Madhan, E.S., Ghosh, Uttam, Tosh, Deepak K., Mandal, K., Murali, E., Ghosh, Soumalya.
An Improved Communications in Cyber Physical System Architecture, Protocols and Applications. 2019 16th Annual IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON). :1–6.
In recent trends, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things interpret an evolution of computerized integration connectivity. The specific research challenges in CPS as security, privacy, data analytics, participate sensing, smart decision making. In addition, The challenges in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) includes secure architecture, energy efficient protocols and quality of services. In this paper, we present an architectures of CPS and its protocols and applications. We propose software related mobile sensing paradigm namely Mobile Sensor Information Agent (MSIA). It works as plug-in based for CPS middleware and scalable applications in mobile devices. The working principle MSIA is acts intermediary device and gathers data from a various external sensors and its upload to cloud on demand. CPS needs tight integration between cyber world and man-made physical world to achieve stability, security, reliability, robustness, and efficiency in the system. Emerging software-defined networking (SDN) can be integrated as the communication infrastructure with CPS infrastructure to accomplish such system. Thus we propose a possible SDN-based CPS framework to improve the performance of the system.
Abie, Habtamu.
Cognitive Cybersecurity for CPS-IoT Enabled Healthcare Ecosystems. 2019 13th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). :1–6.
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS)-Internet of Things (IoT) enabled healthcare services and infrastructures improve human life, but are vulnerable to a variety of emerging cyber-attacks. Cybersecurity specialists are finding it hard to keep pace of the increasingly sophisticated attack methods. There is a critical need for innovative cognitive cybersecurity for CPS-IoT enabled healthcare ecosystem. This paper presents a cognitive cybersecurity framework for simulating the human cognitive behaviour to anticipate and respond to new and emerging cybersecurity and privacy threats to CPS-IoT and critical infrastructure systems. It includes the conceptualisation and description of a layered architecture which combines Artificial Intelligence, cognitive methods and innovative security mechanisms.
Butun, Ismail, Österberg, Patrik, Gidlund, Mikael.
Preserving Location Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems. 2019 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS). :1–6.
The trending technological research platform is Internet of Things (IoT)and most probably it will stay that way for a while. One of the main application areas of IoT is Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs), in which IoT devices can be leveraged as actuators and sensors in accordance with the system needs. The public acceptance and adoption of CPS services and applications will create a huge amount of privacy issues related to the processing, storage and disclosure of the user location information. As a remedy, our paper proposes a methodology to provide location privacy for the users of CPSs. Our proposal takes advantage of concepts such as mix-zone, context-awareness, and location-obfuscation. According to our best knowledge, the proposed methodology is the first privacy-preserving location service for CPSs that offers adaptable privacy levels related to the current context of the user.
Gawanmeh, Amjad, Alomari, Ahmad.
Taxonomy Analysis of Security Aspects in Cyber Physical Systems Applications. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). :1–6.
The notion of Cyber Physical Systems is based on using recent computing, communication, and control methods to design and operate intelligent and autonomous systems that can provide using innovative technologies. The existence of several critical applications within the scope of cyber physical systems results in many security and privacy concerns. On the other hand, the distributive nature of these CPS increases security risks. In addition, certain CPS, such as medical ones, generate and process sensitive data regularly, hence, this data must be protected at all levels of generation, processing, and transmission. In this paper, we present a taxonomy based analysis for the state of the art work on security issues in CPS. We identify four types of analysis for security issues in CPS: Modeling, Detection, Prevention, and Response. In addition, we identified six applications of CPS where security is relevant: eHealth and medical, smart grid and power related, vehicular technologies, industrial control and manufacturing, autonomous systems and UAVs, and finally IoT related issues. Then we mapped existing works in the literature into these categories.
Gallo, Pierluigi, Pongnumkul, Suporn, Quoc Nguyen, Uy.
BlockSee: Blockchain for IoT Video Surveillance in Smart Cities. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2018 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I CPS Europe). :1–6.
The growing demand for safety in urban environments is supported by monitoring using video surveillance. The need to analyze multiple video-flows from different cameras deployed around the city by heterogeneous owners introduces vulnerabilities and privacy issues. Video frames, timestamps, and camera settings can be digitally manipulated by malicious users; the positions of cameras, their orientation and their mechanical settings can be physically manipulated. Digital and physical manipulations may have several effects, including the change of the observed scene and the potential violation of neighbors' privacy. To face these risks, we introduce BlockSee, a blockchain-based video surveillance system that jointly provides validation and immutability to camera settings and surveillance videos, making them readily available to authorized users in case of events. The encouraging results obtained with BlockSee pave the way to new distributed city-wide monitoring systems.
Gu, Bruce, Wang, Xiaodong, Qu, Youyang, Jin, Jiong, Xiang, Yong, Gao, Longxiang.
Context-Aware Privacy Preservation in a Hierarchical Fog Computing System. ICC 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). :1–6.
Fog computing faces various security and privacy threats. Internet of Things (IoTs) devices have limited computing, storage, and other resources. They are vulnerable to attack by adversaries. Although the existing privacy-preserving solutions in fog computing can be migrated to address some privacy issues, specific privacy challenges still exist because of the unique features of fog computing, such as the decentralized and hierarchical infrastructure, mobility, location and content-aware applications. Unfortunately, privacy-preserving issues and resources in fog computing have not been systematically identified, especially the privacy preservation in multiple fog node communication with end users. In this paper, we propose a dynamic MDP-based privacy-preserving model in zero-sum game to identify the efficiency of the privacy loss and payoff changes to preserve sensitive content in a fog computing environment. First, we develop a new dynamic model with MDP-based comprehensive algorithms. Then, extensive experimental results identify the significance of the proposed model compared with others in more effectively and feasibly solving the discussed issues.
Chertchom, Prajak, Tanimoto, Shigeaki, Konosu, Tsutomu, Iwashita, Motoi, Kobayashi, Toru, Sato, Hiroyuki, Kanai, Atsushi.
Data Management Portfolio for Improvement of Privacy in Fog-to-cloud Computing Systems. 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI). :884–889.
With the challenge of the vast amount of data generated by devices at the edge of networks, new architecture needs a well-established data service model that accounts for privacy concerns. This paper presents an architecture of data transmission and a data portfolio with privacy for fog-to-cloud (DPPforF2C). We would like to propose a practical data model with privacy from a digitalized information perspective at fog nodes. In addition, we also propose an architecture for implicating the privacy of DPPforF2C used in fog computing. Technically, we design a data portfolio based on the Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) and the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). We aim to propose sample data models with privacy architecture because there are some differences in the data obtained from IoT devices and sensors. Thus, we propose an architecture with the privacy of DPPforF2C for publishing data from edge devices to fog and to cloud servers that could be applied to fog architecture in the future.