Industrial production plants traditionally include sensors for monitoring or documenting processes, and actuators for enabling corrective actions in cases of misconfigurations, failures, or dangerous events. With the advent of the IoT, embedded controllers link these `things' to local networks that often are of low power wireless kind, and are interconnected via gateways to some cloud from the global Internet. Inter-networked sensors and actuators in the industrial IoT form a critical subsystem while frequently operating under harsh conditions. It is currently under debate how to approach inter-networking of critical industrial components in a safe and secure manner.In this paper, we analyze the potentials of ICN for providing a secure and robust networking solution for constrained controllers in industrial safety systems. We showcase hazardous gas sensing in widespread industrial environments, such as refineries, and compare with IP-based approaches such as CoAP and MQTT. Our findings indicate that the content-centric security model, as well as enhanced DoS resistance are important arguments for deploying Information Centric Networking in a safety-critical industrial IoT. Evaluation of the crypto efforts on the RIOT operating system for content security reveal its feasibility for common deployment scenarios.
The natural redundancy in video data due to its spatio-temporal correlation of neighbouring pixels require highly complex encryption process to successfully cipher the data. Conventional encryption methods are based on lengthy keys and higher number of rounds which are inefficient for low powered, small battery operated devices. Motivated by the success of lightweight encryption methods specially designed for IoT environment, herein an efficient method for video encryption is proposed. The proposed technique is based on a recently proposed encryption algorithm named Secure IoT (SIT), which utilizes P and Q functions of the KHAZAD cipher to achieve high encryption at low computation cost. Extensive simulations are performed to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method and results are compared with Secure Force (SF-64) cipher. Under all conditions the proposed method achieved significantly improved results.
Traditional firewalls, Intrusion Detection Systems(IDS) and network analytics tools extensively use the `flow' connection concept, consisting of five `tuples' of source and destination IP, ports and protocol type, for classification and management of network activities. By analysing flows, information can be obtained from TCP/IP fields and packet content to give an understanding of what is being transferred within a single connection. As networks have evolved to incorporate more connections and greater bandwidth, particularly from ``always on'' IoT devices and video and data streaming, so too have malicious network threats, whose communication methods have increased in sophistication. As a result, the concept of the 5 tuple flow in isolation is unable to detect such threats and malicious behaviours. This is due to factors such as the length of time and data required to understand the network traffic behaviour, which cannot be accomplished by observing a single connection. To alleviate this issue, this paper proposes the use of additional, two tuple and single tuple flow types to associate multiple 5 tuple communications, with generated metadata used to profile individual connnection behaviour. This proposed approach enables advanced linking of different connections and behaviours, developing a clearer picture as to what network activities have been taking place over a prolonged period of time. To demonstrate the capability of this approach, an expert system rule set has been developed to detect the presence of a multi-peered ZeuS botnet, which communicates by making multiple connections with multiple hosts, thus undetectable to standard IDS systems observing 5 tuple flow types in isolation. Finally, as the solution is rule based, this implementation operates in realtime and does not require post-processing and analytics of other research solutions. This paper aims to demonstrate possible applications for next generation firewalls and methods to acquire additional information from network traffic.
Researchers and industry experts are looking at how to improve a shopper's experience and a store's revenue by leveraging and integrating technologies at the edges of the network, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, cloud-based systems, and mobile applications. The integration of IoT technology can now be used to improve purchasing incentives through the use of electronic coupons. Research has shown that targeted electronic coupons are the most effective and coupons presented to the shopper when they are near the products capture the most shoppers' dollars. Although it is easy to imagine coupons being broadcast to a shopper's mobile device over a low-power wireless channel, such a solution must be able to advertise many products, target many individual shoppers, and at the same time, provide shoppers with their desired level of privacy. To support this type of IoT-enabled shopping experience, we have designed Aggio, an electronic coupon distribution system that enables the distribution of localized, targeted coupons while supporting user privacy and security. Aggio uses cryptographic mechanisms to not only provide security but also to manage shopper groups e.g., bronze, silver, and gold reward programs) and minimize resource usage, including bandwidth and energy. The novel use of cryptographic management of coupons and groups allows Aggio to reduce bandwidth use, as well as reduce the computing and energy resources needed to process incoming coupons. Through the use of local coupon storage on the shopper's mobile device, the shopper does not need to query the cloud and so does not need to expose all of the details of their shopping decisions. Finally, the use of privacy preserving communication between the shopper's mobile device and the CouponHubs that are distributed throughout the retail environment allows the shopper to expose their location to the store without divulging their location to all other shoppers present in the store.
Since the term “Fog Computing” has been coined by Cisco Systems in 2012, security and privacy issues of this promising paradigm are still open challenges. Among various security challenges, Access Control is a crucial concern for all cloud computing-like systems (e.g. Fog computing, Mobile edge computing) in the IoT era. Therefore, assigning the precise level of access in such an inherently scalable, heterogeneous and dynamic environment is not easy to perform. This work defines the uncertainty challenge for authentication phase of the access control in fog computing because on one hand fog has a number of characteristics that amplify uncertainty in authentication and on the other hand applying traditional access control models does not result in a flexible and resilient solution. Therefore, we have proposed a novel prediction model based on the extension of Attribute Based Access Control (ABAC) model. Our data-driven model is able to handle uncertainty in authentication. It is also able to consider the mobility of mobile edge devices in order to handle authentication. In doing so, we have built our model using and comparing four supervised classification algorithms namely as Decision Tree, Naïve Bayes, Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machine. Our model can achieve authentication performance with 88.14% accuracy using Logistic Regression.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have two defense perspectives firstly, to defend your network, resources and other information assets from this disastrous attack. Secondly, to prevent your network to be the part of botnet (botforce) bondage to launch attacks on other networks and resources mainly be controlled from a control center. This work focuses on the development of a botnet prevention system for Internet of Things (IoT) that uses the benefits of both Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Distributed Blockchain (DBC). We simulate and analyze that using blockchain and SDN, how can detect and mitigate botnets and prevent our devices to play into the hands of attackers.
The server is an important for storing data, collected during the diagnostics of Smart Business Center (SBC) as a subsystem of Industrial Internet of Things including sensors, network equipment, components for start and storage of monitoring programs and technical diagnostics. The server is exposed most often to various kind of attacks, in particular, aimed at processor, interface system, random access memory. The goal of the paper is analyzing the methods of the SBC server protection from malicious actions, as well as the development and investigation of the Markov model of the server's functioning in the SBC network, taking into account the impact of DDoS-attacks.
Internet of Things (IoT) offers new opportunities for business, technology and science but it also raises new challenges in terms of security and privacy, mainly because of the inherent characteristics of this environment: IoT devices come from a variety of manufacturers and operators and these devices suffer from constrained resources in terms of computation, communication and storage. In this paper, we address the problem of trust establishment for IoT and propose a security solution that consists of a secure bootstrap mechanism for device identification as well as a message attestation mechanism for aggregate response validation. To achieve both security requirements, we approach the problem in a confined environment, named SubNets of Things (SNoT), where various devices depend on it. In this context, devices are uniquely and securely identified thanks to their environment and their role within it. Additionally, the underlying message authentication technique features signature aggregation and hence, generates one compact response on behalf of all devices in the subnet.
It is a research hotspot that using blockchain technology to solve the security problems of the Internet of Things (IoT). Although many related ideas have been proposed, there are very few literatures with theoretical and data support. This paper focuses on the research of model construction and performance evaluation. First, an IoT security model is established based on blockchain and InterPlanetary File System (IPFS). In this model, many security risks of traditional IoT architectures can be avoided, and system performance is significantly improved in distributed large capacity storage, concurrency and query. Secondly, the performance of the proposed model is evaluated through the average latency and throughput, which are meaningful for further research and optimization of this direction. Analysis and test results demonstrate the effectiveness of the blockchain-based security model.