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Augusto-Gonzalez, J., Collen, A., Evangelatos, S., Anagnostopoulos, M., Spathoulas, G., Giannoutakis, K. M., Votis, K., Tzovaras, D., Genge, B., Gelenbe, E. et al..  2019.  From Internet of Threats to Internet of Things: A Cyber Security Architecture for Smart Homes. 2019 IEEE 24th International Workshop on Computer Aided Modeling and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD). :1–6.
The H2020 European research project GHOST - Safe-Guarding Home IoT Environments with Personalised Real-time Risk Control - aims to deploy a highly effective security framework for IoT smart home residents through a novel reference architecture for user-centric cyber security in smart homes providing an unobtrusive and user-comprehensible solution. The aforementioned security framework leads to a transparent cyber security environment by increasing the effectiveness of the existing cyber security services and enhancing system's self-defence through disruptive software-enabled network security solutions. In this paper, GHOST security framework for IoT-based smart homes is presented. It is aiming to address the security challenges posed by several types of attacks, such as network, device and software. The effective design of the overall multi-layered architecture is analysed, with particular emphasis given to the integration aspects through dynamic and re-configurable solutions and the features provided by each one of the architectural layers. Additionally, real-life trials and the associated use cases are described showcasing the competences and potential of the proposed framework.
Chen, Jianfeng, Liu, Jie, Sun, Zhi, Li, Chunlin, Hu, Chunhui.  2019.  An Intelligent Cyberspace Defense Architecture Based on Elastic Resource Infrastructure and Dynamic Container Orchestration. 2019 International Conference on Networking and Network Applications (NaNA). :235–240.

The borderless, dynamic, high dimensional and virtual natures of cyberspace have brought unprecedented hard situation for defenders. To fight uncertain challenges in versatile cyberspace, a security framework based on the cloud computing platform that facilitates containerization technology to create a security capability pool to generate and distribute security payload according to system needs. Composed by four subsystems of the security decision center, the image and container library, the decision rule base and the security event database, this framework distills structured knowledge from aggregated security events and then deliver security load to the managed network or terminal nodes directed by the decision center. By introducing such unified and standardized top-level security framework that is decomposable, combinable and configurable in a service-oriented manner, it could offer flexibility and effectiveness in reconstructing security resource allocation and usage to reach higher efficiency.

Jie, Bao, Liu, Jingju, Wang, Yongjie, Zhou, Xuan.  2019.  Digital Ant Mechanism and Its Application in Network Security. 2019 IEEE 3rd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :710–714.
Digital ant technology is a new distributed and self-organization cyberspace defense paradigm. This paper describes digital ants system's developing process, characteristics, system architecture and mechanisms to illustrate its superiority, searches the possible applications of digital ants system. The summary of the paper and the trends of digital ants system are pointed out.
Chen, Hanlin, Hu, Ming, Yan, Hui, Yu, Ping.  2019.  Research on Industrial Internet of Things Security Architecture and Protection Strategy. 2019 International Conference on Virtual Reality and Intelligent Systems (ICVRIS). :365–368.

Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is a fusion of industrial automation systems and IoT systems. It features comprehensive sensing, interconnected transmission, intelligent processing, self-organization and self-maintenance. Its applications span intelligent transportation, smart factories, and intelligence. Many areas such as power grid and intelligent environment detection. With the widespread application of IIoT technology, the cyber security threats to industrial IoT systems are increasing day by day, and information security issues have become a major challenge in the development process. In order to protect the industrial IoT system from network attacks, this paper aims to study the industrial IoT information security protection technology, and the typical architecture of industrial Internet of things system, and analyzes the network security threats faced by industrial Internet of things system according to the different levels of the architecture, and designs the security protection strategies applied to different levels of structures based on the specific means of network attack.

Chaisuriya, Sarayut, Keretho, Somnuk, Sanguanpong, Surasak, Praneetpolgrang, Prasong.  2018.  A Security Architecture Framework for Critical Infrastructure with Ring-based Nested Network Zones. 2018 10th International Conference on Knowledge and Smart Technology (KST). :248–253.
The defense-in-depth approach has been widely recommended for designing critical information infrastructure, however, the lack of holistic design guidelines makes it difficult for many organizations to adopt the concept. Therefore, this paper proposes a holistic architectural framework and guidelines based on ring-based nested network zones for designing such highly secured information systems. This novel security architectural framework and guidelines offer the overall structural design and implementation options for holistically designing the N-tier/shared nothing system architectures. The implementation options, e.g. for the zone's perimeters, are recommended to achieve different capability levels of security or to trade off among different required security attributes. This framework enables the adaptive capability suitable for different real-world contexts. This paper also proposes an attack-hops verification approach as a tool to evaluate the architectural design.
Whittington, Christopher, Cady, Edward, Ratchen, Daniel, Dawji, Yunus.  2018.  Re-envisioning digital architectures connecting CE hardware for security, reliability and low energy. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE). :1–6.
Exponential growth of data produced and consumed by consumer electronic systems will strain data connectivity technologies beyond the next ten years. A private universal data platform is therefore required to connect CE Hardware for improved security, reliability and energy use. A novel Push-Pull data network architecture is hereto presented, employing multiple bridged peripheral links to create an ultra-fast, ultra-secure, private and low power data network to connect nearly any system. Bridging standard USB 3.0 technologies, we demonstrate a universally secure, ultra-low power and scalable switchable data platform offering the highest level of data privacy, security and performance. Delivering up to 12 times the throughput speeds of existing USB 3.0 data transfer cables, the presented solution builds on the reliability of universal peripheral communications links using proven ports, protocols and low-power components. A “Software Constructed” ad-hoc circuit network, the presented digital architecture delivers frictionless adoption and exceptional price-performance measures connecting both existing and future CE hardware.
Steinke, Michael, Adam, Iris, Hommel, Wolfgang.  2018.  Multi-Tenancy-Capable Correlation of Security Events in 5G Networks. 2018 IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (NFV-SDN). :1–6.
The concept of network slicing in 5G mobile networks introduces new challenges for security management: Given the combination of Infrastructure-as-a-Service cloud providers, mobile network operators as Software-as-a-Service providers, and the various verticals as customers, multi-layer and multi-tenancy-capable management architectures are required. This paper addresses the challenges for correlation of security events in such 5G scenarios with a focus on event processing at telecommunication service providers. After an analysis of the specific demand for network-slice-centric security event correlation in 5G networks, ongoing standardization efforts, and related research, we propose a multi-tenancy-capable event correlation architecture along with a scalable information model. The event processing, alerting, and correlation workflow is discussed and has been implemented in a network and security management system prototype, leading to a demonstration of first results acquired in a lab setup.
Rauscher, Julia, Bauer, Bernhard.  2018.  Safety and Security Architecture Analyses Framework for the Internet of Things of Medical Devices. 2018 IEEE 20th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Applications and Services (Healthcom). :1–3.
Internet of Things (IoT) is spreading increasingly in different areas of application. Accordingly, IoT also gets deployed in health care including ambient assisted living, telemedicine or medical smart homes. However, IoT also involves risks. Next to increased security issues also safety concerns are occurring. Deploying health care sensors and utilizing medical data causes a high need for IoT architectures free of vulnerabilities in order to identify weak points as early as possible. To address this, we are developing a safety and security analysis approach including a standardized meta model and an IoT safety and security framework comprising a customizable analysis language.
Zhou, Zichao, An, Changqing, Yang, Jiahai.  2018.  A Programmable Network Management Architecture for Address Driven Network. 2018 10th International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems (ICCCAS). :199–206.
The operation and management of network is facing increasing complexities brought by the evolution of network protocols and the demands of rapid service delivery. In this paper, we propose a programmable network management architecture, which manages network based on NETCONF protocol and provides REST APIs to upper layer so that further programming can be done based on the APIs to implement flexible management. Functions of devices can be modeled based on YANG language, and the models can be translated into REST APIs. We apply it to the management of ADN (Address Driven Network), an innovative network architecture proposed by Tsinghua University to inhibit IP spoofing, improve network security and provide high service quality. We model the functions of ADN based on YANG language, and implement the network management functions based on the REST APIs. We deploy and evaluate it in a laboratory environment. Test result shows that the programmable network management architecture is flexible to implement management for new network services.
Wortman, Paul A., Tehranipoor, Fatemeh, Chandy, John A..  2018.  An Adversarial Risk-based Approach for Network Architecture Security Modeling and Design. 2018 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). :1–8.
Network architecture design and verification has become increasingly complicated as a greater number of security considerations, implementations, and factors are included in the design process. In the design process, one must account for various costs of interwoven layers of security. Generally these costs are simplified for evaluation of risk to the network. The obvious implications of adding security are the need to account for the impacts of loss (risk) and accounting for the ensuing increased design costs. The considerations that are not traditionally examined are those of the adversary and the defender of a given system. Without accounting for the view point of the individuals interacting with a network architecture, one can not verify and select the most advantageous security implementation. This work presents a method for obtaining a security metric that takes into account not only the risk of the defender, but also the probability of an attack originating from the motivation of the adversary. We then move to a more meaningful metric based on a monetary unit that architects can use in choosing a best fit solution for a given network critical path design problem.
Liu, Shan, Yue, Keming, Zhang, Yu, Yang, Huq, Liu, Lu, Duan, Xiaorong.  2018.  The Research on IOT Security Architecture and Its Key Technologies. 2018 IEEE 3rd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :1277–1280.
With the development of scientific information technology, the emergence of the Internet of Things (IOT) promoted the information industry once again to a new stage of economic and technological development. From the perspective of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information security, this paper analyzed the current state of the IOT and the security threats, and then researched the security primary technologies of the IOT security architecture. IOT security architecture established the foundation for a reliable information security system for the IOT.
Zhang, Gang, Qiu, Xiaofeng, Gao, Yang.  2019.  Software Defined Security Architecture with Deep Learning-Based Network Anomaly Detection Module. 2019 IEEE 11th International Conference on Communication Software and Networks (ICCSN). :784–788.

With the development of the Internet, the network attack technology has undergone tremendous changes. The forms of network attack and defense have also changed, which are features in attacks are becoming more diverse, attacks are more widespread and traditional security protection methods are invalid. In recent years, with the development of software defined security, network anomaly detection technology and big data technology, these challenges have been effectively addressed. This paper proposes a data-driven software defined security architecture with core features including data-driven orchestration engine, scalable network anomaly detection module and security data platform. Based on the construction of the analysis layer in the security data platform, real-time online detection of network data can be realized by integrating network anomaly detection module and security data platform under software defined security architecture. Then, data-driven security business orchestration can be realized to achieve efficient, real-time and dynamic response to detected anomalies. Meanwhile, this paper designs a deep learning-based HTTP anomaly detection algorithm module and integrates it with data-driven software defined security architecture so that demonstrating the flow of the whole system.

Thulasiraman, Preetha, Wang, Yizhong.  2019.  A Lightweight Trust-Based Security Architecture for RPL in Mobile IoT Networks. 2019 16th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications Networking Conference (CCNC). :1–6.

Military communities have come to rely heavily on commercial off the shelf (COTS) standards and technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) operations. One of the major obstacles to military use of COTS IoT devices is the security of data transfer. In this paper, we successfully design and develop a lightweight, trust-based security architecture to support routing in a mobile IoT network. Specifically, we modify the RPL IoT routing algorithm using common security techniques, including a nonce identity value, timestamp, and network whitelist. Our approach allows RPL to select a routing path over a mobile IoT wireless network based on a computed node trust value and average received signal strength indicator (ARSSI) value across network members. We conducted simulations using the Cooja network simulator and Wireshark to validate the algorithm against stipulated threat models. We demonstrate that our algorithm can protect the network against Denial of Service (DoS) and Sybil based identity attacks. We also show that the control overhead required for our algorithm is less than 5% and that the packet delivery rate improves by nearly 10%.

Gao, Peng, Yang, Ruxia, Shi, Congcong, Zhang, Xiaojian.  2019.  Research on Security Protection Technology System of Power Internet of Things. 2019 IEEE 8th Joint International Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence Conference (ITAIC). :1772–1776.

With the rapid development of Internet of Things applications, the power Internet of Things technologies and applications covering the various production links of the power grid "transmission, transmission, transformation, distribution and use" are becoming more and more popular, and the terminal, network and application security risks brought by them are receiving more and more attention. Combined with the architecture and risk of power Internet of Things, this paper first proposes the overall security protection technology system and strategy for power Internet of Things; then analyzes terminal identity authentication and authority control, edge area autonomy and data transmission protection, and application layer cloud fog security management. And the whole process real-time security monitoring; Finally, through the analysis of security risks and protection, the technical difficulties and directions for the security protection of the Internet of Things are proposed.

Yang, J., Jeong, J. P..  2018.  An Automata-based Security Policy Translation for Network Security Functions. 2018 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC). :268–272.

This paper proposes the design of a security policy translator in Interface to Network Security Functions (I2NSF) framework. Also, this paper shows the benefits of designing security policy translations. I2NSF is an architecture for providing various Network Security Functions (NSFs) to users. I2NSF user should be able to use NSF even if user has no overall knowledge of NSFs. Generally, policies which are generated by I2NSF user contain abstract data because users do not consider the attributes of NSFs when creating policies. Therefore, the I2NSF framework requires a translator that automatically finds the NSFs which is required for policy when Security Controller receives a security policy from the user and translates it for selected NSFs. We satisfied the above requirements by modularizing the translator through Automata theory.

Ponmaniraj, S., Rashmi, R., Anand, M. V..  2018.  IDS Based Network Security Architecture with TCP/IP Parameters Using Machine Learning. 2018 International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON). :111-114.

This computer era leads human to interact with computers and networks but there is no such solution to get rid of security problems. Securities threats misleads internet, we are sometimes losing our hope and reliability with many server based access. Even though many more crypto algorithms are coming for integrity and authentic data in computer access still there is a non reliable threat penetrates inconsistent vulnerabilities in networks. These vulnerable sites are taking control over the user's computer and doing harmful actions without user's privileges. Though Firewalls and protocols may support our browsers via setting certain rules, still our system couldn't support for data reliability and confidentiality. Since these problems are based on network access, lets we consider TCP/IP parameters as a dataset for analysis. By doing preprocess of TCP/IP packets we can build sovereign model on data set and clump cluster. Further the data set gets classified into regular traffic pattern and anonymous pattern using KNN classification algorithm. Based on obtained pattern for normal and threats data sets, security devices and system will set rules and guidelines to learn by it to take needed stroke. This paper analysis the computer to learn security actions from the given data sets which already exist in the previous happens.

Zhang, X., Li, R., Cui, B..  2018.  A security architecture of VANET based on blockchain and mobile edge computing. 2018 1st IEEE International Conference on Hot Information-Centric Networking (HotICN). :258–259.

The development of Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork (VANET) has brought many conveniences to human beings, but also brings a very prominent security problem. The traditional solution to the security problem is based on centralized approach which requires a trusted central entity which exists a single point of failure problem. Moreover, there is no approach of technical level to ensure security of data. Therefore, this paper proposes a security architecture of VANET based on blockchain and mobile edge computing. The architecture includes three layers, namely perception layer, edge computing layer and service layer. The perception layer ensures the security of VANET data in the transmission process through the blockchain technology. The edge computing layer provides computing resources and edge cloud services to the perception layer. The service layer uses the combination of traditional cloud storage and blockchain to ensure the security of data.

Achleitner, Stefan, La Porta, Thomas, Jaeger, Trent, McDaniel, Patrick.  2017.  Adversarial Network Forensics in Software Defined Networking. Proceedings of the Symposium on SDN Research. :8–20.
Software Defined Networking (SDN), and its popular implementation OpenFlow, represent the foundation for the design and implementation of modern networks. The essential part of an SDN-based network are flow rules that enable network elements to steer and control the traffic and deploy policy enforcement points with a fine granularity at any entry-point in a network. Such applications, implemented with the usage of OpenFlow rules, are already integral components of widely used SDN controllers such as Floodlight or OpenDayLight. The implementation details of network policies are reflected in the composition of flow rules and leakage of such information provides adversaries with a significant attack advantage such as bypassing Access Control Lists (ACL), reconstructing the resource distribution of Load Balancers or revealing of Moving Target Defense techniques. In this paper we introduce a new attack vector on SDN by showing how the detailed composition of flow rules can be reconstructed by network users without any prior knowledge of the SDN controller or its architecture. To our best knowledge, in SDN, such reconnaissance techniques have not been considered so far. We introduce SDNMap, an open-source scanner that is able to accurately reconstruct the detailed composition of flow rules by performing active probing and listening to the network traffic. We demonstrate in a number of real-world SDN applications that this ability provides adversaries with a significant attack advantage and discuss ways to prevent the introduced reconnaissance techniques. Our SDNMap scanner is able to reconstruct flow rules between network endpoints with an accuracy of over 96%.
Novikov, Fedor, Fedorchenko, Ludmila, Vorobiev, Vladimir, Fatkieva, Roza, Levonevskiy, Dmitriy.  2017.  Attribute-based Approach of Defining the Secure Behavior of Automata Objects. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :67–72.
The article proposes an enhanced behavior model using graphs of state transitions. The properties and advantages of the proposed model are discussed, UML-based Cooperative Interaction of Automata Objects (CIAO) language is described, attribute approach on its parsing mechanism is introduced. The proposed model for describing behavior is aimed at achieving higher reliability and productivity indicators when designing the secure architecture and implementing reactive and distributed systems in comparison with traditional methods. A side-by-side goal is to create a convenient publication language for describing parallel algorithms and distributed reactive systems. The offered model has advantages under certain conditions in comparison with other models of behavior description in the field of the description of asynchronous distributed reacting systems.
Oh, Sanghak, Kim, Eunsoo, Jeong, Jaehoon(Paul), Ko, Hoon, Kim, Hyoungshick.  2017.  A Flexible Architecture for Orchestrating Network Security Functions to Support High-level Security Policies. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information Management and Communication. :44:1–44:5.
Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) has provided a new way to design and deploy network security services, but it may fail to build a practically useful ecosystem that seamlessly integrates network security services if there is no standard interface between them. We propose a generic architecture for security management service based on Network Security Functions (NSF) using NFV. The proposed architecture allows users to define their security requirements in a user-friendly manner by providing the users with high-level security interfaces that do not require specific information about network resources and protocols. We design basic components (e.g., Security policy manager, NSF capability manager, Application logic, Policy updater and Event collector) and interfaces for the proposed architecture. We introduce three use cases: (1) blacklists of dangerous domains, (2) time-dependent access control policies and (3) detection of suspicious calls for VoIP-VoLTE services. We also explain how to implement our proposed architecture with an illustrative example. Furthermore, we discuss several technical challenges to deploy the proposed architecture in a real network environment.
Kalinin, Maxim, Krundyshev, Vasiliy, Zegzhda, Peter, Belenko, Viacheslav.  2017.  Network Security Architectures for VANET. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Security of Information and Networks. :73–79.
In recent years, cyber security oriented research is paying much close attention on Vehicular Adhoc NETworks (VANETs). However, existing vehicular networks do not meet current security requirements. Typically for dynamic networks, maximal decentralization and rapidly changing topology of moving hosts form a number of security issues associated with ensuring access control of hosts, security policy enforcement, and resistance of the routing methods. To solve these problems generally, the paper reviews SDN (software defined networks) based network security architectures of VANET. The following tasks are solved in our work: composing of network security architectures for SDN-VANET (architecture with the central control and shared security servers, decentralized (zoned) architecture, hierarchical architecture); implementation of these architectures in virtual modeling environment; and experimental study of effectiveness of the suggested architectures. With large-scale vehicular networks, architectures with multiple SDN controllers are most effective. In small networks, the architecture with the central control also significantly outperforms the traditional VANET architecture. For the suggested architectures, three control modes are discussed in the paper: central, distributed and hybrid modes. Unlike common architectures, all of the proposed security architectures allow us to establish a security policy in m2m-networks and increase resistance capabilities of self-organizing networks.
Shi, Y., Dai, F., Ye, Z..  2017.  An enhanced security framework of software defined network based on attribute-based encryption. 2017 4th International Conference on Systems and Informatics (ICSAI). :965–969.

With the development of the information and communications technology, new network architecture and applications keep emerging promoted by cloud computing, big data, virtualization technology, etc. As a novel network architecture, Software Defined Network (SDN) realizes separation of the control plane and the data plane, thus controlling hardware by a software platform which is known as the central controller. Through that method SDN realizes the flexible deployment of network resources. In the process of the development and application of SDN, its open architecture has exposed more and more security problem, which triggers a critical focus on how to build a secure SDN. Based on the hierarchical SDN architecture and characteristics, this paper analyzes the security threats that SDN may face in the application layer, the control layer, the resource layer and the interface layer. In order to solve those security threats, the paper presents an SDN security architecture which can provide corresponding defense ability. The paper also puts forward an enhanced access control strategy adopting an attribute-based encryption method in the SDN security architecture.

Elsaeidy, A., Elgendi, I., Munasinghe, K. S., Sharma, D., Jamalipour, A..  2017.  A smart city cyber security platform for narrowband networks. 2017 27th International Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (ITNAC). :1–6.

Smart city is gaining a significant attention all around the world. Narrowband technologies would have strong impact on achieving the smart city promises to its citizens with its powerful and efficient spectrum. The expected diversity of applications, different data structures and high volume of connecting devices for smart cities increase the persistent need to apply narrowband technologies. However, narrowband technologies have recognized limitations regarding security which make them an attractive target to cyber-attacks. In this paper, a novel platform architecture to secure smart city against cyber attackers is presented. The framework is providing a threat deep learning-based model to detect attackers based on users data behavior. The proposed architecture could be considered as an attempt toward developing a universal model to identify and block Denial of Service (DoS) attackers in a real time for smart city applications.

Zhang, G., Qiu, X., Chang, W..  2017.  Scheduling of Security Resources in Software Defined Security Architecture. 2017 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :494–503.

With the development of Software Defined Networking, its software programmability and openness brings new idea for network security. Therefore, many Software Defined Security Architectures emerged at the right moment. Software Defined Security decouples security control plane and security data plane. In Software Defined Security Architectures, underlying security devices are abstracted as security resources in resource pool, intellectualized and automated security business management and orchestration can be realized through software programming in security control plane. However, network management has been becoming extremely complicated due to expansible network scale, varying network devices, lack of abstraction and heterogeneity of network especially. Therefore, new-type open security devices are needed in SDS Architecture for unified management so that they can be conveniently abstracted as security resources in resource pool. This paper firstly analyses why open security devices are needed in SDS architecture and proposes a method of opening security devices. Considering this new architecture requires a new security scheduling mechanism, this paper proposes a security resource scheduling algorithm which is used for managing and scheduling security resources in resource pool according to user s security demand. The security resource scheduling algorithm aims to allocate a security protection task to a suitable security resource in resource pool so that improving security protection efficiency. In the algorithm, we use BP neural network to predict the execution time of security tasks to improve the performance of the algorithm. The simulation result shows that the algorithm has ideal performance. Finally, a usage scenario is given to illustrate the role of security resource scheduling in software defined security architecture.

Wood, C. A..  2017.  Protecting the long tail: Transparent packet security in content-centric networks. 2017 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking) and Workshops. :1–9.

In the Content-Centric Networking (CCN) architecture, content confidentiality is treated as an application-layer concern. Data is only encrypted if the producer and consumer agree on a suitable access control policy and enforcement mechanism. In contrast, transport encryption in TCP/IP applications is increasingly opportunistic for better privacy. This type of encryption is woefully lacking in CCN. To that end, we present TRAPS, a protocol to enable transparent packet security and opportunistic encryption for all CCN data. TRAPS builds on the assumption that knowledge of a name gives one access to the corresponding content; otherwise, by design, the content remains encrypted and secure. TRAPS builds on recent advances in memory hard functions and message-locked encryption to protect data in transit. We show that the security of TRAPS is dependent on the distribution of content names and argue that it can be significantly improved if secure sessions are used to transmit small pieces of information from producers to consumers. Our performance assessment indicates TRAPS is capable of providing opportunistic encryption to CCN without significant throughput loss for reasonable packet throughput measurements.