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Nyrkov, Anatoliy P., Ianiushkin, Konstantin A., Nyrkov, Andrey A., Romanova, Yulia N., Gaskarov, Vagiz D..  2020.  Dynamic Shared Memory Pool Management Method in Soft Real-Time Systems. 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (EIConRus). :438–440.
Dealing with algorithms, which process large amount of similar data by using significant number of small and various sizes of memory allocation/de-allocation in a dynamic yet deterministic way, is an important issue for soft real-time systems designs. In order to improve the response time, efficiency and security of this kind of processing, we propose a software-based memory management method based on hierarchy of shared memory pools, which could be used to replace standard heap management mechanism of the operating system for some cases. Implementation of this memory management scheme can allocate memory through processing allocation/de-allocation requests of required space. Lockable implementation of this model can safely deal with the multi-threaded concurrent access. We also provide the results of experiments, according to which response time of test systems with soft time-bounded execution demand were considerably improved.
Gepperth, Alexander, Pfülb, Benedikt.  2021.  Image Modeling with Deep Convolutional Gaussian Mixture Models. 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). :1–9.
In this conceptual work, we present Deep Convolutional Gaussian Mixture Models (DCGMMs): a new formulation of deep hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) that is particularly suitable for describing and generating images. Vanilla (i.e., flat) GMMs require a very large number of components to describe images well, leading to long training times and memory issues. DCGMMs avoid this by a stacked architecture of multiple GMM layers, linked by convolution and pooling operations. This allows to exploit the compositionality of images in a similar way as deep CNNs do. DCGMMs can be trained end-to-end by Stochastic Gradient Descent. This sets them apart from vanilla GMMs which are trained by Expectation-Maximization, requiring a prior k-means initialization which is infeasible in a layered structure. For generating sharp images with DCGMMs, we introduce a new gradient-based technique for sampling through non-invertible operations like convolution and pooling. Based on the MNIST and FashionMNIST datasets, we validate the DCGMMs model by demonstrating its superiority over flat GMMs for clustering, sampling and outlier detection.
Fuhry, Benny, Jayanth Jain, H A, Kerschbaum, Florian.  2021.  EncDBDB: Searchable Encrypted, Fast, Compressed, In-Memory Database Using Enclaves. 2021 51st Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN). :438—450.
Data confidentiality is an important requirement for clients when outsourcing databases to the cloud. Trusted execution environments, such as Intel SGX, offer an efficient solution to this confidentiality problem. However, existing TEE-based solutions are not optimized for column-oriented, in-memory databases and pose impractical memory requirements on the enclave. We present EncDBDB, a novel approach for client-controlled encryption of a column-oriented, in-memory databases allowing range searches using an enclave. EncDBDB offers nine encrypted dictionaries, which provide different security, performance, and storage efficiency tradeoffs for the data. It is especially suited for complex, read-oriented, analytic queries as present, e.g., in data warehouses. The computational overhead compared to plaintext processing is within a millisecond even for databases with millions of entries and the leakage is limited. Compressed encrypted data requires less space than a corresponding plaintext column. Furthermore, EncDBDB's enclave is very small reducing the potential for security-relevant implementation errors and side-channel leakages.
Kaur, Amanpreet, Singh, Gurpreet.  2021.  Encryption Algorithms based on Security in IoT (Internet of Things). 2021 6th International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC). :482–486.
The Internet is evolving everywhere and expanding its entity globally. The IoT(Internet of things) is a new and interesting concept introduced in this world of internet. Generally it is interconnected computing device which can be embedded in our daily routine objects through which we can send and receive data. It is beyond connecting computers and laptops only although it can connect billion of devices. It can be described as reliable method of communication that also make use of other technologies like wireless sensor, QR code etc. IoT (Internet of Things) is making everything smart with use of technology like smart homes, smart cities, smart watches. In this chapter, we will study the security algorithms in IoT (Internet of Things) which can be achieved with encryption process. In the world of IoT, data is more vulnerable to threats. So as to protect data integrity, data confidentiality, we have Light weight Encryption Algorithms like symmetric key cryptography and public key cryptography for secure IoT (Internet of Things) named as Secure IoT. Because it is not convenient to use full encryption algorithms that require large memory size, large program code and larger execution time. Light weight algorithms meet all resource constraints of small memory size, less execution time and efficiency. The algorithms can be measured in terms of key size, no of blocks and algorithm structure, chip size and energy consumption. Light Weight Techniques provides security to smart object networks and also provides efficiency. In Symmetric Key Cryptography, two parties can have identical keys but has some practical difficulty. Public Key Cryptography uses both private and public key which are related to each other. Public key is known to everyone while private key is kept secret. Public Key cryptography method is based on mathematical problems. So, to implement this method, one should have a great expertise.
Kurt, Ahmet, Mercana, Suat, Erdin, Enes, Akkaya, Kemal.  2021.  Enabling Micro-payments on IoT Devices using Bitcoin Lightning Network. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC). :1–3.
Lightning Network (LN) addresses the scalability problem of Bitcoin by leveraging off-chain transactions. Nevertheless, it is not possible to run LN on resource-constrained IoT devices due to its storage, memory, and processing requirements. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an efficient and secure protocol that enables an IoT device to use LN's functions through a gateway LN node. The idea is to involve the IoT device in LN operations with its digital signature by replacing original 2-of-2 multisignature channels with 3-of-3 multisignature channels. Our protocol enforces the LN gateway to request the IoT device's cryptographic signature for all operations on the channel. We evaluated the proposed protocol by implementing it on a Raspberry Pi for a toll payment scenario and demonstrated its feasibility and security.
Ambedkar, B. R., Bharti, P. K., Husain, Akhtar.  2021.  Design and Analysis of Hash Algorithm Using Autonomous Initial Value Proposed Secure Hash Algorithm64. 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference (INDICON). :1–6.
A secure hash code or message authentication code is a one-way hash algorithm. It is producing a fixed-size hash function to be used to check verification, the integrity of electronic data, password storage. Numerous researchers have proposed hashing algorithms. They have a very high time complexity based on several steps, initial value, and key constants which are publically known. We are focusing here on the many exiting algorithms that are dependent on the initial value and key constant usage to increasing the security strength of the hash function which is publically known. Therefore, we are proposing autonomous initial value proposed secure hash algorithm (AIVPSHA64) in this research paper to produce sixty-four-bit secure hash code without the need of initial value and key constant, it is very useful for a smart card to verify their identity which has limited memory space. Then evaluate the performance of hash function using autonomous initial value proposed secure hash algorithm (AIVPSHA64) and will compare the result, which is found by python-3.9.0 programming language.
Zhang, QianQian, Liu, Yazhou, Sun, Quansen.  2021.  Object Classification of Remote Sensing Images Based on Optimized Projection Supervised Discrete Hashing. 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR). :9507–9513.
Recently, with the increasing number of large-scale remote sensing images, the demand for large-scale remote sensing image object classification is growing and attracting the interest of many researchers. Hashing, because of its low memory requirements and high time efficiency, has widely solve the problem of large-scale remote sensing image. Supervised hashing methods mainly leverage the label information of remote sensing image to learn hash function, however, the similarity of the original feature space cannot be well preserved, which can not meet the accurate requirements for object classification of remote sensing image. To solve the mentioned problem, we propose a novel method named Optimized Projection Supervised Discrete Hashing(OPSDH), which jointly learns a discrete binary codes generation and optimized projection constraint model. It uses an effective optimized projection method to further constraint the supervised hash learning and generated hash codes preserve the similarity based on the data label while retaining the similarity of the original feature space. The experimental results show that OPSDH reaches improved performance compared with the existing hash learning methods and demonstrate that the proposed method is more efficient for operational applications.
Li, Haofeng, Meng, Haining, Zheng, Hengjie, Cao, Liqing, Lu, Jie, Li, Lian, Gao, Lin.  2021.  Scaling Up the IFDS Algorithm with Efficient Disk-Assisted Computing. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO). :236–247.
The IFDS algorithm can be memory-intensive, requiring a memory budget of more than 100 GB of RAM for some applications. The large memory requirements significantly restrict the deployment of IFDS-based tools in practise. To improve this, we propose a disk-assisted solution that drastically reduces the memory requirements of traditional IFDS solvers. Our solution saves memory by 1) recomputing instead of memorizing intermediate analysis data, and 2) swapping in-memory data to disk when memory usages reach a threshold. We implement sophisticated scheduling schemes to swap data between memory and disks efficiently. We have developed a new taint analysis tool, DiskDroid, based on our disk-assisted IFDS solver. Compared to FlowDroid, a state-of-the-art IFDS-based taint analysis tool, for a set of 19 apps which take from 10 to 128 GB of RAM by FlowDroid, DiskDroid can analyze them with less than 10GB of RAM at a slight performance improvement of 8.6%. In addition, for 21 apps requiring more than 128GB of RAM by FlowDroid, DiskDroid can analyze each app in 3 hours, under the same memory budget of 10GB. This makes the tool deployable to normal desktop environments. We make the tool publicly available at
Hung, Yu-Hsin, Jheng, Bing-Jhong, Li, Hong-Wei, Lai, Wen-Yang, Mallissery, Sanoop, Wu, Yu-Sung.  2021.  Mixed-mode Information Flow Tracking with Compile-time Taint Semantics Extraction and Offline Replay. 2021 IEEE Conference on Dependable and Secure Computing (DSC). :1–8.
Static information flow analysis (IFA) and dynamic information flow tracking (DIFT) have been widely employed in offline security analysis of computer programs. As security attacks become more sophisticated, there is a rising need for IFA and DIFT in production environment. However, existing systems usually deal with IFA and DIFT separately, and most DIFT systems incur significant performance overhead. We propose MIT to facilitate IFA and DIFT in online production environment. MIT offers mixed-mode information flow tracking at byte-granularity and incurs moderate runtime performance overhead. The core techniques consist of the extraction of taint semantics intermediate representation (TSIR) at compile-time and the decoupled execution of TSIR for information flow analysis. We conducted an extensive performance overhead evaluation on MIT to confirm its applicability in production environment. We also outline potential applications of MIT, including the implementation of data provenance checking and information flow based anomaly detection in real-world applications.
Kong, Xiangdong, Tang, Yong, Wang, Pengfei, Wei, Shuning, Yue, Tai.  2021.  HashMTI: Scalable Mutation-based Taint Inference with Hash Records. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution and Reengineering (SANER). :84–95.
Mutation-based taint inference (MTI) is a novel technique for taint analysis. Compared with traditional techniques that track propagations of taint tags, MTI infers a variable is tainted if its values change due to input mutations, which is lightweight and conceptually sound. However, there are 3 challenges to its efficiency and scalability: (1) it cannot efficiently record variable values to monitor their changes; (2) it consumes a large amount of memory monitoring variable values, especially on complex programs; and (3) its excessive memory overhead leads to a low hit ratio of CPU cache, which slows down the speed of taint inference. This paper presents an efficient and scalable solution named HashMTI. We first explain the above challenges based on 4 observations. Motivated by these challenges, we propose a hash record scheme to efficiently monitor changes in variable values and significantly reduce the memory overhead. The scheme is based on our specially selected and optimized hash functions that possess 3 crucial properties. Moreover, we propose the DoubleMutation strategy, which applies additional mutations to mitigate the limitation of the hash record and detect more taint information. We implemented a prototype of HashMTI and evaluated it on 18 real-world programs and 4 LAVA-M programs. Compared with the baseline OrigMTI, HashMTI significantly reduces the overhead while having similar accuracy. It achieves a speedup of 2.5X to 23.5X and consumes little memory which is on average 70.4 times less than that of OrigMTI.
Morbitzer, Mathias, Proskurin, Sergej, Radev, Martin, Dorfhuber, Marko, Salas, Erick Quintanar.  2021.  SEVerity: Code Injection Attacks against Encrypted Virtual Machines. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :444–455.

Modern enterprises increasingly take advantage of cloud infrastructures. Yet, outsourcing code and data into the cloud requires enterprises to trust cloud providers not to meddle with their data. To reduce the level of trust towards cloud providers, AMD has introduced Secure Encrypted Virtualization (SEV). By encrypting Virtual Machines (VMs), SEV aims to ensure data confidentiality, despite a compromised or curious Hypervisor. The SEV Encrypted State (SEV-ES) extension additionally protects the VM’s register state from unauthorized access. Yet, both extensions do not provide integrity of the VM’s memory, which has already been abused to leak the protected data or to alter the VM’s control-flow. In this paper, we introduce the SEVerity attack; a missing puzzle piece in the series of attacks against the AMD SEV family. Specifically, we abuse the system’s lack of memory integrity protection to inject and execute arbitrary code within SEV-ES-protected VMs. Contrary to previous code execution attacks against the AMD SEV family, SEVerity neither relies on a specific CPU version nor on any code gadgets inside the VM. Instead, SEVerity abuses the fact that SEV-ES prohibits direct memory access into the encrypted memory. Specifically, SEVerity injects arbitrary code into the encrypted VM through I/O channels and uses the Hypervisor to locate and trigger the execution of the encrypted payload. This allows us to sidestep the protection mechanisms of SEV-ES. Overall, our results demonstrate a success rate of 100% and hence highlight that memory integrity protection is an obligation when encrypting VMs. Consequently, our work presents the final stroke in a series of attacks against AMD SEV and SEV-ES and renders the present implementation as incapable of protecting against a curious, vulnerable, or malicious Hypervisor.

Pei, Qi, Shin, Seunghee.  2021.  Efficient Split Counter Mode Encryption for NVM. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS). :93—95.
Emerging non-volatile memory technology enables non-volatile main memory (NVMM) that can provide larger capacity and better energy-saving opportunities than DRAMs. However, its non-volatility raises security concerns, where the data in NVMMs can be taken if the memory is stolen. Memory encryption protects the data by limiting it always stays encrypted outside the processor boundary. However, the decryption latency before the data being used by the processor brings new performance burdens. Unlike DRAM-based main memory, such performance overhead worsens on the NVMM due to the slow latency. In this paper, we will introduce optimizations that can be used to re-design the encryption scheme. In our tests, our two new designs, 3-level split counter mode encryption and 8-block split counter mode encryption, improved performance by 26% and 30% at maximum and by 8% and 9% on average from the original encryption scheme, split counter encryption.
Goyal, Jitendra, Ahmed, Mushtaq, Gopalani, Dinesh.  2021.  Empirical Study of Standard Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters for IoT Devices. 2021 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer Engineering (ICECCE). :1—6.
In recent times, security and privacy concerns associated with IoT devices have caught the attention of research community. The problem of securing IoT devices is immensely aggravating due to advancement in technology. These IoT devices are resource-constraint i.e. in terms of power, memory, computation, etc., so they are less capable to secure themselves. So we need a better approach to secure IoT devices within the limited resources. Several studies state that for these lightweight IoT devices Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) suits perfectly. But there are several elliptic curve domain parameter standards, which may be used for different security levels. When any ECC based product is deployed then the selection of a suitable elliptic curve standard according to usability is become very important. So we have to choose one suitable standard domain parameter for the required security level. In this paper, two different elliptic curve standard domain parameters named secp256k1 and secp192k1 proposed by an industry consortium named Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group (SECG) [1] are implemented and then analyzed their performances metrics. The performance of each domain parameter is measured in computation time.
Saju, Nikita Susan, K. N., Sreehari.  2021.  Design and Execution of Highly Adaptable Elliptic Curve Cryptographic Processor and Algorithm on FPGA using Verilog HDL. 2021 International Conference on Communication, Control and Information Sciences (ICCISc). 1:1—6.
Cryptography is the science or process used for the encryption and decryption of data that helps the users to store important information or share it across networks where it can be read only by the intended user. In this paper, Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) has been proposed because of its small key size, less memory space and high speed. Elliptic curve scalar multiplication is an important part of elliptic curve systems. Here, the scalar multiplication is performed with the help of hybrid Karatsuba multiplier as the area utilization of Karatsuba multiplier is less. An alternative of digital signature algorithm, that is, Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) along with the primary operations of elliptic curves have also been discussed in this paper.
Yue, Ren, Miao, Chen, Bo, Li, Xueyuan, Wang, Xingzhi, Li, Zijun, Liao.  2021.  Research and Implementation of Efficient DPI Engine Base on DPDK. 2021 China Automation Congress (CAC). :3868–3873.
With the rapid development of the Internet, network traffic is becoming more complex and diverse. At the same time, malicious traffic is growing. This seriously threatens the security of networks and information. However, the current DPI (Deep Packet Inspect) engine based on x86 architecture is slow in monitoring speed, which cannot meet the needs. Generally, two factors affect the detection rate: CPU and memory; The efficiency of data packet acquisition, and multi regular expression matching. Under these circumstances, this paper presents an efficient implementation of the DPI engine based on a generic x86 platform. DPDK is used as the platform of network data packets acquisition and processing. Using the multi-queue of the NIC (network interface controller) and the customized symmetric RSS key, the network traffic is divided and reorganized in the form of conversation. The core of traffic identification is hyperscan, which uses a flow pattern to match the packets load of a single conversation efficiently. It greatly reduces memory requirements. The method makes full use of the system resources and takes into account the advantages of high efficiency of hardware implementation. And it has a remarkable improvement in the efficiency of recognition.
Deri, Luca, Fusco, Francesco.  2021.  Using Deep Packet Inspection in CyberTraffic Analysis. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). :89–94.
In recent years we have observed an escalation of cybersecurity attacks, which are becoming more sophisticated and harder to detect as they use more advanced evasion techniques and encrypted communications. The research community has often proposed the use of machine learning techniques to overcome the limitations of traditional cybersecurity approaches based on rules and signatures, which are hard to maintain, require constant updates, and do not solve the problems of zero-day attacks. Unfortunately, machine learning is not the holy grail of cybersecurity: machine learning-based techniques are hard to develop due to the lack of annotated data, are often computationally intensive, they can be target of hard to detect adversarial attacks, and more importantly are often not able to provide explanations for the predicted outcomes. In this paper, we describe a novel approach to cybersecurity detection leveraging on the concept of security score. Our approach demonstrates that extracting signals via deep packet inspections paves the way for efficient detection using traffic analysis. This work has been validated against various traffic datasets containing network attacks, showing that it can effectively detect network threats without the complexity of machine learning-based solutions.
Sulaga, D Tulasi, Maag, Angelika, Seher, Indra, Elchouemi, Amr.  2021.  Using Deep learning for network traffic prediction to secure Software networks against DDoS attacks. 2021 6th International Conference on Innovative Technology in Intelligent System and Industrial Applications (CITISIA). :1—10.
Deep learning (DL) is an emerging technology that is being used in many areas due to its effectiveness. One of its major applications is attack detection and prevention of backdoor attacks. Sampling-based measurement approaches in the software-defined network of an Internet of Things (IoT) network often result in low accuracy, high overhead, higher memory consumption, and low attack detection. This study aims to review and analyse papers on DL-based network prediction techniques against the problem of Distributed Denial of service attack (DDoS) in a secure software network. Techniques and approaches have been studied, that can effectively predict network traffic and detect DDoS attacks. Based on this review, major components are identified in each work from which an overall system architecture is suggested showing the basic processes needed. Major findings are that the DL is effective against DDoS attacks more than other state of the art approaches.
Goldschmidt, Patrik, Kučera, Jan.  2021.  Defense Against SYN Flood DoS Attacks Using Network-based Mitigation Techniques. 2021 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM). :772—777.

TCP SYN Flood is one of the most widespread DoS attack types performed on computer networks nowadays. As a possible countermeasure, we implemented and deployed modified versions of three network-based mitigation techniques for TCP SYN authentication. All of them utilize the TCP three-way handshake mechanism to establish a security association with a client before forwarding its SYN data. These algorithms are especially effective against regular attacks with spoofed IP addresses. However, our modifications allow deflecting even more sophisticated SYN floods able to bypass most of the conventional approaches. This comes at the cost of the delayed first connection attempt, but all subsequent SYN segments experience no significant additional latency (\textbackslashtextless; 0.2ms). This paper provides a detailed description and analysis of the approaches, as well as implementation details with enhanced security tweaks. The discussed implementations are built on top of the hardware-accelerated FPGA-based DDoS protection solution developed by CESNET and are about to be deployed in its backbone network and Internet exchange point at NIX.CZ.

Akram, Ayaz, Giannakou, Anna, Akella, Venkatesh, Lowe-Power, Jason, Peisert, Sean.  2021.  Performance Analysis of Scientific Computing Workloads on General Purpose TEEs. 2021 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS). :1066–1076.
Scientific computing sometimes involves computation on sensitive data. Depending on the data and the execution environment, the HPC (high-performance computing) user or data provider may require confidentiality and/or integrity guarantees. To study the applicability of hardware-based trusted execution environments (TEEs) to enable secure scientific computing, we deeply analyze the performance impact of general purpose TEEs, AMD SEV, and Intel SGX, for diverse HPC benchmarks including traditional scientific computing, machine learning, graph analytics, and emerging scientific computing workloads. We observe three main findings: 1) SEV requires careful memory placement on large scale NUMA machines (1×-3.4× slowdown without and 1×-1.15× slowdown with NUMA aware placement), 2) virtualization-a prerequisite for SEV- results in performance degradation for workloads with irregular memory accesses and large working sets (1×-4× slowdown compared to native execution for graph applications) and 3) SGX is inappropriate for HPC given its limited secure memory size and inflexible programming model (1.2×-126× slowdown over unsecure execution). Finally, we discuss forthcoming new TEE designs and their potential impact on scientific computing.
Huang, Jianming, Hua, Yu.  2021.  A Write-Friendly and Fast-Recovery Scheme for Security Metadata in Non-Volatile Memories. 2021 IEEE International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA). :359—370.
Non-Volatile Memories (NVMs) require security mechanisms, e.g., counter mode encryption and integrity tree verification, which are important to protect systems in terms of encryption and data integrity. These security mechanisms heavily rely on extra security metadata that need to be efficiently and accurately recovered after system crashes or power off. Established SGX integrity tree (SIT) becomes efficient to protect system integrity and however fails to be restored from leaves, since the computations of SIT nodes need their parent nodes as inputs. To recover the security metadata with low write overhead and short recovery time, we propose an efficient and instantaneous persistence scheme, called STAR, which instantly persists the modifications of security metadata without extra memory writes. STAR is motivated by our observation that the parent nodes in cache are modified due to persisting their child nodes. STAR stores the modifications of parent nodes in their child nodes and persists them just using one atomic memory write. To eliminate the overhead of persisting the modifications, STAR coalesces the modifications and MACs in the evicted metadata. For fast recovery and verification of the metadata, STAR uses bitmap lines in asynchronous DRAM refresh (ADR) to indicate the locations of stale metadata, and constructs a cached merkle tree to verify the correctness of the recovery process. Our evaluation results show that compared with state-of-the-art work, our proposed STAR delivers high performance, low write traffic, low energy consumption and short recovery time.
Staniloiu, Eduard, Nitu, Razvan, Becerescu, Cristian, Rughiniş, Razvan.  2021.  Automatic Integration of D Code With the Linux Kernel. 2021 20th RoEduNet Conference: Networking in Education and Research (RoEduNet). :1—6.
The Linux kernel is implemented in C, an unsafe programming language, which puts the burden of memory management, type and bounds checking, and error handling in the hands of the developer. Hundreds of buffer overflow bugs have compromised Linux systems over the years, leading to endless layers of mitigations applied on top of C. In contrast, the D programming language offers automated memory safety checks and modern features such as OOP, templates and functional style constructs. In addition, interoper-ability with C is supported out of the box. However, to integrate a D module with the Linux kernel it is required that the needed C header files are translated to D header files. This is a tedious, time consuming, manual task. Although a tool to automate this process exists, called DPP, it does not work with the complicated, sometimes convoluted, kernel code. In this paper, we improve DPP with the ability to translate any Linux kernel C header to D. Our work enables the development and integration of D code inside the Linux kernel, thus facilitating a method of making the kernel memory safe.
Soares, Luigi, Pereira, Fernando Magno Quintãn.  2021.  Memory-Safe Elimination of Side Channels. 2021 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO). :200—210.
A program is said to be isochronous if its running time does not depend on classified information. The programming languages literature contains much work that transforms programs to ensure isochronicity. The current state-of-the-art approach is a code transformation technique due to Wu et al., published in 2018. That technique has an important virtue: it ensures that the transformed program runs exactly the same set of operations, regardless of inputs. However, in this paper we demonstrate that it has also a shortcoming: it might add out-of-bounds memory accesses into programs that were originally memory sound. From this observation, we show how to deliver the same runtime guarantees that Wu et al. provide, in a memory-safe way. In addition to being safer, our LLVM-based implementation is more efficient than its original inspiration, achieving shorter repairing times, and producing code that is smaller and faster.
Barthe, Gilles, Cauligi, Sunjay, Grégoire, Benjamin, Koutsos, Adrien, Liao, Kevin, Oliveira, Tiago, Priya, Swarn, Rezk, Tamara, Schwabe, Peter.  2021.  High-Assurance Cryptography in the Spectre Era. 2021 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP). :1884–1901.
High-assurance cryptography leverages methods from program verification and cryptography engineering to deliver efficient cryptographic software with machine-checked proofs of memory safety, functional correctness, provable security, and absence of timing leaks. Traditionally, these guarantees are established under a sequential execution semantics. However, this semantics is not aligned with the behavior of modern processors that make use of speculative execution to improve performance. This mismatch, combined with the high-profile Spectre-style attacks that exploit speculative execution, naturally casts doubts on the robustness of high-assurance cryptography guarantees. In this paper, we dispel these doubts by showing that the benefits of high-assurance cryptography extend to speculative execution, costing only a modest performance overhead. We build atop the Jasmin verification framework an end-to-end approach for proving properties of cryptographic software under speculative execution, and validate our approach experimentally with efficient, functionally correct assembly implementations of ChaCha20 and Poly1305, which are secure against both traditional timing and speculative execution attacks.
Sunny, Leya Elizabeth, Paul, Varghese.  2021.  Strengthening Security of Images Using Dynamic S-Boxes for Cryptographic Applications. 2021 Fourth International Conference on Microelectronics, Signals Systems (ICMSS). :1–5.
Security plays a paradigmatic role in the area of networking. The main goal of security is to protect these networks which contains confidential data against various kinds of attacks. By changing parameters like key size, increasing the rounds of iteration and finally using confusion box as the S-box, the strength of the cryptographic algorithms can be incremented. By using the Data Encryption Standard (DES), the images can be secured with the help of Dynamic S-boxes. Each of these 8 S-boxes contain 64 elements. Each row contains elements in the range 0–15 and are unique. Our proposed system generates these S-boxes dynamically depending on the key. The evaluation of this Dynamic S-box and DES shows much fruitful results over factors like Non-linearity, Strict Avalanche criterion, Balance, memory and time required for implementation using images.
Roney, James, Appel, Troy, Pinisetti, Prateek, Mickens, James.  2021.  Identifying Valuable Pointers in Heap Data. 2021 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW). :373—382.
Historically, attackers have sought to manipulate programs through the corruption of return addresses, function pointers, and other control flow data. However, as protections like ASLR, stack canaries, and no-execute bits have made such attacks more difficult, data-oriented exploits have received increasing attention. Such exploits try to subvert a program by reading or writing non-control data, without introducing any foreign code or violating the program’s legitimate control flow graph. Recently, a data-oriented exploitation technique called memory cartography was introduced, in which an attacker navigates between allocated memory regions using a precompiled map to disclose sensitive program data. The efficacy of memory cartography is dependent on inter-region pointers being located at constant offsets within memory regions; thus, cartographic attacks are difficult to launch against memory regions like heaps and stacks that have nondeterministic layouts. In this paper, we lower the barrier to successful attacks against nondeterministic memory, demonstrating that pointers between regions of memory often possess unique “signatures” that allow attackers to identify them with high accuracy. These signatures are accurate even when the pointers reside in non-deterministic memory areas. In many real-world programs, this allows an attacker that is capable of reading bytes from a single heap to access all of process memory. Our findings underscore the importance of memory isolation via separate address spaces.