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Uthayashangar, S., Dhamini, P., Mahalakshmi, M., Mangayarkarasi, V..  2019.  Efficient Group Data Sharing In Cloud Environment Using Honey Encryption. 2019 IEEE International Conference on System, Computation, Automation and Networking (ICSCAN). :1–3.
Cloud computing is a rapid growing advanced technology which is Internet based, providing various ways for storage, resource sharing, and various features. It has brought a new way to securely store and share information and data with multiple users and groups. The cloud environment deals with many problems, and one of the most important problems in recent days is the security issues. Sharing the data in a group, in cloud conditions has turned into a blazing theme in up and coming decades. Thus the blasting interest in cloud computing, ways and measures to accomplish secure and effective information and data sharing in the cloud is a flourishing point to be engaged. In this way, the venture centers around empowering information sharing and capacity for a similar gathering inside the cloud with high security and intensity. Therefore, Honey Encryption and Advanced Encryption Standard is used for providing security for the data shared within the group by the crew members in cloud environment. In addition, an access key is provided by the Group Manager to enable access to the documents and files stored in cloud by the users for specific time period.
Kholidy, Hisham A..  2019.  Towards A Scalable Symmetric Key Cryptographic Scheme: Performance Evaluation and Security Analysis. 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1–6.
In most applications, security attributes are pretty difficult to meet but it becomes even a bigger challenge when talking about Grid Computing. To secure data passes in Grid Systems, we need a professional scheme that does not affect the overall performance of the grid system. Therefore, we previously developed a new security scheme “ULTRA GRIDSEC” that is used to accelerate the performance of the symmetric key encryption algorithms for both stream and block cipher encryption algorithms. The scheme is used to accelerate the security of data pass between elements of our newly developed pure peer-to-peer desktop grid framework, “HIMAN”. It also enhances the security of the encrypted data resulted from the scheme and prevents the problem of weak keys of the encryption algorithms. This paper covers the analysis and evaluation of this scheme showing the different factors affecting the scheme performance, and covers the efficiency of the scheme from the security prospective. The experimental results are highlighted for two types of encryption algorithms, TDES as an example for the block cipher algorithms, and RC4 as an example for the stream cipher algorithms. The scheme speeds up the former algorithm by 202.12% and the latter one by 439.7%. These accelerations are also based on the running machine's capabilities.
Voronych, Artur, Nyckolaychuk, Lyubov, Vozna, Nataliia, Pastukh, Taras.  2019.  Methods and Special Processors of Entropy Signal Processing. 2019 IEEE 15th International Conference on the Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems (CADSM). :1–4.

The analysis of applied tasks and methods of entropy signal processing are carried out in this article. The theoretical comments about the specific schemes of special processors for the determination of probability and correlation activity are given. The perspective of the influence of probabilistic entropy of C. Shannon as cipher signal receivers is reviewed. Examples of entropy-manipulated signals and system characteristics of the proposed special processors are given.

Sadkhan, Sattar B., Yaseen, Basim S..  2019.  Hybrid Method to Implement a Parallel Search of the Cryptosystem Keys. 2019 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE). :204–207.

The current paper proposes a method to combine the theoretical concepts of the parallel processing created by the DNA computing and GA environments, with the effectiveness novel mechanism of the distinction and discover of the cryptosystem keys. Three-level contributions to the current work, the first is the adoption of a final key sequence mechanism by the principle of interconnected sequence parts, the second to exploit the principle of the parallel that provides GA in the search for the counter value of the sequences of the challenge to the mechanism of the discrimination, the third, the most important and broadening the breaking of the cipher, is the harmony of the principle of the parallelism that has found via the DNA computing to discover the basic encryption key. The proposed method constructs a combined set of files includes binary sequences produced from substitution of the guess attributes of the binary equations system of the cryptosystem, as well as generating files that include all the prospects of the DNA strands for all successive cipher characters, the way to process these files to be obtained from the first character file, where extract a key sequence of each sequence from mentioned file and processed with the binary sequences that mentioned the counter produced from GA. The aim of the paper is exploitation and implementation the theoretical principles of the parallelism that providing via biological environment with the new sequences recognition mechanism in the cryptanalysis.

Yoshikawa, Masaya, Nozaki, Yusuke.  2019.  Side-Channel Analysis for Searchable Encryption System and Its Security Evaluation. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) and IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC). :465–469.

Searchable encryption will become more important as medical services intensify their use of big data and artificial intelligence. To use searchable encryption safely, the resistance of terminals with embedded searchable encryption to illegal attacks (tamper resistance) is extremely important. This study proposes a searchable encryption system embedded in terminals and evaluate the tamper resistance of the proposed system. This study also proposes attack scenarios and quantitatively evaluates the tamper resistance of the proposed system by performing experiments following the proposed attack scenarios.

Saha, Arunima, Srinivasan, Chungath.  2019.  White-Box Cryptography Based Data Encryption-Decryption Scheme for IoT Environment. 2019 5th International Conference on Advanced Computing Communication Systems (ICACCS). :637–641.

The economic progress of the Internet of Things (IoT) is phenomenal. Applications range from checking the alignment of some components during a manufacturing process, monitoring of transportation and pedestrian levels to enhance driving and walking path, remotely observing terminally ill patients by means of medical devices such as implanted devices and infusion pumps, and so on. To provide security, encrypting the data becomes an indispensable requirement, and symmetric encryptions algorithms are becoming a crucial implementation in the resource constrained environments. Typical symmetric encryption algorithms like Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) showcases an assumption that end points of communications are secured and that the encryption key being securely stored. However, devices might be physically unprotected, and attackers may have access to the memory while the data is still encrypted. It is essential to reserve the key in such a way that an attacker finds it hard to extract it. At present, techniques like White-Box cryptography has been utilized in these circumstances. But it has been reported that applying White-Box cryptography in IoT devices have resulted in other security issues like the adversary having access to the intermediate values, and the practical implementations leading to Code lifting attacks and differential attacks. In this paper, a solution is presented to overcome these problems by demonstrating the need of White-Box Cryptography to enhance the security by utilizing the cipher block chaining (CBC) mode.

Alsumayt, Albandari, Albawardy, Norah, Aldossary, Wejdan, Alghamdi, Ebtehal, Aljammaz, Aljawhra.  2019.  Improve the security over the wireless sensor networks in medical sector. 2019 2nd International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1–4.
Nowadays with the huge technological development, the reliance on technology has become enormous. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is an example of using the Internet and communication between the patient and the hospital. Easy use of such networks helps to increase the quality of communication between patient and hospital. With the development of technology increased risk in use. Any change in this data between the patient and the hospital may cause false data that may harm the patient. In this paper, a secure protocol is designed to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data transfer between the hospital and the patient, depending on the AES and RC4 algorithms.
Ramu, Gandu, Mishra, Zeesha, Acharya, B..  2019.  Hardware implementation of Piccolo Encryption Algorithm for constrained RFID application. 2019 9th Annual Information Technology, Electromechanical Engineering and Microelectronics Conference (IEMECON). :85–89.
The deployment of smart devices in IoT applications are increasing with tremendous pace causing severe security concerns, as it trade most of private information. To counter that security issues in low resource applications, lightweight cryptographic algorithms have been introduced in recent past. In this paper we propose efficient hardware architecture of piccolo lightweight algorithm uses 64 bits block size with variable key size of length 80 and 128 bits. This paper introduces novel hardware architecture of piccolo-80, to supports high speed RFID security applications. Different design strategies are there to optimize the hardware metrics trade-off for particular application. The algorithm is implemented on different family of FPGAs with different devices to analyze the performance of design in 4 input LUTs and 6 input LUTs implementations. In addition, the results of hardware design are evaluated and compared with the most relevant lightweight block ciphers, shows the proposed architecture finds its utilization in terms of speed and area optimization from the hardware resources. The increment in throughput with optimized area of this architecture suggests that piccolo can applicable to implement for ultra-lightweight applications also.
Korzhik, Valery, Duy Cuong, Nguyen, Morales-Luna, Guillermo.  2019.  Cipher Modification Against Steganalysis Based on NIST Tests. 2019 24th Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT). :179–186.

Part of our team proposed a new steganalytic method based on NIST tests at MMM-ACNS 2017 [1], and it was encouraged to investigate some cipher modifications to prevent such types of steganalysis. In the current paper, we propose one cipher modification based on decompression by arithmetic source compression coding. The experiment shows that the current proposed method allows to protect stegosystems against steganalysis based on NIST tests, while security of the encrypted embedded messages is kept. Protection of contemporary image steganography based on edge detection and modified LSB against NIST tests steganalysis is also presented.

Thiemann, Benjamin, Feiten, Linus, Raiola, Pascal, Becker, Bernd, Sauer, Matthias.  2019.  On Integrating Lightweight Encryption in Reconfigurable Scan Networks. 2019 IEEE European Test Symposium (ETS). :1–6.

Reconfigurable Scan Networks (RSNs) are a powerful tool for testing and maintenance of embedded systems, since they allow for flexible access to on-chip instrumentation such as built-in self-test and debug modules. RSNs, however, can be also exploited by malicious users as a side-channel in order to gain information about sensitive data or intellectual property and to recover secret keys. Hence, implementing appropriate counter-measures to secure the access to and data integrity of embedded instrumentation is of high importance. In this paper we present a novel hardware and software combined approach to ensure data privacy in IEEE Std 1687 (IJTAG) RSNs. To do so, both a secure IJTAG compliant plug-and-play instrument wrapper and a versatile software toolchain are introduced. The wrapper demonstrates the necessary architectural adaptations required when using a lightweight stream cipher, whereas the software toolchain provides a seamless integration of the testing workflow with stream cipher. The applicability of the method is demonstrated by an FPGA-based implementation. We report on the performance of the developed instrument wrapper, which is empirically shown to have only a small impact on the workflow in terms of hardware overhead, operational costs and test time overhead.

Thapliyal, Sourav, Gupta, Himanshu, Khatri, Sunil Kumar.  2019.  An Innovative Model for the Enhancement of IoT Device Using Lightweight Cryptography. 2019 Amity International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AICAI). :887–892.

The problem statement is that at present there is no stable algorithm which provides security for resource constrained devices because classic cryptography algorithms are too heavy to be implemented. So we will provide a model about the various cryptographic algorithms in this field which can be modified to be implement on constrained devices. The advantages and disadvantages of IOT devices will be taken into consideration to develop a model. Mainly IOT devices works on three layers which are physical layer, application and commutation layer. We have discuss how IOT devices individually works on these layers and how security is compromised. So, we can build a model where minimum intervention of third party is involved i.e. hackers and we can have higher and tight privacy and security system [1].we will discuss about the different ciphers(block and stream) and functions(hash algorithms) through which we can achieve cryptographic algorithms which can be implemented on resource constrained devices. Cost, safety and productivity are the three parameters which determines the ratio for block cipher. Mostly programmers are forced to choose between these two; either cost and safety, safety and productivity, cost and productivity. The main challenge is to optimize or balance between these three factors which is extremely a difficult task to perform. In this paper we will try to build a model which will optimize these three factors and will enhance the security of IOT devices.

Gay, Maël, Paxian, Tobias, Upadhyaya, Devanshi, Becker, Bernd, Polian, Ilia.  2019.  Hardware-Oriented Algebraic Fault Attack Framework with Multiple Fault Injection Support. 2019 Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC). :25–32.

The evaluation of fault attacks on security-critical hardware implementations of cryptographic primitives is an important concern. In such regards, we have created a framework for automated construction of fault attacks on hardware realization of ciphers. The framework can be used to quickly evaluate any cipher implementations, including any optimisations. It takes the circuit description of the cipher and the fault model as input. The output of the framework is a set of algebraic equations, such as conjunctive normal form (CNF) clauses, which is then fed to a SAT solver. We consider both attacking an actual implementation of a cipher on an field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform using a fault injector and the evaluation of an early design of the cipher using idealized fault models. We report the successful application of our hardware-oriented framework to a collection of ciphers, including the advanced encryption standard (AES), and the lightweight block ciphers LED and PRESENT. The corresponding results and a discussion of the impact to different fault models on our framework are shown. Moreover, we report significant improvements compared to similar frameworks, such as speedups or more advanced features. Our framework is the first algebraic fault attack (AFA) tool to evaluate the state-of-the art cipher LED-64, PRESENT and full-scale AES using only hardware-oriented structural cipher descriptions.

Noura, Hassan, Couturier, Raphael, Pham, Congduc, Chehab, Ali.  2019.  Lightweight Stream Cipher Scheme for Resource-Constrained IoT Devices. 2019 International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob). :1–8.

The Internet of Things (IoT) systems are vulnerable to many security threats that may have drastic impacts. Existing cryptographic solutions do not cater for the limitations of resource-constrained IoT devices, nor for real-time requirements of some IoT applications. Therefore, it is essential to design new efficient cipher schemes with low overhead in terms of delay and resource requirements. In this paper, we propose a lightweight stream cipher scheme, which is based, on one hand, on the dynamic key-dependent approach to achieve a high security level, and on the other hand, the scheme involves few simple operations to minimize the overhead. In our approach, cryptographic primitives change in a dynamic lightweight manner for each input block. Security and performance study as well as experimentation are performed to validate that the proposed cipher achieves a high level of efficiency and robustness, making it suitable for resource-constrained IoT devices.

Chawla, Nikhil, Singh, Arvind, Rahman, Nael Mizanur, Kar, Monodeep, Mukhopadhyay, Saibal.  2019.  Extracting Side-Channel Leakage from Round Unrolled Implementations of Lightweight Ciphers. 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Hardware Oriented Security and Trust (HOST). :31–40.

Energy efficiency and security is a critical requirement for computing at edge nodes. Unrolled architectures for lightweight cryptographic algorithms have been shown to be energy-efficient, providing higher performance while meeting resource constraints. Hardware implementations of unrolled datapaths have also been shown to be resistant to side channel analysis (SCA) attacks due to a reduction in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and an increased complexity in the leakage model. This paper demonstrates optimal leakage models and an improved CFA attack which makes it feasible to extract first-order side-channel leakages from combinational logic in the initial rounds of unrolled datapaths. Several leakage models, targeting initial rounds, are explored and 1-bit hamming weight (HW) based leakage model is shown to be an optimal choice. Additionally, multi-band narrow bandpass filtering techniques in conjunction with correlation frequency analysis (CFA) is demonstrated to improve SNR by up to 4×, attributed to the removal of the misalignment effect in combinational logics and signal isolation. The improved CFA attack is performed on side channel signatures acquired for 7-round unrolled SIMON datapaths, implemented on Sakura-G (XILINX spartan 6, 45nm) based FPGA platform and a 24× reduction in minimum-traces-to-disclose (MTD) for revealing 80% of the key bits is demonstrated with respect to conventional time domain correlation power analysis (CPA). Finally, the proposed method is successfully applied to a fully-unrolled datapath for PRINCE and a parallel round-based datapath for Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm to demonstrate its general applicability.

Bauer, Sergei, Brunner, Martin, Schartner, Peter.  2019.  Lightweight Authentication for Low-End Control Units with Hardware Based Individual Keys. 2019 Third IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing (IRC). :425–426.

In autonomous driving, security issues from robotic and automotive applications are converging toward each other. A novel approach for deriving secret keys using a lightweight cipher in the firmware of low-end control units is introduced. By evaluating the method on a typical low-end automotive platform, we demonstrate the reusability of the cipher for message authentication. The proposed solution counteracts a known security issue in the robotics and automotive domain.

Khairullin, Ilias, Bobrov, Vladimir.  2019.  On Cryptographic Properties of Some Lightweight Algorithms and its Application to the Construction of S-Boxes. 2019 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :1807–1810.

We consider some approaches to the construction of lightweight block ciphers and introduce the definitions for "index of strong nonlinearity" and "index of perfection". For PRESENT, MIDORI, SKINNY, CLEFIA, LILLIPUT mixing and nonlinear properties were evaluated. We obtain the exact values of the exponents for mixing matrices of round functions and the upper bounds for indexes of perfection and strong nonlinearity. It was determined by the experiment that each coordinate function of output block is nonlinear during 500 rounds. We propose the algorithmic realization of 16×16 S-box based on the modified additive generator with lightweight cipher SPECK as a modification which does not demand memory for storage huge substitution tables. The best value of the differential characteristic of such S-box is 18/216, the minimal nonlinearity degree of coordinate functions is equal to 15 and the minimal linear characteristic is 788/215.

Elaguech, Amira, Kchaou, Afef, El Hadj Youssef, Wajih, Ben Othman, Kamel, Machhout, Mohsen.  2019.  Performance evaluation of lightweight Block Ciphers in soft-core processor. 2019 19th International Conference on Sciences and Techniques of Automatic Control and Computer Engineering (STA). :101–105.

The Internet of Things (IoT) and RFID devices are essential parts of the new information technology generation. They are mostly characterized by their limited power and computing resources. In order to ensure their security under computing and power constraints, a number of lightweight cryptography algorithms has emerged. This paper outlines the performance analysis of six lightweight blocks crypto ciphers with different structures - LED, PRESENT, HIGHT, LBlock, PICCOLO and TWINE on a LEON3 open source processor. We have implemented these crypto ciphers on the FPGA board using the C language and the LEON3 processor. Analysis of these crypto ciphers is evaluated after considering various benchmark parameters like throughput, execution time, CPU performance, AHB bandwidth, Simulator performance, and speed. These metrics are tested with different key sizes provided by each crypto algorithm.

Noura, Hassan, Chehab, Ali, Couturier, Raphael.  2019.  Lightweight Dynamic Key-Dependent and Flexible Cipher Scheme for IoT Devices. 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC). :1–8.

Security attacks against Internet of Things (IoT) are on the rise and they lead to drastic consequences. Data confidentiality is typically based on a strong symmetric-key algorithm to guard against confidentiality attacks. However, there is a need to design an efficient lightweight cipher scheme for a number of applications for IoT systems. Recently, a set of lightweight cryptographic algorithms have been presented and they are based on the dynamic key approach, requiring a small number of rounds to minimize the computation and resource overhead, without degrading the security level. This paper follows this logic and provides a new flexible lightweight cipher, with or without chaining operation mode, with a simple round function and a dynamic key for each input message. Consequently, the proposed cipher scheme can be utilized for real-time applications and/or devices with limited resources such as Multimedia Internet of Things (MIoT) systems. The importance of the proposed solution is that it produces dynamic cryptographic primitives and it performs the mixing of selected blocks in a dynamic pseudo-random manner. Accordingly, different plaintext messages are encrypted differently, and the avalanche effect is also preserved. Finally, security and performance analysis are presented to validate the efficiency and robustness of the proposed cipher variants.

Sehrawat, Deepti, Gill, Nasib Singh, Devi, Munisha.  2019.  Comparative Analysis of Lightweight Block Ciphers in IoT-Enabled Smart Environment. 2019 6th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks (SPIN). :915–920.

With the rapid technological growth in the present context, Internet of Things (IoT) has attracted the worldwide attention and has become pivotal technology in the smart computing environment of 21st century. IoT provides a virtual view of real-life things in resource-constrained environment where security and privacy are of prime concern. Lightweight cryptography provides security solutions in resource-constrained environment of IoT. Several software and hardware implementation of lightweight ciphers have been presented by different researchers in this area. This paper presents a comparative analysis of several lightweight cryptographic solutions along with their pros and cons, and their future scope. The comparative analysis may further help in proposing a 32-bit ultra-lightweight block cipher security model for IoT enabled applications in the smart environment.

Sakr, Ahmed S., El–kafrawy, P M., Abdullkader, Hatem M., Ibrahem, Hani M..  2018.  An Efficient Framework for Big Data Security Based on Selection Encryption on Amazonec2. 2018 1st International Conference on Computer Applications Information Security (ICCAIS). :1-5.

With the wide use of smart device made huge amount of information arise. This information needed new methods to deal with it from that perspective big data concept arise. Most of the concerns on big data are given to handle data without concentrating on its security. Encryption is the best use to keep data safe from malicious users. However, ordinary encryption methods are not suitable for big data. Selective encryption is an encryption method that encrypts only the important part of the message. However, we deal with uncertainty to evaluate the important part of the message. The problem arises when the important part is not encrypted. This is the motivation of the paper. In this paper we propose security framework to secure important and unimportant portion of the message to overcome the uncertainty. However, each will take a different encryption technique for better performance without losing security. The framework selects the important parts of the message to be encrypted with a strong algorithm and the weak part with a medium algorithm. The important of the word is defined according to how its origin frequently appears. This framework is applied on amazon EC2 (elastic compute cloud). A comparison between the proposed framework, the full encryption method and Toss-A-Coin method are performed according to encryption time and throughput. The results showed that the proposed method gives better performance according to encryption time, throughput than full encryption.

Hussain, Syed Saiq, Sohail Ibrahim, Muhammad, Mir, Syed Zain, Yasin, Sajid, Majeed, Muhammad Kashif, Ghani, Azfar.  2018.  Efficient Video Encryption Using Lightweight Cryptography Algorithm. 2018 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Sciences and Technology (ICEEST). :1-6.

The natural redundancy in video data due to its spatio-temporal correlation of neighbouring pixels require highly complex encryption process to successfully cipher the data. Conventional encryption methods are based on lengthy keys and higher number of rounds which are inefficient for low powered, small battery operated devices. Motivated by the success of lightweight encryption methods specially designed for IoT environment, herein an efficient method for video encryption is proposed. The proposed technique is based on a recently proposed encryption algorithm named Secure IoT (SIT), which utilizes P and Q functions of the KHAZAD cipher to achieve high encryption at low computation cost. Extensive simulations are performed to evaluate the efficacy of the proposed method and results are compared with Secure Force (SF-64) cipher. Under all conditions the proposed method achieved significantly improved results.

Sadkhan, Sattar B., Yaseen, Basim S..  2018.  A DNA-Sticker Algorithm for Cryptanalysis LFSRs and NLFSRs Based Stream Cipher. 2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE). :301-305.
In this paper, We propose DNA sticker model based algorithm, a computability model, which is a simulation of the parallel computations using the Molecular computing as in Adelman's DNA computing experiment, it demonstrates how to use a sticker-based model to design a simple DNA-based algorithm for attacking a linear and a non-linear feedback shift register (FSR) based stream cipher. The algorithm first construct the TEST TUBE contains all overall solution space of memory complexes for the cipher and initials of registers via the sticker-based model. Then, with biological operations, separate and combine, we remove those which encode illegal plain and key stream from the TEST TUBE of memory complexes, the decision based on verifying a key stream bit this bit represented by output of LFSRs equation. The model anticipates two basic groups of single stranded DNA molecules in its representation one of a genetic bases and second of a bit string, It invests parallel search into the space of solutions through the possibilities of DNA computing and makes use of the method of cryptanalysis of algebraic code as a decision technique to accept the solution or not, and their operations are repeated until one solution or limited group of solutions is reached. The main advantages of the suggested algorithm are limited number of cipher characters, and finding one exact solution The present work concentrates on showing the applicability of DNA computing concepts as a powerful tool in breaking cryptographic systems.
P.G., Swathi, Rajesh, Sreeja.  2018.  Double Encryption Using TEA and DNA. 2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET). :1-5.
Information security has become a major challenge in data transmission. Data transmitted through the network is vulnerable to many passive and active attacks. Cryptographic algorithms provide security against the data intruders and provide secure network communication. In this method, two algorithms TEA and DNA are combined to form a new algorithm called DETD (Double Encryption using TEA and DNA). The algorithm mainly deals with encryption and decryption time of a given input text. Here, both the encryption and decryption time are compared with the other two algorithms and the results are recorded. This algorithm also aims to provide data security by increasing the levels of encryption.
Aparna, H., Bhoomija, Faustina, Devi, R. Santhiya, Thenmozhi, K., Amirtharajan, Rengarajan, Praveenkumar, Padmapriya.  2019.  Image Encryption Based on Quantum-Assisted DNA Coded System. 2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics (ICCCI). :1-4.

Information security is winding up noticeably more vital in information stockpiling and transmission. Images are generally utilised for various purposes. As a result, the protection of image from the unauthorised client is critical. Established encryption techniques are not ready to give a secure framework. To defeat this, image encryption is finished through DNA encoding which is additionally included with confused 1D and 2D logistic maps. The key communication is done through the quantum channel using the BB84 protocol. To recover the encrypted image DNA decoding is performed. Since DNA encryption is invertible, decoding can be effectively done through DNA subtraction. It decreases the complexity and furthermore gives more strength when contrasted with traditional encryption plans. The enhanced strength of the framework is measured utilising measurements like NPCR, UACI, Correlation and Entropy.

Zebari, Dilovan Asaad, Haron, Habibollah, Zeebaree, Subhi R. M., Qader Zeebaree, Diyar.  2018.  Multi-Level of DNA Encryption Technique Based on DNA Arithmetic and Biological Operations. 2018 International Conference on Advanced Science and Engineering (ICOASE). :312-317.

Networks have evolved very rapidly, which allow secret data transformation speedily through the Internet. However, the security of secret data has posed a serious threat due to openness of these networks. Thus, researchers draw their attention on cryptography field for this reason. Due to the traditional cryptographic techniques which are vulnerable to intruders nowadays. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) considered as a promising technology for cryptography field due to extraordinary data density and vast parallelism. With the help of the various DNA arithmetic and biological operations are also Blum Blum Shub (BBS) generator, a multi-level of DNA encryption algorithm is proposed here. The algorithm first uses the dynamic key generation to encrypt sensitive information as a first level; second, it uses BBS generator to generate a random DNA sequence; third, the BBS-DNA sequence spliced with a DNA Gen Bank reference to produce a new DNA reference. Then, substitution, permutation, and dynamic key are used to scramble the new DNA reference nucleotides locations. Finally, for further enhanced security, an injective mapping is established to combine encrypted information with encrypted DNA reference using Knight tour movement in Hadamard matrix. The National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) tests have been used to test the proposed algorithm. The results of the tests demonstrate that they effectively passed all the randomness tests of NIST which means they can effectively resist attack operations.