Internet of Thing (IoT) provide services by linking the different platform devices. They have the limitation in providing intelligent service. The IoT devices are heterogeneous which includes wireless sensors to less resource constrained devices. These devices are prone to hardware/software and network attacks. If not properly secured, it may lead to security issues like privacy and confidentiality. To resolve the above problem, an Intelligent Security Framework for IoT Devices is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is made up of (1) the light weight Asymmetric cryptography for securing the End-To-End devices which protects the IoT service gateway and the low power sensor nodes and (2) implements Lattice-based cryptography for securing the Broker devices/Gateway and the cloud services. The proposed architecture implements Asymmetric Key Encryption to share session key between the nodes and then uses this session key for message transfer This protects the system from Distributed Denial of Service Attacks, eavesdropping and Quantum algorithm attacks. The proposed protocol uses the unique Device ID of the sensors to generate key pair to establish mutual authentication between Devices and Services. Finally, the Mutual authentication mechanism is implemented in the gateway.
Cloud computing has emerged as a compelling vision for managing data and delivering query answering capability over the internet. This new way of computing also poses a real risk of disclosing confidential information to the cloud. Searchable encryption addresses this issue by allowing the cloud to compute the answer to a query based on the cipher texts of data and queries. Thanks to its inner product preservation property, the asymmetric scalar-product-preserving encryption (ASPE) has been adopted and enhanced in a growing number of works toperform a variety of queries and tasks in the cloud computingsetting. However, the security property of ASPE and its enhancedschemes has not been studied carefully. In this paper, we show acomplete disclosure of ASPE and several previously unknownsecurity risks of its enhanced schemes. Meanwhile, efficientalgorithms are proposed to learn the plaintext of data and queriesencrypted by these schemes with little or no knowledge beyondthe ciphertexts. We demonstrate these risks on real data sets.
Data security has become an issue of increasing importance, especially for Web applications and distributed databases. One solution is using cryptographic algorithms whose improvement has become a constant concern. The increasing complexity of these algorithms involves higher execution times, leading to an application performance decrease. This paper presents a comparison of execution times for three algorithms using asymmetric keys, depending on the size of the encryption/decryption keys: RSA, ElGamal, and ECIES. For this algorithms comparison, a benchmark using Java APIs and an application for testing them on a test database was created.
We propose a method for comparative analysis of evaluation of the cryptographic strength of the asymmetric encryption algorithms RSA and the existing GOST R 34.10-2001. Describes the fundamental design ratios, this method is based on computing capacity used for decoding and the forecast for the development of computer technology.
Cloud computing emerged in the last years to handle systems with large-scale services sharing between vast numbers of users. It provides enormous storage for data and computing power to users over the Internet. There are many issues with the high growth of data. Data security is one of the most important issues in cloud computing. There are many algorithms and implementation for data security. These algorithms provided various encryption methods. In this work, We present a comprehensive study between Symmetric key and Asymmetric key encryption algorithms that enhanced data security in cloud computing system. We discuss AES, DES, 3DES and Blowfish for symmetric encryption algorithms, and RSA, DSA, Diffie-Hellman and Elliptic Curve, for asymmetric encryption algorithms.
The Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) are either signature based or anomaly based. In this paper presented NIDS system belongs to anomaly based Neural Network Intrusion Detection System (NNIDS). The proposed NNIDS is able to successfully recognize learned malicious activities in a network environment. It was tested for the SYN flood attack, UDP flood attack, nMap scanning attack, and also for non-malicious communication.
Deep Learning has been proven more effective than conventional machine-learning algorithms in solving classification problem with high dimensionality and complex features, especially when trained with big data. In this paper, a deep learning binomial classifier for Network Intrusion Detection System is proposed and experimentally evaluated using the UNSW-NB15 dataset. Three different experiments were executed in order to determine the optimal activation function, then to select the most important features and finally to test the proposed model on unseen data. The evaluation results demonstrate that the proposed classifier outperforms other models in the literature with 98.99% accuracy and 0.56% false alarm rate on unseen data.
This paper presents a novel feature learning model for cyber security tasks. We propose to use Auto-encoders (AEs), as a generative model, to learn latent representation of different feature sets. We show how well the AE is capable of automatically learning a reasonable notion of semantic similarity among input features. Specifically, the AE accepts a feature vector, obtained from cyber security phenomena, and extracts a code vector that captures the semantic similarity between the feature vectors. This similarity is embedded in an abstract latent representation. Because the AE is trained in an unsupervised fashion, the main part of this success comes from appropriate original feature set that is used in this paper. It can also provide more discriminative features in contrast to other feature engineering approaches. Furthermore, the scheme can reduce the dimensionality of the features thereby signicantly minimising the memory requirements. We selected two different cyber security tasks: networkbased anomaly intrusion detection and Malware classication. We have analysed the proposed scheme with various classifiers using publicly available datasets for network anomaly intrusion detection and malware classifications. Several appropriate evaluation metrics show improvement compared to prior results.
In the paper, we demonstrate a neuromorphic cognitive computing approach for Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for cyber security using Deep Learning (DL). The algorithmic power of DL has been merged with fast and extremely power efficient neuromorphic processors for cyber security. In this implementation, the data has been numerical encoded to train with un-supervised deep learning techniques called Auto Encoder (AE) in the training phase. The generated weights of AE are used as initial weights for the supervised training phase using neural networks. The final weights are converted to discrete values using Discrete Vector Factorization (DVF) for generating crossbar weight, synaptic weights, and thresholds for neurons. Finally, the generated crossbar weights, synaptic weights, threshold, and leak values are mapped to crossbars and neurons. In the testing phase, the encoded test samples are converted to spiking form by using hybrid encoding technique. The model has been deployed and tested on the IBM Neurosynaptic Core Simulator (NSCS) and on actual IBM TrueNorth neurosynaptic chip. The experimental results show around 90.12% accuracy for network intrusion detection for cyber security on the physical neuromorphic chip. Furthermore, we have investigated the proposed system not only for detection of malicious packets but also for classifying specific types of attacks and achieved 81.31% recognition accuracy. The neuromorphic implementation provides incredible detection and classification accuracy for network intrusion detection with extremely low power.
Deception has been widely considered in literature as an effective means of enhancing security protection when the defender holds some private information about the ongoing rivalry unknown to the attacker. However, most of the existing works on deception assume static environments and thus consider only myopic deception, while practical security games between the defender and the attacker may happen in dynamic scenarios. To better exploit the defender's private information in dynamic environments and improve security performance, a stochastic deception game (SDG) framework is developed in this work to enable the defender to conduct foresighted deception. To solve the proposed SDG, a new iterative algorithm that is provably convergent is developed. A corresponding learning algorithm is developed as well to facilitate the defender in conducting foresighted deception in unknown dynamic environments. Numerical results show that the proposed foresighted deception can offer a substantial performance improvement as compared to the conventional myopic deception.
By using generalized regression neural network clustering analysis, effective clustering of five kinds of network intrusion behavior modes is carried out. First of all, intrusion data is divided into five categories by making use of fuzzy C means clustering algorithm. Then, the samples that are closet to the center of each class in the clustering results are taken as the clustering training samples of generalized neural network for the data training, and the results output by the training are the individual owned invasion category. The experimental results showed that the new algorithm has higher classification accuracy of network intrusion ways, which can provide more reliable data support for the prevention of the network intrusion.
Wearable and mobile medical devices provide efficient, comfortable, and economic health monitoring, having a wide range of applications from daily to clinical scenarios. Health data security becomes a critically important issue. Electrocardiogram (ECG) has proven to be a potential biometric in human recognition over the past decade. Unlike conventional authentication methods using passwords, fingerprints, face, etc., ECG signal can not be simply intercepted, duplicated, and enables continuous identification. However, in many of the studies, algorithms developed are not suitable for practical application, which usually require long ECG data for authentication. In this work, we introduce a two-phase authentication using artificial neural network (NN) models. This algorithm enables fast authentication within only 3 seconds, meanwhile achieves reasonable performance in recognition. We test the proposed method in a controlled laboratory experiment with 50 subjects. Finger ECG signals are collected using a mobile device at different times and physical statues. At the first stage, a ``General'' NN model is constructed based on data from the cohort and used for preliminary screening, while at the second stage ``Personal'' NN models constructed from single individual's data are applied as fine-grained identification. The algorithm is tested on the whole data set, and on different sizes of subsets (5, 10, 20, 30, and 40). Results proved that the proposed method is feasible and reliable for individual authentication, having obtained average False Acceptance Rate (FAR) and False Rejection Rate (FRR) below 10% for the whole data set.
Although connecting a microgrid to modern power systems can alleviate issues arising from a large penetration of distributed generation, it can also cause severe voltage instability problems. This paper presents an online method to analyze voltage security in a microgrid using convolutional neural networks. To transform the traditional voltage stability problem into a classification problem, three steps are considered: 1) creating data sets using offline simulation results; 2) training the model with dimensional reduction and convolutional neural networks; 3) testing the online data set and evaluating performance. A case study in the modified IEEE 14-bus system shows the accuracy of the proposed analysis method increases by 6% compared to back-propagation neural network and has better performance than decision tree and support vector machine. The proposed algorithm has great potential in future applications.
In this paper we present a case study of applying fitness dimensions in API design assessment. We argue that API assessment is company specific and should take into consideration various stakeholders in the API ecosystem. We identified new fitness dimensions and introduced the notion of design considerations for fitness dimensions such as priorities, tradeoffs, and technical versus cognitive classification.
The growing popularity of Android applications makes them vulnerable to security threats. There exist several studies that focus on the analysis of the behaviour of Android applications to detect the repackaged and malicious ones. These techniques use a variety of features to model the application's behaviour, among which the calls to Android API, made by the application components, are shown to be the most reliable. To generate the APIs that an application calls is not an easy task. This is because most malicious applications are obfuscated and do not come with the source code. This makes the problem of identifying the API methods invoked by an application an interesting research issue. In this paper, we present HyDroid, a hybrid approach that combines static and dynamic analysis to generate API call traces from the execution of an application's services. We focus on services because they contain key characteristics that allure attackers to misuse them. We show that HyDroid can be used to extract API call trace signatures of several malware families.
Hackers create different types of Malware such as Trojans which they use to steal user-confidential information (e.g. credit card details) with a few simple commands, recent malware however has been created intelligently and in an uncontrolled size, which puts malware analysis as one of the top important subjects of information security. This paper proposes an efficient dynamic malware-detection method based on API similarity. This proposed method outperform the traditional signature-based detection method. The experiment evaluated 197 malware samples and the proposed method showed promising results of correctly identified malware.
Cryptographic APIs are often vulnerable to attacks that compromise sensitive cryptographic keys. In the literature we find many proposals for preventing or mitigating such attacks but they typically require to modify the API or to configure it in a way that might break existing applications. This makes it hard to adopt such proposals, especially because security APIs are often used in highly sensitive settings, such as financial and critical infrastructures, where systems are rarely modified and legacy applications are very common. In this paper we take a different approach. We propose an effective method to monitor existing cryptographic systems in order to detect, and possibly prevent, the leakage of sensitive cryptographic keys. The method collects logs for various devices and cryptographic services and is able to detect, offline, any leakage of sensitive keys, under the assumption that a key fingerprint is provided for each sensitive key. We define key security formally and we prove that the method is sound, complete and efficient. We also show that without key fingerprinting completeness is lost, i.e., some attacks cannot be detected. We discuss possible practical implementations and we develop a proof-of-concept log analysis tool for PKCS\#11 that is able to detect, on a significant fragment of the API, all key-management attacks from the literature.
Biometric authentication has been extremely popular in large scale industries. The face biometric has been used widely in various applications. Handling large numbers of face images is a challenging task in authentication of biometric system. It requires large amount of secure storage, where the registered user information can be stored. Maintaining centralized data centers to store the information requires high investment and maintenance cost, therefore there is a need for deployment of cloud services. However as there is no guaranty of the security in the cloud, user needs to implement an additional or extra layer of security before storing facial data of all registered users. In this work a unique cloud based biometric authentication system is developed using Microsoft cognitive face API. Because most of the cloud based biometric techniques are scalable it is paramount to implement a security technique which can handle the scalability. Any users can use this system for single enterprise application base over the entire enterprise application. In this work the identification number which is text information associated with each biometric image is protected by AES algorithm. The proposed technique also works under distributed system in order to have wider accessibility. The system is also being extended to validate the registered user with an image of aadhar card. An accuracy of 96% is achieved with 100 registered users face images and aadhar card images. Earlier research carried out for the development of biometric system either suffers from development of distributed system are security aspects to handle multiple biometric information such as facial image and aadhar card image.
Currently, mobile botnet attacks have shifted from computers to smartphones due to its functionality, ease to exploit, and based on financial intention. Mostly, it attacks Android due to its popularity and high usage among end users. Every day, more and more malicious mobile applications (apps) with the botnet capability have been developed to exploit end users' smartphones. Therefore, this paper presents a new mobile botnet classification based on permission and Application Programming Interface (API) calls in the smartphone. This classification is developed using static analysis in a controlled lab environment and the Drebin dataset is used as the training dataset. 800 apps from the Google Play Store have been chosen randomly to test the proposed classification. As a result, 16 permissions and 31 API calls that are most related with mobile botnet have been extracted using feature selection and later classified and tested using machine learning algorithms. The experimental result shows that the Random Forest Algorithm has achieved the highest detection accuracy of 99.4% with the lowest false positive rate of 16.1% as compared to other machine learning algorithms. This new classification can be used as the input for mobile botnet detection for future work, especially for financial matters.
Honeypots are servers or systems built to mimic critical parts of a network, distracting attackers while logging their information to develop attack profiles. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a honeypot disguised as a REpresentational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API). We discuss the motivation for this work, design features of the honeypot, and experimental performance results under various traffic conditions. We also present analyses of both a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack and a cross-site scripting (XSS) malware insertion attempt against this honeypot.
Internet of Things devices (IoT-D) have limited resource capacity. But these devices can share resources. Hence, they are being used in variety of applications in various fields including smart city, smart energy, healthcare etc. Traditional practice of medicine and healthcare is mostly heuristic driven. There exist big gaps in our understanding of human body, disease and health. We can use upcoming digital revolution to turn healthcare upside down with data-driven medical science. Various healthcare companies now provide remote healthcare services. Healthcare professionals are also adapting remote healthcare monitoring practices so as to monitor patients who are either hospitalized or executing their normal lifestyle activities at remote locations. Wearable devices available in the market calculate different health parameters and corresponding applications pass the information to server through their proprietary platforms. However, these devices or applications cannot directly communicate or share the data. So, there needs an API to access health and wellness data from different wearable medical devices and applications. This paper proposes and demonstrates an API to connect different wearable healthcare devices and transfer patient personal information securely to the doctor or health provider.
Cloud services are widely used to virtualize the management and actuation of the real-world the Internet of Things (IoT). Due to the increasing privacy concerns regarding querying untrusted cloud servers, query anonymity has become a critical issue to all the stakeholders which are related to assessment of the dependability and security of the IoT system. The paper presents our study on the problem of query receiver-anonymity in the cloud-based IoT system, where the trade-off between the offered query-anonymity and the incurred communication is considered. The paper will investigate whether the accepted worst-case communication cost is sufficient to achieve a specific query anonymity or not. By way of extensive theoretical analysis, it shows that the bounds of worst-case communication cost is quadratically increased as the offered level of anonymity is increased, and they are quadratic in the network diameter for the opposite range. Extensive simulation is conducted to verify the analytical assertions.
Membership revocation is essential for cryptographic applications, from traditional PKIs to group signatures and anonymous credentials. Of the various solutions for the revocation problem that have been explored, dynamic accumulators are one of the most promising. We propose Braavos, a new, RSA-based, dynamic accumulator. It has optimal communication complexity and, when combined with efficient zero-knowledge proofs, provides an ideal solution for anonymous revocation. For the construction of Braavos we use a modular approach: we show how to build an accumulator with better functionality and security from accumulators with fewer features and weaker security guarantees. We then describe an anonymous revocation component (ARC) that can be instantiated using any dynamic accumulator. ARC can be added to any anonymous system, such as anonymous credentials or group signatures, in order to equip it with a revocation functionality. Finally, we implement ARC with Braavos and plug it into Idemix, the leading implementation of anonymous credentials. This work resolves, for the first time, the problem of practical revocation for anonymous credential systems.
Location-Based Service (LBS) becomes increasingly important for our daily life. However, the localization information in the air is vulnerable to various attacks, which result in serious privacy concerns. To overcome this problem, we formulate a multi-objective optimization problem with considering both the query probability and the practical dummy location region. A low complexity dummy location selection scheme is proposed. We first find several candidate dummy locations with similar query probabilities. Among these selected candidates, a cloaking area based algorithm is then offered to find K - 1 dummy locations to achieve K-anonymity. The intersected area between two dummy locations is also derived to assist to determine the total cloaking area. Security analysis verifies the effectiveness of our scheme against the passive and active adversaries. Compared with other methods, simulation results show that the proposed dummy location scheme can improve the privacy level and enlarge the cloaking area simultaneously.
Analytics in big data is maturing and moving towards mass adoption. The emergence of analytics increases the need for innovative tools and methodologies to protect data against privacy violation. Many data anonymization methods were proposed to provide some degree of privacy protection by applying data suppression and other distortion techniques. However, currently available methods suffer from poor scalability, performance and lack of framework standardization. Current anonymization methods are unable to cope with the massive size of data processing. Some of these methods were especially proposed for MapReduce framework to operate in Big Data. However, they still operate in conventional data management approaches. Therefore, there were no remarkable gains in the performance. We introduce a framework that can operate in MapReduce environment to benefit from its advantages, as well as from those in Hadoop ecosystems. Our framework provides a granular user's access that can be tuned to different authorization levels. The proposed solution provides a fine-grained alteration based on the user's authorization level to access MapReduce domain for analytics. Using well-developed role-based access control approaches, this framework is capable of assigning roles to users and map them to relevant data attributes.