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Gao, Y., Luo, T., Li, J., Wang, C..  2017.  Research on K Anonymity Algorithm Based on Association Analysis of Data Utility. 2017 IEEE 2nd Advanced Information Technology, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (IAEAC). :426–432.

More and more medical data are shared, which leads to disclosure of personal privacy information. Therefore, the construction of medical data privacy preserving publishing model is of great value: not only to make a non-correspondence between the released information and personal identity, but also to maintain the data utility after anonymity. However, there is an inherent contradiction between the anonymity and the data utility. In this paper, a Principal Component Analysis-Grey Relational Analysis (PCA-GRA) K anonymous algorithm is proposed to improve the data utility effectively under the premise of anonymity, in which the association between quasi-identifiers and the sensitive information is reckoned as a criterion to control the generalization hierarchy. Compared with the previous anonymity algorithms, results show that the proposed PCA-GRA K anonymous algorithm has achieved significant improvement in data utility from three aspects, namely information loss, feature maintenance and classification evaluation performance.

Elgzil, A., Chow, C. E., Aljaedi, A., Alamri, N..  2017.  Cyber Anonymity Based on Software-Defined Networking and Onion Routing (SOR). 2017 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing. :358–365.

Cyber anonymity tools have attracted wide attention in resisting network traffic censorship and surveillance, and have played a crucial role for open communications over the Internet. The Onion Routing (Tor) is considered the prevailing technique for circumventing the traffic surveillance and providing cyber anonymity. Tor operates by tunneling a traffic through a series of relays, making such traffic to appear as if it originated from the last relay in the traffic path, rather than from the original user. However, Tor faced some obstructions in carrying out its goal effectively, such as insufficient performance and limited capacity. This paper presents a cyber anonymity technique based on software-defined networking; named SOR, which builds onion-routed tunnels across multiple anonymity service providers. SOR architecture enables any cloud tenants to participate in the anonymity service via software-defined networking. Our proposed architecture leverages the large capacity and robust connectivity of the commercial cloud networks to elevate the performance of the cyber anonymity service.

Wei, R., Shen, H., Tian, H..  2017.  An Improved (k,p,l)-Anonymity Method for Privacy Preserving Collaborative Filtering. GLOBECOM 2017 - 2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference. :1–6.

Collaborative Filtering (CF) is a successful technique that has been implemented in recommender systems and Privacy Preserving Collaborative Filtering (PPCF) aroused increasing concerns of the society. Current solutions mainly focus on cryptographic methods, obfuscation methods, perturbation methods and differential privacy methods. But these methods have some shortcomings, such as unnecessary computational cost, lower data quality and hard to calibrate the magnitude of noise. This paper proposes a (k, p, I)-anonymity method that improves the existing k-anonymity method in PPCF. The method works as follows: First, it applies Latent Factor Model (LFM) to reduce matrix sparsity. Then it improves Maximum Distance to Average Vector (MDAV) microaggregation algorithm based on importance partitioning to increase homogeneity among records in each group which can retain better data quality and (p, I)-diversity model where p is attacker's prior knowledge about users' ratings and I is the diversity among users in each group to improve the level of privacy preserving. Theoretical and experimental analyses show that our approach ensures a higher level of privacy preserving based on lower information loss.

Ranakoti, P., Yadav, S., Apurva, A., Tomer, S., Roy, N. R..  2017.  Deep Web Online Anonymity. 2017 International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies for Smart Nation (IC3TSN). :215–219.

Deep web, a hidden and encrypted network that crawls beneath the surface web today has become a social hub for various criminals who carry out their crime through the cyber space and all the crime is being conducted and hosted on the Deep Web. This research paper is an effort to bring forth various techniques and ways in which an internet user can be safe online and protect his privacy through anonymity. Understanding how user's data and private information is phished and what are the risks of sharing personal information on social media.

Kumar, V., Kumar, A., Singh, M..  2017.  Boosting Anonymity in Wireless Sensor Networks. 2017 4th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :344–348.

The base station (BS) is the main device in a wireless sensor network (WSN) and used to collect data from all the sensor nodes. The information of the whole network is stored in the BS and hence it is always targeted by the adversaries who want to interrupt the operation of the network. The nodes transmit their data to the BS using multi-hop technique and hence form an eminent traffic pattern that can be easily observed by a remote adversary. The presented research aims to increase the anonymity of the BS. The proposed scheme uses a mobile BS and ring nodes to complete the above mentioned objective. The simulation results show that the proposed scheme has superior outcomes as compared to the existing techniques.

Jia, J., Chen, L..  2017.  (L, m, d) \#x2014; Anonymity : A Resisting Similarity Attack Model for Multiple Sensitive Attributes. 2017 IEEE 2nd Information Technology, Networking, Electronic and Automation Control Conference (ITNEC). :756–760.

Preserving privacy is extremely important in data publishing. The existing privacy-preserving models are mostly oriented to single sensitive attribute, can not be applied to multiple sensitive attributes situation. Moreover, they do not consider the semantic similarity between sensitive attribute values, and may be vulnerable to similarity attack. In this paper, we propose a (l, m, d)-anonymity model for multiple sensitive attributes similarity attack, where m is the dimension of the sensitive attributes. This model uses the semantic hierarchical tree to analyze and compute the semantic dissimilarity between sensitive attribute values, and each equivalence class must exist at least l sensitive attribute values that satisfy d-different on each dimension sensitive attribute. Meanwhile, in order to make the published data highly available, our model adopts the distance-based measurement method to divide the equivalence class. We carry out extensive experiments to certify the (1, m, d)-anonymity model can significantly reduce the probability of sensitive information leakage and protect individual privacy more effectively.

Pallaprolu, S. C., Sankineni, R., Thevar, M., Karabatis, G., Wang, J..  2017.  Zero-Day Attack Identification in Streaming Data Using Semantics and Spark. 2017 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress). :121–128.

Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) have been in existence for many years now, but they fall short in efficiently detecting zero-day attacks. This paper presents an organic combination of Semantic Link Networks (SLN) and dynamic semantic graph generation for the on the fly discovery of zero-day attacks using the Spark Streaming platform for parallel detection. In addition, a minimum redundancy maximum relevance (MRMR) feature selection algorithm is deployed to determine the most discriminating features of the dataset. Compared to previous studies on zero-day attack identification, the described method yields better results due to the semantic learning and reasoning on top of the training data and due to the use of collaborative classification methods. We also verified the scalability of our method in a distributed environment.

Azzedin, F., Suwad, H., Alyafeai, Z..  2017.  Countermeasureing Zero Day Attacks: Asset-Based Approach. 2017 International Conference on High Performance Computing Simulation (HPCS). :854–857.

There is no doubt that security issues are on the rise and defense mechanisms are becoming one of the leading subjects for academic and industry experts. In this paper, we focus on the security domain and envision a new way of looking at the security life cycle. We utilize our vision to propose an asset-based approach to countermeasure zero day attacks. To evaluate our proposal, we built a prototype. The initial results are promising and indicate that our prototype will achieve its goal of detecting zero-day attacks.

Liu, W., Chen, F., Hu, H., Cheng, G., Huo, S., Liang, H..  2017.  A Novel Framework for Zero-Day Attacks Detection and Response with Cyberspace Mimic Defense Architecture. 2017 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery (CyberC). :50–53.

In cyberspace, unknown zero-day attacks can bring safety hazards. Traditional defense methods based on signatures are ineffective. Based on the Cyberspace Mimic Defense (CMD) architecture, the paper proposes a framework to detect the attacks and respond to them. Inputs are assigned to all online redundant heterogeneous functionally equivalent modules. Their independent outputs are compared and the outputs in the majority will be the final response. The abnormal outputs can be detected and so can the attack. The damaged executive modules with abnormal outputs will be replaced with new ones from the diverse executive module pool. By analyzing the abnormal outputs, the correspondence between inputs and abnormal outputs can be built and inputs leading to recurrent abnormal outputs will be written into the zero-day attack related database and their reuses cannot work any longer, as the suspicious malicious inputs can be detected and processed. Further responses include IP blacklisting and patching, etc. The framework also uses honeypot like executive module to confuse the attacker. The proposed method can prevent the recurrent attack based on the same exploit.

Lu, Sixing, Lysecky, Roman.  2017.  Time and Sequence Integrated Runtime Anomaly Detection for Embedded Systems. ACM Trans. Embed. Comput. Syst.. 17:38:1–38:27.

Network-connected embedded systems grow on a large scale as a critical part of Internet of Things, and these systems are under the risk of increasing malware. Anomaly-based detection methods can detect malware in embedded systems effectively and provide the advantage of detecting zero-day exploits relative to signature-based detection methods, but existing approaches incur significant performance overheads and are susceptible to mimicry attacks. In this article, we present a formal runtime security model that defines the normal system behavior including execution sequence and execution timing. The anomaly detection method in this article utilizes on-chip hardware to non-intrusively monitor system execution through trace port of the processor and detect malicious activity at runtime. We further analyze the properties of the timing distribution for control flow events, and select subset of monitoring targets by three selection metrics to meet hardware constraint. The designed detection method is evaluated by a network-connected pacemaker benchmark prototyped in FPGA and simulated in SystemC, with several mimicry attacks implemented at different levels. The resulting detection rate and false positive rate considering constraints on the number of monitored events supported in the on-chip hardware demonstrate good performance of our approach.

Srinivasa Rao, Routhu, Pais, Alwyn R..  2017.  Detecting Phishing Websites Using Automation of Human Behavior. Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Cyber-Physical System Security. :33–42.

In this paper, we propose a technique to detect phishing attacks based on behavior of human when exposed to fake website. Some online users submit fake credentials to the login page before submitting their actual credentials. He/She observes the login status of the resulting page to check whether the website is fake or legitimate. We automate the same behavior with our application (FeedPhish) which feeds fake values into login page. If the web page logs in successfully, it is classified as phishing otherwise it undergoes further heuristic filtering. If the suspicious site passes through all heuristic filters then the website is classified as a legitimate site. As per the experimentation results, our application has achieved a true positive rate of 97.61%, true negative rate of 94.37% and overall accuracy of 96.38%. Our application neither demands third party services nor prior knowledge like web history, whitelist or blacklist of URLS. It is able to detect not only zero-day phishing attacks but also detects phishing sites which are hosted on compromised domains.

Martinelli, Fabio, Mercaldo, Francesco, Nardone, Vittoria, Santone, Antonella.  2017.  How Discover a Malware Using Model Checking. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM on Asia Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :902–904.

Android operating system is constantly overwhelmed by new sophisticated threats and new zero-day attacks. While aggressive malware, for instance malicious behaviors able to cipher data files or lock the GUI, are not worried to circumvention users by infection (that can try to disinfect the device), there exist malware with the aim to perform malicious actions stealthy, i.e., trying to not manifest their presence to the users. This kind of malware is less recognizable, because users are not aware of their presence. In this paper we propose FormalDroid, a tool able to detect silent malicious beaviours and to localize the malicious payload in Android application. Evaluating real-world malware samples we obtain an accuracy equal to 0.94.

You, Wei, Zong, Peiyuan, Chen, Kai, Wang, XiaoFeng, Liao, Xiaojing, Bian, Pan, Liang, Bin.  2017.  SemFuzz: Semantics-Based Automatic Generation of Proof-of-Concept Exploits. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. :2139–2154.

Patches and related information about software vulnerabilities are often made available to the public, aiming to facilitate timely fixes. Unfortunately, the slow paces of system updates (30 days on average) often present to the attackers enough time to recover hidden bugs for attacking the unpatched systems. Making things worse is the potential to automatically generate exploits on input-validation flaws through reverse-engineering patches, even though such vulnerabilities are relatively rare (e.g., 5% among all Linux kernel vulnerabilities in last few years). Less understood, however, are the implications of other bug-related information (e.g., bug descriptions in CVE), particularly whether utilization of such information can facilitate exploit generation, even on other vulnerability types that have never been automatically attacked. In this paper, we seek to use such information to generate proof-of-concept (PoC) exploits for the vulnerability types never automatically attacked. Unlike an input validation flaw that is often patched by adding missing sanitization checks, fixing other vulnerability types is more complicated, usually involving replacement of the whole chunk of code. Without understanding of the code changed, automatic exploit becomes less likely. To address this challenge, we present SemFuzz, a novel technique leveraging vulnerability-related text (e.g., CVE reports and Linux git logs) to guide automatic generation of PoC exploits. Such an end-to-end approach is made possible by natural-language processing (NLP) based information extraction and a semantics-based fuzzing process guided by such information. Running over 112 Linux kernel flaws reported in the past five years, SemFuzz successfully triggered 18 of them, and further discovered one zero-day and one undisclosed vulnerabilities. These flaws include use-after-free, memory corruption, information leak, etc., indicating that more complicated flaws can also be automatically attacked. This finding calls into question the way vulnerability-related information is shared today.

Hu, Zhisheng, Zhu, Minghui, Liu, Peng.  2017.  Online Algorithms for Adaptive Cyber Defense on Bayesian Attack Graphs. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :99–109.

Emerging zero-day vulnerabilities in information and communications technology systems make cyber defenses very challenging. In particular, the defender faces uncertainties of; e.g., system states and the locations and the impacts of vulnerabilities. In this paper, we study the defense problem on a computer network that is modeled as a partially observable Markov decision process on a Bayesian attack graph. We propose online algorithms which allow the defender to identify effective defense policies when utility functions are unknown a priori. The algorithm performance is verified via numerical simulations based on real-world attacks.

Niakanlahiji, Amirreza, Pritom, Mir Mehedi, Chu, Bei-Tseng, Al-Shaer, Ehab.  2017.  Predicting Zero-Day Malicious IP Addresses. Proceedings of the 2017 Workshop on Automated Decision Making for Active Cyber Defense. :1–6.

Blacklisting IP addresses is an important part of enterprise security today. Malware infections and Advanced Persistent Threats can be detected when blacklisted IP addresses are contacted. It can also thwart phishing attacks by blocking suspicious websites. An unknown binary file may be executed in a sandbox by a modern firewall. It is blocked if it attempts to contact a blacklisted IP address. However, today's providers of IP blacklists are based on observed malicious activities, collected from multiple sources around the world. Attackers can evade those reactive IP blacklist defense by using IP addresses that have not been recently engaged in malicious activities. In this paper, we report an approach that can predict IP addresses that are likely to be used in malicious activities in the near future. Our evaluation shows that this approach can detect 88% of zero-day malware instances missed by top five antivirus products. It can also block 68% of phishing websites before reported by Phishtank.

Chekuri, Chandra, Madan, Vivek.  2017.  Approximating Multicut and the Demand Graph. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms. :855–874.

In the minimum Multicut problem, the input is an edge-weighted supply graph G = (V, E) and a demand graph H = (V, F). Either G and H are directed (Dir-MulC) or both are undirected (Undir-MulC). The goal is to remove a minimum weight set of supply edges E' $\subseteq$ E such that in G - E' there is no path from s to t for any demand edge (s, t) $ın$ F. Undir-MulC admits O(log k)-approximation where k is the number of edges in H while the best known approximation for Dir-MulC is min\k, Õ(textbarVtextbar11/23)\. These approximations are obtained by proving corresponding results on the multicommodity flow-cut gap. In this paper we consider the role that the structure of the demand graph plays in determining the approximability of Multicut. We obtain several new positive and negative results. In undirected graphs our main result is a 2-approximation in nO(t) time when the demand graph excludes an induced matching of size t. This gives a constant factor approximation for a specific demand graph that motivated this work, and is based on a reduction to uniform metric labeling and not via the flow-cut gap. In contrast to the positive result for undirected graphs, we prove that in directed graphs such approximation algorithms can not exist. We prove that, assuming the Unique Games Conjecture (UGC), that for a large class of fixed demand graphs Dir-MulC cannot be approximated to a factor better than the worst-case flow-cut gap. As a consequence we prove that for any fixed k, assuming UGC, Dir-MulC with k demand pairs is hard to approximate to within a factor better than k. On the positive side, we obtain a k approximation when the demand graph excludes certain graphs as an induced subgraph. This generalizes the known 2 approximation for directed Multiway Cut to a larger class of demand graphs.

Eskandanian, Farzad, Mobasher, Bamshad, Burke, Robin.  2017.  A Clustering Approach for Personalizing Diversity in Collaborative Recommender Systems. Proceedings of the 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. :280–284.

Much of the focus of recommender systems research has been on the accurate prediction of users' ratings for unseen items. Recent work has suggested that objectives such as diversity and novelty in recommendations are also important factors in the effectiveness of a recommender system. However, methods that attempt to increase diversity of recommendation lists for all users without considering each user's preference or tolerance for diversity may lead to monotony for some users and to poor recommendations for others. Our goal in this research is to evaluate the hypothesis that users' propensity towards diversity varies greatly and that the diversity of recommendation lists should be consistent with the level of user interest in diverse recommendations. We propose a pre-filtering clustering approach to group users with similar levels of tolerance for diversity. Our contributions are twofold. First, we propose a method for personalizing diversity by performing collaborative filtering independently on different segments of users based on the degree of diversity in their profiles. Secondly, we investigate the accuracy-diversity tradeoffs using the proposed method across different user segments. As part of this evaluation we propose new metrics, adapted from information retrieval, that help us measure the effectiveness of our approach in personalizing diversity. Our experimental evaluation is based on two different datasets: MovieLens movie ratings, and Yelp restaurant reviews.

Valiant, Gregory, Valiant, Paul.  2017.  Estimating the Unseen: Improved Estimators for Entropy and Other Properties. J. ACM. 64:37:1–37:41.

We show that a class of statistical properties of distributions, which includes such practically relevant properties as entropy, the number of distinct elements, and distance metrics between pairs of distributions, can be estimated given a sublinear sized sample. Specifically, given a sample consisting of independent draws from any distribution over at most k distinct elements, these properties can be estimated accurately using a sample of size O(k log k). For these estimation tasks, this performance is optimal, to constant factors. Complementing these theoretical results, we also demonstrate that our estimators perform exceptionally well, in practice, for a variety of estimation tasks, on a variety of natural distributions, for a wide range of parameters. The key step in our approach is to first use the sample to characterize the ``unseen'' portion of the distribution—effectively reconstructing this portion of the distribution as accurately as if one had a logarithmic factor larger sample. This goes beyond such tools as the Good-Turing frequency estimation scheme, which estimates the total probability mass of the unobserved portion of the distribution: We seek to estimate the shape of the unobserved portion of the distribution. This work can be seen as introducing a robust, general, and theoretically principled framework that, for many practical applications, essentially amplifies the sample size by a logarithmic factor; we expect that it may be fruitfully used as a component within larger machine learning and statistical analysis systems.

Jo, Changyeon, Cho, Youngsu, Egger, Bernhard.  2017.  A Machine Learning Approach to Live Migration Modeling. Proceedings of the 2017 Symposium on Cloud Computing. :351–364.

Live migration is one of the key technologies to improve data center utilization, power efficiency, and maintenance. Various live migration algorithms have been proposed; each exhibiting distinct characteristics in terms of completion time, amount of data transferred, virtual machine (VM) downtime, and VM performance degradation. To make matters worse, not only the migration algorithm but also the applications running inside the migrated VM affect the different performance metrics. With service-level agreements and operational constraints in place, choosing the optimal live migration technique has so far been an open question. In this work, we propose an adaptive machine learning-based model that is able to predict with high accuracy the key characteristics of live migration in dependence of the migration algorithm and the workload running inside the VM. We discuss the important input parameters for accurately modeling the target metrics, and describe how to profile them with little overhead. Compared to existing work, we are not only able to model all commonly used migration algorithms but also predict important metrics that have not been considered so far such as the performance degradation of the VM. In a comparison with the state-of-the-art, we show that the proposed model outperforms existing work by a factor 2 to 5.

Naor, Assaf, Young, Robert.  2017.  The Integrality Gap of the Goemans-Linial SDP Relaxation for Sparsest Cut Is at Least a Constant Multiple of $\surd$Log N. Proceedings of the 49th Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing. :564–575.

We prove that the integrality gap of the Goemans–Linial semidefinite programming relaxation for the Sparsest Cut Problem is Î\textcopyright(√logn) on inputs with n vertices, thus matching the previously best known upper bound (logn)1/2+o(1) up to lower-order factors. This statement is a consequence of the following new isoperimetric-type inequality. Consider the 8-regular graph whose vertex set is the 5-dimensional integer grid â„\textcurrency5 and where each vertex (a,b,c,d,e)∈ â„\textcurrency5 is connected to the 8 vertices (aÂ$\pm$ 1,b,c,d,e), (a,bÂ$\pm$ 1,c,d,e), (a,b,cÂ$\pm$ 1,d,eÂ$\pm$ a), (a,b,c,dÂ$\pm$ 1,eÂ$\pm$ b). This graph is known as the Cayley graph of the 5-dimensional discrete Heisenberg group. Given Î\textcopyright⊂ â„\textcurrency5, denote the size of its edge boundary in this graph (a.k.a. the horizontal perimeter of Î\textcopyright) by textbar∂hÎ\textcopyrighttextbar. For t∈ ℕ, denote by textbar∂vtÎ\textcopyrighttextbar the number of (a,b,c,d,e)∈ â„\textcurrency5 such that exactly one of the two vectors (a,b,c,d,e),(a,b,c,d,e+t) is in Î\textcopyright. The vertical perimeter of Î\textcopyright is defined to be textbar∂vÎ\textcopyrighttextbar= √∑t=1∞textbar∂vtÎ\textcopyrighttextbar2/t2. We show that every subset Î\textcopyright⊂ â„\textcurrency5 satisfies textbar∂vÎ\textcopyrighttextbar=O(textbar∂hÎ\textcopyrighttextbar). This vertical-versus-horizontal isoperimetric inequality yields the above-stated integrality gap for Sparsest Cut and answers several geometric and analytic questions of independent interest. The theorem stated above is the culmination of a program whose aim is to understand the performance of the Goemans–Linial semidefinite program through the embeddability properties of Heisenberg groups. These investigations have mathematical significance even beyond their established relevance to approximation algorithms and combinatorial optimization. In particular they contribute to a range of mathematical disciplines including functional analysis, geometric group theory, harmonic analysis, sub-Riemannian geometry, geometric measure theory, ergodic theory, group representations, and metric differentiation. This article builds on the above cited works, with the “twist” that while those works were equally valid for any finite dimensional Heisenberg group, our result holds for the Heisenberg group of dimension 5 (or higher) but fails for the 3-dimensional Heisenberg group. This insight leads to our core contribution, which is a deduction of an endpoint L1-boundedness of a certain singular integral on ℝ5 from the (local) L2-boundedness of the corresponding singular integral on ℝ3. To do this, we devise a corona-type decomposition of subsets of a Heisenberg group, in the spirit of the construction that David and Semmes performed in ℝn, but with two main conceptual differences (in addition to more technical differences that arise from the peculiarities of the geometry of Heisenberg group). Firstly, the“atoms” of our decomposition are perturbations of intrinsic Lipschitz graphs in the sense of Franchi, Serapioni, and Serra Cassano (plus the requisite “wild” regions that satisfy a Carleson packing condition). Secondly, we control the local overlap of our corona decomposition by using quantitative monotonicity rather than Jones-type Î$^2$-numbers.

Chalkley, Joe D., Ranji, Thomas T., Westling, Carina E. I., Chockalingam, Nachiappan, Witchel, Harry J..  2017.  Wearable Sensor Metric for Fidgeting: Screen Engagement Rather Than Interest Causes NIMI of Wrists and Ankles. Proceedings of the European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics 2017. :158–161.

Measuring fidgeting is an important goal for the psychology of mind-wandering and for human computer interaction (HCI). Previous work measuring the movement of the head, torso and thigh during HCI has shown that engaging screen content leads to non-instrumental movement inhibition (NIMI). Camera-based methods for measuring wrist movements are limited by occlusions. Here we used a high pass filtered magnitude of wearable tri-axial accelerometer recordings during 2-minute passive HCI stimuli as a surrogate for movement of the wrists and ankles. With 24 seated, healthy volunteers experiencing HCI, this metric showed that wrists moved significantly more than ankles. We found that NIMI could be detected in the wrists and ankles; it distinguished extremes of interest and boredom via restlessness. We conclude that both free-willed and forced screen engagement can elicit NIMI of the wrists and ankles.

Afshar, Ardavan, Ho, Joyce C., Dilkina, Bistra, Perros, Ioakeim, Khalil, Elias B., Xiong, Li, Sunderam, Vaidy.  2017.  CP-ORTHO: An Orthogonal Tensor Factorization Framework for Spatio-Temporal Data. Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. :67:1–67:4.

Extracting patterns and deriving insights from spatio-temporal data finds many target applications in various domains, such as in urban planning and computational sustainability. Due to their inherent capability of simultaneously modeling the spatial and temporal aspects of multiple instances, tensors have been successfully used to analyze such spatio-temporal data. However, standard tensor factorization approaches often result in components that are highly overlapping, which hinders the practitioner's ability to interpret them without advanced domain knowledge. In this work, we tackle this challenge by proposing a tensor factorization framework, called CP-ORTHO, to discover distinct and easily-interpretable patterns from multi-modal, spatio-temporal data. We evaluate our approach on real data reflecting taxi drop-off activity. CP-ORTHO provides more distinct and interpretable patterns than prior art, as measured via relevant quantitative metrics, without compromising the solution's accuracy. We observe that CP-ORTHO is fast, in that it achieves this result in 5x less time than the most accurate competing approach.

Xin, Doris, Mayoraz, Nicolas, Pham, Hubert, Lakshmanan, Karthik, Anderson, John R..  2017.  Folding: Why Good Models Sometimes Make Spurious Recommendations. Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM Conference on Recommender Systems. :201–209.

In recommender systems based on low-rank factorization of a partially observed user-item matrix, a common phenomenon that plagues many otherwise effective models is the interleaving of good and spurious recommendations in the top-K results. A single spurious recommendation can dramatically impact the perceived quality of a recommender system. Spurious recommendations do not result in serendipitous discoveries but rather cognitive dissonance. In this work, we investigate folding, a major contributing factor to spurious recommendations. Folding refers to the unintentional overlap of disparate groups of users and items in the low-rank embedding vector space, induced by improper handling of missing data. We formally define a metric that quantifies the severity of folding in a trained system, to assist in diagnosing its potential to make inappropriate recommendations. The folding metric complements existing information retrieval metrics that focus on the number of good recommendations and their ranks but ignore the impact of undesired recommendations. We motivate the folding metric definition on synthetic data and evaluate its effectiveness on both synthetic and real world datasets. In studying the relationship between the folding metric and other characteristics of recommender systems, we observe that optimizing for goodness metrics can lead to high folding and thus more spurious recommendations.

Mäenpää, Hanna, Munezero, Myriam, Fagerholm, Fabian, Mikkonen, Tommi.  2017.  The Many Hats and the Broken Binoculars: State of the Practice in Developer Community Management. Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Open Collaboration. :18:1–18:9.

Open Source Software developer communities are susceptible to challenges related to volatility, distributed coordination and the interplay between commercial and ideological interests. Here, community managers play a vital role in growing, shepherding, and coordinating the developers' work. This study investigates the varied tasks that community managers perform to ensure the health and vitality of their communities. We describe the challenges managers face while directing the community and seeking support for their work from the analysis tools provided by state-of-the-art software platforms. Our results describe seven roles that community managers may play, highlighting the versatile and people-centric nature of the community manager's work. Managers experience hardship of connecting their goals, questions and metrics that define a community's health and effects of their actions. Our results voice common concerns among community managers, and can be used to help them structure the management activity and to find a theoretical frame for further research on how health of developer communities could be understood.

Duraisamy, Karthi, Lu, Hao, Pande, Partha Pratim, Kalyanaraman, Ananth.  2017.  Accelerating Graph Community Detection with Approximate Updates via an Energy-Efficient NoC. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Design Automation Conference 2017. :89:1–89:6.

Community detection is an advanced graph operation that is used to reveal tightly-knit groups of vertices (aka. communities) in real-world networks. Given the intractability of the problem, efficient heuristics are used in practice. Yet, even the best of these state-of-the-art heuristics can become computationally demanding over large inputs and can generate workloads that exhibit inherent irregularity in data movement on manycore platforms. In this paper, we posit that effective acceleration of the graph community detection operation can be achieved by reducing the cost of data movement through a combined innovation at both software and hardware levels. More specifically, we first propose an efficient software-level parallelization of community detection that uses approximate updates to cleverly exploit a diminishing returns property of the algorithm. Secondly, as a way to augment this innovation at the software layer, we design an efficient Wireless Network on Chip (WiNoC) architecture that is suited to handle the irregular on-chip data movements exhibited by the community detection algorithm under both unicast- and broadcast-heavy cache coherence protocols. Experimental results show that our resulting WiNoC-enabled manycore platform achieves on average 52% savings in execution time, without compromising on the quality of the outputs, when compared to a traditional manycore platform designed with a wireline mesh NoC and running community detection without employing approximate updates.