The false data injection attack (FDIA) is a form of cyber-attack capable of affecting the secure and economic operation of the smart grid. With DC model-based state estimation, this paper analyzes ways of constructing a successful attacking vector to fulfill specific targets, i.e., pre-specified state variable target and pre-specified meter target according to the adversary's willingness. The grid operator's historical reading experiences on meters are considered as a constraint for the adversary to avoid being detected. Also from the viewpoint of the adversary, we propose to take full advantage of the dual concept of the coefficients in the topology matrix to handle with the problem that the adversary has no access to some meters. Effectiveness of the proposed method is validated by numerical experiments on the IEEE-14 benchmark system.
The extensive use of information and communication technologies in power grid systems make them vulnerable to cyber-attacks. One class of cyber-attack is advanced persistent threats where highly skilled attackers can steal user authentication information's and then move laterally in the network, from host to host in a hidden manner, until they reach an attractive target. Once the presence of the attacker has been detected in the network, appropriate actions should be taken quickly to prevent the attacker going deeper. This paper presents a game theoretic approach to optimize the defense against an invader attempting to use a set of known vulnerabilities to reach critical nodes in the network. First, the network is modeled as a vulnerability multi-graph where the nodes represent physical hosts and edges the vulnerabilities that the attacker can exploit to move laterally from one host to another. Secondly, a two-player zero-sum Markov game is built where the states of the game represent the nodes of the vulnerability multi-graph graph and transitions correspond to the edge vulnerabilities that the attacker can exploit. The solution of the game gives the optimal strategy to disconnect vulnerable services and thus slow down the attack.
Traditional information Security Risk Assessment algorithms are mainly used for evaluating small scale of information system, not suitable for massive information systems in Energy Internet. To solve the problem, this paper proposes an Information Security Risk Algorithm based on Dynamic Risk Propagation (ISRADRP). ISRADRP firstly divides information systems in the Energy Internet into different partitions according to their logical network location. Then, ISRADRP computes each partition's risk value without considering threat propagation effect via RM algorithm. Furthermore, ISRADRP calculates inside and outside propagation risk value for each partition according to Dependency Structure Matrix. Finally, the security bottleneck of systems will be identified and the overall risk value of information system will be obtained.
In Germany, as of 2017, a new smart metering infrastructure based on high security and privacy requirements will be deployed. It provides interfaces to connect meters for different commodities, to allow end users to retrieve the collected measurement data, to connect to the metering operators, and to connect Controllable Local Systems (CLSs) that establish a TLS secured connection to third parties in order to exchange data or for remote controlling of energy devices. This paper aims to connect industrial machines as CLS devices since it shows that the demands and main ideas of remotely controlled devices in the Smart Grid context and Industrial Cloud Applications match on the communication level. It describes the general architecture of the Smart Metering infrastructure in Germany, introduces the defined roles, depicts the configuration process on the different organizational levels, demonstrates the connection establishment and the initiating partners, concludes on the potential industrial use cases of this infrastructure, and provides open questions and room for further research.
This paper proposes a novel privacy-preserving smart metering system for aggregating distributed smart meter data. It addresses two important challenges: (i) individual users wish to publish sensitive smart metering data for specific purposes, and (ii) an untrusted aggregator aims to make queries on the aggregate data. We handle these challenges using two main techniques. First, we propose Fourier Perturbation Algorithm (FPA) and Wavelet Perturbation Algorithm (WPA) which utilize Fourier/Wavelet transformation and distributed differential privacy (DDP) to provide privacy for the released statistic with provable sensitivity and error bounds. Second, we leverage an exponential ElGamal encryption mechanism to enable secure communications between the users and the untrusted aggregator. Standard differential privacy techniques perform poorly for time-series data as it results in a Θ(n) noise to answer n queries, rendering the answers practically useless if n is large. Our proposed distributed differential privacy mechanism relies on Gaussian principles to generate distributed noise, which guarantees differential privacy for each user with O(1) error, and provides computational simplicity and scalability. Compared with Gaussian Perturbation Algorithm (GPA) which adds distributed Gaussian noise to the original data, the experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed FPA and WPA by adding noise to the transformed coefficients.
Security is an important requirement of every reactive system of the smart gird. The devices connected to the smart system in smart grid are exhaustively used to provide digital information to outside world. The security of such a system is an essential requirement. The most important component of such smart systems is Operating System (OS). This paper mainly focuses on the security of OS by incorporating Access Control Mechanism (ACM) which will improve the efficiency of the smart system. The formal methods use applied mathematics for modelling and analysing of smart systems. In the proposed work Formal Security Analysis (FSA) is used with model checking and hence it helped to prove the security of smart systems. When an Operating System (OS) takes into consideration, it never comes to a halt state. In the proposed work a Transition System (TS) is designed and the desired rules of security are provided by using Linear Temporal Logics (LTL). Unlike other propositional and predicate logic, LTL can model reactive systems with a prediction for the future state of the systems. In the proposed work, Simple Promela Interpreter (SPIN) is used as a model checker that takes LTL and TS of the system as input. Hence it is possible to derive the Büchi automaton from LTL logics and that provides traces of both successful and erroneous computations. Comparison of Büchi automaton with the transition behaviour of the OS will provide the details of security violation in the system. Validation of automaton operations on infinite computational sequences verify that whether systems are provably secure or not. Hence the proposed formal security analysis will provably ensures the security of smart systems in the area of smart grid applications.
Software Defined Networks (SDNs) is a new networking paradigm that has gained a lot of attention in recent years especially in implementing data center networks and in providing efficient security solutions. The popularity of SDN and its attractive security features suggest that it can be used in the context of smart grid systems to address many of the vulnerabilities and security problems facing such critical infrastructure systems. This paper studies the impact of different cyber attacks that can target smart grid communication network which is implemented as a software defined network on the operation of the smart grid system in general. In particular, we perform different attack scenarios including DDoS attacks, location highjacking and link overloading against SDN networks of different controller types that include POX, Floodlight and RYU. Our experiments were carried out using the mininet simulator. The experiments show that SDN-enabled smartgrid systems are vulnerable to different types of attacks.
The modular multilevel converter with series and parallel connectivity was shown to provide advantages in several industrial applications. Its reliability largely depends on the absence of failures in the power semiconductors. We propose and analyze a fault-diagnosis technique to identify shorted switches based on features generated through wavelet transform of the converter output and subsequent classification in support vector machines. The multi-class support vector machine is trained with multiple recordings of the output of each fault condition as well as the converter under normal operation. Simulation results reveal that the proposed method has high classification latency and high robustness. Except for the monitoring of the output, which is required for the converter control in any case, this method does not require additional module sensors.
In Energy Internet mode, a large number of alarm information is generated when equipment exception and multiple faults in large power grid, which seriously affects the information collection, fault analysis and delays the accident treatment for the monitors. To this point, this paper proposed a method for power grid monitoring to monitor and diagnose fault in real time, constructed the equipment fault logical model based on five section alarm information, built the standard fault information set, realized fault information optimization, fault equipment location, fault type diagnosis, false-report message and missing-report message analysis using matching algorithm. The validity and practicality of the proposed method by an actual case was verified, which can shorten the time of obtaining and analyzing fault information, accelerate the progress of accident treatment, ensure the safe and stable operation of power grid.
Situational awareness during sophisticated cyber attacks on the power grid is critical for the system operator to perform suitable attack response and recovery functions to ensure grid reliability. The overall theme of this paper is to identify existing practical issues and challenges that utilities face while monitoring substations, and to suggest potential approaches to enhance the situational awareness for the grid operators. In this paper, we provide a broad discussion about the various gaps that exist in the utility industry today in monitoring substations, and how those gaps could be addressed by identifying the various data sources and monitoring tools to improve situational awareness. The paper also briefly describes the advantages of contextualizing and correlating substation monitoring alerts using expert systems at the control center to obtain a holistic systems-level view of potentially malicious cyber activity at the substations before they cause impacts to grid operation.
Recently, the researches utilizing environmentally friendly new and renewable energy and various methods have been actively pursued to solve environmental and energy problems. The trend of the technology is converged with the latest ICT technology and expanded to the cloud of share and two-way system. In the center of this tide of change, new technologies such as IoT, Big Data and AI are sustaining to energy technology. Now, the cloud concept which is a universal form in IT field will be converged with energy field to develop Energy Cloud, manage zero energy towns and develop into social infrastructure supporting smart city. With the development of social infrastructure, it is very important as a security facility. In this paper, it is discussed the concept and the configuration of the Energy Cloud, and present a basic design method of the Energy Cloud's security that can examine and respond to the risk factors of information security in the Energy Cloud.
Technological advancement enables the need of internet everywhere. The power industry is not an exception in the technological advancement which makes everything smarter. Smart grid is the advanced version of the traditional grid, which makes the system more efficient and self-healing. Synchrophasor is a device used in smart grids to measure the values of electric waves, voltages and current. The phasor measurement unit produces immense volume of current and voltage data that is used to monitor and control the performance of the grid. These data are huge in size and vulnerable to attacks. Intrusion Detection is a common technique for finding the intrusions in the system. In this paper, a big data framework is designed using various machine learning techniques, and intrusions are detected based on the classifications applied on the synchrophasor dataset. In this approach various machine learning techniques like deep neural networks, support vector machines, random forest, decision trees and naive bayes classifications are done for the synchrophasor dataset and the results are compared using metrics of accuracy, recall, false rate, specificity, and prediction time. Feature selection and dimensionality reduction algorithms are used to reduce the prediction time taken by the proposed approach. This paper uses apache spark as a platform which is suitable for the implementation of Intrusion Detection system in smart grids using big data analytics.
Guidelines, directives, and policy statements are usually presented in ``linear'' text form - word after word, page after page. However necessary, this practice impedes full understanding, obscures feedback dynamics, hides mutual dependencies and cascading effects and the like, - even when augmented with tables and diagrams. The net result is often a checklist response as an end in itself. All this creates barriers to intended realization of guidelines and undermines potential effectiveness. We present a solution strategy using text as ``data'', transforming text into a structured model, and generate a network views of the text(s), that we then can use for vulnerability mapping, risk assessments and control point analysis. We apply this approach using two NIST reports on cybersecurity of smart grid, more than 600 pages of text. Here we provide a synopsis of approach, methods, and tools. (Elsewhere we consider (a) system-wide level, (b) aviation e-landscape, (c) electric vehicles, and (d) SCADA for smart grid).
The inevitable temperature raise leads to the demagnetization of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM), that is undesirable in the application of electrical vehicle. This paper presents a nonlinear demagnetization model taking into account temperature with the Wiener structure and neural network characteristics. The remanence and intrinsic coercivity are chosen as intermediate variables, thus the relationship between motor temperature and maximal permanent magnet flux is described by the proposed neural Wiener model. Simulation and experimental results demonstrate the precision of temperature dependent demagnetization model. This work makes the basis of temperature compensation for the output torque from PMSM.
Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) security testbeds serve as a platform for evaluating and validating novel CPS security tools and technologies, accelerating the transition of state-of-the-art research to industrial practice. The engineering of CPS security testbeds requires significant investments in money, time and modeling efforts to provide a scalable, high-fidelity, real-time attack-defense platform. Therefore, there is a strong need in academia and industry to create remotely accessible testbeds that support a range of use-cases pertaining to CPS security of the grid, including vulnerability assessments, impact analysis, product testing, attack-defense exercises, and operator training. This paper describes the implementation architecture, and capabilities of a remote access and experimental orchestration framework developed for the PowerCyber CPS security testbed at Iowa State University (ISU). The paper then describes several engineering challenges in the development of such remotely accessible testbeds for Smart Grid CPS security experimentation. Finally, the paper provides a brief case study with some screenshots showing a particular use case scenario on the remote access framework.
The smart grid is an electrical grid that has a duplex communication. This communication is between the utility and the consumer. Digital system, automation system, computers and control are the various systems of Smart Grid. It finds applications in a wide variety of systems. Some of its applications have been designed to reduce the risk of power system blackout. Dynamic vulnerability assessment is done to identify, quantify, and prioritize the vulnerabilities in a system. This paper presents a novel approach for classifying the data into one of the two classes called vulnerable or non-vulnerable by carrying out Dynamic Vulnerability Assessment (DVA) based on some data mining techniques such as Multichannel Singular Spectrum Analysis (MSSA), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and a machine learning tool such as Support Vector Machine Classifier (SVM-C) with learning algorithms that can analyze data. The developed methodology is tested in the IEEE 57 bus, where the cause of vulnerability is transient instability. The results show that data mining tools can effectively analyze the patterns of the electric signals, and SVM-C can use those patterns for analyzing the system data as vulnerable or non-vulnerable and determines System Vulnerability Status.
This paper introduces combined data integrity and availability attacks to expand the attack scenarios against power system state estimation. The goal of the adversary, who uses the combined attack, is to perturb the state estimates while remaining hidden from the observer. We propose security metrics that quantify vulnerability of power grids to combined data attacks under single and multi-path routing communication models. In order to evaluate the proposed security metrics, we formulate them as mixed integer linear programming (MILP) problems. The relation between the security metrics of combined data attacks and pure data integrity attacks is analyzed, based on which we show that, when data availability and data integrity attacks have the same cost, the two metrics coincide. When data availability attacks have a lower cost than data integrity attacks, we show that a combined data attack could be executed with less attack resources compared to pure data integrity attacks. Furthermore, it is shown that combined data attacks would bypass integrity-focused mitigation schemes. These conclusions are supported by the results obtained on a power system model with and without a communication model with single or multi-path routing.
Power system security is one of the key issues in the operation of smart grid system. Evaluation of power system security is a big challenge considering all the contingencies, due to huge computational efforts involved. Phasor measurement unit plays a vital role in real time power system monitoring and control. This paper presents static security assessment scheme for large scale inter connected power system with Phasor measurement unit using Artificial Neural Network. Voltage magnitude and phase angle are used as input variables of the ANN. The optimal location of PMU under base case and critical contingency cases are determined using Genetic algorithm. The performance of the proposed optimization model was tested with standard IEEE 30 bus system incorporating zero injection buses and successful results have been obtained.
Coming days are becoming a much challenging task for the power system researchers due to the anomalous increase in the load demand with the existing system. As a result there exists a discordant between the transmission and generation framework which is severely pressurizing the power utilities. In this paper a quick and efficient methodology has been proposed to identify the most sensitive or susceptible regions in any power system network. The technique used in this paper comprises of correlation of a multi-bus power system network to an equivalent two-bus network along with the application of Artificial neural network(ANN) Architecture with training algorithm for online monitoring of voltage security of the system under all multiple exigencies which makes it more flexible. A fast voltage stability indicator has been proposed known as Unified Voltage Stability Indicator (UVSI) which is used as a substratal apparatus for the assessment of the voltage collapse point in a IEEE 30-bus power system in combination with the Feed Forward Neural Network (FFNN) to establish the accuracy of the status of the system for different contingency configurations.
In this paper, the design of an event-driven middleware for general purpose services in smart grid (SG) is presented. The main purpose is to provide a peer-to-peer distributed software infrastructure to allow the access of new multiple and authorized actors to SGs information in order to provide new services. To achieve this, the proposed middleware has been designed to be: 1) event-based; 2) reliable; 3) secure from malicious information and communication technology attacks; and 4) to enable hardware independent interoperability between heterogeneous technologies. To demonstrate practical deployment, a numerical case study applied to the whole U.K. distribution network is presented, and the capabilities of the proposed infrastructure are discussed.
Cultivation of Smart Grid refurbish with brisk and ingenious. The delinquent breed and sow mutilate in massive. This state of affair coerces security as a sapling which incessantly is to be irrigated with Research and Analysis. The Cyber Security is endowed with resiliency to the SYN flooding induced Denial of Service attack in this work. The proposed secure web server algorithm embedded in the LPC1768 processor ensures the smart resources to be precluded from the attack.
The communication infrastructure is a key element for management and control of the power system in the smart grid. The communication infrastructure, which can include equipment using off-the-shelf vulnerable operating systems, has the potential to increase the attack surface of the power system. The interdependency between the communication and the power system renders the management of the overall security risk a challenging task. In this paper, we address this issue by presenting a mathematical model for identifying and hardening the most critical communication equipment used in the power system. Using non-cooperative game theory, we model interactions between an attacker and a defender. We derive the minimum defense resources required and the optimal strategy of the defender that minimizes the risk on the power system. Finally, we evaluate the correctness and the efficiency of our model via a case study.
The use of multi-terminal HVDC to integrate wind power coming from the North Sea opens de door for a new transmission system model, the DC-Independent System Operator (DC-ISO). DC-ISO will face highly stressed and varying conditions that requires new risk assessment tools to ensure security of supply. This paper proposes a novel risk-based static security assessment methodology named risk-based DC security assessment (RB-DCSA). It combines a probabilistic approach to include uncertainties and a fuzzy inference system to quantify the systemic and individual component risk associated with operational scenarios considering uncertainties. The proposed methodology is illustrated using a multi-terminal HVDC system where the variability of wind speed at the offshore wind is included.