Applying security to the transmitted image is very important issues, because the transmission channel is open and can be compromised by attackers. To secure this channel from the eavesdropping attack, man in the middle attack, and so on. A new hybrid encryption image mechanism that utilize triangular scrambling, DNA encoding and chaotic map is implemented. The scheme takes a master key with a length of 320 bit, and produces a group of sub-keys with two length (32 and 128 bit) to encrypt the blocks of images, then a new triangular scrambling method is used to increase the security of the image. Many experiments are implemented using several different images. The analysis results for these experiments show that the security obtained on by using the proposed method is very suitable for securing the transmitted images. The current work has been compared with other works and the result of comparison shows that the current work is very strong against attacks.
DNA cryptography is one of the promising fields in cryptographic research which emerged with the evolution of DNA computing. In this era, end to end transmission of secure data by ensuring confidentiality and authenticity over the networks is a real challenge. Even though various DNA based cryptographic algorithms exists, they are not secure enough to provide better security as required with today's security requirements. Hence we propose a cryptographic model which will enhance the message security. A new method of round key selection is used, which provides better and enhanced security against intruder's attack. The crucial attraction of this proposed model is providing multi level security of 3 levels with round key selection and message encryption in level 1, 16×16 matrix manipulation using asymmetric key encryption in level 2 and shift operations in level 3. Thus we design a system with multi level encryption without compromising complexity and size of the cipher text.
Cellular Automata based computing paradigm is an efficient platform for modeling complicated computational problems. This can be used for various applications in the field of Cryptography. In this paper, it is used for generating a DNA cryptography based encryption algorithm. The encoded message in binary format is encrypted to cipher colors with the help of a simple algorithm based on the principles of DNA cryptography and cellular automata. The message will be in compressed form using XOR operator. Since cellular automata and DNA cryptographic principles are exploited, high level of parallelism, reversibility, uniformity etc. can be achieved.
The data security is a challenging issue nowadays with the increase of information capacity and its transmission rate. The most common and widely used techniques in the data security fields are cryptography and steganography. The combination of cryptography and steganography methods provides more security to the data. Now, DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) is explored as a new carrier for data security since it achieves maximum protection and powerful security with high capacity and low modification rate. A new data security method can be developed by taking the advantages of DNA based AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) cryptography and DNA steganography. This new technique will provide multilayer security to the secret message. Here the secret message is first encoded to DNA bases then DNA based AES algorithm is applied to it. Finally the encrypted DNA will be concealed in another DNA sequence. This hybrid technique provides triple layer security to the secret message.
In the information age of today, with the rapid development and wide application of communication technology and network technology, more and more information has been transmitted through the network and information security and protection is becoming more and more important, the cryptography theory and technology have become an important research field in Information Science and technology. In recent years, many researchers have found that there is a close relationship between chaos and cryptography. Chaotic system to initial conditions is extremely sensitive and can produce a large number of with good cryptographic properties of class randomness, correlation, complexity and wide spectrum sequence, provides a new and effective means for data encryption. But chaotic cryptography, as a new cross discipline, is still in its initial stage of development. Although many chaotic encryption schemes have been proposed, the method of chaotic cryptography is not yet fully mature. The research is carried out under such a background, to be used in chaotic map of the chaotic cipher system, chaotic sequence cipher, used for key generation of chaotic random number generators and other key problems is discussed. For one-dimensional chaotic encryption algorithm, key space small, security is not higher defect, this paper selects logistic mapping coupled to generate twodimensional hyper chaotic system as the research object, the research focus on the hyper chaotic sequence in the application of data encryption, in chaotic data encryption algorithm to make some beneficial attempts, at the same time, the research on applications of chaos in data encryption to do some exploring.
The extremely rapid development of the Internet of Things brings growing attention to the information security issue. Realization of cryptographically strong pseudo random number generators (PRNGs), is crucial in securing sensitive data. They play an important role in cryptography and in network security applications. In this paper, we realize a comparative study of two pseudo chaotic number generators (PCNGs). The First pseudo chaotic number generator (PCNG1) is based on two nonlinear recursive filters of order one using a Skew Tent map (STmap) and a Piece-Wise Linear Chaotic map (PWLCmap) as non linear functions. The second pseudo chaotic number generator (PCNG2) consists of four coupled chaotic maps, namely: PWLCmaps, STmap, Logistic map by means a binary diffusion matrix [D]. A comparative analysis of the performance in terms of computation time (Generation time, Bit rate and Number of needed cycles to generate one byte) and security of the two PCNGs is carried out.
With the ever increasing growth of internet usage, ensuring high security for information has gained great importance, due to the several threats in the communication channels. Hence there is continuous research towards finding a suitable approach to ensure high security for the information. In recent decades, cryptography is being used extensively for providing security on the Internet although primarily used in the military and diplomatic communities. One such approach is the application of Chaos theory in cryptosystems. In this work, we have proposed the usage of combined multiple recursive generator (CMRG) for KEY generation based on a chaotic function to generate different multiple keys. It is seen that negligible difference in parameters of chaotic function generates completely different keys as well as cipher text. The main motive for developing the chaos based cryptosystem is to attain encryption that provides high security at comparatively higher speed but with lower complexity and cost over the conventional encryption algorithms.
This paper proposes a new hybrid technique for combined encryption text and image based on hyperchaos system. Since antiquity, man has continued looking for ways to send messages to his correspondents in order to communicate with them safely. It needed, through successive epochs, both physical and intellectual efforts in order to find an effective and appropriate communication technique. On another note, there is a behavior between the rigid regularity and randomness. This behavior is called chaos. In fact, it is a new field of investigation that is opened along with a new understanding of the frequently misunderstood long effects. The chaotic cryptography is thus born by inclusion of chaos in encryption algorithms. This article is in this particular context. Its objective is to create and implement an encryption algorithm based on a hyperchaotic system. This algorithm is composed of four methods: two for encrypting images and two for encrypting texts. The user chose the type of the input of the encryption (image or text) and as well as of the output. This new algorithm is considered a renovation in the science of cryptology, with the hybrid methods. This research opened a new features.
Provenance counterfeit and packet loss assaults are measured as threats in the large scale wireless sensor networks which are engaged for diverse application domains. The assortments of information source generate necessitate promising the reliability of information such as only truthful information is measured in the decision procedure. Details about the sensor nodes play an major role in finding trust value of sensor nodes. In this paper, a novel lightweight secure provenance method is initiated for improving the security of provenance data transmission. The anticipated system comprises provenance authentication and renovation at the base station by means of Merkle-Hellman knapsack algorithm based protected provenance encoding in the Bloom filter framework. Side Channel Monitoring (SCM) is exploited for noticing the presence of selfish nodes and packet drop behaviors. This lightweight secure provenance method decreases the energy and bandwidth utilization with well-organized storage and secure data transmission. The investigational outcomes establishes the efficacy and competence of the secure provenance secure system by professionally noticing provenance counterfeit and packet drop assaults which can be seen from the assessment in terms of provenance confirmation failure rate, collection error, packet drop rate, space complexity, energy consumption, true positive rate, false positive rate and packet drop attack detection.
Promoting data sharing between organisations is challenging, without the added concerns over having actions traced. Even with encrypted search capabilities, the entities digital location and downloaded information can be traced, leaking information to the hosting organisation. This is a problem for law enforcement and government agencies, where any information leakage is not acceptable, especially for investigations. Anonymous routing is a technique to stop a host learning which agency is accessing information. Many related works for anonymous routing have been proposed, but are designed for Internet traffic, and are over complicated for internal usage. A streaming design for circuit creation is proposed using elliptic curve cryptography. Allowing for a simple anonymous routing solution, which provides fast performance with source and destination anonymity to other organisations.
Lightweight block ciphers, which are required for IoT devices, have attracted attention. Simeck, which is one of the most popular lightweight block ciphers, can be implemented on IoT devices in the smallest area. Regarding the hardware security, the threat of electromagnetic analysis has been reported. However, electromagnetic analysis of Simeck has not been reported. Therefore, this study proposes a dedicated electromagnetic analysis for a lightweight block cipher Simeck to ensure the safety of IoT devices in the future. To our knowledge, this is the first electromagnetic analysis for Simeck. Experiments using a FPGA prove the validity of the proposed method.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) systems are widely used today because of their low price, usability and being wireless. As RFID systems use wireless communication, they may encounter challenging security problems. Several lightweight encryption algorithms have been proposed so far to solve these problems. The RBS block cipher is one of these algorithms. In designing RBS, conventional block cipher elements such as S-box and P-box are not used. RBS is based on inserting redundant bits between altered plaintext bits using an encryption key Kenc. In this paper, considering not having a proper diffusion as the main defect of RBS, we propose a chosen ciphertext attack against this algorithm. The data complexity of this attack equals to N pairs of text and its time complexity equals to N decryptions, where N is the size of the encryption key Kenc.
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are implemented in various Internet-of-Things applications such as energy management systems. As the applications may involve personal information, they must be protected from attackers attempting to read information or control network devices. Research on WSN security is essential to protect WSNs from attacks. Studies in such research domains propose solutions against the attacks. However, they focus mainly on the security measures rather than on their ease in implementation in WSNs. In this paper, we propose a coordination middleware that provides an environment for constructing updatable WSNs for security. The middleware is based on LINC, a rule-based coordination middleware. The proposed approach allows the development of WSNs and attaches or detaches security modules when required. We implemented three security modules on LINC and on a real network, as case studies. Moreover, we evaluated the implementation costs while comparing the case studies.
A fresh look at the way secure communications is currently being done has been undertaken as a consequence of the large hacking's that have taken place recently. A plausible option maybe a return to the future via Morse code using how a quantum bit (Qubit) reacts when entangled to suggest a cypher. This quantum cyphers uses multiple properties of unique entities that have many random radicals which makes hacking more difficult that traditional 'Rivest-Shamir-Adleman' (RSA), 'Digital Signature Algorithm' (DSA) or 'Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm' (ECDSA). Additional security is likely by Backchannelling (slipstreaming) Quantum Morse code (Q-Morse) keys composed of living and non-living entities. This means Blockchain ledger history (forwards-backwards) is audited during an active session. Verification keys are Backchannelling (slipstreaming) during the session (e.g. train driver must incrementally activate a switch otherwise the train stops) using predicted-expected sender-receiver properties as well as their past history of disconformities to random radicals encountered. In summary, Quantum Morse code (Q-Morse) plausibly is the enabler to additional security by Backchannelling (slipstreaming) during a communications session.
Data sharing is a significant functionality in cloud storage. These cloud storage provider are answerable for keeping the data obtainable and available in addition to the physical environment protected and running. Here we can securely, efficiently, and flexibly share data with others in cloud storage. A new public-key cryptosystems is planned which create constant-size cipher texts such that efficient allocation of decryption rights for any set of cipher texts are achievable. The uniqueness means that one can aggregate any set of secret keys and make them as packed in as a single key, but encircling the power of all the keys being aggregated. This packed in aggregate key can be easily sent to others or be stored in a smart card with very restricted secure storage. In KAC, users encrypt a file with single key, that means every file have each file, also there will be aggregate keys for two or more files, which formed by using the tree structure. Through this, the user can share more files with a single key at a time.
Radio-frequency identification (RFID) are becoming a part of our everyday life with a wide range of applications such as labeling products and supply chain management and etc. These smart and tiny devices have extremely constrained resources in terms of area, computational abilities, memory, and power. At the same time, security and privacy issues remain as an important problem, thus with the large deployment of low resource devices, increasing need to provide security and privacy among such devices, has arisen. Resource-efficient cryptographic incipient become basic for realizing both security and efficiency in constrained environments and embedded systems like RFID tags and sensor nodes. Among those primitives, lightweight block cipher plays a significant role as a building block for security systems. In 2014 Manoj Kumar et al proposed a new Lightweight block cipher named as FeW, which are suitable for extremely constrained environments and embedded systems. In this paper, we simulate and synthesize the FeW block cipher. Implementation results of the FeW cryptography algorithm on a FPGA are presented. The design target is efficiency of area and cost.
To add multiple layers of security our present work proposes a method for integrating together cryptography and Steganography for secure communication using an image file. We have used here combination of cryptography and steganography that can hide a text in an image in such a way so as to prevent any possible suspicion of having a hidden text, after RSA cipher. It offers privacy and high security through the communication channel.
The enormous size of video data of natural scene and objects is a practical threat to storage, transmission. The efficient handling of video data essentially requires compression for economic utilization of storage space, access time and the available network bandwidth of the public channel. In addition, the protection of important video is of utmost importance so as to save it from malicious intervention, attack or alteration by unauthorized users. Therefore, security and privacy has become an important issue. Since from past few years, number of researchers concentrate on how to develop efficient video encryption for secure video transmission, a large number of multimedia encryption schemes have been proposed in the literature like selective encryption, complete encryption and entropy coding based encryption. Among above three kinds of algorithms, they all remain some kind of shortcomings. In this paper, we have proposed a lightweight selective encryption algorithm for video conference which is based on efficient XOR operation and symmetric hierarchical encryption, successfully overcoming the weakness of complete encryption while offering a better security. The proposed algorithm guarantees security, fastness and error tolerance without increasing the video size.
Steganography is a method of hiding information, whereas the goal of cryptography is to make data unreadable. Both of these methodologies have their own advantages and disadvantages. Encrypted messages are easily detectable. If someone is spying on communication channel for encrypted message, he/she can easily identify the encrypted messages. Encryption may draw unnecessary attention to the transferred messages. This may lead to cryptanalysis of the encrypted message if the spy tries to know the message. If the encryption technique is not strong enough, the message may be deciphered. In contrast, Steganography tries to hide the data from third party by smartly embedding the data to some other file which is not at all related to the message. Here care is to be taken to minimize the modification of the container file in the process of embedding data. But the disadvantage of steganography is that it is not as secure as cryptography. In the present method the authors have introduced three-step security. Firstly the secret message is encrypted using bit level columnar transposition method introduced by Nath et al and after that the encrypted message is embedded in some image file along with its size. Finally the modified image is encoded into a QR Code TM. The entire method has also been implemented for the Android mobile environment. This method may be used to transfer confidential message through Android mobile phone.
Robust and stringent fault detection and correction techniques in executing Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) are still interesting issues for many critical applications. The purpose of fault detection and correction techniques is not only to ensure the reliability of a cryptosystem, but also protect the system against side channel attacks. Such errors could result due to a fault injection attack, production faults, noise or radiation effects in deep space. Devising a proper error control mechanisms for AES cipher during execution would improve both system reliability and security. In this work a novel fault detection and correction algorithm is proposed. The proposed mechanism is making use of the linear mappings of AES round structure to detect errors in the ShiftRow (SR) and MixColumn (MC) transformations. The error correction is achieved by creating temporary redundant check words through the combined SR and MC mapping to create in case of errors an error syndrome leading to error correction with relatively minor additional complexity. The proposed technique is making use of an error detecting and correcting capability in the combined mapping of SR and MC rather than detecting and/or correcting errors in each transformation separately. The proposed technique is making use especially of the MC mapping exhibiting efficient ECC properties, which can be deployed to simplify the design of a fault-tolerance technique. The performance of the algorithm proposed is evaluated by a simulated system model in FPGA technology. The simulation results demonstrate the ability to reach relatively high fault coverage with error correction up to four bytes of execution errors in the merged transformation SR-MC. The overall gate complexity overhead of the resulting system is estimated for proposed technique in FPGA technology.
The modular exponentiation is an important operation for cryptographic transformations in public key cryptosystems like the Rivest, Shamir and Adleman, the Difie and Hellman and the ElGamal schemes. computing ax mod n and axby mod n for very large x,y and n are fundamental to the efficiency of almost all pubic key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes. To achieve high level of security, the word length in the modular exponentiations should be significantly large. The performance of public key cryptography is primarily determined by the implementation efficiency of the modular multiplication and exponentiation. As the words are usually large, and in order to optimize the time taken by these operations, it is essential to minimize the number of modular multiplications. In this paper we are presenting efficient algorithms for computing ax mod n and axbymod n. In this work we propose four algorithms to evaluate modular exponentiation. Bit forwarding (BFW) algorithms to compute ax mod n, and to compute axby mod n two algorithms namely Substitute and reward (SRW), Store and forward(SFW) are proposed. All the proposed algorithms are efficient in terms of time and at the same time demands only minimal additional space to store the pre-computed values. These algorithms are suitable for devices with low computational power and limited storage.
As most of the modern encryption algorithms are broken fully/partially, the world of information security looks in new directions to protect the data it transmits. The concept of using DNA computing in the fields of cryptography has been identified as a possible technology that may bring forward a new hope for hybrid and unbreakable algorithms. Currently, several DNA computing algorithms are proposed for cryptography, cryptanalysis and steganography problems, and they are proven to be very powerful in these areas. This paper gives an architectural framework for encryption & Generation of digital signature using DNA Cryptography. To analyze the performance; the original plaintext size and the key size; together with the encryption and decryption time are examined also the experiments on plaintext with different contents are performed to test the robustness of the program.
Quantum cryptography and quantum search algorithm are considered as two important research topics in quantum information science. An asymmetrical quantum encryption protocol based on the properties of quantum one-way function and quantum search algorithm is proposed. Depending on the no-cloning theorem and trapdoor one-way functions of the public-key, the eavesdropper cannot extract any private-information from the public-keys and the ciphertext. Introducing key-generation randomized logarithm to improve security of our proposed protocol, i.e., one private-key corresponds to an exponential number of public-keys. Using unitary operations and the single photon measurement, secret messages can be directly sent from the sender to the receiver. The security of the proposed protocol is proved that it is information-theoretically secure. Furthermore, compared the symmetrical Quantum key distribution, the proposed protocol is not only efficient to reduce additional communication, but also easier to carry out in practice, because no entangled photons and complex operations are required.
Random numbers represent one of the most sensible part of a cryptographic system, since the cryptographic keys must be entirely based on them. The security of a communication relies on the key that had been established between two users. If an attacker is able to deduce that key, the communication is compromised. This is why key generation must completely rely on random number generators, so that nobody can deduce the. This paper will describe a set of public and free Random Number Generators (RNG) within Android-based Smartphones by exploiting different sensors, along with the way of achieving this scope. Moreover, this paper will present some conclusive tests and results over them.
To resolve the more and more serious problems of sensitive data leakage from Android systems, a kind of method of data protection on encryption storage and encryption transmission is presented in this paper by adopting secure computation environment of SDKEY device. Firstly, a dual-authentication scheme for login using SDKEY and PIN is designed. It is used for login on system boot and lock screen. Secondly, an approach on SDKEY-based transparent encryption storage for different kinds of data files is presented, and a more fine-grained encryption scheme for different file types is proposed. Finally, a method of encryption transmission between Android phones is presented, and two kinds of key exchange mechanisms are designed for next encryption and decryption operation in the following. One is a zero-key exchange and another is a public key exchange. In this paper, a prototype system based on the above solution has been developed, and its security and performance are both analyzed and verified from several aspects.