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Tang, Xiao, Cao, Zhenfu, Dong, Xiaolei, Shen, Jiachen.  2021.  PKMark: A Robust Zero-distortion Blind Reversible Scheme for Watermarking Relational Databases. 2021 IEEE 15th International Conference on Big Data Science and Engineering (BigDataSE). :72—79.
In this paper, we propose a zero-distortion blind reversible robust scheme for watermarking relational databases called PKMark. Data owner can declare the copyright of the databases or pursue the infringement by extracting the water-mark information embedded in the database. PKMark is mainly based on the primary key attribute of the tuple. So it does not depend on the type of the attribute, and can provide high-precision numerical attributes. PKMark uses RSA encryption on the watermark before embedding the watermark to ensure the security of the watermark information. Then we use RSA to sign the watermark cipher text so that the owner can verify the ownership of the watermark without disclosing the watermark. The watermark embedding and extraction are based on the hash value of the primary key, so the scheme has blindness and reversibility. In other words, the user can obtain the watermark information or restore the original database without comparing it to the original database. Our scheme also has almost excellent robustness against addition attacks, deletion attacks and alteration attacks. In addition, PKMark is resistant to additive attacks, allowing different users to embed multiple watermarks without interfering with each other, and it can indicate the sequence of watermark embedding so as to indicate the original copyright owner of the database. This watermarking scheme also allows data owners to detect whether the data has been tampered with.
Perez, John Paul G., Sigua, Sean Kevin P., Cortez, Dan Michael A., Mata, Khatalyn E., Regala, Richard C., Alipio, Antolin J., Blanco, Mark Christopher R., Sison, Ariel M..  2021.  A Modified Key Generation Scheme of Vigenère Cipher Algorithm using Pseudo-Random Number and Alphabet Extension. 2021 7th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :565—569.
In recent years, many modifications have been done to combat the weaknesses of the Vigenère Cipher Algorithm. Several studies have been carried out to rectify the flaw of the algorithm’s repeating key nature by increasing the key length equal to that of the plain text. However, some characters cannot be encrypted due to the limited set of characters in the key. This paper modified the algorithm’s key generation process using a Pseudo-Random Number Generator to improve the algorithm’s security and expanded the table of characters to up to 190 characters. The results show that based on Monobit examination and frequency analysis, the repeating nature of the key is non-existent, and the generated key can be used to encrypt a larger set of characters. The ciphertext has a low IC value of 0.030, which is similar to a random string and polyalphabetic cipher with an IC value of 0.038 but not equal to a monoalphabetic cipher with an IC value of 0.065. Results show that the modified version of the algorithm performs better than some of the recent studies conducted on it
Kaur, Amanpreet, Singh, Gurpreet.  2021.  Encryption Algorithms based on Security in IoT (Internet of Things). 2021 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :482–486.
The Internet is evolving everywhere and expanding its entity globally. The IoT(Internet of things) is a new and interesting concept introduced in this world of internet. Generally it is interconnected computing device which can be embedded in our daily routine objects through which we can send and receive data. It is beyond connecting computers and laptops only although it can connect billion of devices. It can be described as reliable method of communication that also make use of other technologies like wireless sensor, QR code etc. IoT (Internet of Things) is making everything smart with use of technology like smart homes, smart cities, smart watches. In this chapter, we will study the security algorithms in IoT (Internet of Things) which can be achieved with encryption process. In the world of IoT, data is more vulnerable to threats. So as to protect data integrity, data confidentiality, we have Light weight Encryption Algorithms like symmetric key cryptography and public key cryptography for secure IoT (Internet of Things) named as Secure IoT. Because it is not convenient to use full encryption algorithms that require large memory size, large program code and larger execution time. Light weight algorithms meet all resource constraints of small memory size, less execution time and efficiency. The algorithms can be measured in terms of key size, no of blocks and algorithm structure, chip size and energy consumption. Light Weight Techniques provides security to smart object networks and also provides efficiency. In Symmetric Key Cryptography, two parties can have identical keys but has some practical difficulty. Public Key Cryptography uses both private and public key which are related to each other. Public key is known to everyone while private key is kept secret. Public Key cryptography method is based on mathematical problems. So, to implement this method, one should have a great expertise.
Liu, Xian.  2021.  A Primitive Cipher with Machine Learning. 2021 IEEE International Black Sea Conference on Communications and Networking (BlackSeaCom). :1—6.
Multi-access edge computing (MEC) equipped with artificial intelligence is a promising technology in B5G wireless systems. Due to outsourcing and other transactions, some primitive security modules need to be introduced. In this paper, we design a primitive cipher based on double discrete exponentiation and double discrete logarithm. The machine learning methodology is incorporated in the development. Several interesting results are obtained. It reveals that the number of key-rounds is critically important.
Ibrahim, Habib, Özkaynak, Fatih.  2021.  A Random Selection Based Substitution-box Structure Dataset for Cryptology Applications. IEEE EUROCON 2021 - 19th International Conference on Smart Technologies. :321—325.
The cryptology science has gradually gained importance with our digitalized lives. Ensuring the security of data transmitted, processed and stored across digital channels is a major challenge. One of the frequently used components in cryptographic algorithms to ensure security is substitution-box structures. Random selection-based substitution-box structures have become increasingly important lately, especially because of their advantages to prevent side channel attacks. However, the low nonlinearity value of these designs is a problem. In this study, a dataset consisting of twenty different substitution-box structures have been publicly presented to the researchers. The fact that the proposed dataset has high nonlinearity values will allow it to be used in many practical applications in the future studies. The proposed dataset provides a contribution to the literature as it can be used both as an input dataset for the new post-processing algorithm and as a countermeasure to prevent the success of side-channel analyzes.
Elzaher, Mahmoud F. Abd, Shalaby, Mohamed.  2021.  Two-level chaotic system versus non-autonomous modulation in the context of chaotic voice encryption. 2021 International Telecommunications Conference (ITC-Egypt). :1—6.
In this paper, two methods are introduced for securing voice communication. The first technique applies multilevel chaos-based block cipher and the second technique applies non-autonomous chaotic modulation. In the first approach, the encryption method is implemented by joining Arnold cat map with the Lorenz system. This method depends on permuting and substituting voice samples. Applying two levels of a chaotic system, enhances the security of the encrypted signal. the permutation process of the voice samples is implemented by applying Arnold cat map, then use Lorenz chaotic flow to create masking key and consequently substitute the permuted samples. In the second method, an encryption method based on non-autonomous modulation is implemented, in the master system, and the voice injection process is applied into one variable of the Lorenz chaotic flow without modifying the state of controls parameter. Non-autonomous modulation is proved to be more suitable than other techniques for securing real-time applications; it also masters the problems of chaotic parameter modulation and chaotic masking. A comparative study of these methods is presented.
Shoba, V., Parameswari, R..  2021.  Data Security and Privacy Preserving with Augmented Homomorphic Re-Encryption Decryption (AHRED) Algorithm in Big Data Analytics. 2021 Third International Conference on Inventive Research in Computing Applications (ICIRCA). :451–457.
The process of Big data storage has become challenging due to the expansion of extensive data; data providers will offer encrypted data and upload to Big data. However, the data exchange mechanism is unable to accommodate encrypted data. Particularly when a large number of users share the scalable data, the scalability becomes extremely limited. Using a contemporary privacy protection system to solve this issue and ensure the security of encrypted data, as well as partially homomorphic re-encryption and decryption (PHRED). This scheme has the flexibility to share data by ensuring user's privacy with partially trusted Big Data. It can access to strong unforgeable scheme it make the transmuted cipher text have public and private key verification combined identity based Augmented Homomorphic Re Encryption Decryption(AHRED) on paillier crypto System with Laplacian noise filter the performance of the data provider for privacy preserving big data.
Souror, Samia, El-Fishawy, Nawal, Badawy, Mohammed.  2021.  SCKHA: A New Stream Cipher Algorithm Based on Key Hashing and Splitting Technique. 2021 International Conference on Electronic Engineering (ICEEM). :1–7.
Cryptographic algorithms are playing an important role in the information security field. Strong and unbreakable algorithms provide high security and good throughput. The strength of any encryption algorithm is basically based on the degree of difficulty to obtain the encryption key by such cyber-attacks as brute. It is supposed that the bigger the key size, the more difficult it is to compute the key. But increasing the key size will increase both the computational complexity and the processing time of algorithms. In this paper, we proposed a reliable, effective, and more secure symmetric stream cipher algorithm for encryption and decryption called Symmetric Cipher based on Key Hashing Algorithm (SCKHA). The idea of this algorithm is based on hashing and splitting the encryption symmetric key. Hashing the key will hide the encrypted key to prevent any intruder from forging the hash code, and, thus, it satisfies the purpose of security, authentication, and integrity for a message on the network. In addition, the algorithm is secure against a brute-force attack by increasing the resources it takes for testing each possible key. Splitting the hashed value of the encryption key will divide the hashed key into two key chunks. The encryption process performed using such one chunk based on some calculations on the plaintext. This algorithm has three advantages that are represented in computational simplicity, security and efficiency. Our algorithm is characterized by its ability to search on the encrypted data where the plaintext character is represented by two ciphertext characters (symbols).
Bouteghrine, Belqassim, Tanougast, Camel, Sadoudi, Said.  2021.  Fast and Efficient Chaos-Based Algorithm for Multimedia Data Encryption. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME). :1—5.
With the evolution of the communication technology, fast and efficient tools for secure exchanged data are highly required. Through this research work, we introduce a simplified and fast chaos-based scheme for multimedia data encryption and in particular for color image encryption application. The new algorithm is based on an extracted four-dimension (4-D) discrete time map. The proposed 4-D chaos system includes seven (07) nonlinear terms and four (04) controllers to generate a robust chaos that can satisfy the encryption requirements. The performance of this image encryption algorithm are analyzed with the help of four important factors which are key space, correlation, complexity and running time. Results of the security analysis compared to some of similar proposals, show that our encryption scheme is more effective in terms of key stream cipher space, correlation, complexity and running time.
Pisharody, Sandeep, Bernays, Jonathan, Gadepally, Vijay, Jones, Michael, Kepner, Jeremy, Meiners, Chad, Michaleas, Peter, Tse, Adam, Stetson, Doug.  2021.  Realizing Forward Defense in the Cyber Domain. 2021 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC). :1–7.

With the recognition of cyberspace as an operating domain, concerted effort is now being placed on addressing it in the whole-of-domain manner found in land, sea, undersea, air, and space domains. Among the first steps in this effort is applying the standard supporting concepts of security, defense, and deterrence to the cyber domain. This paper presents an architecture that helps realize forward defense in cyberspace, wherein adversarial actions are repulsed as close to the origin as possible. However, substantial work remains in making the architecture an operational reality including furthering fundamental research cyber science, conducting design trade-off analysis, and developing appropriate public policy frameworks.

Kamal, Naheel Faisal, Malluhi, Qutaibah.  2021.  Client-Based Secure IoT Data Sharing using Untrusted Clouds. 2021 IEEE 7th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). :409—414.
IoT systems commonly rely on cloud services. However, utilizing cloud providers can be problematic in terms of data security. Data stored in the cloud need to be secured from unauthorized malicious nodes and from the cloud providers themselves. Using a simple symmetric cipher can encrypt the data before uploading and decrypt it while retrieving. However, such a solution can be only applied between two parties with no support for multiple nodes. Whereas in IoT scenarios, many smart devices communicate and share data with each other. This paper proposes a solution that tackles the issue of sharing data securely between IoT devices by implementing a system that allows secure sharing of encrypted data in untrusted clouds. The implementation of the system performs the computation on connectionless clients with no involvement of the cloud server nor any third party. The cloud server is only used as a passive storage server. Analysis of the implemented prototype demonstrates that the system can be used in real-life applications with relatively small overhead. Based on the used hardware, key generation takes about 60 nanoseconds and the storage overhead is only a few kilobytes for large number of files and/or users.
Padma, Bh, Chandravathi, D, Pratibha, Lanka.  2021.  Defense Against Frequency Analysis In Elliptic Curve Cryptography Using K-Means Clustering. 2021 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS). :64–69.
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is a revolution in asymmetric key cryptography which is based on the hardness of discrete logarithms. ECC offers lightweight encryption as it presents equal security for smaller keys, and reduces processing overhead. But asymmetric schemes are vulnerable to several cryptographic attacks such as plaintext attacks, known cipher text attacks etc. Frequency analysis is a type of cipher text attack which is a passive traffic analysis scenario, where an opponent studies the frequency or occurrence of single letter or groups of letters in a cipher text to predict the plain text part. Block cipher modes are not used in asymmetric key encryption because encrypting many blocks with an asymmetric scheme is literally slow and CBC propagates transmission errors. Therefore, in this research we present a new approach to defence against frequency analysis in ECC using K-Means clustering to defence against Frequency Analysis. In this proposed methodology, security of ECC against frequency analysis is achieved by clustering the points of the curve and selecting different cluster for encoding a text each time it is encrypted. This technique destroys the regularities in the cipher text and thereby guards against cipher text attacks.
Rachmawati, Dian, Budiman, Mohammad Andri, Habibi, Wiro Tirta.  2021.  Three-Pass Protocol Scheme for Securing Image Files Using the Hill Cipher 3x3 Algorithm. 2021 International Conference on Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, and Business Analytics (DATABIA). :130–135.
There will be a fatal risk when the submitted file is stolen or altered by someone else during the file submission process. To maintain the security of sending files from sender to recipient, it is necessary to secure files. The science of maintaining the security of messages is called cryptography. The authors were interested in examining the Three Pass Protocol scheme in this study because it eliminated the necessity for sender and receiver to exchange keys during the operation of the Hill Cipher 3x3 algorithm. The Hill Cipher algorithm was chosen because the key has an inverse and matrix-shaped value. Then the key used must be checked whether it has a GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) grade 1 or not and will be shaped like matrix. System implementation using the Java programming language using Android Studio software. System testing is done by encrypting and decrypting files. System testing results illustrate that the process encryption and decryption by the sender is faster than the recipient, so the encryption and decryption time needed directly proportional; the larger the pixel size of the image on the image file used, the longer it takes.
Zhang, Fengqing, Jiang, Xiaoning.  2021.  The Zero Trust Security Platform for Data Trusteeship. 2021 4th International Conference on Advanced Electronic Materials, Computers and Software Engineering (AEMCSE). :1014–1017.
Cloud storage is a low-cost and convenient storage method, but the nature of cloud storage determines the existence of security risks for data uploaded by users. In order to ensure the security of users' data in third-party cloud platforms, a zero trust security platform for data trusteeship is proposed. The platform introduces the concept of zero trust, which meets the needs of users to upload sensitive data to untrusted third-party cloud platforms by implementing multiple functional modules such as sensitivity analysis service, cipher index service, attribute encryption service.
Ruchkin, V., Soldatov, G., Fulin, V., Kostrov, B., Ruchkina, E..  2020.  Macros for Coding Information Encryption Amp; Decryption in Trusted Platform Module. 2020 International Multi-Conference on Industrial Engineering and Modern Technologies (FarEastCon). :1–5.
This article describes the process assembling of Encryption & Decryption In Trusted Platform Module of encoding information in NM640X \textregistered. Encoding of information, carried out in assembly language according to Gost 28147-89. It is a realisation of standard GOST 28147-89- Russian state symmetric key block cipher. GOST 28147-89 has 64-bit to access the kernel, trust, and allocated memory in the BlockSize and 256-bit KeySize.
Ghorashi, Seyed Ramin, Zia, Tanveer, Jiang, Yinhao.  2020.  Optimisation of Lightweight Klein Encryption Algorithm With 3 S-box. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops). :1–5.
Internet of Things (IoT) have offered great opportunities for the growth of smart objects in the last decade. Smart devices are deployed in many fields such as smart cities, healthcare and agriculture. One of the applications of IoT is Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) that require inexpensive and space-economic design for remote sensing and communication capabilities. This, unfortunately, lead to their inherent security vulnerabilities. Lightweight cryptography schemes are designed to counter many attacks in low-powered devices such as the IoT and WSN. These schemes can provide support for data encryption and key management while maintaining some level of efficiency. Most of these block ciphers provide good security. However, due to the complex cryptographic scheme's efficiency and optimisation is an issue. In this work, we focus on a new lightweight encryption scheme called the Klein block cipher. The algorithms of Klein block cipher are analysed for performance and security optimisations. A new algorithm which consists of 3-layer substitute box is proposed to reduce the need for resource consumption but maintain the security.
Engels, Susanne, Schellenberg, Falk, Paar, Christof.  2020.  SPFA: SFA on Multiple Persistent Faults. 2020 Workshop on Fault Detection and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC). :49–56.
For classical fault analysis, a transient fault is required to be injected during runtime, e.g., only at a specific round. Instead, Persistent Fault Analysis (PFA) introduces a powerful class of fault attacks that allows for a fault to be present throughout the whole execution. One limitation of original PFA as introduced by Zhang et al. at CHES'18 is that the adversary needs know (or brute-force) the faulty values prior to the analysis. While this was addressed at a follow-up work at CHES'20, the solution is only applicable to a single faulty value. Instead, we use the potency of Statistical Fault Analysis (SFA) in the persistent fault setting, presenting Statistical Persistent Fault Analysis (SPFA) as a more general approach of PFA. As a result, any or even a multitude of unknown faults that cause an exploitable bias in the targeted round can be used to recover the cipher's secret key. Indeed, the undesired faults in the other rounds that occur due the persistent nature of the attack converge to a uniform distribution as required by SFA. We verify the effectiveness of our attack against LED and AES.
Mestiri, Hassen, Salah, Yahia, Baroudi, Achref Addali.  2020.  A Secure Network Interface for on-Chip Systems. 2020 20th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). :90–94.
This paper presents a self-securing decentralized on-chip network interface (NI) architecture to Multicore System-on-Chip (McSoC) platforms. To protect intra-chip communication within McSoC, security framework proposal resides in initiator and target NIs. A comparison between block cipher and lightweight cryptographic algorithms is then given, so we can figure out the most suitable cipher for network-on-chip (NoC) architectures. AES and LED security algorithms was a subject of this comparison. The designs are developed in Xilinx ISE 14.7 tool using VHDL language.
Charles, Subodha, Mishra, Prabhat.  2020.  Securing Network-on-Chip Using Incremental Cryptography. 2020 IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI). :168–175.
Network-on-chip (NoC) has become the standard communication fabric for on-chip components in modern System-on-chip (SoC) designs. Since NoC has visibility to all communications in the SoC, it has been one of the primary targets for security attacks. While packet encryption can provide secure communication, it can introduce unacceptable energy and performance overhead due to the resource-constrained nature of SoC designs. In this paper, we propose a lightweight encryption scheme that is implemented on the network interface. Our approach improves the performance of encryption without compromising security using incremental cryptography, which exploits the unique NoC traffic characteristics. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach significantly (up to 57%, 30% on average) reduces the encryption time compared to traditional approaches with negligible (less than 2%) impact on area overhead.
Ayoub, Ahmed A., Aagaard, Mark D..  2020.  Application-Specific Instruction Set Architecture for an Ultralight Hardware Security Module. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :69–79.
Due to the rapid growth of using Internet of Things (IoT) devices in the daily life, the need to achieve an acceptable level of security and privacy according to the real security risks for these devices is rising. Security risks may include privacy threats like gaining sensitive information from a device, and authentication problems from counterfeit or cloned devices. It becomes more challenging to add strong security features to extremely constrained devices compared to battery operated devices that have more computational and storage capabilities. We propose a novel application specific instruction-set architecture that allows flexibility on many design levels and achieves the required security level for the Electronic Product Code (EPC) passive Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tag device. Our solution moves a major design effort from hardware to software, which largely reduces the final unit cost. The proposed architecture can be implemented with 4,662 gate equivalent units (GEs) for 65 nm CMOS technology excluding the memory and the cryptographic units. The synthesis results fulfill the requirements of extremely constrained devices and allow the inclusion of cryptographic units into the datapath of the proposed application-specific instruction set processor (ASIP).
S, Sahana, Shankaraiah.  2020.  Securing Govt Research Content using QR Code Image. 2020 IEEE International Conference for Innovation in Technology (INOCON). :1—5.
Government division may be a crucial portion of the nation's economy. Security of government inquire about substance from all sorts of dangers is basic not as it were for trade coherence but too for supporting the economy of the country as a entirety. With the digitization of conventional records, government substances experience troublesome issues, such as government capacity and access. Research office spend significant time questioning the specified information when getting to Government investigate substance subtle elements, but the gotten information are not fundamentally rectify, and get to is some of the time limited. On this premise, this think about proposes a investigate substance which utilize ciphertext-based encryption to guarantee information privacy and get to control of record subtle elements. The investigate head may scramble the put away data for accomplishing get to control and keeping information secure. In this manner AES Rijndael calculation is utilized for encryption. This guarantees security for the data and empowers Protection.
Sannidhan, M S, Sudeepa, K B, Martis, Jason E, Bhandary, Abhir.  2020.  A Novel Key Generation Approach Based on Facial Image Features for Stream Cipher System. 2020 Third International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology (ICSSIT). :956—962.
Security preservation is considered as one of the major concerns in this digital world, mainly for performing any online transactions. As the time progress, it witnesses an enormous amount of security threats and stealing different kind of digital information over the online network. In this regard, lots of cryptographic algorithms based on secret key generation techniques have been implemented to boost up the security aspect of network systems that preserve the confidentiality of digital information. Despite this, intelligent intruders are still able to crack the key generation technique, thus stealing the data. In this research article, we propose an innovative approach for generating a pseudo-pseudo-random key sequence that serves as a base for the encryption/decryption process. The key generation process is carried out by extracting the essential features from a facial image and based on the extracted features; a pseudo-random key sequence that acts as a primary entity for the efficient encryption/decryption process is generated. Experimental findings related to the pseudo-random key is validated through chi-square, runs up-down and performs a period of subsequence test. Outcomes of these have subsequently passed in achieving an ideal key.
Patnala, Tulasi Radhika, Jayanthi, D., Majji, Sankararao, Valleti, Manohar, Kothapalli, Srilekha, Karanam, Santoshachandra Rao.  2020.  A Modernistic way for KEY Generation for Highly Secure Data Transfer in ASIC Design Flow. 2020 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems (ICACCS). :892—897.
Present day's data security plays a vital role in digital human life. Data is a valuable asset to any organization and hence its security from external attacks is very important. Information security is not only an important aspect but essential, to secure data from unapproved access. Data encryption, decryption and key management are the key factors in data protection. It is very important to have the right data security solution to meet the challenging threats. Cryptosystem implementation and random number generators are crucial for Cryptosystem applications such as security applications, space applications, military applications and smart cards et al. In this paper, we present the implementation of hybrid cryptosystem based on the True Random number Generator, pseudo Random number Generator and whitening the data by using the ASIC design flow.
Jha, Pallavi, Zorkta, Haythem Yosef, Allawi, Dahham, Al-Nakkar, Maher Riad.  2020.  Improved Lightweight Encryption Algorithm (ILEA). 2020 International Conference for Emerging Technology (INCET). :1—4.
Lightweight cryptography concept has been a very hot topic for the last few years and considered as a new domain of encryption suitable for big data networks, small devices, phones, cards and embedded systems. These systems require low latency security and low power consuming [1]. An improved lightweight encryption algorithm ILEA is proposed in this paper. ILEA is based on PRINCE lightweight algorithm as his main core with two defacing balanced mixing layers added. ILEA presented in two programming languages: PYTHON, C++ with a comparative study with original PRINCE results and some of another lightweight algorithms.
Al-Aali, Yousuf, Boussakta, Said.  2020.  Lightweight block ciphers for resource-constrained devices. 2020 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP). :1—6.
Lightweight cryptography is a new branch of cryptography focused on providing security to resource-constraint devices such as wireless sensor networks (WSN), Radio-Frequency Identification (RFIDs) and other embedded systems. The factors considered in lightweight cryptography are mainly circuit area, memory requirement, processing time, latency, power, and energy consumption. This paper presents a discussion on common lightweight block ciphers in terms of different performance parameters, strength, design trends, limitations, and applications including the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST) round 1 and 2 candidates. Analysis of these lightweight algorithms has offered an insight into this newly emerging field of cryptography.