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Kaci, A., Kamwa, I., Dessaint, L.A., Guillon, S..  2014.  Synchrophasor Data Baselining and Mining for Online Monitoring of Dynamic Security Limits. Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 29:2681-2695.

When the system is in normal state, actual SCADA measurements of power transfers across critical interfaces are continuously compared with limits determined offline and stored in look-up tables or nomograms in order to assess whether the network is secure or insecure and inform the dispatcher to take preventive action in the latter case. However, synchrophasors could change this paradigm by enabling new features, the phase-angle differences, which are well-known measures of system stress, with the added potential to increase system visibility. The paper develops a systematic approach to baseline the phase-angles versus actual transfer limits across system interfaces and enable synchrophasor-based situational awareness (SBSA). Statistical methods are first used to determine seasonal exceedance levels of angle shifts that can allow real-time scoring and detection of atypical conditions. Next, key buses suitable for SBSA are identified using correlation and partitioning around medoid (PAM) clustering. It is shown that angle shifts of this subset of 15% of the network backbone buses can be effectively used as features in ensemble decision tree-based forecasting of seasonal security margins across critical interfaces.

Major, S., Fekovic, E..  2014.  Securing intelligent substations: Real-time situational awareness. Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), 2014 IEEE International. :711-715.

A system implementing real-time situational awareness through discovery, prevention, detection, response, audit, and management capabilities is seen as central to facilitating the protection of critical infrastructure systems. The effectiveness of providing such awareness technologies for electrical distribution companies is being evaluated in a series of field trials: (i) Substation Intrusion Detection / Prevention System (IDPS) and (ii) Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) System. These trials will help create a realistic case study on the effectiveness of such technologies with the view of forming a framework for critical infrastructure cyber security defense systems of the future.

Voigt, S., Schoepfer, E., Fourie, C., Mager, A..  2014.  Towards semi-automated satellite mapping for humanitarian situational awareness. Global Humanitarian Technology Conference (GHTC), 2014 IEEE. :412-416.

Very high resolution satellite imagery used to be a rare commodity, with infrequent satellite pass-over times over a specific area-of-interest obviating many useful applications. Today, more and more such satellite systems are available, with visual analysis and interpretation of imagery still important to derive relevant features and changes from satellite data. In order to allow efficient, robust and routine image analysis for humanitarian purposes, semi-automated feature extraction is of increasing importance for operational emergency mapping tasks. In the frame of the European Earth Observation program COPERNICUS and related research activities under the European Union's Seventh Framework Program, substantial scientific developments and mapping services are dedicated to satellite based humanitarian mapping and monitoring. In this paper, recent results in methodological research and development of routine services in satellite mapping for humanitarian situational awareness are reviewed and discussed. Ethical aspects of sensitivity and security of humanitarian mapping are deliberated. Furthermore methods for monitoring and analysis of refugee/internally displaced persons camps in humanitarian settings are assessed. Advantages and limitations of object-based image analysis, sample supervised segmentation and feature extraction are presented and discussed.

Song Li, Qian Zou, Wei Huang.  2014.  A new type of intrusion prevention system. Information Science, Electronics and Electrical Engineering (ISEEE), 2014 International Conference on. 1:361-364.

In order to strengthen network security and improve the network's active defense intrusion detection capabilities, this paper presented and established one active defense intrusion detection system which based on the mixed interactive honeypot. The system can help to reduce the false information, enhance the stability and security of the network. Testing and simulation experiments show that: the system improved active defense of the network's security, increase the honeypot decoy capability and strengthen the attack predictive ability. So it has better application and promotion value.

Vijayakumar, R., Selvakumar, K., Kulothungan, K., Kannan, A..  2014.  Prevention of multiple spoofing attacks with dynamic MAC address allocation for wireless networks. Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP), 2014 International Conference on. :1635-1639.

In wireless networks, spoofing attack is one of the most common and challenging attacks. Due to these attacks the overall network performance would be degraded. In this paper, a medoid based clustering approach has been proposed to detect a multiple spoofing attacks in wireless networks. In addition, a Enhanced Partitioning Around Medoid (EPAM) with average silhouette has been integrated with the clustering mechanism to detect a multiple spoofing attacks with a higher accuracy rate. Based on the proposed method, the received signal strength based clustering approach has been adopted for medoid clustering for detection of attacks. In order to prevent the multiple spoofing attacks, dynamic MAC address allocation scheme using MD5 hashing technique is implemented. The experimental results shows, the proposed method can detect spoofing attacks with high accuracy rate and prevent the attacks. Thus the overall network performance is improved with high accuracy rate.

Han, Lansheng, Qian, Mengxiao, Xu, Xingbo, Fu, Cai, Kwisaba, Hamza.  2014.  Malicious code detection model based on behavior association. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 19:508-515.

Malicious applications can be introduced to attack users and services so as to gain financial rewards, individuals' sensitive information, company and government intellectual property, and to gain remote control of systems. However, traditional methods of malicious code detection, such as signature detection, behavior detection, virtual machine detection, and heuristic detection, have various weaknesses which make them unreliable. This paper presents the existing technologies of malicious code detection and a malicious code detection model is proposed based on behavior association. The behavior points of malicious code are first extracted through API monitoring technology and integrated into the behavior; then a relation between behaviors is established according to data dependence. Next, a behavior association model is built up and a discrimination method is put forth using pushdown automation. Finally, the exact malicious code is taken as a sample to carry out an experiment on the behavior's capture, association, and discrimination, thus proving that the theoretical model is viable.

Rieke, R., Repp, J., Zhdanova, M., Eichler, J..  2014.  Monitoring Security Compliance of Critical Processes. Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP), 2014 22nd Euromicro International Conference on. :552-560.

Enforcing security in process-aware information systems at runtime requires the monitoring of systems' operation using process information. Analysis of this information with respect to security and compliance aspects is growing in complexity with the increase in functionality, connectivity, and dynamics of process evolution. To tackle this complexity, the application of models is becoming standard practice. Considering today's frequent changes to processes, model-based support for security and compliance analysis is not only needed in pre-operational phases but also at runtime. This paper presents an approach to support evaluation of the security status of processes at runtime. The approach is based on operational formal models derived from process specifications and security policies comprising technical, organizational, regulatory and cross-layer aspects. A process behavior model is synchronized by events from the running process and utilizes prediction of expected close-future states to find possible security violations and allow early decisions on countermeasures. The applicability of the approach is exemplified by a misuse case scenario from a hydroelectric power plant.

Farag, M.M., Azab, M., Mokhtar, B..  2014.  Cross-layer security framework for smart grid: Physical security layer. Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT-Europe), 2014 IEEE PES. :1-7.

Security is a major challenge preventing wide deployment of the smart grid technology. Typically, the classical power grid is protected with a set of isolated security tools applied to individual grid components and layers ignoring their cross-layer interaction. Such an approach does not address the smart grid security requirements because usually intricate attacks are cross-layer exploiting multiple vulnerabilities at various grid layers and domains. We advance a conceptual layering model of the smart grid and a high-level overview of a security framework, termed CyNetPhy, towards enabling cross-layer security of the smart grid. CyNetPhy tightly integrates and coordinates between three interrelated, and highly cooperative real-time security systems crossing section various layers of the grid cyber and physical domains to simultaneously address the grid's operational and security requirements. In this article, we present in detail the physical security layer (PSL) in CyNetPhy. We describe an attack scenario raising the emerging hardware Trojan threat in process control systems (PCSes) and its novel PSL resolution leveraging the model predictive control principles. Initial simulation results illustrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the PSL.

Gregr, M., Veda, M..  2014.  Challenges with Transition and User Accounting in Next Generation Networks. Network Protocols (ICNP), 2014 IEEE 22nd International Conference on. :501-503.

Future networks may change the way how network administrators monitor and account their users. History shows that usually a completely new design (clean slate) is used to propose a new network architecture - e.g. Network Control Protocol to TCP/IP, IPv4 to IPv6 or IP to Recursive Inter Network Architecture. The incompatibility between these architectures changes the user accounting process as network administrators have to use different information to identify a user. The paper presents a methodology how it is possible to gather all necessary information needed for smooth transition between two incompatible architectures. The transition from IPv4 and IPv6 is used as a use case, but it should be able to use the same process with any new networking architecture.

Butun, I., Morgera, S.D., Sankar, R..  2014.  A Survey of Intrusion Detection Systems in Wireless Sensor Networks. Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE. 16:266-282.

Wireless Sensor Networking is one of the most promising technologies that have applications ranging from health care to tactical military. Although Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have appealing features (e.g., low installation cost, unattended network operation), due to the lack of a physical line of defense (i.e., there are no gateways or switches to monitor the information flow), the security of such networks is a big concern, especially for the applications where confidentiality has prime importance. Therefore, in order to operate WSNs in a secure way, any kind of intrusions should be detected before attackers can harm the network (i.e., sensor nodes) and/or information destination (i.e., data sink or base station). In this article, a survey of the state-of-the-art in Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) that are proposed for WSNs is presented. Firstly, detailed information about IDSs is provided. Secondly, a brief survey of IDSs proposed for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) is presented and applicability of those systems to WSNs are discussed. Thirdly, IDSs proposed for WSNs are presented. This is followed by the analysis and comparison of each scheme along with their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, guidelines on IDSs that are potentially applicable to WSNs are provided. Our survey is concluded by highlighting open research issues in the field.

Vaarandi, R., Pihelgas, M..  2014.  Using Security Logs for Collecting and Reporting Technical Security Metrics. Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), 2014 IEEE. :294-299.

During recent years, establishing proper metrics for measuring system security has received increasing attention. Security logs contain vast amounts of information which are essential for creating many security metrics. Unfortunately, security logs are known to be very large, making their analysis a difficult task. Furthermore, recent security metrics research has focused on generic concepts, and the issue of collecting security metrics with log analysis methods has not been well studied. In this paper, we will first focus on using log analysis techniques for collecting technical security metrics from security logs of common types (e.g., Network IDS alarm logs, workstation logs, and Net flow data sets). We will also describe a production framework for collecting and reporting technical security metrics which is based on novel open-source technologies for big data.

Marchal, S., Xiuyan Jiang, State, R., Engel, T..  2014.  A Big Data Architecture for Large Scale Security Monitoring. Big Data (BigData Congress), 2014 IEEE International Congress on. :56-63.

Network traffic is a rich source of information for security monitoring. However the increasing volume of data to treat raises issues, rendering holistic analysis of network traffic difficult. In this paper we propose a solution to cope with the tremendous amount of data to analyse for security monitoring perspectives. We introduce an architecture dedicated to security monitoring of local enterprise networks. The application domain of such a system is mainly network intrusion detection and prevention, but can be used as well for forensic analysis. This architecture integrates two systems, one dedicated to scalable distributed data storage and management and the other dedicated to data exploitation. DNS data, NetFlow records, HTTP traffic and honeypot data are mined and correlated in a distributed system that leverages state of the art big data solution. Data correlation schemes are proposed and their performance are evaluated against several well-known big data framework including Hadoop and Spark.

Barbosa de Carvalho, M., Pereira Esteves, R., da Cunha Rodrigues, G., Cassales Marquezan, C., Zambenedetti Granville, L., Rockenbach Tarouco, L.M..  2014.  Efficient configuration of monitoring slices for cloud platform administrators. Computers and Communication (ISCC), 2014 IEEE Symposium on. :1-7.

Monitoring is an important issue in cloud environments because it assures that acquired cloud slices attend the user's expectations. However, these environments are multitenant and dynamic, requiring automation techniques to offload cloud administrators. In a previous work, we proposed FlexACMS: a framework to automate monitoring configuration related to cloud slices using multiple monitoring solutions. In this work, we enhanced FlexACMS to allow dynamic and automatic attribution of monitoring configuration tasks to servers without administrator intervention, which was not available in previous version. FlexACMS also considers the monitoring server load when attributing configuration tasks, which allows load balancing between monitoring servers. The evaluation showed that enhancements reduced FlexACMS response time up to 60% in comparison to previous version. The scalability evaluation of enhanced version demonstrated the feasibility of our approach in large scale cloud environments.

Bou-Harb, E., Debbabi, M., Assi, C..  2014.  Cyber Scanning: A Comprehensive Survey. Communications Surveys Tutorials, IEEE. 16:1496-1519.

Cyber scanning refers to the task of probing enterprise networks or Internet wide services, searching for vulnerabilities or ways to infiltrate IT assets. This misdemeanor is often the primarily methodology that is adopted by attackers prior to launching a targeted cyber attack. Hence, it is of paramount importance to research and adopt methods for the detection and attribution of cyber scanning. Nevertheless, with the surge of complex offered services from one side and the proliferation of hackers' refined, advanced, and sophisticated techniques from the other side, the task of containing cyber scanning poses serious issues and challenges. Furthermore recently, there has been a flourishing of a cyber phenomenon dubbed as cyber scanning campaigns - scanning techniques that are highly distributed, possess composite stealth capabilities and high coordination - rendering almost all current detection techniques unfeasible. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the entire cyber scanning topic. It categorizes cyber scanning by elaborating on its nature, strategies and approaches. It also provides the reader with a classification and an exhaustive review of its techniques. Moreover, it offers a taxonomy of the current literature by focusing on distributed cyber scanning detection methods. To tackle cyber scanning campaigns, this paper uniquely reports on the analysis of two recent cyber scanning incidents. Finally, several concluding remarks are discussed.

Wenqun Xiu, Xiaoming Li.  2014.  The design of cybercrime spatial analysis system. Information Science and Technology (ICIST), 2014 4th IEEE International Conference on. :132-135.

Artificial monitoring is no longer able to match the rapid growth of cybercrime, it is in great need to develop a new spatial analysis technology which allows emergency events to get rapidly and accurately locked in real environment, furthermore, to establish correlative analysis model for cybercrime prevention strategy. On the other hand, Geography information system has been changed virtually in data structure, coordinate system and analysis model due to the “uncertainty and hyper-dimension” characteristics of network object and behavior. In this paper, the spatial rules of typical cybercrime are explored on base of GIS with Internet searching and IP tracking technology: (1) Setup spatial database through IP searching based on criminal evidence. (2)Extend GIS data-structure and spatial models, add network dimension and virtual attribution to realize dynamic connection between cyber and real space. (3)Design cybercrime monitoring and prevention system to discover the cyberspace logics based on spatial analysis.

Jantsch, A., Tammemae, K..  2014.  A framework of awareness for artificial subjects. Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis (CODES+ISSS), 2014 International Conference on. :1-3.

A small battery driven bio-patch, attached to the human body and monitoring various vital signals such as temperature, humidity, heart activity, muscle and brain activity, is an example of a highly resource constrained system, that has the demanding task to assess correctly the state of the monitored subject (healthy, normal, weak, ill, improving, worsening, etc.), and its own capabilities (attached to subject, working sensors, sufficient energy supply, etc.). These systems and many other systems would benefit from a sense of itself and its environment to improve robustness and sensibility of its behavior. Although we can get inspiration from fields like neuroscience, robotics, AI, and control theory, the tight resource and energy constraints imply that we have to understand accurately what technique leads to a particular feature of awareness, how it contributes to improved behavior, and how it can be implemented cost-efficiently in hardware or software. We review the concepts of environment- and self-models, semantic interpretation, semantic attribution, history, goals and expectations, prediction, and self-inspection, how they contribute to awareness and self-awareness, and how they contribute to improved robustness and sensibility of behavior.

Hauger, W.K., Olivier, M.S..  2014.  The role of triggers in database forensics. Information Security for South Africa (ISSA), 2014. :1-7.

An aspect of database forensics that has not received much attention in the academic research community yet is the presence of database triggers. Database triggers and their implementations have not yet been thoroughly analysed to establish what possible impact they could have on digital forensic analysis methods and processes. Conventional database triggers are defined to perform automatic actions based on changes in the database. These changes can be on the data level or the data definition level. Digital forensic investigators might thus feel that database triggers do not have an impact on their work. They are simply interrogating the data and metadata without making any changes. This paper attempts to establish if the presence of triggers in a database could potentially disrupt, manipulate or even thwart forensic investigations. The database triggers as defined in the SQL standard were studied together with a number of database trigger implementations. This was done in order to establish what aspects might have an impact on digital forensic analysis. It is demonstrated in this paper that some of the current database forensic analysis methods are impacted by the possible presence of certain types of triggers in a database. Furthermore, it finds that the forensic interpretation and attribution processes should be extended to include the handling and analysis of database triggers if they are present in a database.

Manjula, R., Datta, R..  2014.  An energy-efficient routing technique for privacy preservation of assets monitored with WSN. Students' Technology Symposium (TechSym), 2014 IEEE. :325-330.

Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are deployed to monitor the assets (endangered species) and report the locations of these assets to the Base Station (BS) also known as Sink. The hunter (adversary) attacks the network at one or two hops away from the Sink, eavesdrops the wireless communication links and traces back to the location of the asset to capture them. The existing solutions proposed to preserve the privacy of the assets lack in energy efficiency as they rely on random walk routing technique and fake packet injection technique so as to obfuscate the hunter from locating the assets. In this paper we present an energy efficient privacy preserved routing algorithm where the event (i.e., asset) detected nodes called as source nodes report the events' location information to the Base Station using phantom source (also known as phantom node) concept and a-angle anonymity concept. Routing is done using existing greedy routing protocol. Comparison through simulations shows that our solution reduces the energy consumption and delay while maintaining the same level of privacy as that of two existing popular techniques.

Arieta, F., Barabasz, L.T., Santos, A., Nogueira, M..  2014.  Mitigating Flooding Attacks on Mobility in Infrastructure-Based Vehicular Networks. Latin America Transactions, IEEE (Revista IEEE America Latina). 12:475-483.

Infrastructure-based Vehicular Networks can be applied in different social contexts, such as health care, transportation and entertainment. They can easily take advantage of the benefices provided by wireless mesh networks (WMNs) to mobility, since WMNs essentially support technological convergence and resilience, required for the effective operation of services and applications. However, infrastructure-based vehicular networks are prone to attacks such as ARP packets flooding that compromise mobility management and users' network access. Hence, this work proposes MIRF, a secure mobility scheme based on reputation and filtering to mitigate flooding attacks on mobility management. The efficiency of the MIRF scheme has been evaluated by simulations considering urban scenarios with and without attacks. Analyses show that it significantly improves the packet delivery ratio in scenarios with attacks, mitigating their intentional negative effects, as the reduction of malicious ARP requests. Furthermore, improvements have been observed in the number of handoffs on scenarios under attacks, being faster than scenarios without the scheme.

Ghatak, S., Bose, S., Roy, S..  2014.  Intelligent wall mounted wireless fencing system using wireless sensor actuator network. Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI), 2014 International Conference on. :1-5.

This paper presents the relative merits of IR and microwave sensor technology and their combination with wireless camera for the development of a wall mounted wireless intrusion detection system and explain the phases by which the intrusion information are collected and sent to the central control station using wireless mesh network for analysis and processing the collected data. These days every protected zone is facing numerous security threats like trespassing or damaging of important equipments and a lot more. Unwanted intrusion has turned out to be a growing problem which has paved the way for a newer technology which detects intrusion accurately. Almost all organizations have their own conventional arrangement of protecting their zones by constructing high wall, wire fencing, power fencing or employing guard for manual observation. In case of large areas, manually observing the perimeter is not a viable option. To solve this type of problem we have developed a wall-mounted wireless fencing system. In this project I took the responsibility of studying how the different units could be collaborated and how the data collected from them could be further processed with the help of software, which was developed by me. The Intrusion detection system constitutes an important field of application for IR and microwave based wireless sensor network. A state of the art wall-mounted wireless intrusion detection system will detect intrusion automatically, through multi-level detection mechanism (IR, microwave, active RFID & camera) and will generate multi-level alert (buzzer, images, segment illumination, SMS, E-Mail) to notify security officers, owners and also illuminate the particular segment where the intrusion has happened. This system will enable the authority to quickly handle the emergency through identification of the area of incident at once and to take action quickly. IR based perimeter protection is a proven technology. However IR-based intrusion detection system is not a full-proof solution since (1) IR may fail in foggy or dusty weather condition & hence it may generate false alarm. Therefore we amalgamate this technology with Microwave based intrusion detection which can work satisfactorily in foggy weather. Also another significant arena of our proposed system is the Camera-based intrusion detection. Some industries require this feature to capture the snap-shots of the affected location instantly as the intrusion happens. The Intrusion information data are transmitted wirelessly to the control station via multi hop routing (using active RFID or IEEE 802.15.4 protocol). The Control station will receive intrusion information at real time and analyze the data with the help of the Intrusion software. It then sends SMS to the predefined numbers of the respective authority through GSM modem attached with the control station engine.

Rezvani, M., Ignjatovic, A., Bertino, E., Jha, S..  2014.  Provenance-aware security risk analysis for hosts and network flows. Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), 2014 IEEE. :1-8.

Detection of high risk network flows and high risk hosts is becoming ever more important and more challenging. In order to selectively apply deep packet inspection (DPI) one has to isolate in real time high risk network activities within a huge number of monitored network flows. To help address this problem, we propose an iterative methodology for a simultaneous assessment of risk scores for both hosts and network flows. The proposed approach measures the risk scores of hosts and flows in an interdependent manner; thus, the risk score of a flow influences the risk score of its source and destination hosts, and also the risk score of a host is evaluated by taking into account the risk scores of flows initiated by or terminated at the host. Our experimental results show that such an approach not only effective in detecting high risk hosts and flows but, when deployed in high throughput networks, is also more efficient than PageRank based algorithms.

Mohagheghi, S..  2014.  Integrity Assessment Scheme for Situational Awareness in Utility Automation Systems. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on. 5:592-601.

Today's more reliable communication technology, together with the availability of higher computational power, have paved the way for introduction of more advanced automation systems based on distributed intelligence and multi-agent technology. However, abundance of data, while making these systems more powerful, can at the same time act as their biggest vulnerability. In a web of interconnected devices and components functioning within an automation framework, potential impact of malfunction in a single device, either through internal failure or external damage/intrusion, may lead to detrimental side-effects spread across the whole underlying system. The potentially large number of devices, along with their inherent interrelations and interdependencies, may hinder the ability of human operators to interpret events, identify their scope of impact and take remedial actions if necessary. Through utilization of the concepts of graph-theoretic fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) and expert systems, this paper puts forth a solution that is able to reveal weak links and vulnerabilities of an automation system, should it become exposed to partial internal failure or external damage. A case study has been performed on the IEEE 34-bus test distribution system to show the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

Kirsch, J., Goose, S., Amir, Y., Dong Wei, Skare, P..  2014.  Survivable SCADA Via Intrusion-Tolerant Replication. Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on. 5:60-70.

Providers of critical infrastructure services strive to maintain the high availability of their SCADA systems. This paper reports on our experience designing, architecting, and evaluating the first survivable SCADA system-one that is able to ensure correct behavior with minimal performance degradation even during cyber attacks that compromise part of the system. We describe the challenges we faced when integrating modern intrusion-tolerant protocols with a conventional SCADA architecture and present the techniques we developed to overcome these challenges. The results illustrate that our survivable SCADA system not only functions correctly in the face of a cyber attack, but that it also processes in excess of 20 000 messages per second with a latency of less than 30 ms, making it suitable for even large-scale deployments managing thousands of remote terminal units.

Wei Min, Keecheon Kim.  2014.  Intrusion tolerance mechanisms using redundant nodes for wireless sensor networks. Information Networking (ICOIN), 2014 International Conference on. :131-135.

Wireless sensor networks extend people's ability to explore, monitor, and control the physical world. Wireless sensor networks are susceptible to certain types of attacks because they are deployed in open and unprotected environments. Novel intrusion tolerance architecture is proposed in this paper. An expert intrusion detection analysis system and an all-channel analyzer are introduced. A proposed intrusion tolerance scheme is implemented. Results show that this scheme can detect data traffic and re-route it to a redundant node in the wireless network, prolong the lifetime of the network, and isolate malicious traffic introduced through compromised nodes or illegal intrusions.

Han, Lansheng, Qian, Mengxiao, Xu, Xingbo, Fu, Cai, Kwisaba, Hamza.  2014.  Malicious code detection model based on behavior association. Tsinghua Science and Technology. 19:508-515.

Malicious applications can be introduced to attack users and services so as to gain financial rewards, individuals' sensitive information, company and government intellectual property, and to gain remote control of systems. However, traditional methods of malicious code detection, such as signature detection, behavior detection, virtual machine detection, and heuristic detection, have various weaknesses which make them unreliable. This paper presents the existing technologies of malicious code detection and a malicious code detection model is proposed based on behavior association. The behavior points of malicious code are first extracted through API monitoring technology and integrated into the behavior; then a relation between behaviors is established according to data dependence. Next, a behavior association model is built up and a discrimination method is put forth using pushdown automation. Finally, the exact malicious code is taken as a sample to carry out an experiment on the behavior's capture, association, and discrimination, thus proving that the theoretical model is viable.