans and counterfeit parts creates risks for the life-critical systems and infrastructures that incorporate them including automotive, aerospace, military, and medical systems. In this tutorial, we will cover: (i) Background and motivation for hardware Trojan and counterfeit prevention/detection; (ii) Taxonomies related to both topics; (iii) Existing solutions; (iv) Open challenges; (v) New and unified solutions to address these challenges.
Timing slacks possibly lead to reliability issues and/or security vulnerabilities, as they may hide small delay defects and malicious circuitries injected during fabrication, namely, hardware Trojans. While possibly harmless immediately after production, small delay defects may trigger reliability problems as the part is being used in field, presenting a significant threat for mission-critical applications. Hardware Trojans remain dormant while the part is tested and validated, but then get activated to launch an attack when the chip is deployed in security-critical applications. In this paper, we take a deeper look into these problems and their underlying reasons, and propose a design technique to maximize the detection of small delay defects as well as the hardware Trojans. The proposed technique eliminates all slacks by judiciously inserting delay units in a small set of locations in the circuit, thereby rendering a simple set of transition fault patterns quite effective in catching parts with small delay defects or Trojans. Experimental results also justify the efficacy of the proposed technique in improving the quality of test while retaining the pattern count and care bit density intact.
This paper discusses the detection of hardware Trojans (HTs) by their breaking of symmetries within integrated circuits (ICs), as measured by path delays. Typically, path delay or side channel methods rely on comparisons to a golden, or trusted, sample. However, golden standards are affected by inter-and intra-die variations which limit the confidence in such comparisons. Symmetry is a way to detect modifications to an IC with increased confidence by confirming subcircuit consistencies within as it was originally designed. The difference in delays from a given path to a set of symmetric paths will be the same unless an inserted HT breaks symmetry. Symmetry can naturally exist in ICs or be artificially added. We describe methods to find and measure path delays against symmetric paths, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of this method. We discuss results of examples from benchmark circuits demonstrating the detection of hardware Trojans.
Detecting hardware Trojan is a difficult task in general. The context is that of a fabless design house that sells IP blocks as GDSII hard macros, and wants to check that final products have not been infected by Trojan during the foundry stage. In this paper we analyzed hardware Trojan horses insertion and detection in Scalable Encryption Algorithm (SEA) crypto. We inserted Trojan at different levels in the ASIC design flow of SEA crypto and most importantly we focused on Gate level and layout level Trojan insertions. We choose path delays in order to detect Trojan at both levels in design phase. Because the path delays detection technique is cost effective and efficient method to detect Trojan. The comparison of path delays makes small Trojan circuits significant from a delay point of view. We used typical, fast and slow 90nm libraries in order to estimate the efficiency of path delay technique in different operating conditions. The experiment's results show that the detection rate on payload Trojan is 100%.
Malicious hardware is a realistic threat. It can be possible to insert the malicious functionality on a device as deep as in the hardware design flow, long before manufacturing the silicon product. Towards developing a hardware Trojan horse detection methodology, we analyze capabilities and limitations of existing techniques, framing a testing strategy for uncovering efficiently hardware Trojan horses in mass-produced integrated circuits.
In the paper a programmable management framework for SDN networks is presented. The concept is in-line with SDN philosophy - it can be programmed from scratch. The implemented management functions can be case dependent. The concept introduces a new node in the SDN architecture, namely the SDN manager. In compliance with the latest trends in network management the approach allows for embedded management of all network nodes and gradual implementation of management functions providing their code lifecycle management as well as the ability to on-the-fly code update. The described concept is a bottom-up approach, which key element is distributed execution environment (PDEE) that is based on well-established technologies like OSGI and FIPA. The described management idea has strong impact on the evolution of the SDN architecture, because the proposed distributed execution environment is a generic one, therefore it can be used not only for the management, but also for distributing of control or application functions.
Mobile and aerial robots used in urban search and rescue (USAR) operations have shown the potential for allowing us to explore, survey and assess collapsed structures effectively at a safe distance. RGB-D cameras, such as the Microsoft Kinect, allow us to capture 3D depth data in addition to RGB images, providing a significantly richer user experience than flat video, which may provide improved situational awareness for first responders. However, the richer data comes at a higher cost in terms of data throughput and computing power requirements. In this paper we consider the problem of live streaming RGB-D data over wired and wireless communication channels, using low-power, embedded computing equipment. When assessing a disaster environment, a range camera is typically mounted on a ground or aerial robot along with the onboard computer system. Ground robots can use both wireless radio and tethers for communications, whereas aerial robots can only use wireless communication. We propose a hybrid lossless and lossy streaming compression format designed specifically for RGB-D data and investigate the feasibility and usefulness of live-streaming this data in disaster situations.
This paper presents an ontological approach to perceive the current security status of the network. Computer network is a dynamic entity whose state changes with the introduction of new services, installation of new network operating system, and addition of new hardware components, creation of new user roles and by attacks from various actors instigated by aggressors. Various security mechanisms employed in the network does not give the complete picture of security of complete network. In this paper we have proposed taxonomy and ontology which may be used to infer impact of various events happening in the network on security status of the network. Vulnerability, Network and Attack are the main taxonomy classes in the ontology. Vulnerability class describes various types of vulnerabilities in the network which may in hardware components like storage devices, computing devices or networks devices. Attack class has many subclasses like Actor class which is entity executing the attack, Goal class describes goal of the attack, Attack mechanism class defines attack methodology, Scope class describes size and utility of the target, Automation level describes the automation level of the attack Evaluation of security status of the network is required for network security situational awareness. Network class has network operating system, users, roles, hardware components and services as its subclasses. Based on this taxonomy ontology has been developed to perceive network security status. Finally a framework, which uses this ontology as knowledgebase has been proposed.
In wireless networks, spoofing attack is one of the most common and challenging attacks. Due to these attacks the overall network performance would be degraded. In this paper, a medoid based clustering approach has been proposed to detect a multiple spoofing attacks in wireless networks. In addition, a Enhanced Partitioning Around Medoid (EPAM) with average silhouette has been integrated with the clustering mechanism to detect a multiple spoofing attacks with a higher accuracy rate. Based on the proposed method, the received signal strength based clustering approach has been adopted for medoid clustering for detection of attacks. In order to prevent the multiple spoofing attacks, dynamic MAC address allocation scheme using MD5 hashing technique is implemented. The experimental results shows, the proposed method can detect spoofing attacks with high accuracy rate and prevent the attacks. Thus the overall network performance is improved with high accuracy rate.
This paper presents an overview of cyber maneuvers and their roles in cyber security. As the cyber war escalates, a strategy that preemptively limits and curtails attacks is required. Such a proactive strategy is called a cyber maneuver and is a refinement of the concept of a moving-target defense, which includes both reactive and proactive network changes. The major advantages of cyber maneuvers relative to other moving-target defenses are described. The use of maneuver keys in making cyber maneuvers much more feasible and affordable is explained. As specific examples, the applications of maneuver keys in encryption algorithms and as spread-spectrum keys are described. The integration of cyber maneuvers into a complete cyber security system with intrusion detection, identification of compromised nodes, and secure rekeying is presented. An example of secure rekeying despite the presence of compromised nodes is described.
Protecting modern computer systems and complex software stacks against the growing range of possible attacks is becoming increasingly difficult. The architecture of modern commodity systems allows attackers to subvert privileged system software often using a single exploit. Once the system is compromised, inclusive permissions used by current architectures and operating systems easily allow a compromised high-privileged software layer to perform arbitrary malicious activities, even on behalf of other software layers. This paper presents a hardware-supported page permission scheme for the physical pages that is based on the concept of non-inclusive sets of memory permissions for different layers of system software such as hypervisors, operating systems, and user-level applications. Instead of viewing privilege levels as an ordered hierarchy with each successive level being more privileged, we view them as distinct levels each with its own set of permissions. Such a permission mechanism, implemented as part of a processor architecture, provides a common framework for defending against a range of recent attacks. We demonstrate that such a protection can be achieved with negligible performance overhead, low hardware complexity and minimal changes to the commodity OS and hypervisor code.
Datacenter-based Cloud computing has induced new disruptive trends in networking, key among which is network virtualization. Software-Defined Networking overlays aim to improve the efficiency of the next generation multitenant datacenters. While early overlay prototypes are already available, they focus mainly on core functionality, with little being known yet about their impact on the system level performance. Using query completion time as our primary performance metric, we evaluate the overlay network impact on two representative datacenter workloads, Partition/Aggregate and 3-Tier. We measure how much performance is traded for overlay's benefits in manageability, security and policing. Finally, we aim to assist the datacenter architects by providing a detailed evaluation of the key overlay choices, all made possible by our accurate cross-layer hybrid/mesoscale simulation platform.
With the rapid development of information technology, information security management is ever more important. OpenSSL security incident told us, there's distinct disadvantages of security management of current hierarchical structure, the software and hardware facilities are necessary to enforce security management on their implements of crucial basic protocols, in order to ease the security threats against the facilities in a certain extent. This article expounded cross-layer security management and enumerated 5 contributory factors for the core problems that management facing to.
Security is a major challenge preventing wide deployment of the smart grid technology. Typically, the classical power grid is protected with a set of isolated security tools applied to individual grid components and layers ignoring their cross-layer interaction. Such an approach does not address the smart grid security requirements because usually intricate attacks are cross-layer exploiting multiple vulnerabilities at various grid layers and domains. We advance a conceptual layering model of the smart grid and a high-level overview of a security framework, termed CyNetPhy, towards enabling cross-layer security of the smart grid. CyNetPhy tightly integrates and coordinates between three interrelated, and highly cooperative real-time security systems crossing section various layers of the grid cyber and physical domains to simultaneously address the grid's operational and security requirements. In this article, we present in detail the physical security layer (PSL) in CyNetPhy. We describe an attack scenario raising the emerging hardware Trojan threat in process control systems (PCSes) and its novel PSL resolution leveraging the model predictive control principles. Initial simulation results illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the PSL.