To ensure the authenticity and integrity, data are traditionally signed by digital signatures, which will be invalidated by any processing of the data. With the vast amount of data generated every day, it is however desirable to allow flexible processing of the signed data via applying computations or functions on them, without losing the authenticity. Signatures can also serve as credentials for access control, which appears in many aspects of life, ranging from unlocking security gates of buildings, to virtual access of data by computer programs. With the prolific use of Internet-of-Things (IoT), everything is getting connected together. There is an emerging need for more versatile credentials to secure new application scenarios, for instance, assigning different credentials to different devices, such that they can authenticate and cooperate with each other to jointly perform some computation tasks. To realize the above, we envision a general framework called functional credentials. Functional credentials allow multiple entities to (jointly) issue, combine, delegate, present, verify, escrow, and decrypt different forms of credentials, by operating on the associated "cryptographic objects" including secret keys, attributes, ciphertexts, and auxiliary data (e.g., pseudonym, expiry date, or policies for combination / delegation / revocation). Instantiating this framework with different functions can provide a spectrum of solutions for securing IoT. This talk covers both the practical applications and theoretic foundations. I will first motivate the versatility of functional credentials by case studies on IoT, which identify the need of new credential systems. I will then formulate the definition of functional credentials. Finally, I will share some initial ideas in realizing functional credentials, and discuss the obstacles ahead.
By connecting devices, people, vehicles and infrastructures everywhere in a city, governments and their partners can improve community wellbeing and other economic and financial aspects (e.g., cost and energy savings). Nonetheless, smart cities are complex ecosystems that comprise many different stakeholders (network operators, managed service providers, logistic centers...) who must work together to provide the best services and unlock the commercial potential of the IoT. This is one of the major challenges that faces today's smart city movement, and more generally the IoT as a whole. Indeed, while new smart connected objects hit the market every day, they mostly feed "vertical silos" (e.g., vertical apps, siloed apps...) that are closed to the rest of the IoT, thus hampering developers to produce new added value across multiple platforms. Within this context, the contribution of this paper is twofold: (i) present the EU vision and ongoing activities to overcome the problem of vertical silos; (ii) introduce recent IoT standards used as part of a recent Horizon 2020 IoT project to address this problem. The implementation of those standards for enhanced sporting event management in a smart city/government context (FIFA World Cup 2022) is developed, presented, and evaluated as a proof-of-concept.
With the emergence of the internet of things (IoT) and participatory sensing (PS) paradigms trustworthiness of remotely sensed data has become a vital research question. In this work, we present the design of a trusted sensor, which uses physically unclonable functions (PUFs) as anchor to ensure integrity, authenticity and non-repudiation guarantees on the sensed data. We propose trusted sensors for mobile devices to address the problem of potential manipulation of mobile sensors' readings by exploiting vulnerabilities of mobile device OS in participatory sensing for IoT applications. Preliminary results from our implementation of trusted visual sensor node show that the proposed security solution can be realized without consuming significant amount of resources of the sensor node.
In the area of the Internet of Things, cloud-based camera surveillance systems are ubiquitously available for industrial and private environments. However, the sensitive nature of the surveillance use case imposes high requirements on privacy/confidentiality, authenticity, and availability of such systems. In this work, we investigate how currently available mass-market camera systems comply with these requirements. Considering two attacker models, we test the cameras for weaknesses and analyze for their implications. We reverse-engineered the security implementation and discovered several vulnerabilities in every tested system. These weaknesses impair the users' privacy and, as a consequence, may also damage the camera system manufacturer's reputation. We demonstrate how an attacker can exploit these vulnerabilities to blackmail users and companies by denial-of-service attacks, injecting forged video streams, and by eavesdropping private video data - even without physical access to the device. Our analysis shows that current systems lack in practice the necessary care when implementing security for IoT devices.
In this paper we describe a privacy-preserving method for commissioning an IoT device into a cloud ecosystem. The commissioning consists of the device proving its manufacturing provenance in an anonymous fashion without reliance on a trusted third party, and for the device to be anonymously registered through the use of a blockchain system. We introduce the ChainAnchor architecture that provides device commissioning in a privacy-preserving fashion. The goal of ChainAnchor is (i) to support anonymous device commissioning, (ii) to support device-owners being remunerated for selling their device sensor-data to service providers, and (iii) to incentivize device-owners and service providers to share sensor-data in a privacy-preserving manner.
Drones have quickly become ubiquitous for both recreational and serious use. As is frequently the case with new technology in general, their rapid adoption already far exceeds our legal, policy, and social ability to cope with such issues as privacy and interference with well-established commercial and military air space. While the FAA has issued rulings, they will almost certainly be challenged in court as disputes arise, for example, when property owners shoot drones down. It is clear that drones will provide a critical role in smart cities and be connected to, if not directly a part of the IoT (Internet of Things). Drones will provide an essential role in providing network relay connectivity and situational awareness, particularly in disaster assessment and recovery scenarios. As is typical for new network technologies, the deployment of the drone hardware far exceeds our research in protocols – extending our previous understanding of MANETs (mobile ad hoc networks) and DTNs (disruption tolerant networks) – and more importantly, management, control, resilience, security, and privacy concerns. This keynote address will discuss these challenges and consider future research directions.
Emergency evacuations during disasters minimize loss of lives and injuries. It is not surprising that emergency evacuation preparedness is mandatory for organizations in many jurisdictions. In the case of corporations, this requirement translates to considerable expenses, consisting of construction costs, equipment, recruitment, retention and training. In addition, required regular evacuation drills cause recurring expenses and loss of productivity. Any automation to assist in these drills and in actual evacuations can mean savings of costs, time and lives. Evacuation assistance systems rely on attendance systems that often fall short in accuracy, particularly in environments with lot of "non-swipers" (customers, visitors, etc.,). A critical question to answer in the case of an emergency is "How many people are still in the building?". This number is calculated by comparing the number of people gathered at assembly point to the last known number of people inside the building. An IoT based system can enhance the answer to that question by providing the number of people in the building, provide their last known locations in an automated fashion and even automate the reconciliation process. Our proposed system detects the people in the building automatically using multiple channels such as WiFi and motion detection. Such a system needs the ability to link specific identifiers to persons reliably. In this paper we present our statistics and heuristics based solutions for linking detected identifiers as belonging to an actual persons in a privacy preserving manner using IoT technologies.
Existing compact routing schemes, e.g., Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] and Chechik [PODC 2013], often have no means to tolerate failures, once the system has been setup and started. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first self-healing compact routing scheme. Besides, our schemes are developed for low memory nodes, i.e., nodes need only O(log2 n) memory, and are thus, compact schemes. We introduce two algorithms of independent interest: The first is CompactFT, a novel compact version (using only O(log n) local memory) of the self-healing algorithm Forgiving Tree of Hayes et al. [PODC 2008]. The second algorithm (CompactFTZ) combines CompactFT with Thorup-Zwick's tree-based compact routing scheme [SPAA 2001] to produce a fully compact self-healing routing scheme. In the self-healing model, the adversary deletes nodes one at a time with the affected nodes self-healing locally by adding few edges. CompactFT recovers from each attack in only O(1) time and Δ messages, with only +3 degree increase and O(logΔ) graph diameter increase, over any sequence of deletions (Δ is the initial maximum degree). Additionally, CompactFTZ guarantees delivery of a packet sent from sender s as long as the receiver t has not been deleted, with only an additional O(y logΔ) latency, where y is the number of nodes that have been deleted on the path between s and t. If t has been deleted, s gets informed and the packet removed from the network.
Recent technology shifts such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data lead to a significant transfer of sensitive data out of trusted edge networks. To counter resulting privacy concerns, we must ensure that this sensitive data is not inadvertently forwarded to third-parties, used for unintended purposes, or handled and stored in violation of legal requirements. Related work proposes to solve this challenge by annotating data with privacy policies before data leaves the control sphere of its owner. However, we find that existing privacy policy languages are either not flexible enough or require excessive processing, storage, or bandwidth resources which prevents their widespread deployment. To fill this gap, we propose CPPL, a Compact Privacy Policy Language which compresses privacy policies by taking advantage of flexibly specifiable domain knowledge. Our evaluation shows that CPPL reduces policy sizes by two orders of magnitude compared to related work and can check several thousand of policies per second. This allows for individual per-data item policies in the context of cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data.
In the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet-connected things provide an influx of data and resources that offer unlimited possibility for applications and services. Smart City IoT systems refer to the things that are distributed over wide physical areas covering a whole city. While the new breed of data and resources looks promising, building applications in such large scale IoT systems is a difficult task due to the distributed and dynamic natures of entities involved, such as sensing, actuating devices, people and computing resources. In this paper, we explore the process of developing Smart City IoT applications from a coordination-based perspective. We show that a distributed coordination model that oversees such a large group of distributed components is necessary in building Smart City IoT applications. In particular, we propose Adaptive Distributed Dataflow, a novel Dataflow-based programming model that focuses on coordinating city-scale distributed systems that are highly heterogeneous and dynamic.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is slowly, but steadily, changing the way we interact with our surrounding. Smart cities, smart environments, smart buildings are just a few macroscopic examples of how smart ecosystems are increasingly involved in our daily life, each one offering a different set of information. This information's decentralization and scattering can be exploited, optimizing mobile nodes on-demand information retrieval process. We propose an approach focused on defining competence domains in smart systems where the responsibility of providing a specific information to a mobile node is defined by spatial constraints. By exploiting the interplay and duality of Cloud Computing and Fog Computing we introduce an approach to exploit data spatial allocation in smart systems to optimize mobile nodes information retrieval.
Smart Transportation applications by nature are examples of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANETs) applications where mobile vehicles, roadside units and transportation infrastructure interplay with one another to provide value added services. While there are abundant researches that focused on the communication aspect of such Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, there are few research bodies that target the development of VANET applications. Among the popular VANET applications, a dominant direction is to leverage Cloud infrastructure to execute and deliver applications and services. Recent studies showed that Cloud Computing is not sufficient for many VANET applications due to the mobility of vehicles and the latency sensitive requirements they impose. To this end, Fog Computing has been proposed to leverage computation infrastructure that is closer to the network edge to compliment Cloud Computing in providing latency-sensitive applications and services. However, applications development in Fog environment is much more challenging than in the Cloud due to the distributed nature of Fog systems. In this paper, we investigate how Smart Transportation applications are developed following Fog Computing approach, their challenges and possible mitigation from the state of the arts.
Black-holes, gray-holes and, wormholes, are devastating to the correct operation of any network. These attacks (among others) are based on the premise that packets will travel through compromised nodes, and methods exist to coax routing into these traps. Detection of these attacks are mainly centered around finding the subversion in action. In networks, bottleneck nodes -- those that sit on many potential routes between sender and receiver -- are an optimal location for compromise. Finding naturally occurring path bottlenecks, however, does not entitle network subversion, and as such are more difficult to detect. The dynamic nature of mobile ad-hoc networks (manets) causes ubiquitous routing algorithms to be even more susceptible to this class of attacks. Finding perceived bottlenecks in an olsr based manet, is able to capture between 50%-75% of data. In this paper we propose a method of subtly expanding perceived bottlenecks into complete bottlenecks, raising capture rate up to 99%; albeit, at high cost. We further tune the method to reduce cost, and measure the corresponding capture rate.
In IoT environments, the user may have many devices to connect each other and share the data. Also, the device will not have the powerful computation and storage ability. Many studies have focused on the lightweight authentication between the cloud server and the client in this environment. They can use the cloud server to help sensors or proxies to finish the authentication. But in the client side, how to create the group session key without the cloud capability is the most important issue in IoT environments. The most popular application network of IoT environments is the wireless body area network (WBAN). In WBAN, the proxy usually needs to control and monitor user's health data transmitted from the sensors. In this situation, the group authentication and group session key generation is needed. In this paper, in order to provide an efficient and robust group authentication and group session key generation in the client side of IoT environments, we propose a lightweight authentication scheme with dynamic group members in IoT environments. Our proposed scheme can satisfy the properties including the flexible generation of shared group keys, the dynamic participation, the active revocation, the low communication and computation cost, and no time synchronization problem. Also our scheme can achieve the security requirements including the mutual authentication, the group session key agreement, and prevent all various well-known attacks.
This study stems from the premise that we need to break away from the "reactive" cycle of developing defenses against new DDoS attacks (e.g., amplification) by proactively investigating the potential for new types of DDoS attacks. Our specific focus is on pulsating attacks, a particularly debilitating type that has been hypothesized in the literature. In a pulsating attack, bots coordinate to generate intermittent pulses at target links to significantly reduce the throughput of TCP connections traversing the target. With pulsating attacks, attackers can cause significantly greater damage to legitimate users than traditional link flooding attacks. To date, however, pulsating attacks have been either deemed ineffective or easily defendable for two reasons: (1) they require a central coordinator and can thus be tracked; and (2) they require tight synchronization of pulses, which is difficult even in normal non-congestion scenarios. This paper argues that, in fact, the perceived drawbacks of pulsating attacks are in fact not fundamental. We develop a practical pulsating attack called CICADAS using two key ideas: using both (1) congestion as an implicit signal for decentralized implementation, and (2) a Kalman-filter-based approach to achieve tight synchronization. We validate CICADAS using simulations and wide-area experiments. We also discuss possible countermeasures against this attack.
New viewpoints of covert channels are presented in this work. First, the origin of covert channels is traced back to acc ess control and a new class of covert channel, air-gap covert channels, is presented. Second, we study the design of covert channels and provide novel insights that differentiate the research area of undetectable communication from that of covert channels. Third, we argue that secure systems can be characterized as fixed-source systems or continuous-source systems, i.e., systems whose security is compromised if their design allows a covert channel to communicate a small, fixed amount of information or communicate information at a sufficiently high, continuous rate, respectively. Consequently, we challenge the traditional method for measuring covert channels, which is based on Shannon capacity, and propose that a new measure, steganographic capacity, be used to accurately assess the risk posed by covert channels, particularly those affecting fixed-source systems. Additionally, our comprehensive review of covert channels has led us to the conclusion that important properties of covert channels have not been captured in previous taxonomies. We, therefore, present novel extensions to existing taxonomies to more accurately characterize covert channels.
The National Science Foundation has made investments in Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) for many years, in both the research and infrastructure areas. SDN and NFV enable systems to become more open to transformative research, with implications for revolutionary new applications and services. Additionally, the emerging concept of Software-Defined Exchanges will enable large-scale interconnection of Software Defined infrastructures, owned and operated by many different organizations, to provide logically isolated 'on demand' global scale infrastructure on an end-to-end basis, with enhanced flexibility and security for new applications. This talk will examine past NSF investments and successes in SDN/NFV, identify new research opportunities available to the community and present challenges that need to be overcome to make SDN/NFV a reality in operational cyberinfrastructure.
SDN has become the wide area network technology, which the academic and industry most concerned about.The limited table sizes of today’s SDN switches has turned to the most prominent short planks in the network design implementation. TCAM based flow table can provide an excellent matching performance while it really costs much. Even the flow table overflow cannot be prevented by a fixed-capacity flow table. In this paper, we design FTS(Flow Table Sharing) mechanism that can improve the performance disaster caused by overflow. We demonstrate that FTS reduces both control messages quantity and RTT time by two orders of magnitude compared to current state-of-the-art OpenFlow table-miss handler.
The surprising success of cryptocurrencies has led to a surge of interest in deploying large scale, highly robust, Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) protocols for mission-critical applications, such as financial transactions. Although the conventional wisdom is to build atop a (weakly) synchronous protocol such as PBFT (or a variation thereof), such protocols rely critically on network timing assumptions, and only guarantee liveness when the network behaves as expected. We argue these protocols are ill-suited for this deployment scenario. We present an alternative, HoneyBadgerBFT, the first practical asynchronous BFT protocol, which guarantees liveness without making any timing assumptions. We base our solution on a novel atomic broadcast protocol that achieves optimal asymptotic efficiency. We present an implementation and experimental results to show our system can achieve throughput of tens of thousands of transactions per second, and scales to over a hundred nodes on a wide area network. We even conduct BFT experiments over Tor, without needing to tune any parameters. Unlike the alternatives, HoneyBadgerBFT simply does not care about the underlying network.
Defense-in-depth is an important security architecture principle that has significant application to industrial control systems (ICS), cloud services, storehouses of sensitive data, and many other areas. We claim that an ideal defense-in-depth posture is 'deep', containing many layers of security, and 'narrow', the number of node independent attack paths is minimized. Unfortunately, accurately calculating both depth and width is difficult using standard graph algorithms because of a lack of independence between multiple vulnerability instances (i.e., if an attacker can penetrate a particular vulnerability on one host then they can likely penetrate the same vulnerability on another host). To address this, we represent known weaknesses and vulnerabilities as a type of colored attack graph. We measure depth and width through solving the shortest color path and minimum color cut problems. We prove both of these to be NP-Hard and thus for our solution we provide a suite of greedy heuristics. We then empirically apply our approach to large randomly generated networks as well as to ICS networks generated from a published ICS attack template. Lastly, we discuss how to use these results to help guide improvements to defense-in-depth postures.
Contemporary vehicles are getting equipped with an increasing number of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and wireless connectivities. Although these have enhanced vehicle safety and efficiency, they are accompanied with new vulnerabilities. In this paper, we unveil a new important vulnerability applicable to several in-vehicle networks including Control Area Network (CAN), the de facto standard in-vehicle network protocol. Specifically, we propose a new type of Denial-of-Service (DoS), called the bus-off attack, which exploits the error-handling scheme of in-vehicle networks to disconnect or shut down good/uncompromised ECUs. This is an important attack that must be thwarted, since the attack, once an ECU is compromised, is easy to be mounted on safety-critical ECUs while its prevention is very difficult. In addition to the discovery of this new vulnerability, we analyze its feasibility using actual in-vehicle network traffic, and demonstrate the attack on a CAN bus prototype as well as on two real vehicles. Based on our analysis and experimental results, we also propose and evaluate a mechanism to detect and prevent the bus-off attack.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest Internet evolution that incorporates a diverse range of things such as sensors, actuators, and services deployed by different organizations and individuals to support a variety of applications. The information captured by IoT present an unprecedented opportunity to solve large-scale problems in those application domains to deliver services; example applications include precision agriculture, environment monitoring, smart health, smart manufacturing, and smart cities. Like all other Internet based services in the past, IoT-based services are also being developed and deployed without security consideration. By nature, IoT devices and services are vulnerable to malicious cyber threats as they cannot be given the same protection that is received by enterprise services within an enterprise perimeter. While IoT services will play an important role in our daily life resulting in improved productivity and quality of life, the trend has also “encouraged” cyber-exploitation and evolution and diversification of malicious cyber threats. Hence, there is a need for coordinated efforts from the research community to address resulting concerns, such as those presented in this special section. Several potential research topics are also identified in this special section.
The Internet of Things (IoT) offers new opportunities, but alongside those come many challenges for security and privacy. Most IoT devices offer no choice to users of where data is published, which data is made available and what identities are used for both devices and users. The aim of this work is to explore new middleware models and techniques that can provide users with more choice as well as enhance privacy and security. This paper outlines a new model and a prototype of a middleware system that implements this model.
In IoT (Internet of Things) networks, RPL (IPv6 Routing protocol for Low Power and Lossy Networks) is preferred for reducing routing overhead. In RPL, a node selects one parent node which includes the lowest routing metric among its neighbors and the other neighbors are stored as immediate successors. If the selected parent node is lost, the node selects a new parent node among the immediate successors. However, if the new path also includes the same intermediate node which is lost in previous path, it also fails to transmit upward packets. This procedure might be repeated until the new path is selected which does not include the lost immediate node. In this paper, we therefore propose a new path recovery method to reduce the unnecessary repetition for upward path recovery. When a node receives routing message, it calculates the hash value and sets 1 to a new field in the routing message. Based on the field, the node estimates an approximate number of ancestors that are shared between each paths. When loss of upward path is detected, the node selects a new path according to both approximate number and the routing metric. Therefore, a new path which dose not include same ancestors with the previous path is selected and data packet can be resumed immediately.
An increasing number of everyday objects are now connected to the internet, collecting and sharing information about us: the "Internet of Things" (IoT). However, as the number of "social" objects increases, human concerns arising from this connected world are starting to become apparent. This paper presents the results of a preliminary qualitative study in which five participants lived with an ambiguous IoT device that collected and shared data about their activities at home for a week. In analyzing this data, we identify the nature of human and socio-technical concerns that arise when living with IoT technologies. Trust is identified as a critical factor - as trust in the entity/ies that are able to use their collected information decreases, users are likely to demand greater control over information collection. Addressing these concerns may support greater engagement of users with IoT technology. The paper concludes with a discussion of how IoT systems might be designed to better foster trust with their owners.