The authors have proposed the Fallback Control System (FCS) as a countermeasure after cyber-attacks happen in Industrial Control Systems (ICSs). For increased robustness against cyber-attacks, introducing multiple countermeasures is desirable. Then, an appropriate collaboration is essential. This paper introduces two FCSs in ICS: field network signal is driven FCS and analog signal driven FCS. This paper also implements a collaborative FCS by a collaboration function of the two FCSs. The collaboration function is that the analog signal driven FCS estimates the state of the other FCS. The collaborative FCS decides the countermeasure based on the result of the estimation after cyber-attacks happen. Finally, we show practical experiment results to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed method.
An important source of cyber-attacks is malware, which proliferates in different forms such as botnets. The botnet malware typically looks for vulnerable devices across the Internet, rather than targeting specific individuals, companies or industries. It attempts to infect as many connected devices as possible, using their resources for automated tasks that may cause significant economic and social harm while being hidden to the user and device. Thus, it becomes very difficult to detect such activity. A considerable amount of research has been conducted to detect and prevent botnet infestation. In this paper, we attempt to create a foundation for an anomaly-based intrusion detection system using a statistical learning method to improve network security and reduce human involvement in botnet detection. We focus on identifying the best features to detect botnet activity within network traffic using a lightweight logistic regression model. The network traffic is processed by Bro, a popular network monitoring framework which provides aggregate statistics about the packets exchanged between a source and destination over a certain time interval. These statistics serve as features to a logistic regression model responsible for classifying malicious and benign traffic. Our model is easy to implement and simple to interpret. We characterized and modeled 8 different botnet families separately and as a mixed dataset. Finally, we measured the performance of our model on multiple parameters using F1 score, accuracy and Area Under Curve (AUC).
Machine-to-Machine (M2M) networks being connected to the internet at large, inherit all the cyber-vulnerabilities of the standard Information Technology (IT) systems. Since perfect cyber-security and robustness is an idealistic construct, it is worthwhile to design intrusion detection schemes to quickly detect and mitigate the harmful consequences of cyber-attacks. Volumetric anomaly detection have been popularized due to their low-complexity, but they cannot detect low-volume sophisticated attacks and also suffer from high false-alarm rate. To overcome these limitations, feature-based detection schemes have been studied for IT networks. However these schemes cannot be easily adapted to M2M systems due to the fundamental architectural and functional differences between the M2M and IT systems. In this paper, we propose novel feature-based detection schemes for a general M2M uplink to detect Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, emergency scenarios and terminal device failures. The detection for DDoS attack and emergency scenarios involves building up a database of legitimate M2M connections during a training phase and then flagging the new M2M connections as anomalies during the evaluation phase. To distinguish between DDoS attack and emergency scenarios that yield similar signatures for anomaly detection schemes, we propose a modified Canberra distance metric. It basically measures the similarity or differences in the characteristics of inter-arrival time epochs for any two anomalous streams. We detect device failures by inspecting for the decrease in active M2M connections over a reasonably large time interval. Lastly using Monte-Carlo simulations, we show that the proposed anomaly detection schemes have high detection performance and low-false alarm rate.
Combining conventional power networks and information communication technologies forms smart grid concept. Researches on the evolution of conventional power grid system into smart grid continue thanks to the development of communication and information technologies hopefully. Testing of smart grid systems is usually performed in simulation environments. However, achieving more effective real-world implementations, a smart grid application needs a real-world test environment, called testbed. Smart grid, which is the combination of conventional electricity line with information communication technologies, is vulnerable to cyber-attacks and this is a key challenge improving the smart grid. The vulnerabilities to cyber-attacks in smart grid arise from information communication technologies' nature inherently. Testbeds, which cyber-security researches and studies can be performed, are needed to find effective solutions against cyber-attacks capabilities in smart grid practices. In this paper, an evaluation of existing smart grid testbeds with the capability of cyber security is presented. First, background, domains, research areas and security issues in smart grid are introduced briefly. Then smart grid testbeds and features are explained. Also, existing security-oriented testbeds and cyber-attack testing capabilities of testbeds are evaluated. Finally, we conclude the study and give some recommendations for security-oriented testbed implementations.
Cyber physical systems are the key innovation driver for many domains such as automotive, avionics, industrial process control, and factory automation. However, their interconnection potentially provides adversaries easy access to sensitive data, code, and configurations. If attackers gain control, material damage or even harm to people must be expected. To counteract data theft, system manipulation and cyber-attacks, security mechanisms must be embedded in the cyber physical system. Adding hardware security in the form of the standardized Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is a promising approach. At the same time, traditional dependability features such as safety, availability, and reliability have to be maintained. To determine the right balance between security and dependability it is essential to understand their interferences. This paper supports developers in identifying the implications of using TPMs on the dependability of their system.We highlight potential consequences of adding TPMs to cyber-physical systems by considering the resulting safety, reliability, and availability. Furthermore, we discuss the potential of enhancing the dependability of TPM services by applying traditional redundancy techniques.
The analysis of security-related event logs is an important step for the investigation of cyber-attacks. It allows tracing malicious activities and lets a security operator find out what has happened. However, since IT landscapes are growing in size and diversity, the amount of events and their highly different representations are becoming a Big Data challenge. Unfortunately, current solutions for the analysis of security-related events, so called Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems, are not able to keep up with the load. In this work, we propose a distributed SIEM platform that makes use of highly efficient distributed normalization and persists event data into an in-memory database. We implement the normalization on common distribution frameworks, i.e. Spark, Storm, Trident and Heron, and compare their performance with our custom-built distribution solution. Additionally, different tuning options are introduced and their speed advantage is presented. In the end, we show how the writing into an in-memory database can be tuned to achieve optimal persistence speed. Using the proposed approach, we are able to not only fully normalize, but also persist more than 20 billion events per day with relatively small client hardware. Therefore, we are confident that our approach can handle the load of events in even very large IT landscapes.
Information and systems are the most valuable asset of almost all global organizations. Thus, sufficient security is key to protect these assets. The reliability and security of a manufacturing company's supply chain are key concerns as it manages assurance & quality of supply. Traditional concerns such as physical security, disasters, political issues & counterfeiting remain, but cyber security is an area of growing interest. Statistics show that cyber-attacks still continue with no signs of slowing down. Technical controls, no matter how good, will only take the company thus far since no usable system is 100 percent secure or impenetrable. Evaluating the security vulnerabilities of one organization and taking the action to mitigate the risks will strengthen the layer of protection in the manufacturing company's supply chain. In this paper, the researchers created an IT Security Assessment Tool to facilitate the evaluation of the sufficiency of policy, procedures, and controls implemented by semiconductor companies. The proposed IT Security Assessment Tool was developed considering the factors that are critical in protecting the information and systems of various semiconductor companies. Subsequently, the created IT Security Assessment Tool was used to evaluate existing semiconductor companies to identify their areas of security vulnerabilities. The result shows that all suppliers visited do not have cyber security programs and most dwell on physical and network security controls. Best practices were shared and action items were suggested to improve the security controls and minimize risk of service disruption for customers, theft of sensitive data and reputation damage.
This research aims to identify some vulnerabilities of advanced persistent threat (APT) attacks using multiple simulated attacks in a virtualized environment. Our experimental study shows that while updating the antivirus software and the operating system with the latest patches may help in mitigating APTs, APT threat vectors could still infiltrate the strongest defenses. Accordingly, we highlight some critical areas of security concern that need to be addressed.
The work proposes and justifies a processing algorithm of computer security incidents based on the author's signatures of cyberattacks. Attention is also paid to the design pattern SOPKA based on the Russian ViPNet technology. Recommendations are made regarding the establishment of the corporate segment SOPKA, which meets the requirements of Presidential Decree of January 15, 2013 number 31c “On the establishment of the state system of detection, prevention and elimination of the consequences of cyber-attacks on information resources of the Russian Federation” and “Concept of the state system of detection, prevention and elimination of the consequences of cyber-attacks on information resources of the Russian Federation” approved by the President of the Russian Federation on December 12, 2014, No K 1274.
Conducted emission of motors is a domain of interest for EMC as it may introduce disturbances in the system in which they are integrated. Nevertheless few publications deal with the susceptibility of motors, and especially, servomotors despite this devices are more and more used in automated production lines as well as for robotics. Recent papers have been released devoted to the possibility of compromising such systems by cyber-attacks. One could imagine the use of smart intentional electromagnetic interference to modify their behavior or damage them leading in the modification of the industrial process. This paper aims to identify the disturbances that may affect the behavior of a Commercial Off-The-Shelf servomotor when exposed to an electromagnetic field and the criticality of the effects with regards to its application. Experiments have shown that a train of radio frequency pulses may induce an erroneous reading of the position value of the servomotor and modify in an unpredictable way the movement of the motor's axis.
Organizations are exposed to various cyber-attacks. When a component is exploited, the overall computed damage is impacted by the number of components the network includes. This work is focuses on estimating the Target Distribution characteristic of an attacked network. According existing security assessment models, Target Distribution is assessed by using ordinal values based on users' intuitive knowledge. This work is aimed at defining a formula which enables measuring quantitatively the attacked components' distribution. The proposed formula is based on the real-time configuration of the system. Using the proposed measure, firms can quantify damages, allocate appropriate budgets to actual real risks and build their configuration while taking in consideration the risks impacted by components' distribution. The formula is demonstrated as part of a security continuous monitoring system.
The detection of cyber-attacks has become a crucial task for highly sophisticated systems like industrial control systems (ICS). These systems are an essential part of critical information infrastructure. Therefore, we can highlight their vital role in contemporary society. The effective and reliable ICS cyber defense is a significant challenge for the cyber security community. Thus, intrusion detection is one of the demanding tasks for the cyber security researchers. In this article, we examine classification problem. The proposed detection system is based on supervised anomaly detection techniques. Moreover, we utilized classifiers algorithms in order to increase intrusion detection capabilities. The fusion of the classifiers is the way how to achieve the predefined goal.
With the integration of computing, communication, and physical processes, the modern power grid is becoming a large and complex cyber physical power system (CPPS). This trend is intended to modernize and improve the efficiency of the power grid, yet it makes the CPPS vulnerable to potential cascading failures caused by cyber-attacks, e.g., the attacks that are originated by the cyber network of CPPS. To prevent these risks, it is essential to analyze how cyber-attacks can be conducted against the CPPS and how they can affect the power systems. In light of that General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) has been widely used in CPPS, this paper provides a case study by examining possible cyber-attacks against the cyber-physical power systems with GPRS-based SCADA system. We analyze the vulnerabilities of GPRS-based SCADA systems and focus on DoS attacks and message spoofing attacks. Furthermore, we show the consequence of these attacks against power systems by a simulation using the IEEE 9-node system, and the results show the validity of cascading failures propagated through the systems under our proposed attacks.
The false data injection attack (FDIA) is a form of cyber-attack capable of affecting the secure and economic operation of the smart grid. With DC model-based state estimation, this paper analyzes ways of constructing a successful attacking vector to fulfill specific targets, i.e., pre-specified state variable target and pre-specified meter target according to the adversary's willingness. The grid operator's historical reading experiences on meters are considered as a constraint for the adversary to avoid being detected. Also from the viewpoint of the adversary, we propose to take full advantage of the dual concept of the coefficients in the topology matrix to handle with the problem that the adversary has no access to some meters. Effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by numerical experiments on the IEEE-14 benchmark system.
This paper offers a new approach to modelling the effect of cyber-attacks on reliability of software used in industrial control applications. The model is based on the view that successful cyber-attacks introduce failure regions, which are not present in non-compromised software. The model is then extended to cover a fault tolerant architecture, such as the 1-out-of-2 software, popular for building industrial protection systems. The model is used to study the effectiveness of software maintenance policies such as patching and "cleansing" ("proactive recovery") under different adversary models ranging from independent attacks to sophisticated synchronized attacks on the channels. We demonstrate that the effect of attacks on reliability of diverse software significantly depends on the adversary model. Under synchronized attacks system reliability may be more than an order of magnitude worse than under independent attacks on the channels. These findings, although not surprising, highlight the importance of using an adequate adversary model in the assessment of how effective various cyber-security controls are.
Industrial control systems are cyber-physical systems that are used to operate critical infrastructures such as smart grids, traffic systems, industrial facilities, and water distribution networks. The digitalization of these systems increases their efficiency and decreases their cost of operation, but also makes them more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. In order to protect industrial control systems from cyber-attacks, the installation of multiple layers of security measures is necessary. In this paper, we study how to allocate a large number of security measures under a limited budget, such as to minimize the total risk of cyber-attacks. The security measure allocation problem formulated in this way is a combinatorial optimization problem subject to a knapsack (budget) constraint. The formulated problem is NP-hard, therefore we propose a method to exploit submodularity of the objective function so that polynomial time algorithms can be applied to obtain solutions with guaranteed approximation bounds. The problem formulation requires a preprocessing step in which attack scenarios are selected, and impacts and likelihoods of these scenarios are estimated. We discuss how the proposed method can be applied in practice.
High accurate time synchronization is very important for many applications and industrial environments. In a computer network, synchronization of time for connected devices is provided by the Precision Time Protocol (PTP), which in principal allows for device time synchronization down to microsecond level. However, PTP and network infrastructures are vulnerable to cyber-attacks, which can de-synchronize an entire network, leading to potentially devastating consequences. This paper will focus on the issue of internal attacks on time synchronization networks and discuss how counter-measures based on public key infrastructures, trusted platform modules, network intrusion detection systems and time synchronization supervisors can be adopted to defeat or at least detect such internal attacks.
Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are interconnections of heterogeneous hardware and software components (e.g., sensors, actuators, physical systems/processes, computational nodes and controllers, and communication subsystems). Increasing network connectivity of CPS computational nodes facilitates maintenance and on-demand reprogrammability and reduces operator workload. However, such increasing connectivity also raises the potential for cyber-attacks that attempt unauthorized modifications of run-time parameters or control logic in the computational nodes to hamper process stability or performance. In this paper, we analyze the effectiveness of real-time monitoring using digital and analog side channels. While analog side channels might not typically provide sufficient granularity to observe each iteration of a periodic loop in the code in the CPS device, the temporal averaging inherent to side channel sensory modalities enables observation of persistent changes to the contents of a computational loop through their resulting effect on the level of activity of the device. Changes to code can be detected by observing readings from side channel sensors over a period of time. Experimental studies are performed on an ARM-based single board computer.
In a world where highly skilled actors involved in cyber-attacks are constantly increasing and where the associated underground market continues to expand, organizations should adapt their defence strategy and improve consequently their security incident management. In this paper, we give an overview of Advanced Persistent Threats (APT) attacks life cycle as defined by security experts. We introduce our own compiled life cycle model guided by attackers objectives instead of their actions. Challenges and opportunities related to the specific camouflage actions performed at the end of each APT phase of the model are highlighted. We also give an overview of new APT protection technologies and discuss their effectiveness at each one of life cycle phases.
Software defined networking promises network operators to dramatically simplify network management. It provides flexibility and innovation through network programmability. With SDN, network management moves from codifying functionality in terms of low-level device configuration to building software that facilitates network management and debugging[1]. SDN provides new techniques to solve long-standing problems in networking like routing by separating the complexity of state distribution from network specification. Despite all the hype surrounding SDNs, exploiting its full potential is demanding. Security is still the major issue and a striking challenge that reduces the growth of SDNs. Moreover the introduction of various architectural components and up cycling of novel entities of SDN poses new security issues and threats. SDN is considered as major target for digital threats and cyber-attacks[2] and have more devastating effects than simple networks. Initial SDN design doesn't considered security as its part; therefore, it must be raised on the agenda. This article discusses the security solutions proposed to secure SDNs. We categorize the security solutions in the article by presenting a thematic taxonomy based on SDN architectural layers/interfaces[3], security measures and goals, simulation framework. Moreover, the literature also points out the possible attacks[2] targeting different layers/interfaces of SDNs. For securing SDNs, the potential requirements and their key enablers are also identified and presented. Also, the articles sketch the design of secure and dependable SDNs. At last, we discuss open issues and challenges of SDN security that may be rated appropriate to be handled by professionals and researchers in the future.
This paper formulates a power system related optimal control problem, motivated by potential cyber-attacks on grid control systems, and ensuing defensive response to such attacks. The problem is formulated as a standard nonlinear program in the GAMS optimization environment, with system dynamics discretized over a short time horizon providing constraint equations, which are then treated via waveform relaxation. Selection of objective function and additional decision variables is explored first for identifying grid vulnerability to cyber-attacks that act by modifying feedback control system parameters. The resulting decisions for the attacker are then fixed, and the optimization problem is modified with a new objective function and decision variables, to explore a defender's possible response to such attacks.