During software evolution, it is important to evolve not only the source code, but also its architecture to prevent architecture drift and architecture erosion. This is a complex activity, especially for large software projects, with multiple development teams that might be located in different countries or on different continents. To ease this kind of evolution, we have developed a domain-specific language for making decisions about the evolution. It supports the definition of architectural changes based on multiple implementation tasks that can have temporal dependencies among each other. Then, by means of a model-to-model transformation, we automatically create a constraint model that we use to generate, by means of the Alloy model analyzer, the possible alternative decisions for executing the implementation tasks. The tight integration with architecture abstractions enables architects to automatically check the changes related to an implementation task in relation to the architecture description. This helps keeping architecture and code in sync, avoiding drift and erosion.
In this work, we seek to optimize the efficiency of secure general-purpose obfuscation schemes. We focus on the problem of optimizing the obfuscation of Boolean formulas and branching programs – this corresponds to optimizing the "core obfuscator" from the work of Garg, Gentry, Halevi, Raykova, Sahai, and Waters (FOCS 2013), and all subsequent works constructing general-purpose obfuscators. This core obfuscator builds upon approximate multilinear maps, where efficiency in proposed instantiations is closely tied to the maximum number of "levels" of multilinearity required. The most efficient previous construction of a core obfuscator, due to Barak, Garg, Kalai, Paneth, and Sahai (Eurocrypt 2014), required the maximum number of levels of multilinearity to be O(l s3.64), where s is the size of the Boolean formula to be obfuscated, and l s is the number of input bits to the formula. In contrast, our construction only requires the maximum number of levels of multilinearity to be roughly l s, or only s when considering a keyed family of formulas, namely a class of functions of the form fz(x)=phi(z,x) where phi is a formula of size s. This results in significant improvements in both the total size of the obfuscation and the running time of evaluating an obfuscated formula. Our efficiency improvement is obtained by generalizing the class of branching programs that can be directly obfuscated. This generalization allows us to achieve a simple simulation of formulas by branching programs while avoiding the use of Barrington's theorem, on which all previous constructions relied. Furthermore, the ability to directly obfuscate general branching programs (without bootstrapping) allows us to efficiently apply our construction to natural function classes that are not known to have polynomial-size formulas.
Centrality measures have perpetually been helpful to find the foremost central or most powerful node within the network. There are numerous strategies to compute centrality of a node however in social networks betweenness centrality is the most widely used approach to bifurcate communities within the network, to find out the susceptibility within the complex networks and to generate the scale free networks whose degree distribution follows the power law. In this paper, we've computed betweenness centrality by identifying communities lying within the network. Our algorithm efficiently updates the centrality of the nodes whenever any edge or vertex addition or deletion takes place within the dynamic network by modifying solely a subset of vertices. For the vertex addition, Incremental Algorithm has been used in which Streaming graphs has also been considered. Brandes approach is the most widely used approach for finding out the betweenness centrality however it's still expensive for growing networks since it takes O(mn+n2logn) amount of time and O(n+m) space however our approach efficiently updates the centrality of the nodes by taking O(textbarStextbarn+textbarStextbarnlogn) amount of time where textbarStextbar is the subset of the vertices,m is the number of edges, n is the number of vertices and textbarStextbar≤n holds true.
Security is playing a very important and crucial role in the field of network communication system and Internet. Kerberos Authentication Protocol is designed and developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and it provides authentication by encrypting information and allow clients to access servers in a secure manner. This paper describes the design and implementation of Kerberos using Data Encryption Standard (DES). Data encryption standard (DES) is a private key cryptography system that provides the security in the communication system. Java Development Tool Kit as the front end and ms access as the back end are used for implementation.
Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) is a heterogeneous multicore processor that contains general-purpose CPU cores and a GPU in a single chip. It also supports Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) that provides coherent physically-shared memory between the CPU and the GPU. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of a high-performance IPsec gateway using a low-cost commodity embedded APU. The HSA supported by the APUs eliminates the data copy overhead between the CPU and the GPU, which is unavoidable in the previous discrete GPU approaches. The gateway is implemented in OpenCL to exploit the GPU and uses zero-copy packet I/O APIs in DPDK. The IPsec gateway handles the real-world network traffic where each packet has a different workload. The proposed packet scheduling algorithm significantly improves GPU utilization for such traffic. It works not only for APUs but also for discrete GPUs. With three CPU cores and one GPU in the APU, the IPsec gateway achieves a throughput of 10.36 Gbps with an average latency of 2.79 ms to perform AES-CBC+HMAC-SHA1 for incoming packets of 1024 bytes.
Developers and academics are constantly seeking to increase the speed and security of operating systems. Unfortunately, an increase in either one often comes at the cost of the other. In this paper, we present an operating system design that challenges a long-held tenet of multicore operating systems in order to produce an alternative architecture that has the potential to deliver both increased security and faster performance. In particular, we propose decoupling the operating system kernel from user processes by running each on completely separate processor cores instead of at different privilege levels within shared cores. Without using the hardware's privilege modes, virtualization and virtual memory contexts enforce the security policies necessary to maintain process isolation and protection. Our new kernel design paradigm offers the opportunity to simultaneously increase both performance and security; utilizing the hardware facilities for inter-core communication in place of those for privilege mode switching offers the opportunity for increased system call performance, while the hard separation between user processes and the kernel provides several strong security properties.
We introduce a system-level Simulation and Analysis Engine (SAE) framework based on dynamic binary instrumentation for fine-grained and customizable instruction-level introspection of everything that executes on the processor. SAE can instrument the BIOS, kernel, drivers, and user processes. It can also instrument multiple systems simultaneously using a single instrumentation interface, which is essential for studying scale-out applications. SAE is an x86 instruction set simulator designed specifically to enable rapid prototyping, evaluation, and validation of architectural extensions and program analysis tools using its flexible APIs. It is fast enough to execute full platform workloads–-a modern operating system can boot in a few minutes–-thus enabling research, evaluation, and validation of complex functionalities related to multicore configurations, virtualization, security, and more. To reach high speeds, SAE couples tightly with a virtual platform and employs both a just-in-time (JIT) compiler that helps simulate simple instructions efficiently and a fast interpreter for simulating new or complex instructions. We describe SAE's architecture and instrumentation engine design and show the framework's usefulness for single- and multi-system architectural and program analysis studies.
Modern multicore processors feature easily accessible temperature sensors that provide useful information for dynamic thermal management. These sensors were recently shown to be a potential security threat, since otherwise isolated applications can exploit them to establish a thermal covert channel and leak restricted information. Previous research showed experiments that document the feasibility of (low-rate) communication over this channel, but did not further analyze its fundamental characteristics. For this reason, the important questions of quantifying the channel capacity and achievable rates remain unanswered. To address these questions, we devise and exploit a new methodology that leverages both theoretical results from information theory and experimental data to study these thermal covert channels on modern multicores. We use spectral techniques to analyze data from two representative platforms and estimate the capacity of the channels from a source application to temperature sensors on the same or different cores. We estimate the capacity to be in the order of 300 bits per second (bps) for the same-core channel, i.e., when reading the temperature on the same core where the source application runs, and in the order of 50 bps for the 1-hop channel, i.e., when reading the temperature of the core physically next to the one where the source application runs. Moreover, we show a communication scheme that achieves rates of more than 45 bps on the same-core channel and more than 5 bps on the 1-hop channel, with less than 1% error probability. The highest rate shown in previous work was 1.33 bps on the 1-hop channel with 11% error probability.
Computed Tomography (CT) Image Reconstruction is an important technique used in a wide range of applications, ranging from explosive detection, medical imaging to scientific imaging. Among available reconstruction methods, Model Based Iterative Reconstruction (MBIR) produces higher quality images and allows for the use of more general CT scanner geometries than is possible with more commonly used methods. The high computational cost of MBIR, however, often makes it impractical in applications for which it would otherwise be ideal. This paper describes a new MBIR implementation that significantly reduces the computational cost of MBIR while retaining its benefits. It describes a novel organization of the scanner data into super-voxels (SV) that, combined with a super-voxel buffer (SVB), dramatically increase locality and prefetching, enable parallelism across SVs and lead to an average speedup of 187 on 20 cores.
In IoT environments, the user may have many devices to connect each other and share the data. Also, the device will not have the powerful computation and storage ability. Many studies have focused on the lightweight authentication between the cloud server and the client in this environment. They can use the cloud server to help sensors or proxies to finish the authentication. But in the client side, how to create the group session key without the cloud capability is the most important issue in IoT environments. The most popular application network of IoT environments is the wireless body area network (WBAN). In WBAN, the proxy usually needs to control and monitor user's health data transmitted from the sensors. In this situation, the group authentication and group session key generation is needed. In this paper, in order to provide an efficient and robust group authentication and group session key generation in the client side of IoT environments, we propose a lightweight authentication scheme with dynamic group members in IoT environments. Our proposed scheme can satisfy the properties including the flexible generation of shared group keys, the dynamic participation, the active revocation, the low communication and computation cost, and no time synchronization problem. Also our scheme can achieve the security requirements including the mutual authentication, the group session key agreement, and prevent all various well-known attacks.
This study stems from the premise that we need to break away from the "reactive" cycle of developing defenses against new DDoS attacks (e.g., amplification) by proactively investigating the potential for new types of DDoS attacks. Our specific focus is on pulsating attacks, a particularly debilitating type that has been hypothesized in the literature. In a pulsating attack, bots coordinate to generate intermittent pulses at target links to significantly reduce the throughput of TCP connections traversing the target. With pulsating attacks, attackers can cause significantly greater damage to legitimate users than traditional link flooding attacks. To date, however, pulsating attacks have been either deemed ineffective or easily defendable for two reasons: (1) they require a central coordinator and can thus be tracked; and (2) they require tight synchronization of pulses, which is difficult even in normal non-congestion scenarios. This paper argues that, in fact, the perceived drawbacks of pulsating attacks are in fact not fundamental. We develop a practical pulsating attack called CICADAS using two key ideas: using both (1) congestion as an implicit signal for decentralized implementation, and (2) a Kalman-filter-based approach to achieve tight synchronization. We validate CICADAS using simulations and wide-area experiments. We also discuss possible countermeasures against this attack.
New viewpoints of covert channels are presented in this work. First, the origin of covert channels is traced back to acc ess control and a new class of covert channel, air-gap covert channels, is presented. Second, we study the design of covert channels and provide novel insights that differentiate the research area of undetectable communication from that of covert channels. Third, we argue that secure systems can be characterized as fixed-source systems or continuous-source systems, i.e., systems whose security is compromised if their design allows a covert channel to communicate a small, fixed amount of information or communicate information at a sufficiently high, continuous rate, respectively. Consequently, we challenge the traditional method for measuring covert channels, which is based on Shannon capacity, and propose that a new measure, steganographic capacity, be used to accurately assess the risk posed by covert channels, particularly those affecting fixed-source systems. Additionally, our comprehensive review of covert channels has led us to the conclusion that important properties of covert channels have not been captured in previous taxonomies. We, therefore, present novel extensions to existing taxonomies to more accurately characterize covert channels.
The National Science Foundation has made investments in Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualization (NFV) for many years, in both the research and infrastructure areas. SDN and NFV enable systems to become more open to transformative research, with implications for revolutionary new applications and services. Additionally, the emerging concept of Software-Defined Exchanges will enable large-scale interconnection of Software Defined infrastructures, owned and operated by many different organizations, to provide logically isolated 'on demand' global scale infrastructure on an end-to-end basis, with enhanced flexibility and security for new applications. This talk will examine past NSF investments and successes in SDN/NFV, identify new research opportunities available to the community and present challenges that need to be overcome to make SDN/NFV a reality in operational cyberinfrastructure.
SDN has become the wide area network technology, which the academic and industry most concerned about.The limited table sizes of today’s SDN switches has turned to the most prominent short planks in the network design implementation. TCAM based flow table can provide an excellent matching performance while it really costs much. Even the flow table overflow cannot be prevented by a fixed-capacity flow table. In this paper, we design FTS(Flow Table Sharing) mechanism that can improve the performance disaster caused by overflow. We demonstrate that FTS reduces both control messages quantity and RTT time by two orders of magnitude compared to current state-of-the-art OpenFlow table-miss handler.
The surprising success of cryptocurrencies has led to a surge of interest in deploying large scale, highly robust, Byzantine fault tolerant (BFT) protocols for mission-critical applications, such as financial transactions. Although the conventional wisdom is to build atop a (weakly) synchronous protocol such as PBFT (or a variation thereof), such protocols rely critically on network timing assumptions, and only guarantee liveness when the network behaves as expected. We argue these protocols are ill-suited for this deployment scenario. We present an alternative, HoneyBadgerBFT, the first practical asynchronous BFT protocol, which guarantees liveness without making any timing assumptions. We base our solution on a novel atomic broadcast protocol that achieves optimal asymptotic efficiency. We present an implementation and experimental results to show our system can achieve throughput of tens of thousands of transactions per second, and scales to over a hundred nodes on a wide area network. We even conduct BFT experiments over Tor, without needing to tune any parameters. Unlike the alternatives, HoneyBadgerBFT simply does not care about the underlying network.
Defense-in-depth is an important security architecture principle that has significant application to industrial control systems (ICS), cloud services, storehouses of sensitive data, and many other areas. We claim that an ideal defense-in-depth posture is 'deep', containing many layers of security, and 'narrow', the number of node independent attack paths is minimized. Unfortunately, accurately calculating both depth and width is difficult using standard graph algorithms because of a lack of independence between multiple vulnerability instances (i.e., if an attacker can penetrate a particular vulnerability on one host then they can likely penetrate the same vulnerability on another host). To address this, we represent known weaknesses and vulnerabilities as a type of colored attack graph. We measure depth and width through solving the shortest color path and minimum color cut problems. We prove both of these to be NP-Hard and thus for our solution we provide a suite of greedy heuristics. We then empirically apply our approach to large randomly generated networks as well as to ICS networks generated from a published ICS attack template. Lastly, we discuss how to use these results to help guide improvements to defense-in-depth postures.
Contemporary vehicles are getting equipped with an increasing number of Electronic Control Units (ECUs) and wireless connectivities. Although these have enhanced vehicle safety and efficiency, they are accompanied with new vulnerabilities. In this paper, we unveil a new important vulnerability applicable to several in-vehicle networks including Control Area Network (CAN), the de facto standard in-vehicle network protocol. Specifically, we propose a new type of Denial-of-Service (DoS), called the bus-off attack, which exploits the error-handling scheme of in-vehicle networks to disconnect or shut down good/uncompromised ECUs. This is an important attack that must be thwarted, since the attack, once an ECU is compromised, is easy to be mounted on safety-critical ECUs while its prevention is very difficult. In addition to the discovery of this new vulnerability, we analyze its feasibility using actual in-vehicle network traffic, and demonstrate the attack on a CAN bus prototype as well as on two real vehicles. Based on our analysis and experimental results, we also propose and evaluate a mechanism to detect and prevent the bus-off attack.
Intel SGX is the latest processor architecture promising secure code execution despite large, complex and hence potentially vulnerable legacy operating systems (OSs). However, two recent works identified vulnerabilities that allow an untrusted management OS to extract secret information from Intel SGX's enclaves, and to violate their integrity by exploiting concurrency bugs. In this work, we re-investigate delayed preemption (DP) in the context of Intel SGX. DP is a mechanism originally proposed for L4-family microkernels as disable-interrupt replacement. Recapitulating earlier results on language-based information-flow security, we illustrate the construction of leakage-free code for enclaves. However, as long as adversaries have fine-grained control over preemption timing, these solutions are impractical from a performance/complexity perspective. To overcome this, we resort to delayed preemption, and sketch a software implementation for hypervisors providing enclaves as well as a hardware extension for systems like SGX. Finally, we illustrate how static analyses for SGX may be extended to check confidentiality of preemption-delaying programs.
This paper presents general techniques for verifying virtually synchronous distributed control systems with interconnected physical environments. Such cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are notoriously hard to verify, due to their combination of nontrivial continuous dynamics, network delays, imprecise local clocks, asynchronous communication, etc. To simplify their analysis, we first extend the PALS methodology–-that allows to abstract from the timing of events, asynchronous communication, network delays, and imprecise clocks, as long as the infrastructure guarantees bounds on the network delays and clock skews–-from real-time to hybrid systems. We prove a bisimulation equivalence between Hybrid PALS synchronous and asynchronous models. We then show how various verification problems for synchronous Hybrid PALS models can be reduced to SMT solving over nonlinear theories of the real numbers. We illustrate the Hybrid PALS modeling and verification methodology on a number of CPSs, including a control system for turning an airplane.
Software-defined networking (SDN) programs must simultaneously describe static forwarding behavior and dynamic updates in response to events. Event-driven updates are critical to get right, but difficult to implement correctly due to the high degree of concurrency in networks. Existing SDN platforms offer weak guarantees that can break application invariants, leading to problems such as dropped packets, degraded performance, security violations, etc. This paper introduces EVENT-DRIVEN CONSISTENT UPDATES that are guaranteed to preserve well-defined behaviors when transitioning between configurations in response to events. We propose NETWORK EVENT STRUCTURES (NESs) to model constraints on updates, such as which events can be enabled simultaneously and causal dependencies between events. We define an extension of the NetKAT language with mutable state, give semantics to stateful programs using NESs, and discuss provably-correct strategies for implementing NESs in SDNs. Finally, we evaluate our approach empirically, demonstrating that it gives well-defined consistency guarantees while avoiding expensive synchronization and packet buffering.
This paper addresses the problem of distributed multi-agent optimization in which each agent i has a local cost function hi(x), and the goal is to optimize a global cost function that aggregates the local cost functions. Such optimization problems are of interest in many contexts, including distributed machine learning, distributed resource allocation, and distributed robotics. We consider the distributed optimization problem in the presence of faulty agents. We focus primarily on Byzantine failures, but also briey discuss some results for crash failures. For the Byzantine fault-tolerant optimization problem, the ideal goal is to optimize the average of local cost functions of the non-faulty agents. However, this goal also cannot be achieved. Therefore, we consider a relaxed version of the fault-tolerant optimization problem. The goal for the relaxed problem is to generate an output that is an optimum of a global cost function formed as a convex combination of local cost functions of the non-faulty agents. More precisely, there must exist weights αi for i∈N such that αi ≥ 0 and ∑i≥ Nαi=1, and the output is an optimum of the cost function ∑i≥ N αihi(x). Ideally, we would like αi=1/textbarNtextbar for all i≥ N, however, this cannot be guaranteed due to the presence of faulty agents. In fact, the maximum number of nonzero weights (αi's) that can be guaranteed is textbarNtextbar-f, where f is the maximum number of Byzantine faulty agents. We present an iterative distributed algorithm that achieves optimal fault-tolerance. Specifically, it ensures that at least textbarNtextbar-f agents have weights that are bounded away from 0 (in particular, lower bounded by 1/2textbarNtextbar-f\vphantom\\). The proposed distributed algorithm has a simple iterative structure, with each agent maintaining only a small amount of local state. We show that the iterative algorithm ensures two properties as time goes to ∞: consensus (i.e., output of non-faulty agents becomes identical in the time limit), and optimality (in the sense that the output is the optimum of a suitably defined global cost function).
In today's multicore processors, the last-level cache is often shared by multiple concurrently running processes to make efficient use of hardware resources. However, previous studies have shown that a shared cache is vulnerable to timing channel attacks that leak confidential information from one process to another. Static cache partitioning can eliminate the cache timing channels but incurs significant performance overhead. In this paper, we propose Secure Dynamic Cache Partitioning (SecDCP), a partitioning technique that defeats cache timing channel attacks. The SecDCP scheme changes the size of cache partitions at run time for better performance while preventing insecure information leakage between processes. For cache-sensitive multiprogram workloads, our experimental results show that SecDCP improves performance by up to 43% and by an average of 12.5% over static cache partitioning.
Causality inference, such as dynamic taint anslysis, has many applications (e.g., information leak detection). It determines whether an event e is causally dependent on a preceding event c during execution. We develop a new causality inference engine LDX. Given an execution, it spawns a slave execution, in which it mutates c and observes whether any change is induced at e. To preclude non-determinism, LDX couples the executions by sharing syscall outcomes. To handle path differences induced by the perturbation, we develop a novel on-the-fly execution alignment scheme that maintains a counter to reflect the progress of execution. The scheme relies on program analysis and compiler transformation. LDX can effectively detect information leak and security attacks with an average overhead of 6.08% while running the master and the slave concurrently on separate CPUs, much lower than existing systems that require instruction level monitoring. Furthermore, it has much better accuracy in causality inference.
Cryptographic systems are vulnerable to random errors and injected faults. Soft errors can inadvertently happen in critical cryptographic modules and attackers can inject faults into systems to retrieve the embedded secret. Different schemes have been developed to improve the security and reliability of cryptographic systems. As the new SHA-3 standard, Keccak algorithm will be widely used in various cryptographic applications, and its implementation should be protected against random errors and injected faults. In this paper, we devise different parity checking methods to protect the operations of Keccak. Results show that our schemes can be easily implemented and can effectively protect Keccak system against random errors and fault attacks.
Failing to properly isolate components in the same address space has resulted in a substantial amount of vulnerabilities. Enforcing the least privilege principle for memory accesses can selectively isolate software components to restrict attack surface and prevent unintended cross-component memory corruption. However, the boundaries and interactions between software components are hard to reason about and existing approaches have failed to stop attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities caused by poor isolation. We present the secure memory views (SMV) model: a practical and efficient model for secure and selective memory isolation in monolithic multithreaded applications. SMV is a third generation privilege separation technique that offers explicit access control of memory and allows concurrent threads within the same process to partially share or fully isolate their memory space in a controlled and parallel manner following application requirements. An evaluation of our prototype in the Linux kernel (TCB textless 1,800 LOC) shows negligible runtime performance overhead in real-world applications including Cherokee web server (textless 0.69%), Apache httpd web server (textless 0.93%), and Mozilla Firefox web browser (textless 1.89%) with at most 12 LOC changes.