In this paper, we study information leakage by control planes of Software Defined Networks. We find that the response time of an OpenFlow control plane depends on its workload, and we develop an inference attack that an adversary with control of a single host could use to learn about network configurations without needing to compromise any network infrastructure (i.e. switches or controller servers). We also demonstrate that our inference attack works on real OpenFlow hardware. To our knowledge, no previous work has evaluated OpenFlow inference attacks outside of simulation.
Software-Defined Networks (SDN) is a trend of research in networks. Rule placement, a common operation for network administrators, has become more complicated due to the capacity limitation of devices in which the large number of rules are deployed. Prior works on rule placement mostly consider the influence on rule placement incurred by the rules in a single device. However, the position relationships between neighbor devices have influences on rule placement. Our basic idea is to classify the position relationships into two categories: the serial relationship and the parallel relationship, and we present a novel strategy for rule placement based on the two different position relationships. There are two challenges of implementing our strategies: to check whether a rule is contained by a rule set or not and to check whether a rule can be merged by other rules or not.To overcome the challenges, we propose a novel data structure called OPTree to represent the rules, which is convenient to check whether a rule is covered by other rules. We design the insertion algorithm and search algorithm for OPTree. Extensive experiments show that our approach can effectively reduce the number of rules while ensuring placed rules work. On the other hand, the experimental results also demonstrate that it is necessary to consider the position relationships between neighbor devices when placing rules.
Current State of the art technologies for detecting and neutralizing rogue DHCP servers are tediously complex and prone to error. Network operators can spend hours (even days) before realizing that a rogue server is affecting their network. Additionally, once network operators suspect that a rogue server is active on their network, even more hours can be spent finding the server's MAC address and preventing it from affecting other clients. Not only are such methods slow to eliminate rogue servers, they are also likely to affect other clients as network operators shutdown services while attempting to locate the server. In this paper, we present Network Flow Guard (NFG), a simple security application that utilizes the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm of programmable networks to detect and disable rogue servers before they are able to affect network clients. Consequently, the key contributions of NFG are its modular approach and its automated detection/prevention of rogue DHCP servers, which is accomplished with little impact to network architecture, protocols, and network operators.
Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) sharing facilitates a comprehensive understanding of adversary activity and enables enterprise networks to prioritize their cyber defense technologies. To that end, we introduce HogMap, a novel software-defined infrastructure that simplifies and incentivizes collaborative measurement and monitoring of cyber-threat activity. HogMap proposes to transform the cyber-threat monitoring landscape by integrating several novel SDN-enabled capabilities: (i) intelligent in-place filtering of malicious traffic, (ii) dynamic migration of interesting and extraordinary traffic and (iii) a software-defined marketplace where various parties can opportunistically subscribe to and publish cyber-threat intelligence services in a flexible manner. We present the architectural vision and summarize our preliminary experience in developing and operating an SDN-based HoneyGrid, which spans three enterprises and implements several of the enabling capabilities (e.g., traffic filtering, traffic forwarding and connection migration). We find that SDN technologies greatly simplify the design and deployment of such globally distributed and elastic HoneyGrids.
Honeynet is a collection of honeypots that are set up to attract as many attackers as possible to learn about their patterns, tactics, and behaviors. However, existing honeypots suffer from a variety of fingerprinting techniques, and the current honeynet architecture does not fully utilize features of residing honeypots due to its coarse-grained data control mechanisms. To address these challenges, we propose an SDN-based intelligent honeynet called HoneyMix. HoneyMix leverages the rich programmability of SDN to circumvent attackers' detection mechanisms and enables fine-grained data control for honeynet. To do this, HoneyMix simultaneously establishes multiple connections with a set of honeypots and selects the most desirable connection to inspire attackers to remain connected. In this paper, we present the HoneyMix architecture and a description of its core components.
Software Defined Network(SDN) is a promising technological advancement in the networking world. It is still evolving and security is a major concern for SDN. In this paper we proposed policy based security architecture for securing the SDN domains. Our architecture enables the administrator to enforce different types of policies such as based on the devices, users, location and path for securing the communication in SDN domain. Our architecture is developed as an application that can be run on any of the SDN Controllers. We have implemented our architecture using the POX Controller and Raspberry Pi 2 switches. We will present different case scenarios to demonstrate fine granular security policy enforcement with our architecture.
In this paper we present Securebox, an affordable and deployable platform for securing and managing IoT networks. Our proposal targets an alarming spot in the fast growing IoT industry where security is often overlooked due to device limitation, budget constraint, and development deadline. In contrast to existing host-centric and hardware-coupled solutions, Securebox empowers a cloud-assisted "charge for network service" model that is dedicated to budget and resource constrained IoT environments. Owing to its cloud-driven and modular design, Securebox allows us to 1) flexibly offload and onload security and management functions to the cloud and network edge components; 2) offer advanced security and management services to end users in an affordable and on-demand manner; 3) ease the upgrade and deployment of new services to guard against abrupt security breakouts. To demonstrate Securebox, we have implemented the platform consisting of a plug-n-play frontend, a Kubernetes-powered backend cluster, and a smartphone mobile application. Based on the testbed evaluation, we show that Securebox is robust and responsive. Its collaborative and extensible architecture enforces rapid update cycles and can scale with the growing diversity of IoT devices.
In this paper, we present the preliminary design and implementation of SDN-SAVI, an SDN application that enables SAVI functionalities in SDN networks. In this proposal, all the functionalities are implemented on the controller without modifying SDN switches. To enforce SAVI on packets in the data plane, the controller installs binding tables in switches using existing SDN techniques, such as OpenFlow. With SDN-SAVI, a network administrator can now enforce SAVI in her network by merely integrating a module on the controller, rather than purchasing SAVI-capable switches and replacing legacy ones.
Software-Defined Networks (SDNs) promise to overcome the often complex and error-prone operation of tradi- tional computer networks, by enabling programmabil- ity, automation and verifiability. Yet, SDNs also in- troduce new challenges, for example due to the asyn- chronous communication channel between the logically centralized control platform and the switches in the data plane. In particular, the asynchronous commu- nication of network update commands (e.g., OpenFlow FlowMod messages) may lead to transient inconsisten- cies, such as loops or bypassed waypoints (e.g., fire- walls). One approach to ensure transient consistency even in asynchronous environments is to employ smart scheduling algorithms: algorithms which update subsets of switches in each communication round only, where each subset in itself guarantees consistency. In this demo, we show how to change routing policies in a transiently consistent manner. We demonstrate two al- gorithms, namely, Wayup [5] and Peacock [4], which partition the network updates sent from SDN controller towards OpenFlow software switches into multiple rounds as per respective algorithms. Later, the barrier mes- sages are utilized to ensure reliable network updates.
In ad-hoc networks, data messages are transmitted from a source wireless node to a destination one along a wireless multihop transmission route consisting of a sequence of intermediate wireless nodes. Each intermediate wireless node forwards data messages to its next-hop wireless node. Here, a wireless signal carrying the data message is broadcasted by using an omni antenna and it is not difficult for a eavesdropper wireless node to overhear the wireless signal to get the data message. Some researches show that it is useful to transmit noise wireless signal which collide to the data message wireless signal in order for interfering the overhearing. However, some special devices such as directional antennas and/or high computation power for complicated signal processing are required. For wireless multihop networks with huge number of wireless nodes, small and cheap wireless nodes are mandatory for construction of the network. This paper proposes the method for interfering the overhearing by the eavesdropper wireless nodes where routing protocol and data message transmission protocol with cooperative noise signal transmissions by 1-hop and 2-hop neighbor wireless nodes of each intermediate wireless node.
With the rising interest of expedient, safe, and high-efficient transportation, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have turned into a critical technology in smart transportation systems. Because of the high mobility of nodes, VANETs are vulnerable to security attacks. In this paper, we propose a novel framework of software-defined VANETs with trust management. Specifically, we separate the forwarding plane in VANETs from the control plane, which is responsible for the control functionality, such as routing protocols and trust management in VANETs. Using the on-demand distance vector routing (TAODV) protocol as an example, we present a routing protocol named software-defined trust based ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing (SD-TAODV). Simulation results are presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed software-defined VANETs with trust management.
Drones have quickly become ubiquitous for both recreational and serious use. As is frequently the case with new technology in general, their rapid adoption already far exceeds our legal, policy, and social ability to cope with such issues as privacy and interference with well-established commercial and military air space. While the FAA has issued rulings, they will almost certainly be challenged in court as disputes arise, for example, when property owners shoot drones down. It is clear that drones will provide a critical role in smart cities and be connected to, if not directly a part of the IoT (Internet of Things). Drones will provide an essential role in providing network relay connectivity and situational awareness, particularly in disaster assessment and recovery scenarios. As is typical for new network technologies, the deployment of the drone hardware far exceeds our research in protocols – extending our previous understanding of MANETs (mobile ad hoc networks) and DTNs (disruption tolerant networks) – and more importantly, management, control, resilience, security, and privacy concerns. This keynote address will discuss these challenges and consider future research directions.
We propose a distributed and adaptive trust evaluation algorithm (DATEA) to calculate the trust between nodes. First, calculate the communication trust by using the number of data packets between nodes, and predict the trust based on the trend of this value, calculate the comprehensive trust by combining the history trust with the predict value; calculate the energy trust based on the residual energy of nodes; calculate the direct trust by using the communication trust and energy trust. Second, calculate the recommendation trust based on the recommendation reliability and the recommendation familiarity; put forward the adaptively weighting method, and calculate the integrate direct trust by combining the direct trust with recommendation trust. Third, according to the integrate direct trust, considering the factor of trust propagation distance, the indirect trust between nodes is calculated. Simulation experiments show that the proposed algorithm can effectively avoid the attacks of malicious nodes, besides, the calculated direct trust and indirect trust about normal nodes are more conformable to the actual situation.
Mobile Ad Hoc Network (MANET) is a multi-hop temporary and autonomic network comprised of a set of mobile nodes. MANETs have the features of non-center, dynamically changing topology, multi-hop routing, mobile nodes, limited resources and so on, which make it face more threats. Trust evaluation is used to support nodes to cooperate in a secure and trustworthy way through evaluating the trust of participating nodes in MANETs. However, many trust evaluation models proposed for MANETs still have many problems and shortcomings. In this paper, we review the existing researches, then analyze and compare the proposed trust evaluation models by presenting and applying uniform criteria in order to point out a number of open issues and challenges and suggest future research trends.
In this paper, we investigate the impact of information-theoretic secrecy constraint on the capacity and delay of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) with mobile legitimate nodes and static eavesdroppers whose location and channel state information (CSI) are both unknown. We assume n legitimate nodes move according to the fast i.i.d. mobility pattern and each desires to communicate with one randomly selected destination node. There are also nv static eavesdroppers located uniformly in the network and we assume the number of eavesdroppers is much larger than that of legitimate nodes, i.e., v textgreater 1. We propose a novel simple secure communication model, i.e., the secure protocol model, and prove its equivalence to the widely accepted secure physical model under a few technical assumptions. Based on the proposed model, a framework of analyzing the secrecy capacity and delay in MANETs is established. Given a delay constraint D, we find that the optimal secrecy throughput capacity is [EQUATION](W((D/n))(2/3), where W is the data rate of each link. We observe that: 1) the capacity-delay tradeoff is independent of the number of eavesdroppers, which indicates that adding more eavesdroppers will not degenerate the performance of the legitimate network as long as v textgreater 1; 2) the capacity-delay tradeoff of our paper outperforms the previous result Θ((1/nψe)) in [11], where ψe = nv–1 = ω(1) is the density of the eavesdroppers. Throughout this paper, for functions f(n) and G(n), we denote f(n) = o(g(n)) if limn→∞ (f(n)/g(n)) = 0; f(n) = ω(g(n)) if g(n) = o(f(n)); f(n) = O(g(n)) if there is a positive constant c such that f(n) ≤ cg(n) for sufficiently large n; f(n) = Ω(g(n))if g(n) = O(f(n)); f(n) = Θ(g(n) if both f(n) = O(g(n)) and f(n) = Omega;(g(n)) hold. Besides, the order notation [EQUATION] omits the polylogarithmic factors for better readability.
A Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a spontaneous network consisting of wireless nodes which are mobile and self-configuring in nature. Devices in MANET can move freely in any direction independently and change its link frequently to other devices. MANET does not have centralized infrastructure and its characteristics makes this network vulnerable to various kinds of attacks. Data transfer is a major problem due to its nature of unreliable wireless medium. Commonly used technique for secure transmission in wireless network is cryptography. Use of cryptography key is often involved in most of cryptographic techniques. Key management is main component in security issues of MANET and various schemes have been proposed for it. In this paper, a study on various kinds of key management techniques in MANET is presented.
Standardization and harmonization efforts have reached a consensus towards using a special-purpose Vehicular Public-Key Infrastructure (VPKI) in upcoming Vehicular Communication (VC) systems. However, there are still several technical challenges with no conclusive answers; one such an important yet open challenge is the acquisition of short-term credentials, pseudonym: how should each vehicle interact with the VPKI, e.g., how frequently and for how long? Should each vehicle itself determine the pseudonym lifetime? Answering these questions is far from trivial. Each choice can affect both the user privacy and the system performance and possibly, as a result, its security. In this paper, we make a novel systematic effort to address this multifaceted question. We craft three generally applicable policies and experimentally evaluate the VPKI system performance, leveraging two large-scale mobility datasets. We consider the most promising, in terms of efficiency, pseudonym acquisition policies; we find that within this class of policies, the most promising policy in terms of privacy protection can be supported with moderate overhead. Moreover, in all cases, this work is the first to provide tangible evidence that the state-of-the-art VPKI can serve sizable areas or domain with modest computing resources.
Denial of service (DoS) attack is a great threaten to privacy-preserving authentication protocols for low-cost devices such as RFID. During such attack, the legal internal states can be consumed by the DoS attack. Then the attacker can observe the behavior of the attacked tag in authentication to break privacy. Due to the inadequate energy and computing power, the low cost devices can hardly defend against the DoS attacks. In this paper, we propose a new insight of the DoS attack on tags and leverage the attacking behavior as a new source of power harvesting. In this way, a low-cost device such as a tag grows more and more powerful under DoS attack. Finally, it can defend against the DoS attack. We further propose a protocol that enables DoS-defending constant-time privacy-preserving authentication.
With the popularity of cloud computing, database outsourcing has been adopted by many companies. However, database owners may not 100% trust their database service providers. As a result, database privacy becomes a key issue for protecting data from the database service providers. Many researches have been conducted to address this issue, but few of them considered the simultaneous transparent support of existing DBMSs (Database Management Systems), applications and RADTs (Rapid Application Development Tools). A transparent framework based on accessing bridge and mobile app for protecting database privacy with PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is, therefore, proposed to fill the blank. The framework uses PKI as its security base and encrypts sensitive data with data owners' public keys to protect data privacy. Mobile app is used to control private key and decrypt data, so that accessing sensitive data is completely controlled by data owners in a secure and independent channel. Accessing bridge utilizes database accessing middleware standard to transparently support existing DBMSs, applications and RADTs. This paper presents the framework, analyzes its transparency and security, and evaluates its performance via experiments.
Many applications of mobile computing require the computation of dot-product of two vectors. For examples, the dot-product of an individual's genome data and the gene biomarkers of a health center can help detect diseases in m-Health, and that of the interests of two persons can facilitate friend discovery in mobile social networks. Nevertheless, exposing the inputs of dot-product computation discloses sensitive information about the two participants, leading to severe privacy violations. In this paper, we tackle the problem of privacy-preserving dot-product computation targeting mobile computing applications in which secure channels are hardly established, and the computational efficiency is highly desirable. We first propose two basic schemes and then present the corresponding advanced versions to improve efficiency and enhance privacy-protection strength. Furthermore, we theoretically prove that our proposed schemes can simultaneously achieve privacy-preservation, non-repudiation, and accountability. Our numerical results verify the performance of the proposed schemes in terms of communication and computational overheads.
The rise of sensor-equipped smart phones has enabled a variety of classification based applications that provide personalized services based on user data extracted from sensor readings. However, malicious applications aggressively collect sensitive information from inherent user data without permissions. Furthermore, they can mine sensitive information from user data just in the classification process. These privacy threats raise serious privacy concerns. In this paper, we introduce two new privacy concerns which are inherent-data privacy and latent-data privacy. We propose a framework that enables a data-obfuscation mechanism to be developed easily. It preserves latent-data privacy while guaranteeing satisfactory service quality. The proposed framework preserves privacy against powerful adversaries who have knowledge of users' access pattern and the data-obfuscation mechanism. We validate our framework towards a real classification-orientated dataset. The experiment results confirm that our framework is superior to the basic obfuscation mechanism.
The recent proliferation of human-carried mobile devices has given rise to mobile crowd sensing (MCS) systems that outsource the collection of sensory data to the public crowd equipped with various mobile devices. A fundamental issue in such systems is to effectively incentivize worker participation. However, instead of being an isolated module, the incentive mechanism usually interacts with other components which may affect its performance, such as data aggregation component that aggregates workers' data and data perturbation component that protects workers' privacy. Therefore, different from past literature, we capture such interactive effect, and propose INCEPTION, a novel MCS system framework that integrates an incentive, a data aggregation, and a data perturbation mechanism. Specifically, its incentive mechanism selects workers who are more likely to provide reliable data, and compensates their costs for both sensing and privacy leakage. Its data aggregation mechanism also incorporates workers' reliability to generate highly accurate aggregated results, and its data perturbation mechanism ensures satisfactory protection for workers' privacy and desirable accuracy for the final perturbed results. We validate the desirable properties of INCEPTION through theoretical analysis, as well as extensive simulations.
Emergency evacuations during disasters minimize loss of lives and injuries. It is not surprising that emergency evacuation preparedness is mandatory for organizations in many jurisdictions. In the case of corporations, this requirement translates to considerable expenses, consisting of construction costs, equipment, recruitment, retention and training. In addition, required regular evacuation drills cause recurring expenses and loss of productivity. Any automation to assist in these drills and in actual evacuations can mean savings of costs, time and lives. Evacuation assistance systems rely on attendance systems that often fall short in accuracy, particularly in environments with lot of "non-swipers" (customers, visitors, etc.,). A critical question to answer in the case of an emergency is "How many people are still in the building?". This number is calculated by comparing the number of people gathered at assembly point to the last known number of people inside the building. An IoT based system can enhance the answer to that question by providing the number of people in the building, provide their last known locations in an automated fashion and even automate the reconciliation process. Our proposed system detects the people in the building automatically using multiple channels such as WiFi and motion detection. Such a system needs the ability to link specific identifiers to persons reliably. In this paper we present our statistics and heuristics based solutions for linking detected identifiers as belonging to an actual persons in a privacy preserving manner using IoT technologies.
Recently, various protocols have been proposed for securely outsourcing database storage to a third party server, ranging from systems with "full-fledged" security based on strong cryptographic primitives such as fully homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM, to more practical implementations based on searchable symmetric encryption or even on deterministic and order-preserving encryption. On the flip side, various attacks have emerged that show that for some of these protocols confidentiality of the data can be compromised, usually given certain auxiliary information. We take a step back and identify a need for a formal understanding of the inherent efficiency/privacy trade-off in outsourced database systems, independent of the details of the system. We propose abstract models that capture secure outsourced storage systems in sufficient generality, and identify two basic sources of leakage, namely access pattern and ommunication volume. We use our models to distinguish certain classes of outsourced database systems that have been proposed, and deduce that all of them exhibit at least one of these leakage sources. We then develop generic reconstruction attacks on any system supporting range queries where either access pattern or communication volume is leaked. These attacks are in a rather weak passive adversarial model, where the untrusted server knows only the underlying query distribution. In particular, to perform our attack the server need not have any prior knowledge about the data, and need not know any of the issued queries nor their results. Yet, the server can reconstruct the secret attribute of every record in the database after about \$Ntextasciicircum4\$ queries, where N is the domain size. We provide a matching lower bound showing that our attacks are essentially optimal. Our reconstruction attacks using communication volume apply even to systems based on homomorphic encryption or oblivious RAM in the natural way. Finally, we provide experimental results demonstrating the efficacy of our attacks on real datasets with a variety of different features. On all these datasets, after the required number of queries our attacks successfully recovered the secret attributes of every record in at most a few seconds.
Since many cryptographic schemes are about performing computation on data, it is important to consider a computation model which captures the prominent features of modern system architecture. Parallel random access machine (PRAM) is such an abstraction which not only models multiprocessor platforms, but also new frameworks supporting massive parallel computation such as MapReduce. In this work, we explore the feasibility of designing cryptographic solutions for the PRAM model of computation to achieve security while leveraging the power of parallelism and random data access. We demonstrate asymptotically optimal solutions for a wide-range of cryptographic tasks based on indistinguishability obfuscation. In particular, we construct the first publicly verifiable delegation scheme with privacy in the persistent database setting, which allows a client to privately delegate both computation and data to a server with optimal efficiency. Specifically, the server can perform PRAM computation on private data with parallel efficiency preserved (up to poly-logarithmic overhead). Our results also cover succinct randomized encoding, searchable encryption, functional encryption, secure multiparty computation, and indistinguishability obfuscation for PRAM. We obtain our results in a modular way through a notion of computational-trace indistinguishability obfuscation (CiO), which may be of independent interests.