Visible to the public Integrity Assessment Scheme for Situational Awareness in Utility Automation Systems

TitleIntegrity Assessment Scheme for Situational Awareness in Utility Automation Systems
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2014
AuthorsMohagheghi, S.
JournalSmart Grid, IEEE Transactions on
Date PublishedMarch
Keywordsadvanced automation systems, artificial intelligence, Automation, automation framework, automation system, automation system vulnerabilities, Capacitors, cognitive systems, distributed intelligence, event analysis, expert systems, external damage, FCM, fuzzy cognitive map, Fuzzy cognitive maps, fuzzy set theory, graph theory, graph-theoretic fuzzy cognitive maps, human operators, IEEE 34-bus test distribution system, integrity assessment scheme, interconnected devices, Monitoring, multiagent technology, partial internal failure, power distribution control, Power systems, situational awareness, state estimation, Switches, unsupervised learning, utility automation systems

Today's more reliable communication technology, together with the availability of higher computational power, have paved the way for introduction of more advanced automation systems based on distributed intelligence and multi-agent technology. However, abundance of data, while making these systems more powerful, can at the same time act as their biggest vulnerability. In a web of interconnected devices and components functioning within an automation framework, potential impact of malfunction in a single device, either through internal failure or external damage/intrusion, may lead to detrimental side-effects spread across the whole underlying system. The potentially large number of devices, along with their inherent interrelations and interdependencies, may hinder the ability of human operators to interpret events, identify their scope of impact and take remedial actions if necessary. Through utilization of the concepts of graph-theoretic fuzzy cognitive maps (FCM) and expert systems, this paper puts forth a solution that is able to reveal weak links and vulnerabilities of an automation system, should it become exposed to partial internal failure or external damage. A case study has been performed on the IEEE 34-bus test distribution system to show the efficiency of the proposed scheme.

Citation Key6732971