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Ahsan, Muhammad, Meter, Rodney Van, Kim, Jungsang.  2015.  Designing a Million-Qubit Quantum Computer Using a Resource Performance Simulator. J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst.. 12:39:1–39:25.

The optimal design of a fault-tolerant quantum computer involves finding an appropriate balance between the burden of large-scale integration of noisy components and the load of improving the reliability of hardware technology. This balance can be evaluated by quantitatively modeling the execution of quantum logic operations on a realistic quantum hardware containing limited computational resources. In this work, we report a complete performance simulation software tool capable of (1) searching the hardware design space by varying resource architecture and technology parameters, (2) synthesizing and scheduling a fault-tolerant quantum algorithm within the hardware constraints, (3) quantifying the performance metrics such as the execution time and the failure probability of the algorithm, and (4) analyzing the breakdown of these metrics to highlight the performance bottlenecks and visualizing resource utilization to evaluate the adequacy of the chosen design. Using this tool, we investigate a vast design space for implementing key building blocks of Shor’s algorithm to factor a 1,024-bit number with a baseline budget of 1.5 million qubits. We show that a trapped-ion quantum computer designed with twice as many qubits and one-tenth of the baseline infidelity of the communication channel can factor a 2,048-bit integer in less than 5 months.

Hsu, Daniel, Sabato, Sivan.  2016.  Loss Minimization and Parameter Estimation with Heavy Tails. J. Mach. Learn. Res.. 17:543–582.

This work studies applications and generalizations of a simple estimation technique that provides exponential concentration under heavy-tailed distributions, assuming only bounded low-order moments. We show that the technique can be used for approximate minimization of smooth and strongly convex losses, and specifically for least squares linear regression. For instance, our d-dimensional estimator requires just O(d log(1/δ)) random samples to obtain a constant factor approximation to the optimal least squares loss with probability 1-δ, without requiring the covariates or noise to be bounded or subgaussian. We provide further applications to sparse linear regression and low-rank covariance matrix estimation with similar allowances on the noise and covariate distributions. The core technique is a generalization of the median-of-means estimator to arbitrary metric spaces.

Brooks, Andrew, Krebs, Laura, Paulsen, Brandon.  2016.  A Comparison of Sorting Times Between Java 8 and Parallel Colt: An Exploratory Experiment. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 41:1–5.

An exploratory experiment found that sorting arrays of random integers using Java 8's parallel sort required only 50%-70% of the time taken using the parallel sort of the Parallel Colt library. Factors considered responsible for the performance advantage include the use of a dual-pivot quicksort on locally held data at certain phases of execution and work-stealing by threads, a feature of the fork-join framework. The default performance of Parallel Colt's parallel sort was found to degrade dramatically for small array sizes due to unnecessary thread creation.

Kohn, Josh, Rank, Stefan.  2016.  Evaluating Physical Movement As Trigger for Transitioning Between Environments in Virtual Reality. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :1973–1979.

Virtual reality allows users to experience unusual immersive environments. There are still several aspect of design for virtual reality that need more investigation, such as transitioning between environments. Multiple studies have shown that physical movement in a virtual environment supports immersion and presence. Our setup will allow the comparative study of the coupling of virtual camera movements with simultaneous physical movements of the user in terms of user preference and comfort. This work-in-progress uses a within-subject experimental design for evaluating interaction prototypes based on the Oculus Rift DK2 where participants will be tasked with transitioning between different environments; once using physical motion to merely trigger the transition and once with the virtual camera movement being coupled to the physical motion. Qualitative and quantitative data will be collected utilizing questionnaires and in-game metrics. Pretests of a similar setup were used to establish minimal levels of comfort.

Mauriello, Matthew Louis, Shneiderman, Ben, Du, Fan, Malik, Sana, Plaisant, Catherine.  2016.  Simplifying Overviews of Temporal Event Sequences. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. :2217–2224.

Beginning the analysis of new data is often difficult as modern datasets can be overwhelmingly large. With visual analytics in particular, displays of large datasets quickly become crowded and unclear. Through observing the practices of analysts working with the event sequence visualization tool EventFlow, we identified three techniques to reduce initial visual complexity by reducing the number of event categories resulting in a simplified overview. For novice users, we suggest an initial pair of event categories to display. For advanced users, we provide six ranking metrics and display all pairs in a ranked list. Finally, we present the Event Category Matrix (ECM), which simultaneously displays overviews of every event category pair. In this work, we report on the development of these techniques through two formative usability studies and the improvements made as a result. The goal of our work is to investigate strategies that help users overcome the challenges associated with initial visual complexity and to motivate the use of simplified overviews in temporal event sequence analysis.

Honig, William L., Noda, Natsuko, Takada, Shingo.  2016.  Lack of Attention to Singular (or Atomic) Requirements Despite Benefits for Quality, Metrics and Management. SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 41:1–5.

There are seemingly many advantages to being able to identify, document, test, and trace single or "atomic" requirements. Why then has there been little attention to the topic and no widely used definition or process on how to define atomic requirements? Definitions of requirements and standards focus on user needs, system capabilities or functions; some definitions include making individual requirements singular or without the use of conjunctions. In a few cases there has been a description of atomic system events or requirements. This work is surveyed here although there is no well accepted and used best practice for generating atomic requirements. Due to their importance in software engineering, quality and metrics for requirements have received considerable attention. In the seminal paper on software requirements quality, Davis et al. proposed specific metrics including the "unambiguous quality factor" and the "verifiable quality factor"; these and other metrics work best with a clearly enumerable list of single requirements. Atomic requirements are defined here as a natural language statement that completely describes a single system function, feature, need, or capability, including all information, details, limits, and characteristics. A typical user login screen is used as an example of an atomic requirement which can include both functional and nonfunctional requirements. Individual atomic requirements are supported by a system glossary, references to applicable industry standards, mock ups of the user interface, etc. One way to identify such atomic requirements is from use case or system event analysis. This definition of atomic requirements is still a work in progress and offered to prompt discussion. Atomic requirements allow clear naming or numbering of requirements for traceability, change management, and importance ranking. Further, atomic requirements defined in this manner are suitable for rapid implementation approaches (implementing one requirement at a time), enable good test planning (testing can clearly indicate pass or fail of the whole requirement), and offer other management advantages in project control.

Zhou, Pengyuan, Kangasharju, Jussi.  2016.  Profiling and Grouping Users to Edge Resources According to User Interest Similarity. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Cloud-Assisted Networking. :43–48.

Cloud computing provides a shared pool of resources for large-scale distributed applications. Recent trends such as fog computing and edge computing spread the workload of clouds closer towards the edge of the network and the users. Exploiting the edge resources efficiently requires managing the resources and directing user traffic to the correct edge servers. In this paper we propose to profile and group users according to their interest profiles. We consider edge caching as an example and through our evaluation show the potential benefits of directing users from the same group to the same caches. We investigate a range of workloads and parameters and the same conclusions apply. Our results highlight the importance of grouping users and demonstrate the potential benefits of this approach.

Malandrino, Francesco, Chiasserini, Carla, Kirkpatrick, Scott.  2016.  The Price of Fog: A Data-driven Study on Caching Architectures in Vehicular Networks. Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Internet of Vehicles and Vehicles of Internet. :37–42.

Vehicular users are expected to consume large amounts of data, for both entertainment and navigation purposes. This will put a strain on cellular networks, which will be able to cope with such a load only if proper caching is in place; this in turn begs the question of which caching architecture is the best-suited to deal with vehicular content consumption. In this paper, we leverage a large-scale, crowd-sourced trace to (i) characterize the vehicular traffic demand, in terms of overall magnitude and content breakup; (ii) assess how different caching approaches perform against such a real-world load; (iii) study the effect of recommendation systems and local content items. We define a price-of-fog metric, expressing the additional caching capacity to deploy when moving from traditional, centralized caching architectures to a "fog computing" approach, where caches are closer to the network edge. We find that for location-specific items, such as the ones that vehicular users are most likely to request, such a price almost disappears. Vehicular networks thus make a strong case for the adoption of mobile-edge caching, as we are able to reap the benefit thereof – including a reduction in the distance travelled by data, within the core network – with little or none of the associated disadvantages.

Flores, Huber, Sharma, Rajesh, Ferreira, Denzil, Luo, Chu, Kostakos, Vassilis, Tarkoma, Sasu, Hui, Pan, Li, Yong.  2016.  Social-aware Device-to-device Communication: A Contribution for Edge and Fog Computing? Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing: Adjunct. :1466–1471.

The exploitation of the opportunistic infrastructure via Device-to-Device (D2D) communication is a critical component towards the adoption of new paradigms such as edge and fog computing. While a lot of work has demonstrated the great potential of D2D communication, it is still unclear whether the benefits of the D2D approach can really be leveraged in practice. In this paper, we develop a software sensor, namely Detector, which senses the infrastructure in proximity of a mobile user. We analyze and evaluate D2D on the wild, i.e., not in simulations. We found that in a realistic environment, a mobile is always co-located in proximity to at least one other mobile device throughout the day. This suggests that a device can schedule tasks processing in coordination with other devices, potentially more powerful, instead of handling the processing of the tasks by itself.

Giang, Nam K., Lea, Rodger, Blackstock, Michael, Leung, Victor C. M..  2016.  On Building Smart City IoT Applications: A Coordination-based Perspective. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Smart. :7:1–7:6.

In the Internet of Things (IoT), Internet-connected things provide an influx of data and resources that offer unlimited possibility for applications and services. Smart City IoT systems refer to the things that are distributed over wide physical areas covering a whole city. While the new breed of data and resources looks promising, building applications in such large scale IoT systems is a difficult task due to the distributed and dynamic natures of entities involved, such as sensing, actuating devices, people and computing resources. In this paper, we explore the process of developing Smart City IoT applications from a coordination-based perspective. We show that a distributed coordination model that oversees such a large group of distributed components is necessary in building Smart City IoT applications. In particular, we propose Adaptive Distributed Dataflow, a novel Dataflow-based programming model that focuses on coordinating city-scale distributed systems that are highly heterogeneous and dynamic.

Saurez, Enrique, Hong, Kirak, Lillethun, Dave, Ramachandran, Umakishore, Ottenwälder, Beate.  2016.  Incremental Deployment and Migration of Geo-distributed Situation Awareness Applications in the Fog. Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Distributed and Event-based Systems. :258–269.

Geo-distributed Situation Awareness applications are large in scale and are characterized by 24/7 data generation from mobile and stationary sensors (such as cameras and GPS devices); latency-sensitivity for converting sensed data to actionable knowledge; and elastic and bursty needs for computational resources. Fog computing [7] envisions providing computational resources close to the edge of the network, consequently reducing the latency for the sense-process-actuate cycle that exists in these applications. We propose Foglets, a programming infrastructure for the geo-distributed computational continuum represented by fog nodes and the cloud. Foglets provides APIs for a spatio-temporal data abstraction for storing and retrieving application generated data on the local nodes, and primitives for communication among the resources in the computational continuum. Foglets manages the application components on the Fog nodes. Algorithms are presented for launching application components and handling the migration of these components between Fog nodes, based on the mobility pattern of the sensors and the dynamic computational needs of the application. Evaluation results are presented for a Fog network consisting of 16 nodes using a simulated vehicular network as the workload. We show that the discovery and deployment protocol can be executed in 0.93 secs, and joining an already deployed application can be as quick as 65 ms. Also, QoS-sensitive proactive migration can be accomplished in 6 ms.

Cozzolino, Vittorio.  2016.  Exploiting Scattered Data in Smart Systems. Proceedings of on MobiSys 2016 PhD Forum. :19–20.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is slowly, but steadily, changing the way we interact with our surrounding. Smart cities, smart environments, smart buildings are just a few macroscopic examples of how smart ecosystems are increasingly involved in our daily life, each one offering a different set of information. This information's decentralization and scattering can be exploited, optimizing mobile nodes on-demand information retrieval process. We propose an approach focused on defining competence domains in smart systems where the responsibility of providing a specific information to a mobile node is defined by spatial constraints. By exploiting the interplay and duality of Cloud Computing and Fog Computing we introduce an approach to exploit data spatial allocation in smart systems to optimize mobile nodes information retrieval.

Giang, Nam Ky, Leung, Victor C.M., Lea, Rodger.  2016.  On Developing Smart Transportation Applications in Fog Computing Paradigm. Proceedings of the 6th ACM Symposium on Development and Analysis of Intelligent Vehicular Networks and Applications. :91–98.

Smart Transportation applications by nature are examples of Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANETs) applications where mobile vehicles, roadside units and transportation infrastructure interplay with one another to provide value added services. While there are abundant researches that focused on the communication aspect of such Mobile Ad-hoc Networks, there are few research bodies that target the development of VANET applications. Among the popular VANET applications, a dominant direction is to leverage Cloud infrastructure to execute and deliver applications and services. Recent studies showed that Cloud Computing is not sufficient for many VANET applications due to the mobility of vehicles and the latency sensitive requirements they impose. To this end, Fog Computing has been proposed to leverage computation infrastructure that is closer to the network edge to compliment Cloud Computing in providing latency-sensitive applications and services. However, applications development in Fog environment is much more challenging than in the Cloud due to the distributed nature of Fog systems. In this paper, we investigate how Smart Transportation applications are developed following Fog Computing approach, their challenges and possible mitigation from the state of the arts.

Banerjee, Suman.  2016.  Edge Computing in the Extreme and Its Applications. Proceedings of the Eighth Wireless of the Students, by the Students, and for the Students Workshop. :2–2.

The notion of edge computing introduces new computing functions away from centralized locations and closer to the network edge and thus facilitating new applications and services. This enhanced computing paradigm is provides new opportunities to applications developers, not available otherwise. In this talk, I will discuss why placing computation functions at the extreme edge of our network infrastructure, i.e., in wireless Access Points and home set-top boxes, is particularly beneficial for a large class of emerging applications. I will discuss a specific approach, called ParaDrop, to implement such edge computing functionalities, and use examples from different domains – smarter homes, sustainability, and intelligent transportation – to illustrate the new opportunities around this concept.

Lin, Hsin-Peng, Shih, Yuan-Yao, Pang, Ai-Chun, Lou, Yuan-Yao.  2016.  A Virtual Local-hub Solution with Function Module Sharing for Wearable Devices. Proceedings of the 19th ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems. :278–286.

Wearable devices, which are small electronic devices worn on a human body, are equipped with low level of processing and storage capacities and offer some types of integrated functionalities. Recently, wearable device is becoming increasingly popular, various kinds of wearable device are launched in the market; however, wearable devices require a powerful local-hub, most are smartphone, to replenish processing and storage capacities for advanced functionalities. Sometime it may be inconvenient to carry the local-hub (smartphone); thus, many wearable devices are equipped with Wi-Fi interface, enabling them to exchange data with local-hub though the Internet when the local-hub is not nearby. However, this results in long response time and restricted functionalities. In this paper, we present a virtual local-hub solution, which utilizes network equipment nearby (e.g., Wi-Fi APs) as the local-hub. Since migrating all applications serving the wearable devices respectively takes too much networking and storage resources, the proposed solution deploys function modules to multiple network nodes and enables remote function module sharing among different users and applications. To reduce the impact of the solution on the network bandwidth, we propose a heuristic algorithm for function module allocation with the objective of minimizing total bandwidth consumption. We conduct series of experiments, and the results show that the proposed solution can reduce the bandwidth consumption by up to half and still serve all requests given a large number of service requests.

Kattepur, Ajay, Dohare, Harshit, Mushunuri, Visali, Rath, Hemant Kumar, Simha, Anantha.  2016.  Resource Constrained Offloading in Fog Computing. Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Middleware for Edge Clouds & Cloudlets. :1:1–1:6.

When focusing on the Internet of Things (IoT), communicating and coordinating sensor–actuator data via the cloud involves inefficient overheads and reduces autonomous behavior. The Fog Computing paradigm essentially moves the compute nodes closer to sensing entities by exploiting peers and intermediary network devices. This reduces centralized communication with the cloud and entails increased coordination between sensing entities and (possibly available) smart network gateway devices. In this paper, we analyze the utility of offloading computation among peers when working in fog based deployments. It is important to study the trade-offs involved with such computation offloading, as we deal with resource (energy, computation capacity) limited devices. Devices computing in a distributed environment may choose to locally compute part of their data and communicate the remainder to their peers. An optimization formulation is presented that is applied to various deployment scenarios, taking the computation and communication overheads into account. Our technique is demonstrated on a network of robotic sensor–actuators developed on the ROS (Robot Operating System) platform, that coordinate over the fog to complete a task. We demonstrate 77.8% latency and 54% battery usage improvements over large computation tasks, by applying this optimal offloading.

Corsaro, Angelo.  2016.  Cloudy, Foggy and Misty Internet of Things. Proceedings of the 7th ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering. :261–261.

Early Internet of Things(IoT) applications have been build around cloud-centric architectures where information generated at the edge by the "things" in conveyed and processed in a cloud infrastructure. These architectures centralise processing and decision on the data-centre assuming sufficient connectivity, bandwidth and latency. As applications of the Internet of Things extend to industrial and more demanding consumer applications, the assumptions underlying cloud-centric architectures start to be violated as for several of these applications connectivity, bandwidth and latency to the data-centre are a challenge. Fog and Mist computing have emerged as forms of "Cloud Computing" closer to the "Edge" and to the "Things" that should alleviate the connectivity, bandwidth and latency challenges faced by Industrial and extremely demanding Consumer Internet of Things Applications. This keynote, will (1) introduce Cloud, Fog and Mist Computing architectures for the Internet of Things, (2) motivate their need and explain their applicability with real-world use cases, and (3) assess their technological maturity and highlight the areas that require further academic and industrial research.

Dey, Swarnava, Mukherjee, Arijit.  2016.  Robotic SLAM: A Review from Fog Computing and Mobile Edge Computing Perspective. Adjunct Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing Networking and Services. :153–158.

Offloading computationally expensive Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) task for mobile robots have attracted significant attention during the last few years. Lack of powerful on-board compute capability in these energy constrained mobile robots and rapid advancement in compute cloud access technologies laid the foundation for development of several Cloud Robotics platforms that enabled parallel execution of computationally expensive robotic algorithms, especially involving multiple robots. In this work the Cloud Robotics concept is extended to include the current emphasis of computing at the network edge nodes along with the Cloud. The requirements and advantages of using edge nodes for computation offloading over remote cloud or local robot clusters are discussed with reference to the ETSI 'Mobile-Edge Computing' initiative and OpenFog Consortium's 'OpenFog Architecture'. A Particle Filter algorithm for SLAM is modified and implemented for offloading in a multi-tier edge+cloud setup. Additionally a model is proposed for offloading decision in such a setup with experiments and results demonstrating the efficacy of the proposed dynamic offloading scheme over static offloading strategies.

Hawkins, Byron, Demsky, Brian, Taylor, Michael B..  2016.  BlackBox: Lightweight Security Monitoring for COTS Binaries. Proceedings of the 2016 International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization. :261–272.

After a software system is compromised, it can be difficult to understand what vulnerabilities attackers exploited. Any information residing on that machine cannot be trusted as attackers may have tampered with it to cover their tracks. Moreover, even after an exploit is known, it can be difficult to determine whether it has been used to compromise a given machine. Aviation has long-used black boxes to better understand the causes of accidents, enabling improvements that reduce the likelihood of future accidents. Many attacks introduce abnormal control flows to compromise systems. In this paper, we present BlackBox, a monitoring system for COTS software. Our techniques enable BlackBox to efficiently monitor unexpected and potentially harmful control flow in COTS binaries. BlackBox constructs dynamic profiles of an application's typical control flows to filter the vast majority of expected control flow behavior, leaving us with a manageable amount of data that can be logged across the network to remote devices. Modern applications make extensive use of dynamically generated code, some of which varies greatly between executions. We introduce support for code generators that can detect security-sensitive behaviors while allowing BlackBox to avoid logging the majority of ordinary behaviors. We have implemented BlackBox in DynamoRIO. We evaluate the runtime overhead of BlackBox, and show that it can effectively monitor recent versions of Microsoft Office and Google Chrome. We show that in ROP, COOP, and state- of-the-art JIT injection attacks, BlackBox logs the pivotal actions by which the attacker takes control, and can also blacklist those actions to prevent repeated exploits.

Dou, Yanzhi, Zeng, Kexiong(Curtis), Li, He, Yang, Yaling, Gao, Bo, Guan, Chaowen, Ren, Kui, Li, Shaoqian.  2016.  P2-SAS: Preserving Users' Privacy in Centralized Dynamic Spectrum Access Systems. Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing. :321–330.

Centralized spectrum management is one of the key dynamic spectrum access (DSA) mechanisms proposed to govern the spectrum sharing between government incumbent users (IUs) and commercial secondary users (SUs). In the current centralized DSA designs, the operation data of both government IUs and commercial SUs needs to be shared with a central server. However, the operation data of government IUs is often classified information and the SU operation data may also be commercial secret. The current system design dissatisfies the privacy requirement of both IUs and SUs since the central server is not necessarily trust-worthy for holding such sensitive operation data. To address the privacy issue, this paper presents a privacy-preserving centralized DSA system (P2-SAS), which realizes the complex spectrum allocation process of DSA through efficient secure multi-party computation. In P2-SAS, none of the IU or SU operation data would be exposed to any snooping party, including the central server itself. We formally prove the correctness and privacy-preserving property of P2-SAS and evaluate its scalability and practicality using experiments based on real-world data. Experiment results show that P2-SAS can respond an SU's spectrum request in 6.96 seconds with communication overhead of less than 4 MB.

Meinicke, Jens, Wong, Chu-Pan, Kästner, Christian, Thüm, Thomas, Saake, Gunter.  2016.  On Essential Configuration Complexity: Measuring Interactions in Highly-configurable Systems. Proceedings of the 31st IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering. :483–494.

Quality assurance for highly-configurable systems is challenging due to the exponentially growing configuration space. Interactions among multiple options can lead to surprising behaviors, bugs, and security vulnerabilities. Analyzing all configurations systematically might be possible though if most options do not interact or interactions follow specific patterns that can be exploited by analysis tools. To better understand interactions in practice, we analyze program traces to characterize and identify where interactions occur on control flow and data. To this end, we developed a dynamic analysis for Java based on variability-aware execution and monitor executions of multiple small to medium-sized programs. We find that the essential configuration complexity of these programs is indeed much lower than the combinatorial explosion of the configuration space indicates. However, we also discover that the interaction characteristics that allow scalable and complete analyses are more nuanced than what is exploited by existing state-of-the-art quality assurance strategies.

Hamlet, Jason R., Lamb, Christopher C..  2016.  Dependency Graph Analysis and Moving Target Defense Selection. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :105–116.

Moving target defense (MTD) is an emerging paradigm in which system defenses dynamically mutate in order to decrease the overall system attack surface. Though the concept is promising, implementations have not been widely adopted. The field has been actively researched for over ten years, and has only produced a small amount of extensively adopted defenses, most notably, address space layout randomization (ASLR). This is despite the fact that there currently exist a variety of moving target implementations and proofs-of-concept. We suspect that this results from the moving target controls breaking critical system dependencies from the perspectives of users and administrators, as well as making things more difficult for attackers. As a result, the impact of the controls on overall system security is not sufficient to overcome the inconvenience imposed on legitimate system users. In this paper, we analyze a successful MTD approach. We study the control's dependency graphs, showing how we use graph theoretic and network properties to predict the effectiveness of the selected control.

Wang, Huangxin, Li, Fei, Chen, Songqing.  2016.  Towards Cost-Effective Moving Target Defense Against DDoS and Covert Channel Attacks. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Workshop on Moving Target Defense. :15–25.

Traditionally, network and system configurations are static. Attackers have plenty of time to exploit the system's vulnerabilities and thus they are able to choose when to launch attacks wisely to maximize the damage. An unpredictable system configuration can significantly lift the bar for attackers to conduct successful attacks. Recent years, moving target defense (MTD) has been advocated for this purpose. An MTD mechanism aims to introduce dynamics to the system through changing its configuration continuously over time, which we call adaptations. Though promising, the dynamic system reconfiguration introduces overhead to the applications currently running in the system. It is critical to determine the right time to conduct adaptations and to balance the overhead afforded and the security levels guaranteed. This problem is known as the MTD timing problem. Little prior work has been done to investigate the right time in making adaptations. In this paper, we take the first step to both theoretically and experimentally study the timing problem in moving target defenses. For a broad family of attacks including DDoS attacks and cloud covert channel attacks, we model this problem as a renewal reward process and propose an optimal algorithm in deciding the right time to make adaptations with the objective of minimizing the long-term cost rate. In our experiments, both DDoS attacks and cloud covert channel attacks are studied. Simulations based on real network traffic traces are conducted and we demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms known adaptation schemes.

Stanciu, Valeriu-Daniel, Spolaor, Riccardo, Conti, Mauro, Giuffrida, Cristiano.  2016.  On the Effectiveness of Sensor-enhanced Keystroke Dynamics Against Statistical Attacks. Proceedings of the Sixth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy. :105–112.

In recent years, simple password-based authentication systems have increasingly proven ineffective for many classes of real-world devices. As a result, many researchers have concentrated their efforts on the design of new biometric authentication systems. This trend has been further accelerated by the advent of mobile devices, which offer numerous sensors and capabilities to implement a variety of mobile biometric authentication systems. Along with the advances in biometric authentication, however, attacks have also become much more sophisticated and many biometric techniques have ultimately proven inadequate in face of advanced attackers in practice. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of sensor-enhanced keystroke dynamics, a recent mobile biometric authentication mechanism that combines a particularly rich set of features. In our analysis, we consider different types of attacks, with a focus on advanced attacks that draw from general population statistics. Such attacks have already been proven effective in drastically reducing the accuracy of many state-of-the-art biometric authentication systems. We implemented a statistical attack against sensor-enhanced keystroke dynamics and evaluated its impact on detection accuracy. On one hand, our results show that sensor-enhanced keystroke dynamics are generally robust against statistical attacks with a marginal equal-error rate impact (textless0.14%). On the other hand, our results show that, surprisingly, keystroke timing features non-trivially weaken the security guarantees provided by sensor features alone. Our findings suggest that sensor dynamics may be a stronger biometric authentication mechanism against recently proposed practical attacks.

Korczyński, Maciej, Król, Micha\textbackslashl, van Eeten, Michel.  2016.  Zone Poisoning: The How and Where of Non-Secure DNS Dynamic Updates. Proceedings of the 2016 Internet Measurement Conference. :271–278.

This paper illuminates the problem of non-secure DNS dynamic updates, which allow a miscreant to manipulate DNS entries in the zone files of authoritative name servers. We refer to this type of attack as to zone poisoning. This paper presents the first measurement study of the vulnerability. We analyze a random sample of 2.9 million domains and the Alexa top 1 million domains and find that at least 1,877 (0.065%) and 587 (0.062%) of domains are vulnerable, respectively. Among the vulnerable domains are governments, health care providers and banks, demonstrating that the threat impacts important services. Via this study and subsequent notifications to affected parties, we aim to improve the security of the DNS ecosystem.