IoT devices introduce unprecedented threats into home and professional networks. As they fail to adhere to security best practices, they are broadly exploited by malicious actors to build botnets or steal sensitive information. Their adoption challenges established security standard as classic security measures are often inappropriate to secure them. This is even more problematic in sensitive environments where the presence of insecure IoTs can be exploited to bypass strict security policies. In this paper, we demonstrate an attack against a highly secured network using a Bluetooth smart bulb. This attack allows a malicious actor to take advantage of a smart bulb to exfiltrate data from an air gapped network.
IoT is evolving as a combination of interconnected devices over a particular network. In the proposed paper, we discuss about the security of IoT system in the wireless devices. IoT security is the platform in which the connected devices over the network are safeguarded over internet of things framework. Wireless devices play an eminent role in this kind of networks since most of the time they are connected to the internet. Accompanied by major users cannot ensure their end to end security in the IoT environment. However, connecting these devices over the internet via using IoT increases the chance of being prone to the serious issues that may affect the system and its data if they are not protected efficiently. In the proposed paper, the security of IoT in wireless devices will be enhanced by using ECC. Since the issues related to security are becoming common these days, an attempt has been made in this proposed paper to enhance the security of IoT networks by using ECC for wireless devices.
In Internet of Things (IoT) each object is addressable, trackable and accessible on the Internet. To be useful, objects in IoT co-operate and exchange information. IoT networks are open, anonymous, dynamic in nature so, a malicious object may enter into the network and disrupt the network. Trust models have been proposed to identify malicious objects and to improve the reliability of the network. Recommendations in trust computation are the basis of trust models. Due to this, trust models are vulnerable to bad mouthing and collusion attacks. In this paper, we propose a similarity model to mitigate badmouthing and collusion attacks and show that proposed method efficiently removes the impact of malicious recommendations in trust computation.
Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is widely accepted as a data exchange protocol in Internet of Things (IoT) environment. For security, MQTT supports Transport Layer Security (MQTT-TLS). However, MQTT-TLS provides thing-to-broker channel encryption only because data can still be exposed after MQTT broker. In addition, ACL becomes impractical due to the increasing number of rules for authorizing massive IoT devices. For solving these problems, we propose MQTT Thing-to-Thing Security (MQTT-TTS) which provides thing-to-thing security which prevents data leak. MQTT-TTS also provides the extensibility to include demanded security mechanisms for various security requirements. Moreover, the transparency of MQTT-TTS lets IoT application developers implementing secure data exchange with less programming efforts. Our MQTT-TTS implementation is available on for evaluation.
In today's IIoT world, most of the IoT platform providers like Microsoft, Amazon and Google are focused towards connecting devices and extract data from the devices and send the data to the Cloud for analytics. Only there are few companies concentrating on Security measures implemented on Edge Node. Gartner estimates that by 2020, more than 25 percent of all enterprise attackers will make use of the Industrial IoT. As Cyber Security Threat is getting more important, it is essential to ensure protection of data both at rest and at motion. The reflex of Cyber Security in the Industrial IoT Domain is much more severe when compared to the Consumer IoT Segment. The new bottleneck in this are security services which employ computationally intensive software operations and system services [1]. Resilient services consume considerable resources in a design. When such measures are added to thwart security attacks, the resource requirements grow even more demanding. Since the standard IIoT Gateways and other sub devices are resource constrained in nature the conventional design for security services will not be applicable in this case. This paper proposes an intelligent architectural paradigm for the Constrained IIoT Gateways that can efficiently identify the Cyber-Attacks in the Industrial IoT domain.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a fairly disruptive technology with inconceivable growth, impact, and capability. We present the role of REST API in the IoT Systems and some initial concepts of IoT, whose technology is able to record and count everything. We as well highlight the concept of middleware that connects these devices and cloud. The appearance of new IoT applications in the cloud has brought new threats to security and privacy of data. Therefore it is required to introduce a secure IoT system which doesn't allow attackers infiltration in the network through IoT devices and also to secure data in transit from IoT devices to cloud. We provide the details on how Representational State Transfer (REST) API allows to securely expose connected devices to applications on cloud and users. In the proposed model, middleware is primarily used to expose device data through REST and to hide details and act as an interface to the user to interact with sensor data.
Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing are promising technologies that change the way people communicate and live. As the data collected through IoT devices often involve users' private information and the cloud is not completely trusted, users' private data are usually encrypted before being uploaded to cloud for security purposes. Searchable encryption, allowing users to search over the encrypted data, extends data flexibility on the premise of security. In this paper, to achieve the accurate and efficient ciphertext searching, we present an efficient multi-keyword ranked searchable encryption scheme supporting ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption (CP-ABE) test (MRSET). For efficiency, numeric hierarchy supporting ranked search is introduced to reduce the dimensions of vectors and matrices. For practicality, CP-ABE is improved to support access right test, so that only documents that the user can decrypt are returned. The security analysis shows that our proposed scheme is secure, and the experimental result demonstrates that our scheme is efficient.
Users can directly access and share information from portable devices such as a smartphone or an Internet of Things (IoT) device. However, to prevent them from becoming victims to launch cyber attacks, they must allow selective sharing based on roles of the users such as with the Ciphertext-Policy Attribute Encryption (CP-ABE) scheme. However, to match the resource constraints, the scheme must be efficient for storage. It must also protect the device from malicious users as well as allow uninterrupted access to valid users. This paper presents the CCA secure PROxy-based Scalable Revocation for Constant Cipher-text (C-PROSRCC) scheme, which provides scalable revocation for a constant ciphertext length CP-ABE scheme. The scheme has a constant number of pairings and computations. It can also revoke any number of users and does not require re-encryption or redistribution of keys. We have successfully implemented the C-PROSRCC scheme. The qualitative and quantitative comparison with related schemes indicates that C-PROSRCC performs better with acceptable overheads. C-PROSRCC is Chosen Ciphertext Attack (CCA) secure. We also present a case study to demonstrate the use of C-PROSRCC for mobile-based selective sharing of a family car.
In this paper, we present the enhancement of a lightweight key-policy attribute-based encryption (KP-ABE) scheme designed for the Internet of Things (IoT). The KP-ABE scheme was claimed to achieve ciphertext indistinguishability under chosen-plaintext attack in the selective-set model but we show that the KP-ABE scheme is insecure even in the weaker security notion, namely, one-way encryption under the same attack and model. In particular, we show that an attacker can decrypt a ciphertext which does not satisfy the policy imposed on his decryption key. Subsequently, we propose an efficient fix to the KP-ABE scheme as well as extending it to be a hierarchical KP-ABE (H-KP-ABE) scheme that can support role delegation in IoT applications. An example of applying our H-KP-ABE on an IoT-connected healthcare system is given to highlight the benefit of the delegation feature. Lastly, using the NIST curves secp192k1 and secp256k1, we benchmark the fixed (hierarchical) KP-ABE scheme on an Android phone and the result shows that the scheme is still the fastest in the literature.
KP-ABE mechanism emerges as one of the most suitable security scheme for asymmetric encryption. It has been widely used to implement access control solutions. However, due to its expensive overhead, it is difficult to consider this cryptographic scheme in resource-limited networks, such as the IoT. As the cloud has become a key infrastructural support for IoT applications, it is interesting to exploit cloud resources to perform heavy operations. In this paper, a collaborative variant of KP-ABE named C-KP-ABE for cloud-based IoT applications is proposed. Our proposal is based on the use of computing power and storage capacities of cloud servers and trusted assistant nodes to run heavy operations. A performance analysis is conducted to show the effectiveness of the proposed solution.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new paradigm in which every-day objects are interconnected between each other and to the Internet. This paradigm is receiving much attention of the scientific community and it is applied in many fields. In some applications, it is useful to prove that a number of objects are simultaneously present in a group. For example, an individual might want to authorize NFC payment with his mobile only if k of his devices are present to ensure that he is the right person. This principle is known as Grouping-Proofs. However, existing Grouping-Proofs schemes are mostly designed for RFID systems and don't fulfill the IoT characteristics. In this paper, we propose a Threshold Grouping-Proofs for IoT applications. Our scheme uses the Key-Policy Attribute-Based Encryption (KP-ABE) protocol to encrypt a message so that it can be decrypted only if at least k objects are simultaneously present in the same location. A security analysis and performance evaluation is conducted to show the effectiveness of our proposal solution.