Over the past decade, smart grids have been widely implemented. Real-time pricing can better address demand-side management in smart grids. Real-time pricing requires managers to interact more with consumers at the data level, which raises many privacy threats. Thus, we introduce differential privacy into the Real-time pricing for privacy protection. However, differential privacy leaves more space for an adversary to compromise the robustness of the system, which has not been well addressed in the literature. In this paper, we propose a novel active attack detection scheme against stealthy attacks, and then give the proof of correctness and effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Further, we conduct extensive experiments with real datasets from CER to verify the detection performance of the proposed scheme.
With the emergence of computationally intensive and delay sensitive applications, mobile edge computing(MEC) has become more and more popular. Simultaneously, MEC paradigm is faced with security challenges, the most harmful of which is DDoS attack. In this paper, we focus on the resource orchestration algorithm in MEC scenario to mitigate DDoS attack. Most of existing works on resource orchestration algorithm barely take into account DDoS attack. Moreover, they assume that MEC nodes are unselfish, while in practice MEC nodes are selfish and try to maximize their individual utility only, as they usually belong to different network operators. To solve such problems, we propose a price-based resource orchestration algorithm(PROA) using game theory and convex optimization, which aims at mitigating DDoS attack while maximizing the utility of each participant. Pricing resources to simulate market mechanisms, which is national to make rational decisions for all participants. Finally, we conduct experiment using Matlab and show that the proposed PROA can effectively mitigate DDoS attack on the attacked MEC node.
Transactive Energy (TE) is an emerging discipline that utilizes economic and control techniques for operating and managing the power grid effectively. Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) represent a fundamental shift away from traditionally centrally managed energy generation and storage to one that is rather distributed. However, integrating and managing DERs into the power grid is highly challenging owing to the TE implementation issues such as privacy, equity, efficiency, reliability, and security. The TE market structures allow utilities to transact (i.e., buy and sell) power services (production, distribution, and storage) from/to DER providers integrated as part of the grid. Flexible power pricing in TE enables power services transactions to dynamically adjust power generation and storage in a way that continuously balances power supply and demand as well as minimize cost of grid operations. Therefore, it has become important to analyze various market models utilized in different TE applications for their impact on above implementation issues.In this demo, we show-case the Transactive Energy Simulation and Analysis Toolsuite (TE-SAT) with its three publicly available design studios for experimenting with TE markets. All three design studios are built using metamodeling tool called the Web-based Graphical Modeling Environment (WebGME). Using a Git-like storage and tracking backend server, WebGME enables multi-user editing on models and experiments using simply a web-browser. This directly facilitates collaboration among different TE stakeholders for developing and analyzing grid operations and market models. Additionally, these design studios provide an integrated and scalable cloud backend for running corresponding simulation experiments.
Increasing number of Internet-scale applications, such as video streaming, incur huge amount of wide area traffic. Such traffic over the unreliable Internet without bandwidth guarantee suffers unpredictable network performance. This result, however, is unappealing to the application providers. Fortunately, Internet giants like Google and Microsoft are increasingly deploying their private wide area networks (WANs) to connect their global datacenters. Such high-speed private WANs are reliable, and can provide predictable network performance. In this paper, we propose a new type of service-inter-datacenter network as a service (iDaaS), where traditional application providers can reserve bandwidth from those Internet giants to guarantee their wide area traffic. Specifically, we design a bandwidth trading market among multiple iDaaS providers and application providers, and concentrate on the essential bandwidth pricing problem. The involved challenging issue is that the bandwidth price of each iDaaS provider is not only influenced by other iDaaS providers, but also affected by the application providers. To address this issue, we characterize the interaction between iDaaS providers and application providers using a Stackelberg game model, and analyze the existence and uniqueness of the equilibrium. We further present an efficient bandwidth pricing algorithm by blending the advantage of a geometrical Nash bargaining solution and the demand segmentation method. For comparison, we present two bandwidth reservation algorithms, where each iDaaS provider's bandwidth is reserved in a weighted fair manner and a max-min fair manner, respectively. Finally, we conduct comprehensive trace-driven experiments. The evaluation results show that our proposed algorithms not only ensure the revenue of iDaaS providers, but also provide bandwidth guarantee for application providers with lower bandwidth price per unit.
We consider the scenario where a cloud service provider (CSP) operates multiple geo-distributed datacenters to provide Internet-scale service. Our objective is to minimize the total electricity and bandwidth cost by jointly optimizing electricity procurement from wholesale markets and geographical load balancing (GLB), i.e., dynamically routing workloads to locations with cheaper electricity. Under the ideal setting where exact values of market prices and workloads are given, this problem reduces to a simple linear programming and is easy to solve. However, under the realistic setting where only distributions of these variables are available, the problem unfolds into a non-convex infinite-dimensional one and is challenging to solve. One of our main contributions is to develop an algorithm that is proven to solve the challenging problem optimally, by exploring the full design space of strategic bidding. Trace-driven evaluations corroborate our theoretical results, demonstrate fast convergence of our algorithm, and show that it can reduce the cost for the CSP by up to 20% as compared with baseline alternatives. This paper highlights the intriguing role of uncertainty in workloads and market prices, measured by their variances. While uncertainty in workloads deteriorates the cost-saving performance of joint electricity procurement and GLB, counter-intuitively, uncertainty in market prices can be exploited to achieve a cost reduction even larger than the setting without price uncertainty.
The steady decline of IP transit prices in the past two decades has helped fuel the growth of traffic demands in the Internet ecosystem. Despite the declining unit pricing, bandwidth costs remain significant due to ever-increasing scale and reach of the Internet, combined with the price disparity between the Internet's core hubs versus remote regions. In the meantime, cloud providers have been auctioning underutilized computing resources in their marketplace as spot instances for a much lower price, compared to their on-demand instances. This state of affairs has led the networking community to devote extensive efforts to cloud-assisted networks - the idea of offloading network functionality to cloud platforms, ultimately leading to more flexible and highly composable network service chains.We initiate a critical discussion on the economic and technological aspects of leveraging cloud-assisted networks for Internet-scale interconnections and data transfers. Namely, we investigate the prospect of constructing a large-scale virtualized network provider that does not own any fixed or dedicated resources and runs atop several spot instances. We construct a cloud-assisted overlay as a virtual network provider, by leveraging third-party cloud spot instances. We identify three use case scenarios where such approach will not only be economically and technologically viable but also provide performance benefits compared to current commercial offerings of connectivity and transit providers.
This paper proposes a lightweight and privacy-preserving data aggregation scheme for dynamic electricity pricing based billing in smart grids using the concept of single-pass authenticated encryption (AE). Unlike existing literature that only considers static pricing, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first paper to address privacy under dynamic pricing.
In this paper, we focus on versatile and scalable key management for Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) in Smart Grid (SG). We show that a recently proposed key graph based scheme for AMI systems (VerSAMI) suffers from efficiency flaws in its broadcast key management protocol. Then, we propose a new key management scheme (iVerSAMI) by modifying VerSAMI's key graph structure and proposing a new broadcast key update process. We analyze security and performance of the proposed broadcast key management in details to show that iVerSAMI is secure and efficient in terms of storage and communication overheads.
With the steady increase of offered cloud storage services, they became a popular alternative to local storage systems. Beside several benefits, the usage of cloud storage services can offer, they have also some downsides like potential vendor lock-in or unavailability. Different pricing models, storage technologies and changing storage requirements are further complicating the selection of the best fitting storage solution. In this work, we present a heuristic optimization approach that optimizes the placement of data on cloud-based storage services in a redundant, cost- and latency-efficient way while considering user-defined Quality of Service requirements. The presented approach uses monitored data access patterns to find the best fitting storage solution. Through extensive evaluations, we show that our approach saves up to 30% of the storage cost and reduces the upload and download times by up to 48% and 69% in comparison to a baseline that follows a state-of-the-art approach.
Deregulated electricity markets rely on a two-settlement system consisting of day-ahead and real-time markets, across which electricity price is volatile. In such markets, locational marginal pricing is widely adopted to set electricity prices and manage transmission congestion. Locational marginal prices are vulnerable to measurement errors. Existing studies show that if the adversaries are omniscient, they can design profitable attack strategies without being detected by the residue-based bad data detectors. This paper focuses on a more realistic setting, in which the attackers have only partial and imperfect information due to their limited resources and restricted physical access to the grid. Specifically, the attackers are assumed to have uncertainties about the state of the grid, and the uncertainties are modeled stochastically. Based on this model, this paper offers a framework for characterizing the optimal stochastic guarantees for the effectiveness of the attacks and the associated pricing impacts.
We study a quantity-flexibility supply contract between a manufacturer and a retailer in two periods. The retailer can get a low wholesale price within a fixed quantity and adjust the quantity at the end of the first period. The retailer can adjust the order quantities after the first period based on updated inventory status by paying a higher per-unit price for the incremental units or obtaining a buyback price per-unit for the returning units. By developing a two-period dynamic programming model in this paper, we first obtain an optimal replenishment strategy for the retailer when the manufacturer's price scheme is known. Then we derive an proper pricing scheme for the manufacturer by assuming that the supply chain is coordinated. The numerical results show some managerial insights by comparing this coordination scheme with Stackelberg game.
In this paper, an optimization model of automobile supply chain network with risks under fuzzy price is put forward. The supply chain network is composed of component suppliers, plants, and distribution centers. The total costs of automobile supply chain consist of variable costs, fixed costs, and transportation costs. The objective of this study is to minimize the risks of total profits. In order to deal with this model, this paper puts forward an approximation method to transform a continuous fuzzy problem into discrete fuzzy problem. The model is solved using Cplex 12.6. The results show that Cplex 12.6 can perfectly solve this model, the expected value and lower semi-variance of total profits converge with the increasing number of discretization points, the structure of automobile supply chain network keeps unchanged with the increasing number of discretization points.
Demand response (DR), which is the action voluntarily taken by a consumer to adjust amount or timing of its energy consumption, has an important role in improving energy efficiency. With DR, we can shift electrical load from peak demand time to other periods based on changes in price signal. At residential level, automated energy management systems (EMS) have been developed to assist users in responding to price changes in dynamic pricing systems. In this paper, a new intelligent EMS (iEMS) in a smart house is presented. It consists of two parts: a fuzzy subsystem and an intelligent lookup table. The fuzzy subsystem is based on its fuzzy rules and inputs that produce the proper output for the intelligent lookup table. The second part, whose core is a new model of an associative neural network, is able to map inputs to desired outputs. The structure of the associative neural network is presented and discussed. The intelligent lookup table takes three types of inputs that come from the fuzzy subsystem, outside sensors, and feedback outputs. Whatever is trained in this lookup table are different scenarios in different conditions. This system is able to find the best energy-efficiency scenario in different situations.
In this paper, we propose an adaptive specification-based intrusion detection system (IDS) for detecting malicious unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) in an airborne system in which continuity of operation is of the utmost importance. An IDS audits UAVs in a distributed system to determine if the UAVs are functioning normally or are operating under malicious attacks. We investigate the impact of reckless, random, and opportunistic attacker behaviors (modes which many historical cyber attacks have used) on the effectiveness of our behavior rule-based UAV IDS (BRUIDS) which bases its audit on behavior rules to quickly assess the survivability of the UAV facing malicious attacks. Through a comparative analysis with the multiagent system/ant-colony clustering model, we demonstrate a high detection accuracy of BRUIDS for compliant performance. By adjusting the detection strength, BRUIDS can effectively trade higher false positives for lower false negatives to cope with more sophisticated random and opportunistic attackers to support ultrasafe and secure UAV applications.