A new paradigm in wireless network access is presented and analyzed. In this concept, certain classes of wireless terminals can be turned temporarily into an access point (AP) anytime while connected to the Internet. This creates a dynamic network architecture (DNA) since the number and location of these APs vary in time. In this paper, we present a framework to optimize different aspects of this architecture. First, the dynamic AP association problem is addressed with the aim to optimize the network by choosing the most convenient APs to provide the quality-of-service (QoS) levels demanded by the users with the minimum cost. Then, an economic model is developed to compensate the users for serving as APs and, thus, augmenting the network resources. The users' security investment is also taken into account in the AP selection. A preclustering process of the DNA is proposed to keep the optimization process feasible in a high dense network. To dynamically reconfigure the optimum topology and adjust it to the traffic variations, a new specific encoding of genetic algorithm (GA) is presented. Numerical results show that GA can provide the optimum topology up to two orders of magnitude faster than exhaustive search for network clusters, and the improvement significantly increases with the cluster size.
In the public clouds, an adversary can co-locate his or her virtual machines (VMs) with others on the same physical servers to start an attack against the integrity, confidentiality or availability. The one important factor to decrease the likelihood of this co-location attack is the VMs placement strategy. However, a co-location resistant strategy will compromise the resources optimization of the cloud providers. The tradeoff between security and resources optimization introduces one of the most crucial challenges in the cloud security. In this work we propose a placement strategy allowing the decrease of co-location rate by compromising the VM startup time instead of the optimization of resources. We give a mathematical analysis to quantify the co-location resistance. The proposed strategy is evaluated against the abusing placement locality, where the attack and target VMs are launched simultaneously or within a short time window. Referring to EC2 placement strategy, the best co-location resistant strategy out of the existing public cloud providers strategies, our strategy decreases enormously the co-location attacks with a slight VM startup delay (relatively to the actual VM startup delay in the public cloud providers).
In a secret sharing scheme a dealer shares a secret s among n parties such that an adversary corrupting up to t parties does not learn s, while any t+1 parties can efficiently recover s. Over a long period of time all parties may be corrupted thus violating the threshold, which is accounted for in Proactive Secret Sharing (PSS). PSS schemes periodically rerandomize (refresh) the shares of the secret and invalidate old ones. PSS retains confidentiality even when all parties are corrupted over the lifetime of the secret, but no more than t during a certain window of time, called the refresh period. Existing PSS schemes only guarantee secrecy in the presence of an honest majority with less than n2 total corruptions during a refresh period; an adversary corrupting a single additional party, even if only passively, obtains the secret. This work is the first feasibility result demonstrating PSS tolerating a dishonest majority, it introduces the first PSS scheme secure against t passive adversaries without recovery of lost shares, it can also recover from honest faulty parties losing their shares, and when tolerating e faults the scheme tolerates t passive corruptions. A non-robust version of the scheme can tolerate t active adversaries, and mixed adversaries that control a combination of passively and actively corrupted parties that are a majority, but where less than n/2-e of such corruptions are active. We achieve these high thresholds with O(n4) communication when sharing a single secret, and O(n3) communication when sharing multiple secrets in batches.
Memory disclosure vulnerabilities enable an adversary to successfully mount arbitrary code execution attacks against applications via so-called just-in-time code reuse attacks, even when those applications are fortified with fine-grained address space layout randomization. This attack paradigm requires the adversary to first read the contents of randomized application code, then construct a code reuse payload using that knowledge. In this paper, we show that the recently proposed Execute-no-Read (XnR) technique fails to prevent just-in-time code reuse attacks. Next, we introduce the design and implementation of a novel memory permission primitive, dubbed No-Execute-After-Read (near), that foregoes the problems of XnR and provides strong security guarantees against just-in-time attacks in commodity binaries. Specifically, near allows all code to be disclosed, but prevents any disclosed code from subsequently being executed, thus thwarting just-in-time code reuse. At the same time, commodity binaries with mixed code and data regions still operate correctly, as legitimate data is still readable. To demonstrate the practicality and portability of our approach we implemented prototypes for both Linux and Android on the ARMv8 architecture, as well as a prototype that protects unmodified Microsoft Windows executables and dynamically linked libraries. In addition, our evaluation on the SPEC2006 benchmark demonstrates that our prototype has negligible runtime overhead, making it suitable for practical deployment.
Identifying threats contained within encrypted network traffic poses a unique set of challenges. It is important to monitor this traffic for threats and malware, but do so in a way that maintains the integrity of the encryption. Because pattern matching cannot operate on encrypted data, previous approaches have leveraged observable metadata gathered from the flow, e.g., the flow's packet lengths and inter-arrival times. In this work, we extend the current state-of-the-art by considering a data omnia approach. To this end, we develop supervised machine learning models that take advantage of a unique and diverse set of network flow data features. These data features include TLS handshake metadata, DNS contextual flows linked to the encrypted flow, and the HTTP headers of HTTP contextual flows from the same source IP address within a 5 minute window. We begin by exhibiting the differences between malicious and benign traffic's use of TLS, DNS, and HTTP on millions of unique flows. This study is used to design the feature sets that have the most discriminatory power. We then show that incorporating this contextual information into a supervised learning system significantly increases performance at a 0.00% false discovery rate for the problem of classifying encrypted, malicious flows. We further validate our false positive rate on an independent, real-world dataset.
Malicious I/O devices might compromise the OS using DMAs. The OS therefore utilizes the IOMMU to map and unmap every target buffer right before and after its DMA is processed, thereby restricting DMAs to their designated locations. This usage model, however, is not truly secure for two reasons: (1) it provides protection at page granularity only, whereas DMA buffers can reside on the same page as other data; and (2) it delays DMA buffer unmaps due to performance considerations, creating a vulnerability window in which devices can access in-use memory. We propose that OSes utilize the IOMMU differently, in a manner that eliminates these two flaws. Our new usage model restricts device access to a set of shadow DMA buffers that are never unmapped, and it copies DMAed data to/from these buffers, thus providing sub-page protection while eliminating the aforementioned vulnerability window. Our key insight is that the cost of interacting with, and synchronizing access to the slow IOMMU hardware–-required for zero-copy protection against devices–-make copying preferable to zero-copying. We implement our model in Linux and evaluate it with standard networking benchmarks utilizing a 40,Gb/s NIC. We demonstrate that despite being more secure than the safest preexisting usage model, our approach provides up to 5x higher throughput. Additionally, whereas it is inherently less scalable than an IOMMU-less (unprotected) system, our approach incurs only 0%–25% performance degradation in comparison.
According to the 2016 Internet Security Threat Report by Symantec, there are around 431 million variants of malware known. This effort focuses on malware used for spying on user's activities, remotely controlling devices, and identity and credential theft within a Windows based operating system. As Windows operating systems create and maintain a log of all events that are encountered, various malware are tested on virtual machines to determine what events they trigger in the Windows logs. The observations are compiled into Operating System specific lookup tables that can then be used to find the tested malware on other computers with the same Operating System.
Kernel hardening has been an important topic since many applications and security mechanisms often consider the kernel as part of their Trusted Computing Base (TCB). Among various hardening techniques, Kernel Address Space Layout Randomization (KASLR) is the most effective and widely adopted defense mechanism that can practically mitigate various memory corruption vulnerabilities, such as buffer overflow and use-after-free. In principle, KASLR is secure as long as no memory leak vulnerability exists and high entropy is ensured. In this paper, we introduce a highly stable timing attack against KASLR, called DrK, that can precisely de-randomize the memory layout of the kernel without violating any such assumptions. DrK exploits a hardware feature called Intel Transactional Synchronization Extension (TSX) that is readily available in most modern commodity CPUs. One surprising behavior of TSX, which is essentially the root cause of this security loophole, is that it aborts a transaction without notifying the underlying kernel even when the transaction fails due to a critical error, such as a page fault or an access violation, which traditionally requires kernel intervention. DrK turned this property into a precise timing channel that can determine the mapping status (i.e., mapped versus unmapped) and execution status (i.e., executable versus non-executable) of the privileged kernel address space. In addition to its surprising accuracy and precision, DrK is universally applicable to all OSes, even in virtualized environments, and generates no visible footprint, making it difficult to detect in practice. We demonstrated that DrK can break the KASLR of all major OSes (i.e., Windows, Linux, and OS X) with near-perfect accuracy in under a second. Finally, we propose potential countermeasures that can effectively prevent or mitigate the DrK attack. We urge our community to be aware of the potential threat of having Intel TSX, which is present in most recent Intel CPUs – 100% in workstation and 60% in high-end Intel CPUs since Skylake – and is even available on Amazon EC2 (X1).
A biased random-key genetic algorithm (BRKGA) is a general search procedure for finding optimal or near-optimal solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems. It is derived from the random-key genetic algorithm of Bean (1994), differing in the way solutions are combined to produce offspring. BRKGAs have three key features that specialize genetic algorithms: A fixed chromosome encoding using a vector of N random keys or alleles over the real interval [0, 1), where the value of N depends on the instance of the optimization problem; A well-defined evolutionary process adopting parameterized uniform crossover to generate offspring and thus evolve the population; The introduction of new chromosomes called mutants in place of the mutation operator usually found in evolutionary algorithms. Such features simplify and standardize the procedure with a set of self-contained tasks from which only one is problem-dependent: that of decoding a chromosome, i.e. using, the keys to construct a solution to the underlying optimization problem, from which the objective function value or fitness can be computed. BRKGAs have the additional characteristic that, under a weak assumption, crossover always produces feasible offspring and, therefore, a repair or healing procedure to recover feasibility is not required in a BRKGA. In this tutorial we review the basic components of a BRKGA and introduce an Application Programming Interface (API) for quick implementations of BRKGA heuristics. We then apply the framework to a number of hard combinatorial optimization problems, including 2-D and 3-D packing problems, network design problems, routing problems, scheduling problems, and data mining. We conclude with a brief review of other domains where BRKGA heuristics have been applied.
Automated program repair is of great promise for future programming environments. It is also of obvious importance for patching vulnerabilities in software, or for building self-healing systems for critical infra-structure. Traditional program repair techniques tend to lift the fix from elsewhere in the program via syntax based approaches. In this talk, I will mention how the search problems in program repair can be solved by semantic analysis techniques. Here semantic analysis methods are not only used to guide the search, but also for extracting formal specifications from tests. I will conclude with positioning of the syntax based and semantic based methods for vulnerability patching, future generation programming, and self-healing systems.
Preventive and reactive security measures can only partially mitigate the damage caused by modern ransomware attacks. Indeed, the remarkable amount of illicit profit and the cyber-criminals' increasing interest in ransomware schemes suggest that a fair number of users are actually paying the ransoms. Unfortunately, pure-detection approaches (e.g., based on analysis sandboxes or pipelines) are not sufficient nowadays, because often we do not have the luxury of being able to isolate a sample to analyze, and when this happens it is already too late for several users! We believe that a forward-looking solution is to equip modern operating systems with practical self-healing capabilities against this serious threat. Towards such a vision, we propose ShieldFS, an add-on driver that makes the Windows native filesystem immune to ransomware attacks. For each running process, ShieldFS dynamically toggles a protection layer that acts as a copy-on-write mechanism, according to the outcome of its detection component. Internally, ShieldFS monitors the low-level filesystem activity to update a set of adaptive models that profile the system activity over time. Whenever one or more processes violate these models, their operations are deemed malicious and the side effects on the filesystem are transparently rolled back. We designed ShieldFS after an analysis of billions of low-level, I/O filesystem requests generated by thousands of benign applications, which we collected from clean machines in use by real users for about one month. This is the first measurement on the filesystem activity of a large set of benign applications in real working conditions. We evaluated ShieldFS in real-world working conditions on real, personal machines, against samples from state of the art ransomware families. ShieldFS was able to detect the malicious activity at runtime and transparently recover all the original files. Although the models can be tuned to fit various filesystem usage profiles, our results show that our initial tuning yields high accuracy even on unseen samples and variants.
Existing compact routing schemes, e.g., Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] and Chechik [PODC 2013], often have no means to tolerate failures, once the system has been setup and started. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first self-healing compact routing scheme. Besides, our schemes are developed for low memory nodes, i.e., nodes need only O(log2 n) memory, and are thus, compact schemes. We introduce two algorithms of independent interest: The first is CompactFT, a novel compact version (using only O(log n) local memory) of the self-healing algorithm Forgiving Tree of Hayes et al. [PODC 2008]. The second algorithm (CompactFTZ) combines CompactFT with Thorup-Zwick's tree-based compact routing scheme [SPAA 2001] to produce a fully compact self-healing routing scheme. In the self-healing model, the adversary deletes nodes one at a time with the affected nodes self-healing locally by adding few edges. CompactFT recovers from each attack in only O(1) time and Δ messages, with only +3 degree increase and O(logΔ) graph diameter increase, over any sequence of deletions (Δ is the initial maximum degree). Additionally, CompactFTZ guarantees delivery of a packet sent from sender s as long as the receiver t has not been deleted, with only an additional O(y logΔ) latency, where y is the number of nodes that have been deleted on the path between s and t. If t has been deleted, s gets informed and the packet removed from the network.
In the context of service-oriented applications, the self-healing property provides reliable execution in order to support failures and assist automatic recovery techniques. This paper presents a knowledge-based approach for self-healing Composite Service (CS) applications. A CS is an application composed by a set of services interacting each other and invoked on the Web. Our approach is supported by Service Agents, which are in charge of the CS fault-tolerance execution control, making decisions about the selection of recovery and proactive strategies. Service Agents decisions are based on the information they have about the whole application, about themselves, and about what it is expected and what it is really happening at run-time. Hence, application knowledge for decision making comprises off-line precomputed global and local information, user QoS preferences, and propagated actual run-time information. Our approach is evaluated experimentally using a case study.
The popularity of Cloud computing has considerably increased during the last years. The increase of Cloud users and their interactions with the Cloud infrastructure raise the risk of resources faults. Such a problem can lead to a bad reputation of the Cloud environment which slows down the evolution of this technology. To address this issue, the dynamic and the complex architecture of the Cloud should be taken into account. Indeed, this architecture requires that resources protection and healing must be transparent and without external intervention. Unlike previous work, we suggest integrating the fundamental aspects of autonomic computing in the Cloud to deal with the self-healing of Cloud resources. Starting from the high degree of match between autonomic computing systems and multiagent systems, we propose to take advantage from the autonomous behaviour of agent technology to create an intelligent Cloud that supports autonomic aspects. Our proposed solution is a multi-agent system which interacts with the Cloud infrastructure to analyze the resources state and execute Checkpoint/Replication strategy or migration technique to solve the problem of failed resources.
Malicious domains are key components to a variety of cyber attacks. Several recent techniques are proposed to identify malicious domains through analysis of DNS data. The general approach is to build classifiers based on DNS-related local domain features. One potential problem is that many local features, e.g., domain name patterns and temporal patterns, tend to be not robust. Attackers could easily alter these features to evade detection without affecting much their attack capabilities. In this paper, we take a complementary approach. Instead of focusing on local features, we propose to discover and analyze global associations among domains. The key challenges are (1) to build meaningful associations among domains; and (2) to use these associations to reason about the potential maliciousness of domains. For the first challenge, we take advantage of the modus operandi of attackers. To avoid detection, malicious domains exhibit dynamic behavior by, for example, frequently changing the malicious domain-IP resolutions and creating new domains. This makes it very likely for attackers to reuse resources. It is indeed commonly observed that over a period of time multiple malicious domains are hosted on the same IPs and multiple IPs host the same malicious domains, which creates intrinsic association among them. For the second challenge, we develop a graph-based inference technique over associated domains. Our approach is based on the intuition that a domain having strong associations with known malicious domains is likely to be malicious. Carefully established associations enable the discovery of a large set of new malicious domains using a very small set of previously known malicious ones. Our experiments over a public passive DNS database show that the proposed technique can achieve high true positive rates (over 95%) while maintaining low false positive rates (less than 0.5%). Further, even with a small set of known malicious domains (a couple of hundreds), our technique can discover a large set of potential malicious domains (in the scale of up to tens of thousands).
The Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is the de facto standard for vulnerability severity measurement today and is crucial in the analytics driving software fortification. Required by the U.S. National Vulnerability Database, over 75,000 vulnerabilities have been scored using CVSS. We compare how the CVSS correlates with another, closely-related measure of security impact: bounties. Recent economic studies of vulnerability disclosure processes show a clear relationship between black market value and bounty payments. We analyzed the CVSS scores and bounty awarded for 703 vulnerabilities across 24 products. We found a weak (Spearmanâs Ï = 0.34) correlation between CVSS scores and bounties, with CVSS being more likely to underestimate bounty. We believe such a negative result is a cause for concern. We investigated why these measurements were so discordant by (a) analyzing the individual questions of CVSS with respect to bounties and (b) conducting a qualitative study to find the similarities and differences between CVSS and the publicly-available criteria for awarding bounties. Among our findings were that the bounty criteria were more explicit about code execution and privilege escalation whereas CVSS makes no explicit mention of those. We also found that bounty valuations are evaluated solely by project maintainers, whereas CVSS has little provenance in practice.
Recent technology shifts such as cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data lead to a significant transfer of sensitive data out of trusted edge networks. To counter resulting privacy concerns, we must ensure that this sensitive data is not inadvertently forwarded to third-parties, used for unintended purposes, or handled and stored in violation of legal requirements. Related work proposes to solve this challenge by annotating data with privacy policies before data leaves the control sphere of its owner. However, we find that existing privacy policy languages are either not flexible enough or require excessive processing, storage, or bandwidth resources which prevents their widespread deployment. To fill this gap, we propose CPPL, a Compact Privacy Policy Language which compresses privacy policies by taking advantage of flexibly specifiable domain knowledge. Our evaluation shows that CPPL reduces policy sizes by two orders of magnitude compared to related work and can check several thousand of policies per second. This allows for individual per-data item policies in the context of cloud computing, the Internet of Things, and big data.
In the last few years, there has been significant interest in developing methods to search over encrypted data. In the case of range queries, a simple solution is to encrypt the contents of the database using an order-preserving encryption (OPE) scheme (i.e., an encryption scheme that supports comparisons over encrypted values). However, Naveed et al. (CCS 2015) recently showed that OPE-encrypted databases are extremely vulnerable to "inference attacks." In this work, we consider a related primitive called order-revealing encryption (ORE), which is a generalization of OPE that allows for stronger security. We begin by constructing a new ORE scheme for small message spaces which achieves the "best-possible" notion of security for ORE. Next, we introduce a "domain extension" technique and apply it to our small-message-space ORE. While our domain-extension technique does incur a loss in security, the resulting ORE scheme we obtain is more secure than all existing (stateless and non-interactive) OPE and ORE schemes which are practical. All of our constructions rely only on symmetric primitives. As part of our analysis, we also give a tight lower bound for OPE and show that no efficient OPE scheme can satisfy best-possible security if the message space contains just three messages. Thus, achieving strong notions of security for even small message spaces requires moving beyond OPE. Finally, we examine the properties of our new ORE scheme and show how to use it to construct an efficient range query protocol that is robust against the inference attacks of Naveed et al. We also give a full implementation of our new ORE scheme, and show that not only is our scheme more secure than existing OPE schemes, it is also faster: encrypting a 32-bit integer requires just 55 microseconds, which is more than 65 times faster than existing OPE schemes.
Function Secret Sharing (FSS), introduced by Boyle et al. (Eurocrypt 2015), provides a way for additively secret-sharing a function from a given function family F. More concretely, an m-party FSS scheme splits a function f : \0, 1\n -textgreater G, for some abelian group G, into functions f1,...,fm, described by keys k1,...,km, such that f = f1 + ... + fm and every strict subset of the keys hides f. A Distributed Point Function (DPF) is a special case where F is the family of point functions, namely functions f\_\a,b\ that evaluate to b on the input a and to 0 on all other inputs. FSS schemes are useful for applications that involve privately reading from or writing to distributed databases while minimizing the amount of communication. These include different flavors of private information retrieval (PIR), as well as a recent application of DPF for large-scale anonymous messaging. We improve and extend previous results in several ways: * Simplified FSS constructions. We introduce a tensoring operation for FSS which is used to obtain a conceptually simpler derivation of previous constructions and present our new constructions. * Improved 2-party DPF. We reduce the key size of the PRG-based DPF scheme of Boyle et al. roughly by a factor of 4 and optimize its computational cost. The optimized DPF significantly improves the concrete costs of 2-server PIR and related primitives. * FSS for new function families. We present an efficient PRG-based 2-party FSS scheme for the family of decision trees, leaking only the topology of the tree and the internal node labels. We apply this towards FSS for multi-dimensional intervals. We also present a general technique for extending FSS schemes by increasing the number of parties. * Verifiable FSS. We present efficient protocols for verifying that keys (k*/1,...,k*/m ), obtained from a potentially malicious user, are consistent with some f in F. Such a verification may be critical for applications that involve private writing or voting by many users.
The domain name system (DNS) offers an ideal distributed database for big data mining related to different cyber security questions. Besides infrastructural problems, scalability issues, and security challenges related to the protocol itself, information from DNS is often required also for more nuanced cyber security questions. Against this backdrop, this paper discusses the fundamental characteristics of DNS in relation to cyber security and different research prototypes designed for passive but continuous DNS-based monitoring of domains and addresses. With this discussion, the paper also illustrates a few general software design aspects.
We tackle the problem of automated exploit generation for web applications. In this regard, we present an approach that significantly improves the state-of-art in web injection vulnerability identification and exploit generation. Our approach for exploit generation tackles various challenges associated with typical web application characteristics: their multi-module nature, interposed user input, and multi-tier architectures using a database backend. Our approach develops precise models of application workflows, database schemas, and native functions to achieve high quality exploit generation. We implemented our approach in a tool called Chainsaw. Chainsaw was used to analyze 9 open source applications and generated over 199 first- and second-order injection exploits combined, significantly outperforming several related approaches.
There are currently no requirements (technical or otherwise) that routing paths must be contained within national boundaries. Indeed, some paths experience international detours, i.e., originate in one country, cross international boundaries and return to the same country. In most cases these are sensible traffic engineering or peering decisions at ISPs that serve multiple countries. In some cases such detours may be suspicious. Characterizing international detours is useful to a number of players: (a) network engineers trying to diagnose persistent problems, (b) policy makers aiming at adhering to certain national communication policies, (c) entrepreneurs looking for opportunities to deploy new networks, or (d) privacy-conscious states trying to minimize the amount of internal communication traversing different jurisdictions. In this paper we characterize international detours in the Internet during the month of January 2016. To detect detours we sample BGP RIBs every 8 hours from 461 RouteViews and RIPE RIS peers spanning 30 countries. We use geolocation of ASes which geolocates each BGP prefix announced by each AS, mapping its presence at IXPs and geolocation infrastructure IPs. Finally, we analyze each global BGP RIB entry looking for detours. Our analysis shows more than 5K unique BGP prefixes experienced a detour. 132 prefixes experienced more than 50% of the detours. We observe about 544K detours. Detours either last for a few days or persist the entire month. Out of all the detours, more than 90% were transient detours that lasted for 72 hours or less. We also show different countries experience different characteristics of detours.
One of the most challenging issues facing academic conferences and educational institutions today is plagiarism detection. Typically, these entities wish to ensure that the work products submitted to them have not been plagiarized from another source (e.g., authors submitting identical papers to multiple journals). Assembling large centralized databases of documents dramatically improves the effectiveness of plagiarism detection techniques, but introduces a number of privacy and legal issues: all document contents must be completely revealed to the database operator, making it an attractive target for abuse or attack. Moreover, this content aggregation involves the disclosure of potentially sensitive private content, and in some cases this disclosure may be prohibited by law. In this work, we introduce Elxa, the first scalable centralized plagiarism detection system that protects the privacy of the submissions. Elxa incorporates techniques from the current state of the art in plagiarism detection, as evaluated by the information retrieval community. Our system is designed to be operated on existing cloud computing infrastructure, and to provide incentives for the untrusted database operator to maintain the availability of the network. Elxa can be used to detect plagiarism in student work, duplicate paper submissions (and their associated peer reviews), similarities between confidential reports (e.g., malware summaries), or any approximate text reuse within a network of private documents. We implement a prototype using the Hadoop MapReduce framework, and demonstrate that it is feasible to achieve competitive detection effectiveness in the private setting.
The popularity of digital currencies, especially cryptocurrencies, has been continuously growing since the appearance of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency protocol enabling transactions between individuals without the need of a trusted authority. Its network is formed from resources contributed by individuals known as miners. Users of Bitcoin currency create transactions that are stored in a specialised data structure called a block chain. Bitcoin's security lies in a proof-of-work scheme, which requires high computational resources at the miners. These miners have to be synchronised with any update in the network, which produces high data traffic rates. Despite advances in mobile technology, no cryptocurrencies have been proposed for mobile devices. This is largely due to the lower processing capabilities of mobile devices when compared with conventional computers and the poorer Internet connectivity to that of the wired networking. In this work, we propose LocalCoin, an alternative cryptocurrency that requires minimal computational resources, produces low data traffic and works with off-the-shelf mobile devices. LocalCoin replaces the computational hardness that is at the root of Bitcoin's security with the social hardness of ensuring that all witnesses to a transaction are colluders. It is based on opportunistic networking rather than relying on infrastructure and incorporates characteristics of mobile networks such as users' locations and their coverage radius in order to employ an alternative proof-of-work scheme. Localcoin features (i) a lightweight proof-of-work scheme and (ii) a distributed block chain.
Friends, family and colleagues at work may repeatedly observe how their peers unlock their smartphones. These "insiders" may combine multiple partial observations to form a hypothesis of a target's secret. This changing landscape requires that we update the methods used to assess the security of unlocking mechanisms against human shoulder surfing attacks. In our paper, we introduce a methodology to study shoulder surfing risks in the insider threat model. Our methodology dissects the authentication process into minimal observations by humans. Further processing is based on simulations. The outcome is an estimate of the number of observations needed to break a mechanism. The flexibility of this approach benefits the design of new mechanisms. We demonstrate the application of our methodology by performing an analysis of the SwiPIN scheme published at CHI 2015. Our results indicate that SwiPIN can be defeated reliably by a majority of the population with as few as 6 to 11 observations.