Visible to the public A hybrid lossless and lossy compression scheme for streaming RGB-D data in real time

TitleA hybrid lossless and lossy compression scheme for streaming RGB-D data in real time
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsCoatsworth, M., Tran, J., Ferworn, A.
Conference NameSafety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on
Date PublishedOct
Keywords3D, 3D depth data capture, aerial robots, aerospace robotics, Cameras, Compression, Computers, computing power requirements, data compression, data throughput, disaster environment, Hardware, Image coding, image colour analysis, live streaming, lossless compression scheme, lossy compression scheme, low-power embedded computing equipment, Microsoft Kinect, mobile robots, point cloud, red-green-blue-depth data, rescue robots, response robot, RGB images, RGB-D cameras, RGB-D data streaming, robot vision, robots, Servers, streaming, tethers, Three-dimensional displays, urban search and rescue, USAR, USAR operations, video, video streaming, Wireless communication, wireless radio

Mobile and aerial robots used in urban search and rescue (USAR) operations have shown the potential for allowing us to explore, survey and assess collapsed structures effectively at a safe distance. RGB-D cameras, such as the Microsoft Kinect, allow us to capture 3D depth data in addition to RGB images, providing a significantly richer user experience than flat video, which may provide improved situational awareness for first responders. However, the richer data comes at a higher cost in terms of data throughput and computing power requirements. In this paper we consider the problem of live streaming RGB-D data over wired and wireless communication channels, using low-power, embedded computing equipment. When assessing a disaster environment, a range camera is typically mounted on a ground or aerial robot along with the onboard computer system. Ground robots can use both wireless radio and tethers for communications, whereas aerial robots can only use wireless communication. We propose a hybrid lossless and lossy streaming compression format designed specifically for RGB-D data and investigate the feasibility and usefulness of live-streaming this data in disaster situations.

Citation Key7017650