This paper analyzes security problems of modern computer systems caused by vulnerabilities in their operating systems (OSs). Our scrutiny of widely used enterprise OSs focuses on their vulnerabilities by examining the statistical data available on how vulnerabilities in these systems are disclosed and eliminated, and by assessing their criticality. This is done by using statistics from both the National Vulnerabilities Database and the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures System. The specific technical areas the paper covers are the quantitative assessment of forever-day vulnerabilities, estimation of days-of-grey-risk, the analysis of the vulnerabilities severity and their distributions by attack vector and impact on security properties. In addition, the study aims to explore those vulnerabilities that have been found across a diverse range of OSs. This leads us to analyzing how different intrusion-tolerant architectures deploying the OS diversity impact availability, integrity, and confidentiality.
Phishing is the major problem of the internet era. In this era of internet the security of our data in web is gaining an increasing importance. Phishing is one of the most harmful ways to unknowingly access the credential information like username, password or account number from the users. Users are not aware of this type of attack and later they will also become a part of the phishing attacks. It may be the losses of financial found, personal information, reputation of brand name or trust of brand. So the detection of phishing site is necessary. In this paper we design a framework of phishing detection using URL.
Signature-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) are a key component in the cybersecurity defense strategy for any network being monitored. In order to improve the efficiency of the intrusion detection system and the corresponding mitigation action, it is important to address the problem of false alarms. In this paper, we present a comparative analysis of two approaches that consider the false alarm minimization and alarm correlation techniques. The output of this analysis provides us the elements to propose a parallelizable strategy designed to achieve better results in terms of precision, recall and alarm load reduction in the prioritization of alarms. We use Prelude SIEM as the event normalizer in order to process security events from heterogeneous sensors and to correlate them. The alarms are verified using the dynamic network context information collected from the vulnerability analysis, and they are prioritized using the HP Arsight priority formula. The results show an important reduction in the volume of alerts, together with a high precision in the identification of false alarms.
Vehicular networks are susceptible to variety of attacks such as denial of service (DoS) attack, sybil attack and false alert generation attack. Different cryptographic methods have been proposed to protect vehicular networks from these kind of attacks. However, cryptographic methods have been found to be less effective to protect from insider attacks which are generated within the vehicular network system. Misbehavior detection system is found to be more effective to detect and prevent insider attacks. In this paper, we propose a machine learning based misbehavior detection system which is trained using datasets generated through extensive simulation based on realistic vehicular network environment. The simulation results demonstrate that our proposed scheme outperforms previous methods in terms of accurately identifying various misbehavior.
In this paper, a general content adaptive image steganography detector in the spatial domain is proposed. We assemble conventional Haar and LBP features to construct local co-occurrence features, then the boosted classifiers are used to assemble the features as well as the final detector, and each weak classifier of the boosted classifiers corresponds to the co-occurrence feature of a local image region. Moreover, the classification ability and the generalization power of the candidate features are both evaluated for decision in the feature selection procedure of boosting training, which makes the final detector more accuracy. The experimental results on standard dataset show that the proposed framework can detect two primary content adaptive stego algorithms in the spatial domain with higher accuracy than the state-of-the-art steganalysis method.
In this paper, we present a combinatorial testing methodology for testing web applications in regards to SQL injection vulnerabilities. We describe three attack grammars that were developed and used to generate concrete attack vectors. Furthermore, we present and evaluate two different oracles used to observe the application's behavior when subjected to such attack vectors. We also present a prototype tool called SQLInjector capable of automated SQL injection vulnerability testing for web applications. The developed methodology can be applied to any web application that uses server side scripting and HTML for handling user input and has a SQL database backend. Our approach relies on the use of a database proxy, making this a gray-box testing method. We establish the effectiveness of the proposed tool with the WAVSEP verification framework and conduct a case study on real-world web applications, where we are able to discover both known vulnerabilities and additional previously undiscovered flaws.
Stealing confidential information from a database has become a severe vulnerability issue for web applications. The attacks can be prevented by defining a whitelist of SQL queries issued by web applications and detecting queries not in list. For large-scale web applications, automated generation of the whitelist is conducted because manually defining numerous query patterns is impractical for developers. Conventional methods for automated generation are unable to detect attacks immediately because of the long time required for collecting legitimate queries. Moreover, they require application-specific implementations that reduce the versatility of the methods. As described herein, we propose a method to generate a whitelist automatically using queries issued during web application tests. Our proposed method uses the queries generated during application tests. It is independent of specific applications, which yields improved timeliness against attacks and versatility for multiple applications.
Keystroke Dynamics is the study of typing patterns and rhythm for personal identification and traits. Keystrokes may be analysed as fixed text such as passwords or as continuous typed text such as documents. This paper reviews different classification metrics for continuous text, such as the A and R metrics, Canberra, Manhattan and Euclidean and introduces a variant of the Minkowski distance. To test the metrics, we adopted a substantial dataset containing 239 thousand records acquired under real, harsh, and unidealised conditions. We propose a new parameter for the Minkowski metric, and we reinforce another for the A metric, as initially stated by its authors.