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Liu, X., Leon-Garcia, A., Zhu, P..  2017.  A distributed software-defined multi-agent architecture for unifying IoT applications. 2017 8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON). :49–55.

During the development and expansion of Internet of Things (IoT), main challenges needing to be addressed are the heterogeneity, interoperability, scalability, flexibility and security of IoT applications. In this paper, we view IoT as a large-scale distributed cyber-physical-social complex network. From that perspective, the above challenges are analyzed. Then, we propose a distributed multi-agent architecture to unify numbers of different IoT applications by designing the software-defined sensors, auctuators and controllers. Furthermore, we analyze the proposed architecture and clarify why and how it can tackle the heterogeneity of IoT applications, enable them to interoperate with each other, make it efficient to introduce new applications, and enhance the flexibility and security of different applications. Finally, the use case of smart home with multiple applications is applied to verify the feasibility of the proposed solution for IoT architecture.

Kumar, S. A. P., Bhargava, B., Macêdo, R., Mani, G..  2017.  Securing IoT-Based Cyber-Physical Human Systems against Collaborative Attacks. 2017 IEEE International Congress on Internet of Things (ICIOT). :9–16.

Security issues in the IoT based CPS are exacerbated with human participation in CPHS due to the vulnerabilities in both the technologies and the human involvement. A holistic framework to mitigate security threats in the IoT-based CPHS environment is presented to mitigate these issues. We have developed threat model involving human elements in the CPHS environment. Research questions, directions, and ideas with respect to securing IoT based CPHS against collaborative attacks are presented.

Jallouli, O., Abutaha, M., Assad, S. E., Chetto, M., Queudet, A., Deforges, O..  2016.  Comparative study of two pseudo chaotic number generators for securing the IoT. 2016 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI). :1340–1344.

The extremely rapid development of the Internet of Things brings growing attention to the information security issue. Realization of cryptographically strong pseudo random number generators (PRNGs), is crucial in securing sensitive data. They play an important role in cryptography and in network security applications. In this paper, we realize a comparative study of two pseudo chaotic number generators (PCNGs). The First pseudo chaotic number generator (PCNG1) is based on two nonlinear recursive filters of order one using a Skew Tent map (STmap) and a Piece-Wise Linear Chaotic map (PWLCmap) as non linear functions. The second pseudo chaotic number generator (PCNG2) consists of four coupled chaotic maps, namely: PWLCmaps, STmap, Logistic map by means a binary diffusion matrix [D]. A comparative analysis of the performance in terms of computation time (Generation time, Bit rate and Number of needed cycles to generate one byte) and security of the two PCNGs is carried out.

Sun, D. Z., Xu, G. Q..  2017.  One-Round Provably Secure Yoking-Proof for RFID Applications. 2017 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ICESS. :315–322.

Under the Internet of Things (IoT), the coexistence proof of multiple RFID tagged objects becomes a very useful mechanism in many application areas such as health care, evidences in court, and stores. The yoking-proof scheme addresses this issue. However, all existing yoking-proof schemes require two or more rounds communication to generate the yoking-proof. In this paper, we investigate the design of one-round yoking-proof schemes. Our contributions are threefold: (1) to confirm the coexistence of the RFID tag pair, we propose a one-round offline yoking-proof scheme with privacy protection. (2) We define a privacy model of the yoking-proof scheme and enhance Moriyama's security model for the yoking-proof scheme. The security and the privacy of the proposed scheme are proved under our models. (3) We further extend the yoking-proof scheme for the coexistence of m RFID tags, where m\textbackslashtextgreater2. The extended scheme maintains one-round. In addition, the proposed technique has efficiency advantage, compared with previous work.

Shi, Z., Chen, J., Chen, S., Ren, S..  2017.  A lightweight RFID authentication protocol with confidentiality and anonymity. 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :1631–1634.

Radio Frequency IDentification(RFID) is one of the most important sensing techniques for Internet of Things(IoT) and RFID systems have been applied to various different fields. But an RFID system usually uses open wireless radio wave to communicate and this will lead to a serious threat to its privacy and security. The current popular RFID tags are some low-cost passive tags. Their computation and storage resources are very limited. It is not feasible for them to complete some complicated cryptographic operations. So it is very difficult to protect the security and privacy of an RFID system. Lightweight authentication protocol is considered as an effective approach. Many typical authentication protocols usually use Hash functions so that they require more computation and storage resources. Based on CRC function, we propose a lightweight RFID authentication protocol, which needs less computation and storage resources than Hash functions. This protocol exploits an on-chip CRC function and a pseudorandom number generator to ensure the anonymity and freshness of communications between reader and tag. It provides forward security and confidential communication. It can prevent eavesdropping, location trace, replay attack, spoofing and DOS-attack effectively. It is very suitable to be applied to RFID systems.

Ulz, T., Pieber, T., Steger, C., Haas, S., Matischek, R., Bock, H..  2017.  Hardware-Secured Configuration and Two-Layer Attestation Architecture for Smart Sensors. 2017 Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :229–236.
Summary form only given. Strong light-matter coupling has been recently successfully explored in the GHz and THz [1] range with on-chip platforms. New and intriguing quantum optical phenomena have been predicted in the ultrastrong coupling regime [2], when the coupling strength Ω becomes comparable to the unperturbed frequency of the system ω. We recently proposed a new experimental platform where we couple the inter-Landau level transition of an high-mobility 2DEG to the highly subwavelength photonic mode of an LC meta-atom [3] showing very large Ω/ωc = 0.87. Our system benefits from the collective enhancement of the light-matter coupling which comes from the scaling of the coupling Ω ∝ √n, were n is the number of optically active electrons. In our previous experiments [3] and in literature [4] this number varies from 104-103 electrons per meta-atom. We now engineer a new cavity, resonant at 290 GHz, with an extremely reduced effective mode surface Seff = 4 × 10-14 m2 (FE simulations, CST), yielding large field enhancements above 1500 and allowing to enter the few (\textbackslashtextless;100) electron regime. It consist of a complementary metasurface with two very sharp metallic tips separated by a 60 nm gap (Fig.1(a, b)) on top of a single triangular quantum well. THz-TDS transmission experiments as a function of the applied magnetic field reveal strong anticrossing of the cavity mode with linear cyclotron dispersion. Measurements for arrays of only 12 cavities are reported in Fig.1(c). On the top horizontal axis we report the number of electrons occupying the topmost Landau level as a function of the magnetic field. At the anticrossing field of B=0.73 T we measure approximately 60 electrons ultra strongly coupled (Ω/ω- \textbackslashtextbar\textbackslashtextbar
Salleh, A., Mamat, K., Darus, M. Y..  2017.  Integration of wireless sensor network and Web of Things: Security perspective. 2017 IEEE 8th Control and System Graduate Research Colloquium (ICSGRC). :138–143.
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) are spread everywhere throughout the world and are ordinarily used to gather physical data from the encompassing scene. WSN play a focal part in the Internet of Things (IoT) vision. WSN is rising as a noticeable component in the middleware connecting together the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Web of Things (WoT). But the integration of WSN to WoT brings new challenges that cannot be solved in a satisfactory way with traditional layer of security. This paper examined the security issue of integration between WSN and WoT, aiming to shed light on how the WSN and WoT security issue are understood and applied, both in academia and industries. This paper introduces security perfective of integration WSN to WoT which offers capabilities to identify and connect worldwide physical objects into a unified system. As a part of the integration, serious concerns are raised over access of personal information pertaining to device (smart thing) and individual privacy. The motivation of this paper is to summarizes the security threats of the integration and suggestion to mitigate the threat.
Adhatarao, S. S., Arumaithurai, M., Fu, X..  2017.  FOGG: A Fog Computing Based Gateway to Integrate Sensor Networks to Internet. 2017 29th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 29). 2:42–47.
Internet of Things (IoT) is a growing topic of interest along with 5G. Billions of IoT devices are expected to connect to the Internet in the near future. These devices differ from the traditional devices operated in the Internet. We observe that Information Centric Networking (ICN), is a more suitable architecture for the IoT compared to the prevailing IP basednetwork. However, we observe that recent works that propose to use ICN for IoT, either do not cover the need to integrate Sensor Networks with the Internet to realize IoT or do so inefficiently. Fog computing is a promising technology that has many benefits to offer especially for IoT. In this work, we discover a need to integrate various heterogeneous Sensor Networks with the Internet to realize IoT and propose FOGG: A Fog Computing Based Gateway to Integrate Sensor Networks to Internet. FOGG uses a dedicated device to function as an IoT gateway. FOGG provides the needed integration along with additional services like name/protocol translation, security and controller functionalities.
Sándor, H., Genge, B., Szántó, Z..  2017.  Sensor data validation and abnormal behavior detection in the Internet of Things. 2017 16th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1–5.
Internet of Things (IoT) and its various application domains are radically changing the lives of people, providing smart services which will ultimately constitute integral components of the living environment. The services of IoT operate based on the data flows collected from the different sensors and actuators. In this respect, the correctness and security of the sensor data transported over the IoT system is a crucial factor in ensuring the correct functioning of the IoT services. In this work, we present a method that can detect abnormal sensor events based on “apriori” knowledge of the behavior of the monitored process. The main advantage of the proposed methodology is that it builds on well-established theoretical works, while delivering a practical technique with low computational requirements. As a result, the developed technique can be hosted on various components of an IoT system. The developed approach is evaluated through real-world use-cases.
Dolnák, I., Litvik, J..  2017.  Introduction to HTTP security headers and implementation of HTTP strict transport security (HSTS) header for HTTPS enforcing. 2017 15th International Conference on Emerging eLearning Technologies and Applications (ICETA). :1–4.

This article presents introduction to HTTP Security Headers - new security topic in communication over Internet. It is emphasized that HTTPS protocol and SSL/TLS certificates alone do not offer sufficient level of security for communication among people and devices. In the world of web applications and Internet of Things (IoT), it is vital to bring communication security at higher level, what could be realised via few simple steps. HTTP Response Headers used for different purposes in the past are now the effective way how to propagate security policies from servers to clients (from web servers to web browsers). First improvement is enforcing HTTPS protocol for communication everywhere it is possible and promote this protocol as first and only option for secure connection over the Internet. It is emphasized that HTTP protocol for communication is not suitable anymore.

Alshehri, A., Sandhu, R..  2017.  Access Control Models for Virtual Object Communication in Cloud-Enabled IoT. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI). :16–25.
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the latest evolution of the Internet, encompassing an enormous number of connected physical "things." The access-control oriented (ACO) architecture was recently proposed for cloud-enabled IoT, with virtual objects (VOs) and cloud services in the middle layers. A central aspect of ACO is to control communication among VOs. This paper develops operational and administrative access control models for this purpose, assuming topic-based publishsubscribe interaction among VOs. Operational models are developed using (i) access control lists for topics and capabilities for virtual objects and (ii) attribute-based access control, and it is argued that role-based access control is not suitable for this purpose. Administrative models for these two operational models are developed using (i) access control lists, (ii) role-based access control, and (iii) attribute-based access control. A use case illustrates the details of these access control models for VO communication, and their differences. An assessment of these models with respect to security and privacy preserving objectives of IoT is also provided.
Salameh, H. B., Almajali, S., Ayyash, M., Elgala, H..  2017.  Security-aware channel assignment in IoT-based cognitive radio networks for time-critical applications. 2017 Fourth International Conference on Software Defined Systems (SDS). :43–47.

Cognitive radio networks (CRNs) have a great potential in supporting time-critical data delivery among the Internet of Things (IoT) devices and for emerging applications such as smart cities. However, the unique characteristics of different technologies and shared radio operating environment can significantly impact network availability. Hence, in this paper, we study the channel assignment problem in time-critical IoT-based CRNs under proactive jamming attacks. Specifically, we propose a probabilistic spectrum assignment algorithm that aims at minimizing the packet invalidity ratio of each cognitive radio (CR) transmission subject to delay constrains. We exploit the statistical information of licensed users' activities, fading conditions, and jamming attacks over idle channels. Simulation results indicate that network performance can be significantly improved by using a security- availability- and quality-aware channel assignment that provides communicating CR pair with the most secured channel of the lowest invalidity ratio.

Stergiou, C., Psannis, K. E., Plageras, A. P., Kokkonis, G., Ishibashi, Y..  2017.  Architecture for security monitoring in IoT environments. 2017 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE). :1382–1385.

The focus of this paper is to propose an integration between Internet of Things (IoT) and Video Surveillance, with the aim to satisfy the requirements of the future needs of Video Surveillance, and to accomplish a better use. IoT is a new technology in the sector of telecommunications. It is a network that contains physical objects, items, and devices, which are embedded with sensors and software, thus enabling the objects, and allowing for their data exchange. Video Surveillance systems collect and exchange the data which has been recorded by sensors and cameras and send it through the network. This paper proposes an innovative topology paradigm which could offer a better use of IoT technology in Video Surveillance systems. Furthermore, the contribution of these technologies provided by Internet of Things features in dealing with the basic types of Video Surveillance technology with the aim to improve their use and to have a better transmission of video data through the network. Additionally, there is a comparison between our proposed topology and relevant proposed topologies focusing on the security issue.

Ren, Z., Liu, X., Ye, R., Zhang, T..  2017.  Security and privacy on internet of things. 2017 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Information and Emergency Communication (ICEIEC). :140–144.

There are billions of Internet of things (IoT) devices connecting to the Internet and the number is increasing. As a still ongoing technology, IoT can be used in different fields, such as agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, energy, retailing and logistics. IoT has been changing our world and the way we live and think. However, IoT has no uniform architecture and there are different kinds of attacks on the different layers of IoT, such as unauthorized access to tags, tag cloning, sybil attack, sinkhole attack, denial of service attack, malicious code injection, and man in middle attack. IoT devices are more vulnerable to attacks because it is simple and some security measures can not be implemented. We analyze the privacy and security challenges in the IoT and survey on the corresponding solutions to enhance the security of IoT architecture and protocol. We should focus more on the security and privacy on IoT and help to promote the development of IoT.

Yousefi, A., Jameii, S. M..  2017.  Improving the security of internet of things using encryption algorithms. 2017 International Conference on IoT and Application (ICIOT). :1–5.

Internet of things (IOT) is a kind of advanced information technology which has drawn societies' attention. Sensors and stimulators are usually recognized as smart devices of our environment. Simultaneously IOT security brings up new issues. Internet connection and possibility of interaction with smart devices cause those devices to involve more in human life. Therefore, safety is a fundamental requirement in designing IOT. IOT has three remarkable features: overall perception, reliable transmission and intelligent processing. Because of IOT span, security of conveying data is an essential factor for system security. Hybrid encryption technique is a new model that can be used in IOT. This type of encryption generates strong security and low computation. In this paper, we have proposed a hybrid encryption algorithm which has been conducted in order to reduce safety risks and enhancing encryption's speed and less computational complexity. The purpose of this hybrid algorithm is information integrity, confidentiality, non-repudiation in data exchange for IOT. Eventually suggested encryption algorithm has been simulated by MATLAB software and its speed and safety efficiency were evaluated in comparison with conventional encryption algorithm.

Gao, M., Qu, G..  2017.  A novel approximate computing based security primitive for the Internet of Things. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1–4.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become ubiquitous in our daily life as billions of devices are connected through the Internet infrastructure. However, the rapid increase of IoT devices brings many non-traditional challenges for system design and implementation. In this paper, we focus on the hardware security vulnerabilities and ultra-low power design requirement of IoT devices. We briefly survey the existing design methods to address these issues. Then we propose an approximate computing based information hiding approach that provides security with low power. We demonstrate that this security primitive can be applied for security applications such as digital watermarking, fingerprinting, device authentication, and lightweight encryption.

Fayyad, S., Noll, J..  2017.  Toward objective security measurability and manageability. 2017 14th International Conference on Smart Cities: Improving Quality of Life Using ICT IoT (HONET-ICT). :98–104.

Security Evaluation and Management (SEM) is considerably important process to protect the Embedded System (ES) from various kinds of security's exploits. In general, SEM's processes have some challenges, which limited its efficiency. Some of these challenges are system-based challenges like the hetero-geneity among system's components and system's size. Some other challenges are expert-based challenges like mis-evaluation possibility and experts non-continuous availability. Many of these challenges were addressed by the Multi Metric (MM) framework, which depends on experts' or subjective evaluation for basic evaluations. Despite of its productivity, subjective evaluation has some drawbacks (e.g. expert misevaluation) foster the need for considering objective evaluations in the MM framework. In addition, the MM framework is system centric framework, thus, by modelling complex and huge system using the MM framework a guide is needed indicating changes toward desirable security's requirements. This paper proposes extensions for the MM framework consider the usage of objective evaluations and work as guide for needed changes to satisfy desirable security requirements.

Miloslavskaya, N., Tolstoy, A..  2017.  Ensuring Information Security for Internet of Things. 2017 IEEE 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). :62–69.

The survey of related work in the very specialized field of information security (IS) ensurance for the Internet of Things (IoT) allowed us to work out a taxonomy of typical attacks against the IoT elements (with special attention to the IoT device protection). The key directions of countering these attacks were defined on this basis. According to the modern demand for the IoT big IS-related data processing, the application of Security Intelligence approach is proposed. The main direction of the future research, namely the IoT operational resilience, is indicated.

Massonet, P., Deru, L., Achour, A., Dupont, S., Croisez, L. M., Levin, A., Villari, M..  2017.  Security in Lightweight Network Function Virtualisation for Federated Cloud and IoT. 2017 IEEE 5th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud (FiCloud). :148–154.

Smart IoT applications require connecting multiple IoT devices and networks with multiple services running in fog and cloud computing platforms. One approach to connecting IoT devices with cloud and fog services is to create a federated virtual network. The main benefit of this approach is that IoT devices can then interact with multiple remote services using an application specific federated network where no traffic from other applications passes. This federated network spans multiple cloud platforms and IoT networks but it can be managed as a single entity. From the point of view of security, federated virtual networks can be managed centrally and be secured with a coherent global network security policy. This does not mean that the same security policy applies everywhere, but that the different security policies are specified in a single coherent security policy. In this paper we propose to extend a federated cloud networking security architecture so that it can secure IoT devices and networks. The federated network is extended to the edge of IoT networks by integrating a federation agent in an IoT gateway or network controller (Can bus, 6LowPan, Lora, ...). This allows communication between the federated cloud network and the IoT network. The security architecture is based on the concepts of network function virtualisation (NFV) and service function chaining (SFC) for composing security services. The IoT network and devices can then be protected by security virtual network functions (VNF) running at the edge of the IoT network.

Jiang, J., Chaczko, Z., Al-Doghman, F., Narantaka, W..  2017.  New LQR Protocols with Intrusion Detection Schemes for IOT Security. 2017 25th International Conference on Systems Engineering (ICSEng). :466–474.

Link quality protocols employ link quality estimators to collect statistics on the wireless link either independently or cooperatively among the sensor nodes. Furthermore, link quality routing protocols for wireless sensor networks may modify an estimator to meet their needs. Link quality estimators are vulnerable against malicious attacks that can exploit them. A malicious node may share false information with its neighboring sensor nodes to affect the computations of their estimation. Consequently, malicious node may behave maliciously such that its neighbors gather incorrect statistics about their wireless links. This paper aims to detect malicious nodes that manipulate the link quality estimator of the routing protocol. In order to accomplish this task, MINTROUTE and CTP routing protocols are selected and updated with intrusion detection schemes (IDSs) for further investigations with other factors. It is proved that these two routing protocols under scrutiny possess inherent susceptibilities, that are capable of interrupting the link quality calculations. Malicious nodes that abuse such vulnerabilities can be registered through operational detection mechanisms. The overall performance of the new LQR protocol with IDSs features is experimented, validated and represented via the detection rates and false alarm rates.

Islam, M. N., Patil, V. C., Kundu, S..  2017.  Determining proximal geolocation of IoT edge devices via covert channel. 2017 18th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED). :196–202.

Many IoT devices are part of fixed critical infrastructure, where the mere act of moving an IoT device may constitute an attack. Moving pressure, chemical and radiation sensors in a factory can have devastating consequences. Relocating roadside speed sensors, or smart meters without knowledge of command and control center can similarly wreck havoc. Consequently, authenticating geolocation of IoT devices is an important problem. Unfortunately, an IoT device itself may be compromised by an adversary. Hence, location information from the IoT device cannot be trusted. Thus, we have to rely on infrastructure to obtain a proximal location. Infrastructure routers may similarly be compromised. Therefore, there must be a way to authenticate trusted routers remotely. Unfortunately, IP packets may be blocked, hijacked or forged by an adversary. Therefore IP packets are not trustworthy either. Thus, we resort to covert channels for authenticating Internet packet routers as an intermediate step towards proximal geolocation of IoT devices. Several techniques have been proposed in the literature to obtain the geolocation of an edge device, but it has been shown that a knowledgeable adversary can circumvent these techniques. In this paper, we survey the state-of-the-art geolocation techniques and corresponding adversarial countermeasures to evade geolocation to justify the use of covert channels on networks. We propose a technique for determining proximal geolocation using covert channel. Challenges and directions for future work are also explored.

Zahra, A., Shah, M. A..  2017.  IoT based ransomware growth rate evaluation and detection using command and control blacklisting. 2017 23rd International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC). :1–6.

Internet of things (IoT) is internetworking of various physical devices to provide a range of services and applications. IoT is a rapidly growing field, on an account of this; the security measurements for IoT should be at first concern. In the modern day world, the most emerging cyber-attack threat for IoT is ransomware attack. Ransomware is a kind of malware with the aim of rendering a victim's computer unusable or inaccessible, and then asking the user to pay a ransom to revert the destruction. In this paper we are evaluating ransomware attacks statistics for the past 2 years and the present year to estimate growth rate of the most emerging ransomware families from the last 3 years to evaluate most threatening ransomware attacks for IoT. Growth rate results shows that the number of attacks for Cryptowall and locky ransomware are notably increasing therefore, these ransomware families are potential threat to IoT. Moreover, we present a Cryptowall ransomware attack detection model based on the communication and behavioral study of Cryptowall for IoT environment. The proposed model observes incoming TCP/IP traffic through web proxy server then extracts TCP/IP header and uses command and control (C&C) server black listing to detect ransomware attacks.

Adnan, S. F. S., Isa, M. A. M., Hashim, H..  2017.  Analysis of asymmetric encryption scheme, AA \#x03B2; Performance on Arm Microcontroller. 2017 IEEE Symposium on Computer Applications Industrial Electronics (ISCAIE). :146–151.

Security protection is a concern for the Internet of Things (IoT) which performs data exchange autonomously over the internet for remote monitoring, automation and other applications. IoT implementations has raised concerns over its security and various research has been conducted to find an effective solution for this. Thus, this work focus on the analysis of an asymmetric encryption scheme, AA-Beta (AAβ) on a platform constrained in terms of processor capability, storage and random access Memory (RAM). For this work, the platform focused is ARM Cortex-M7 microcontroller. The encryption and decryption's performance on the embedded microcontroller is realized and time executed is measured. By enabled the I-Cache (Instruction cache) and D-Cache (Data Cache), the performances are 50% faster compared to disabled the D-Cache and I-Cache. The performance is then compared to our previous work on System on Chip (SoC). This is to analyze the gap of the SoC that has utilized the full GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library (GMP) package versus ARM Cortex-M7 that using the mini-gmp package in term of the footprint and the actual performance.

Wei, B., Liao, G., Li, W., Gong, Z..  2017.  A Practical One-Time File Encryption Protocol for IoT Devices. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). 2:114–119.

Security and privacy issues of the Internet of Things (IoT in short, hereafter) attracts the hot topic of researches through these years. As the relationship between user and server become more complicated than before, the existing security solutions might not provide exhaustive securities in IoT environment and novel solutions become new research challenges, e.g., the solutions based on symmetric cryptosystems are unsuited to handle with the occasion that decryption is only allowed in specific time range. In this paper, a new scalable one-time file encryption scheme combines reliable cryptographic techniques, which is named OTFEP, is proposed to satisfy specialized security requirements. One of OTFEP's key features is that it offers a mechanism to protect files in the database from arbitrary visiting from system manager or third-party auditors. OTFEP uses two different approaches to deal with relatively small file and stream file. Moreover, OTFEP supports good node scalability and secure key distribution mechanism. Based on its practical security and performance, OTFEP can be considered in specific IoT devices where one-time file encryption is necessary.

Zhu, X., Badr, Y., Pacheco, J., Hariri, S..  2017.  Autonomic Identity Framework for the Internet of Things. 2017 International Conference on Cloud and Autonomic Computing (ICCAC). :69–79.

The Internet of Things (IoT) will connect not only computers and mobile devices, but it will also interconnect smart buildings, houses, and cities, as well as electrical grids, gas plants, and water networks, automobiles, airplanes, etc. IoT will lead to the development of a wide range of advanced information services that are pervasive, cost-effective, and can be accessed from anywhere and at any time. However, due to the exponential number of interconnected devices, cyber-security in the IoT is a major challenge. It heavily relies on the digital identity concept to build security mechanisms such as authentication and authorization. Current centralized identity management systems are built around third party identity providers, which raise privacy concerns and present a single point of failure. In addition, IoT unconventional characteristics such as scalability, heterogeneity and mobility require new identity management systems to operate in distributed and trustless environments, and uniquely identify a particular device based on its intrinsic digital properties and its relation to its human owner. In order to deal with these challenges, we present a Blockchain-based Identity Framework for IoT (BIFIT). We show how to apply our BIFIT to IoT smart homes to achieve identity self-management by end users. In the context of smart home, the framework autonomously extracts appliances signatures and creates blockchain-based identifies for their appliance owners. It also correlates appliances signatures (low level identities) and owners identifies in order to use them in authentication credentials and to make sure that any IoT entity is behaving normally.