The proliferation of Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices within homes raises many security and privacy concerns. Recent headlines highlight the lack of effective security mechanisms in IoT devices. Security threats in IoT arise not only from vulnerabilities in individual devices but also from the composition of devices in unanticipated ways and the ability of devices to interact through both cyber and physical channels. Existing approaches provide methods for monitoring cyber interactions between devices but fail to consider possible physical interactions. To overcome this challenge, it is essential that security assessments of IoT networks take a holistic view of the network and treat it as a "system of systems", in which security is defined, not solely by the individual systems, but also by the interactions and trust dependencies between systems. In this paper, we propose a way of modeling cyber and physical interactions between IoT devices of a given network. By verifying the cyber and physical interactions against user-defined policies, our model can identify unexpected chains of events that may be harmful. It can also be applied to determine the impact of the addition (or removal) of a device into an existing network with respect to dangerous device interactions. We demonstrate the viability of our approach by instantiating our model using Alloy, a language and tool for relational models. In our evaluation, we considered three realistic IoT use cases and demonstrate that our model is capable of identifying potentially dangerous device interactions. We also measure the performance of our approach with respect to the CPU runtime and memory consumption of the Alloy model finder, and show that it is acceptable for smart-home IoT networks.
Many a time's assumptions are key to inventions. One such notion in recent past is about data exchange between two disjoint computer systems. It is always assumed that, if any two computers are separated physically without any inter communication, it is considered to be very secure and will not be compromised, the exchange of data between them would be impossible. But recent growth in the field of computers emphasizes the requirements of security analysis. One such security concern is with the air-gapped systems. This paper deals with the flaws and flow of air-gapped systems.
Named Data Networks provide a clean-slate redesign of the Future Internet for efficient content distribution. Because Internet of Things are expected to compose a significant part of Future Internet, most content will be managed by constrained devices. Such devices are often equipped with limited CPU, memory, bandwidth, and energy supply. However, the current Named Data Networks design neglects the specific requirements of Internet of Things scenarios and many data structures need to be further optimized. The purpose of this research is to provide an efficient strategy to route in Named Data Networks by constructing a Forwarding Information Base using Iterated Bloom Filters defined as I(FIB)F. We propose the use of content names based on iterative hashes. This strategy leads to reduce the overhead of packets. Moreover, the memory and the complexity required in the forwarding strategy are lower than in current solutions. We compare our proposal with solutions based on hierarchical names and Standard Bloom Filters. We show how to further optimize I(FIB)F by exploiting the structure information contained in hierarchical content names. Finally, two strategies may be followed to reduce: (i) the overall memory for routing or (ii) the probability of false positives.
In this paper, we propose a lightweight multi-receiver encryption scheme for the device to device communications on Internet of Things (IoT) applications. In order for the individual user to control the disclosure range of his/her own data directly and to prevent sensitive personal data disclosure to the trusted third party, the proposed scheme uses device-generated public keys. For mutual authentication, third party generates Schnorr-like lightweight identity-based partial private keys for users. The proposed scheme provides source authentication, message integrity, replay-attack prevention and implicit user authentication. In addition to more security properties, computation expensive pairing operations are eliminated to achieve less time usage for both sender and receiver, which is favourable property for IoT applications. In this paper, we showed a proof of security of our scheme, computational cost comparison and experimental performance evaluations. We implemented our proposed scheme on real embedded Android devices and confirmed that it achieves less time cost for both encryption and decryption comparing with the existing most efficient certificate-based multi-receiver encryption scheme and certificateless multi-receiver encryption scheme.
Security of sensible data for ultraconstrained IoT smart devices is one of the most challenging task in modern design. The needs of CPA-resistant cryptographic devices has to deal with the demanding requirements of small area and small impact on the overall power consumption. In this work, a novel current-mode feedback suppressor as on-chip analog-level CPA countermeasure is proposed. It aims to suppress differences in power consumption due to data-dependency of CMOS cryptographic devices, in order to counteract CPA attacks. The novel countermeasure is able to improve MTD of unprotected CMOS implementation of at least three orders of magnitude, providing a ×1.1 area and ×1.7 power overhead.
Near-sensor data analytics is a promising direction for internet-of-things endpoints, as it minimizes energy spent on communication and reduces network load - but it also poses security concerns, as valuable data are stored or sent over the network at various stages of the analytics pipeline. Using encryption to protect sensitive data at the boundary of the on-chip analytics engine is a way to address data security issues. To cope with the combined workload of analytics and encryption in a tight power envelope, we propose Fulmine, a system-on-chip (SoC) based on a tightly-coupled multi-core cluster augmented with specialized blocks for compute-intensive data processing and encryption functions, supporting software programmability for regular computing tasks. The Fulmine SoC, fabricated in 65-nm technology, consumes less than 20mW on average at 0.8V achieving an efficiency of up to 70pJ/B in encryption, 50pJ/px in convolution, or up to 25MIPS/mW in software. As a strong argument for real-life flexible application of our platform, we show experimental results for three secure analytics use cases: secure autonomous aerial surveillance with a state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural network (CNN) consuming 3.16pJ per equivalent reduced instruction set computer operation, local CNN-based face detection with secured remote recognition in 5.74pJ/op, and seizure detection with encrypted data collection from electroencephalogram within 12.7pJ/op.
This paper describes biometric-based cryptographic techniques for providing confidential communications and strong, mutual and multifactor authentication on the Internet of Things. The described security techniques support the goals of universal access when users are allowed to select from multiple choice alternatives to authenticate their identities. By using a Biometric Authenticated Key Exchange (BAKE) protocol, user credentials are protected against phishing and Man-in-the-Middle attacks. Forward secrecy is achieved using a Diffie-Hellman key establishment scheme with fresh random values each time the BAKE protocol is operated. Confidentiality is achieved using lightweight cryptographic algorithms that are well suited for implementation in resource constrained environments, those limited by processing speed, limited memory and power availability. Lightweight cryptography can offer strong confidentiality solutions that are practical to implement in Internet of Things systems, where efficient execution, and small memory requirements and code size are required.
Embedded and mobile devices forming part of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) need new authentication technologies and techniques. This requirement is due to the increase in effort and time attackers will use to compromise a device, often remote, based on the possibility of a significant monetary return. This paper proposes exploiting a device's accelerometers in-built functionality to implement multi-factor authentication. An experimental embedded system designed to emulate a typical mobile device is used to implement the ideas and investigated as proof-of-concept.
Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging trend that is changing the way devices connect and communicate. Integration of cloud computing with IoT i.e. Cloud of Things (CoT) provide scalability, virtualized control and access to the services provided by IoT. Security issues are a major obstacle in widespread deployment and application of CoT. Among these issues, authentication and identification of user is crucial. In this study paper, survey of various authentication schemes is carried out. The aim of this paper is to study a multifactor authentication system which uses secret splitting in detail. The system uses exclusive-or operations, encryption algorithms and Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm to share key over the network. Security analysis shows the resistance of the system against different types of attacks.
Advances in nanotechnology, large scale computing and communications infrastructure, coupled with recent progress in big data analytics, have enabled linking several billion devices to the Internet. These devices provide unprecedented automation, cognitive capabilities, and situational awareness. This new ecosystem–termed as the Internet-of-Things (IoT)–also provides many entry points into the network through the gadgets that connect to the Internet, making security of IoT systems a complex problem. In this position paper, we argue that in order to build a safer IoT system, we need a radically new approach to security. We propose a new security framework that draws ideas from software defined networks (SDN), and data analytics techniques; this framework provides dynamic policy enforcements on every layer of the protocol stack and can adapt quickly to a diverse set of industry use-cases that IoT deployments cater to. Our proposal does not make any assumptions on the capabilities of the devices - it can work with already deployed as well as new types of devices, while also conforming to a service-centric architecture. Even though our focus is on industrial IoT systems, the ideas presented here are applicable to IoT used in a wide array of applications. The goal of this position paper is to initiate a dialogue among standardization bodies and security experts to help raise awareness about network-centric approaches to IoT security.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks serve to diminish the ability of the network to perform its intended function over time. The paper presents the design, implementation and analysis of a protocol based upon a technique for address agility called DDoS Resistant Multicast (DRM). After describing the our architecture and implementation we show an analysis that quantifies the overhead on network performance. We then present the Simple Agile RPL multiCAST (SARCAST), an Internet-of-Things routing protocol for DDoS protection. We have implemented and evaluated SARCAST in a working IoT operating system and testbed. Our results show that SARCAST provides very high levels of protection against DDoS attacks with virtually no impact on overall performance.
We propose $μ$Leech, a new embedded trusted platform module for next generation power scavenging devices. Such power scavenging devices are already widely deployed. For instance, the Square point-of-sale reader uses the microphone/speaker interface of a smartphone for communications and as power supply. While such devices are used as trusted devices in security critical applications in the wild, they have not been properly evaluated yet. $μ$Leech can securely store keys and provide cryptographic services to any connected smart phone. Our design also facilitates physical security analysis by providing interfaces to facilitate acquisition of power traces and clock manipulation attacks. Thus $μ$Leech empowers security researchers to analyze leakage in next generation embedded and IoT devices and to evaluate countermeasures before deployment.
5G, the fifth generation of mobile communication networks, is considered as one of the main IoT enablers. Connecting billions of things, 5G/IoT will be dealing with trillions of GBytes of data. Securing such large amounts of data is a very challenging task. Collected data varies from simple temperature measurements to more critical transaction data. Thus, applying uniform security measures is a waste of resources (processing, memory, and network bandwidth). Alternatively, a multi-level security model needs to be applied according to the varying requirements. In this paper, we present a multi-level security scheme (BLP) applied originally in the information security domain. We review its application in the network domain, and propose a modified version of BLP for the 5G/IoT case. The proposed model is proven to be secure and compliant with the model rules.
Cloud computing paradigm continues to revolutionize the way business processes are being conducted through the provision of massive resources, reliability across networks and ability to offer parallel processing. However, miniaturization, proliferation and nanotechnology within devices has enabled digitization of almost every object which eventually has seen the rise of a new technological marvel dubbed Internet of Things (IoT). IoT enables self-configurable/smart devices to connect intelligently through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), WI-FI, LAN, GPRS and other methods by further enabling timeously processing of information. Based on these developments, the integration of the cloud and IoT infrastructures has led to an explosion of the amount of data being exchanged between devices which have in turn enabled malicious actors to use this as a platform to launch various cybercrime activities. Consequently, digital forensics provides a significant approach that can be used to provide an effective post-event response mechanism to these malicious attacks in cloud-based IoT infrastructures. Therefore, the problem being addressed is that, at the time of writing this paper, there still exist no accepted standards or frameworks for conducting digital forensic investigation on cloud-based IoT infrastructures. As a result, the authors have proposed a cloud-centric framework that is able to isolate Big data as forensic evidence from IoT (CFIBD-IoT) infrastructures for proper analysis and examination. It is the authors' opinion that if the CFIBD-IoT framework is implemented fully it will support cloud-based IoT tool creation as well as support future investigative techniques in the cloud with a degree of certainty.
Recently, the researches utilizing environmentally friendly new and renewable energy and various methods have been actively pursued to solve environmental and energy problems. The trend of the technology is converged with the latest ICT technology and expanded to the cloud of share and two-way system. In the center of this tide of change, new technologies such as IoT, Big Data and AI are sustaining to energy technology. Now, the cloud concept which is a universal form in IT field will be converged with energy field to develop Energy Cloud, manage zero energy towns and develop into social infrastructure supporting smart city. With the development of social infrastructure, it is very important as a security facility. In this paper, it is discussed the concept and the configuration of the Energy Cloud, and present a basic design method of the Energy Cloud's security that can examine and respond to the risk factors of information security in the Energy Cloud.
In the recent years, we have observed the development of several connected and mobile devices intended for daily use. This development has come with many risks that might not be perceived by the users. These threats are compromising when an unauthorized entity has access to private big data generated through the user objects in the Internet of Things. In the literature, many solutions have been proposed in order to protect the big data, but the security remains a challenging issue. This work is carried out with the aim to provide a solution to the access control to the big data and securing the localization of their generator objects. The proposed models are based on Attribute Based Encryption, CHORD protocol and $μ$TESLA. Through simulations, we compare our solutions to concurrent protocols and we show its efficiency in terms of relevant criteria.
Currently, the networking of everyday objects, socalled Internet of Things (IoT), such as vehicles and home automation environments is progressing rapidly. Formerly deployed as domain-specific solutions, the development is continuing to link different domains together to form a large heterogeneous IoT ecosystem. This development raises challenges in different fields such as scalability of billions of devices, interoperability across different IoT domains and the need of mobility support. The Information-Centric Networking (ICN) paradigm is a promising candidate to form a unified platform to connect different IoT domains together including infrastructure, wireless, and ad-hoc environments. This paper describes a vision of a harmonized architectural design providing dynamic access of data and services based on an ICN. Within the context of connected vehicles, the paper introduces requirements and challenges of the vision and contributes in open research directions in Information-Centric Networking.
This paper proposes a prototype of a level 3 autonomous vehicle using Raspberry Pi, capable of detecting the nearby vehicles using an IR sensor. We make the first attempt to analyze autonomous vehicles from a microscopic level, focusing on each vehicle and their communications with the nearby vehicles and road-side units. Two sets of passive and active experiments on a pair of prototypes were run, demonstrating the interconnectivity of the developed prototype. Several sensors were incorporated into an emulation based on System-on-Chip to further demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed model.