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Sravya, G., Kumar, Manchalla. O.V.P., Sudarsana Reddy, Y., Jamal, K., Mannem, Kiran.  2020.  The Ideal Block Ciphers - Correlation of AES and PRESENT in Cryptography. 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS). :1107—1113.
In this digital era, the usage of technology has increased rapidly and led to the deployment of more innovative technologies for storing and transferring the generated data. The most important aspect of the emerging communication technologies is to ensure the safety and security of the generated huge amount of data. Hence, cryptography is considered as a pathway that can securely transfer and save the data. Cryptography comprises of ciphers that act like an algorithm, where the data is encrypted at the source and decrypted at the destination. This paper comprises of two ciphers namely PRESENT and AES ciphers. In the real-time applications, AES is no more relevant especially for segmenting the organizations that leverage RFID, Sensors and IoT devices. In order to overcome the strategic issues faced by these organization, PRESENT ciphers work appropriately with its super lightweight block figure, which has the equivalent significance to both security and equipment arrangements. This paper compares the AES (Advance encryption standard) symmetric block cipher with PRESENT symmetric block cipher to leverage in the industries mentioned earlier, where the huge consumption of resources becomes a significant factor. For the comparison of different ciphers, the results of area, timing analysis and the waveforms are taken into consideration.
Tsavos, Marios, Sklavos, Nicolas, Alexiou, George Ph..  2020.  Lightweight Security Data Streaming, Based on Reconfigurable Logic, for FPGA Platform. 2020 23rd Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD). :277—280.
Alongside the rapid expansion of Internet of Things (IoT), and network evolution (5G, 6G technologies), comes the need for security of higher level and less hardware demanding modules. New cryptographic systems are developed, in order to satisfy the special needs of security, that have emerged in modern applications. In this paper, a novel lightweight data streaming system, is proposed, which operates in alternative modes. Each one of them, performs efficiently as one of three in total, stream ciphering modules. The operation of the proposed system, is based on reconfigurable logic. It aims at a lower hardware utilization and good performance, at the same time. In addition, in order to have a fair and detailed comparison, a second one design is also integrated and introduced. This one proposes a conventional architecture, consisting of the same three stream ciphering modes, implemented on the same device, as separate operation modules. The FPGA synthesis results prove that the proposed reconfigurable design achieves to minimize the area resources, from 18% to 30%, compared to the conventional one, while maintaining high performance values, for the supported modes.
Aiswarya Meenakshi, P., Veera Santhya, R., Sherine Jenny, R., Sudhakar, R..  2020.  Implementation and Cryptanalysis of Lightweight Block Ciphers. 2020 4th International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics (ICOEI)(48184). :253—258.
Encryption has become an important need for each and every data transmission. Large amount of delicate data is transferred regularly through different computer networks such as e-banking, email applications and file exchange. Cryptanalysis is study of analyzing the hidden information in the system. The process of cryptanalysis could be done by various features such as power, sound, electromagnetic radiation etc. Lightweight cryptography plays an important role in the IoT devices. It includes various appliances, vehicles, smart sensors and RFID-tags (RFID). PRESENT is one such algorithm, designed for resource constrained devices. This requires less memory and consumes less power. The project propounds a model in which the cryptographic keys are analyzed by the trace of power.
Pandey, Jai Gopal, Laddha, Ayush, Samaddar, Sashwat Deb.  2020.  A Lightweight VLSI Architecture for RECTANGLE Cipher and its Implementation on an FPGA. 2020 24th International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test (VDAT). :1—6.
Block ciphers are one of the most fundamental building blocks for information and network security. In recent years, the need for lightweight ciphers has dramatically been increased due to their wide use in low-cost cryptosystems, wireless networks and resource-constrained embedded devices including RFIDs, sensor nodes, smart cards etc. In this paper, an efficient lightweight architecture for RECTANGLE block cipher has been proposed. The architecture is suitable for extremely hardware-constrained environments and multiple platforms due to its support of bit-slice technique. The proposed architecture has been synthesized and implemented on Xilinx Virtex-5 xc5vlx110t-1ff1136 field programmable gate array (FPGA) device. Implementation results have been presented and compared with the existing architectures and have shown commensurable performance. Also, an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) implementation of the architecture is done on SCL 180 nm CMOS technology where it consumes 2362 gate equivalent (GE).
Oda, Maya, Ueno, Rei, Inoue, Akiko, Minematsu, Kazuhiko, Homma, Naofumi.  2020.  PMAC++: Incremental MAC Scheme Adaptable to Lightweight Block Ciphers. 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). :1—4.
This paper presents a new incremental parallelizable message authentication code (MAC) scheme adaptable to lightweight block ciphers for memory integrity verification. The highlight of the proposed scheme is to achieve both incremental update capability and sufficient security bound with lightweight block ciphers, which is a novel feature. We extend the conventional parallelizable MAC to realize the incremental update capability while keeping the original security bound. We prove that a comparable security bound can be obtained even if this change is incorporated. We also present a hardware architecture for the proposed MAC scheme with lightweight block ciphers and demonstrate the effectiveness through FPGA implementation. The evaluation results indicate that the proposed MAC hardware achieves 3.4 times improvement in the latency-area product for the tag update compared with the conventional MAC.
Bhutta, Muhammad Nasir Mumtaz, Cruickshank, Haitham, Nadeem, Adnan.  2020.  A Framework for Key Management Architecture for DTN (KMAD): Requirements and Design. 2019 International Conference on Advances in the Emerging Computing Technologies (AECT). :1–4.
Key Management in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) still remains an unsolved complex problem. Due to peculiar characteristics of DTN, important challenges that make it difficult to design key management architecture are: 1) no systematic requirement analysis is undertaken to define its components, their composition and prescribed functions; and 2) no framework is available for its seamless integration with Bundle Security Protocol (BSP). This paper proposes a Key Management Architecture for DTN (KMAD) to address challenges in DTN key management. The proposed architecture not only provides guidelines for key management in DTN but also caters for seamless integration with BSP. The framework utilizes public key cryptography to provide required security services to enable exchange of keying material, and information about security policy and cipher suites. The framework also supports secure exchange of control and data information in DTNs.
Nooh, Sameer A..  2020.  Cloud Cryptography: User End Encryption. 2020 International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT-1441). :1—4.
Cloud computing has made the life of individual users and work of business corporations so much easier by providing them data storage services at very low costs. Individual users can store and access their data through shared cloud storage service anywhere anytime. Similarly, business corporation consumers of cloud computing can store, manage, process and access their big data with quite an ease. However, the security and privacy of users' data remains vulnerable in cloud computing Availability, integrity and confidentiality are the three primary elements that users consider before signing up for cloud computing services. Many public and private cloud services have experienced security breaches and unauthorized access incidents. This paper suggests user end cryptography of data before uploading it to a cloud storage service platform like Google Drive, Microsoft, Amazon and CloudSim etc. The proposed cryptography algorithm is based on symmetric key cryptography model and has been implemented on Amazon S3 cloud space service.
Bakhtiyor, Abdurakhimov, Zarif, Khudoykulov, Orif, Allanov, Ilkhom, Boykuziev.  2020.  Algebraic Cryptanalysis of O'zDSt 1105:2009 Encryption Algorithm. 2020 International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT). :1—7.
In this paper, we examine algebraic attacks on the O'zDSt 1105:2009. We begin with a brief review of the meaning of algebraic cryptanalysis, followed by an algebraic cryptanalysis of O'zDSt 1105:2009. Primarily O'zDSt 1105:2009 encryption algorithm is decomposed and each transformation in it is algebraic described separately. Then input and output of each transformation are expressed with other transformation, encryption key, plaintext and cipher text. Created equations, unknowns on it and degree of unknowns are analyzed, and then overall result is given. Based on experimental results, it is impossible to save all system of equations that describes all transformations in O'zDSt 1105:2009 standard. Because, this task requires 273 bytes for the second round. For this reason, it is advisable to evaluate the parameters of the system of algebraic equations, representing the O'zDSt 1105:2009 standard, theoretically.
Chibaya, Colin, Jowa, Viola Jubile, Rupere, Taurayi.  2020.  A HES for Low Speed Processors. 2020 2nd International Multidisciplinary Information Technology and Engineering Conference (IMITEC). :1—6.
Adaptation of e-commerce in third world countries requires more secure computing facilities. Online data is vulnerable and susceptible to active attacks. Hundreds of security mechanisms and services have been proposed to curb this challenge. However, available security mechanisms, sufficiently strong, are heavy for the machines used. To secure online data where machines' processing power and memory are deficient, a Hybrid Encryption Standard (HES) is proposed. The HES is built on the Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm and its siblings. The component units of the DES are redesigned towards reduced demands for processing power and memory. Precisely, white box designs of IP tables, PC tables, Expansion tables, Rotation tables, S-boxes and P-boxes are proposed, all aimed at reducing the processing time and memory demands. Evaluation of the performance of the HES algorithm against the performance of the traditional DES algorithm reveal that the HES out-performs the DES with regards to speed, memory demands, and general acceptance by novice practitioners in the cryptography field. In addition, reproducibility and flexibility are attractive features of the HES over the DES.
Salim, M. N., Hutahaean, I. W., Susanti, B. H..  2020.  Fixed Point Attack on Lin et al.’s Modified Hash Function Scheme based on SMALLPRESENT-[8] Algorithm. 2020 International Conference on ICT for Smart Society (ICISS). CFP2013V-ART:1–7.
Lin et al.'s scheme is a hash function Message Authentication Codes (MAC) block cipher based scheme that's composed of the compression function. Fixed point messages have been found on SMALLPRESENT-[s] algorithm. The vulnerability of block cipher algorithm against fixed point attacks can affect the vulnerability of block cipher based hash function schemes. This paper applies fixed point attack against Lin et al.'s modified scheme based on SMALLPRESENT-[8] algorithm. Fixed point attack was done using fixed point message from SMALLPRESENT-[8] algorithm which used as Initial Value (IV) on the scheme branch. The attack result shows that eight fixed point messages are successfully discovered on the B1 branch. The fixed point messages discovery on B1 and B2 branches form 18 fixed point messages on Lin et al.'s modified scheme with different IVs and keys. The discovery of fixed point messages shows that Lin et al.'s modified scheme is vulnerable to fixed point attack.
Feng, G., Zhang, C., Si, Y., Lang, L..  2020.  An Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on Random Dynamic Hash and Bits Scrambling. 2020 International Conference on Communications, Information System and Computer Engineering (CISCE). :317–320.
This paper proposes a stream cipher algorithm. Its main principle is conducting the binary random dynamic hash with the help of key. At the same time of calculating the hash mapping address of plaintext, change the value of plaintext through bits scrambling, and then map it to the ciphertext space. This encryption method has strong randomness, and the design of hash functions and bits scrambling is flexible and diverse, which can constitute a set of encryption and decryption methods. After testing, the code evenness of the ciphertext obtained using this method is higher than that of the traditional method under some extreme conditions..
Gladwin, S. J., Gowthami, P. Lakshmi.  2020.  Combined Cryptography and Steganography for Enhanced Security in Suboptimal Images. 2020 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing (AISP). :1–5.
Technology has developed to a very great extent, and the use of smart systems has introduced an increasing threat to data security and privacy. Most of the applications are built-in unsecured operating systems, and so there is a growing threat to information cloning, forging tampering counterfeiting, etc.. This will lead to an un-compensatory loss for end-users particularly in banking applications and personal data in social media. A robust and effective algorithm based on elliptic curve cryptography combined with Hill cipher has been proposed to mitigate such threats and increase information security. In this method, ciphertext and DCT coefficients of an image, embedded into the base image based on LSB watermarking. The ciphertext is generated based on the Hill Cipher algorithm. Hill Cipher can, however, be easily broken and has weak security and to add complexity, Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), is combined with Hill cipher. Based on the ECC algorithm, the key is produced, and this key is employed to generate ciphertext through the Hill cipher algorithm. This combination of both steganography and cryptography results in increased authority and ownership of the data for sub-optimal media applications. It is hard to extract the hidden data and the image without the proper key. The performance for hiding text and image into an image data have been analyzed for sub-optimal multimedia applications.
Zhu, L., Zhou, X., Zhang, X..  2020.  A Reversible Meaningful Image Encryption Scheme Based on Block Compressive Sensing. 2020 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Information Communication and Signal Processing (ICICSP). :326–330.
An efficient and reversible meaningful image encryption scheme is proposed in this paper. The plain image is first compressed and encrypted simultaneously by Adaptive Block Compressive Sensing (ABCS) framework to create a noise-like secret image. Next, Least Significant Bit (LSB) embedding is employed to embed the secret image into a carrier image to generate the final meaningful cipher image. In this scheme, ABCS improves the compression and efficiency performance, and the embedding and extraction operations are absolutely reversible. The simulation results and security analyses are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness, compression, secrecy of the proposed scheme.
Akkasaligar, P. T., Biradar, S..  2020.  Medical Image Compression and Encryption using Chaos based DNA Cryptography. 2020 IEEE Bangalore Humanitarian Technology Conference (B-HTC). :1–5.
In digital communication, the transmission of medical images over communication network is very explosive. We need a communication system to transmit the medical information rapidly and securely. In this manuscript, we propose a cryptosystem with novel encoding strategy and lossless compression technique. The chaos based DNA cryptography is used to enrich security of medical images. The lossless Discrete Haar Wavelet Transform is used to reduce space and time efficiency during transmission. The cryptanalysis proves that proposed cryptosystem is secure against different types of attacks. The compression ratio and pixel comparison is performed to verify the similarity of retained medical image.
Behera, S., Prathuri, J. R..  2020.  Application of Homomorphic Encryption in Machine Learning. 2020 2nd PhD Colloquium on Ethically Driven Innovation and Technology for Society (PhD EDITS). :1–2.
The linear regression is a machine learning algorithm used for prediction. But if the input data is in plaintext form then there is a high probability that the sensitive information will get leaked. To overcome this, here we are proposing a method where the input data is encrypted using Homomorphic encryption. The machine learning algorithm can be used on this encrypted data for prediction while maintaining the privacy and secrecy of the sensitive data. The output from this model will be an encrypted result. This encrypted result will be decrypted using a Homomorphic decryption technique to get the plain text. To determine the accuracy of our result, we will compare it with the result obtained after applying the linear regression algorithm on the plain text.
Valocký, F., Puchalik, M., Orgon, M..  2020.  Implementing Asymmetric Cryptography in High-Speed Data Transmission over Power Line. 2020 11th IEEE Annual Ubiquitous Computing, Electronics Mobile Communication Conference (UEMCON). :0849–0854.
The article presents a proposal for implementing asymmetric cryptography, specifically the elliptic curves for the protection of high-speed data transmission in a corporate network created on the platform of PLC (Power Line Communications). The solution uses an open-source software library OpenSSL. As part of the design, an experimental workplace was set up, a DHCP and FTP server was established. The possibility of encryption with the selected own elliptic curve from the OpenSSL library was tested so that key pairs (public and private keys) were generated using a software tool. A shared secret was created between communication participants and subsequently, data encryption and decryption were performed.
Kabir, N., Kamal, S..  2020.  Secure Mobile Sensor Data Transfer using Asymmetric Cryptography Algorithms. 2020 International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS). :1–6.
Mobile sensors are playing a vital role in various applications of a normal day life. Key size in securing data is an important issue to highlight in mobile sensor data transfer between a smart device and a data storage component. Such key size may affect memory storage and processing power of a mobile device. Therefore, we proposed a secure mobile sensor data transfer protocol called secure sensor protocol (SSP). SSP is based on Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), which generates small size key in contrast to conventional asymmetric algorithms like RSA and Diffie Hellman. SSP receive values from light sensor and magnetic flux meter of a smart device. SSP encrypts mobile sensor data using ECC and afterwards it stores cipher information in MySQL database to receive remote data access. We compared the performance of the ECC with other existing asymmetric cryptography algorithms in terms of secure mobile sensor data transfer based on data encryption and decryption time, key size and encoded data size. In-addition, SSP shows better results than other cryptography algorithms in terms of secure mobile sensor data transfer.
Kubba, Z. M. Jawad, Hoomod, H. K..  2019.  A Hybrid Modified Lightweight Algorithm Combined of Two Cryptography Algorithms PRESENT and Salsa20 Using Chaotic System. 2019 First International Conference of Computer and Applied Sciences (CAS). :199–203.

Cryptography algorithms play a critical role in information technology against various attacks witnessed in the digital era. Many studies and algorithms are done to achieve security issues for information systems. The high complexity of computational operations characterises the traditional cryptography algorithms. On the other hand, lightweight algorithms are the way to solve most of the security issues that encounter applying traditional cryptography in constrained devices. However, a symmetric cipher is widely applied for ensuring the security of data communication in constraint devices. In this study, we proposed a hybrid algorithm based on two cryptography algorithms PRESENT and Salsa20. Also, a 2D logistic map of a chaotic system is applied to generate pseudo-random keys that produce more complexity for the proposed cipher algorithm. The goal of the proposed algorithm is to present a hybrid algorithm by enhancing the complexity of the current PRESENT algorithm while keeping the performance of computational operations as minimal. The proposed algorithm proved working efficiently with fast executed time, and the analysed result of the generated sequence keys passed the randomness of the NIST suite.

Karthiga, K., Balamurugan, G., Subashri, T..  2020.  Computational Analysis of Security Algorithm on 6LowPSec. 2020 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP). :1437–1442.
In order to the development of IoT, IETF developed a standard named 6LoWPAN for increase the usage of IPv6 to the tiny and smart objects with low power. Generally, the 6LoWPAN radio link needs end to end (e2e) security for its IPv6 communication process. 6LoWPAN requires light weight variant of security solutions in IPSec. A new security approach of 6LoWPAN at adaptation layer to provide e2e security with light weight IPSec. The existing security protocol IPsec is not suitable for its 6LoWPAN IoT environment because it has heavy restrictions on memory, power, duty cycle, additional overhead transmission. The IPSec had packet overhead problem due to share the secret key between two communicating peers by IKE (Internet Key Exchange) protocol. Hence the existing security protocol IPSec solutions are not suitable for lightweight-based security need in 6LoWPAN IoT. This paper describes 6LowPSec protocol with AES-CCM (Cipher block chaining Message authentication code with Counter mode) cryptographic algorithm with key size of 128 bits with minimum power consumption and duty cycle.
K.R., Raghunandan, Aithal, Ganesh, Shetty, Surendra.  2019.  Comparative Analysis of Encryption and Decryption Techniques Using Mersenne Prime Numbers and Phony Modulus to Avoid Factorization Attack of RSA. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS). :152–157.
In this advanced era, it is important to keep up an abnormal state of security for online exchanges. Public Key cryptography assumes an indispensable job in the field of security. Rivest, Shamir and Adleman (RSA) algorithm is being utilized for quite a long time to give online security. RSA is considered as one of the famous Public Key cryptographic algorithm. Nevertheless, a few fruitful assaults are created to break this algorithm because of specific confinements accepted in its derivation. The algorithm's security is principally founded on the issue of factoring large number. If the process factorization is done then, at that point the entire algorithm can end up fragile. This paper presents a methodology which is more secure than RSA algorithm by doing some modifications in it. Public Key exponent n, which is termed as common modulus replaced by phony modulus to avoid the factorization attack and it is constructed by Mersenne prime numbers to provide more efficiency and security. Paper presents a comparative analysis of the proposed algorithm with the conventional RSA algorithm and Dual RSA.
Kassim, Sarah, Megherbi, Ouerdia, Hamiche, Hamid, Djennoune, Saïd, Bettayeb, Maamar.  2019.  Speech encryption based on the synchronization of fractional-order chaotic maps. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT). :1–6.
This work presents a new method of encrypting and decrypting speech based on a chaotic key generator. The proposed scheme takes advantage of the best features of chaotic systems. In the proposed method, the input speech signal is converted into an image which is ciphered by an encryption function using a chaotic key matrix generated from a fractional-order chaotic map. Based on a deadbeat observer, the exact synchronization of system used is established, and the decryption is performed. Different analysis are applied for analyzing the effectiveness of the encryption system. The obtained results confirm that the proposed system offers a higher level of security against various attacks and holds a strong key generation mechanism for satisfactory speech communication.
Jawad Kubba, Zaid M., Hoomod, Haider K..  2019.  A Hybrid Modified Lightweight Algorithm Combined of Two Cryptography Algorithms PRESENT and Salsa20 Using Chaotic System. 2019 First International Conference of Computer and Applied Sciences (CAS). :199–203.
Cryptography algorithms play a critical role in information technology against various attacks witnessed in the digital era. Many studies and algorithms are done to achieve security issues for information systems. The high complexity of computational operations characterises the traditional cryptography algorithms. On the other hand, lightweight algorithms are the way to solve most of the security issues that encounter applying traditional cryptography in constrained devices. However, a symmetric cipher is widely applied for ensuring the security of data communication in constraint devices. In this study, we proposed a hybrid algorithm based on two cryptography algorithms PRESENT and Salsa20. Also, a 2D logistic map of a chaotic system is applied to generate pseudo-random keys that produce more complexity for the proposed cipher algorithm. The goal of the proposed algorithm is to present a hybrid algorithm by enhancing the complexity of the current PRESENT algorithm while keeping the performance of computational operations as minimal. The proposed algorithm proved working efficiently with fast executed time, and the analysed result of the generated sequence keys passed the randomness of the NIST suite.
Manucom, Emraida Marie M., Gerardo, Bobby D., Medina, Ruji P..  2019.  Security Analysis of Improved One-Time Pad Cryptography Using TRNG Key Generator. 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference on Computer and Communications (ICCC). :1515—1521.
Cryptography is one of the important aspect of data and information security. The security strength of cryptographic algorithms rely on the secrecy and randomness of keys. In this study, bitwise operations, Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm, and cipher text mapping are integrated in the proposed TRNG key generator for One-Time Pad cryptography. Frequency monobit, frequency within a block, and runs tests are performed to evaluate the key randomness. The proposed method is also evaluated in terms of avalanche effect and brute force attack. Tests results indicate that the proposed method generates more random keys and has a higher level of security compared with the usual OTP using PRNG and TRNGs that do not undergo a refining phase.
Mahmood, Riyadh Zaghlool, Fathil, Ahmed Fehr.  2019.  High Speed Parallel RC4 Key Searching Brute Force Attack Based on FPGA. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE). :129—134.

A parallel brute force attack on RC4 algorithm based on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) with an efficient style has been presented. The main idea of this design is to use number of forecast keying methods to reduce the overall clock pulses required depended to key searching operation by utilizes on-chip BRAMs (block RAMs) of FPGA for maximizing the total number of key searching unit with taking into account the highest clock rate. Depending on scheme, 32 key searching units and main controller will be used in one Xilinx XC3S1600E-4 FPGA device, all these units working in parallel and each unit will be searching in a specific range of keys, by comparing the current result with the well-known cipher text if its match the found flag signal will change from 0 to 1 and the main controller will receive this signal and stop the searching operation. This scheme operating at 128-MHz clock frequency and gives us key searching speed of 7.7 × 106 keys/sec. Testing all possible keys (40-bits length), requires only around 39.5h.

Sadkhan, Sattar B., Reda, Dhilal M..  2018.  Best Strategies of Choosing Crypto-System’s Key for Cryptographer and Attacker Based on Game Theory. 2018 Al-Mansour International Conference on New Trends in Computing, Communication, and Information Technology (NTCCIT). :1—6.
One of the most important strength features of crypto-system's is the key space. As a result, whenever the system has more key space, it will be more resistant to attack. The weakest type of attack on the key space is Brute Force attack, which tests all the keys on the ciphertext in order to get the plaintext. But there are several strategies that can be considered by the attacker and cryptographer related to the selection of the right key with the lowest cost (time). Game theory is a mathematical theory that draws the best strategies for most problems. This research propose a new evaluation method which is employing game theory to draw best strategies for both players (cryptographer & attacker).