The Time and the Time Synchronization are veryimportant especially for the computer networks performing timesensitive operations. It is very important for all the datacenters, markets, finance companies, industrial networks, commercial applications, e-mail and communication-related Clients and servers, active directory services, authentication mechanisms, and wired and wireless communication. For instance. a sensitive time system is crucial for financial networks processing a large amount of data on a daily basis. If the computer does not communicate with other Computers Or Other systems using time, then the time information might not be important. The NTP acts as a Single time source in order to synchronize all the devices in a network. While the computer networks communicate with each other between different time zones and different locations on the earth; the main time doesn't need to be the same all around the world but it must be very sensitive otherwise the networks at different locations might work on different times.As the main time sources, most of networks uses the Coordinated Universal Time The is important also for security. The hackers and the malware such as computer Viruses use the time inconsistencies in order to overcome all the security measures such as firewalls or antivirus software; without a correct time, any system might be taken under control. If all the devices are connected to STP time. then it would be more difficult for malicious to the System.
This paper shows that stochastic heuristic approach for implicitly solving addition chain problem (ACP) in public-key cryptosystem (PKC) enhances the efficiency of the PKC and improves the security by blinding the multiplications/squaring operations involved against side-channel attack (SCA). We show that while the current practical heuristic approaches being deterministic expose the fixed pattern of the operations, using stochastic method blinds the pattern by being unpredictable and generating diffident pattern of operation for the same exponent at a different time. Thus, if the addition chain (AC) is generated implicitly every time the exponentiation operation is being made, needless for such approaches as padding by insertion of dummy operations and the operation is still totally secured against the SCA. Furthermore, we also show that the stochastic approaches, when carefully designed, further reduces the length of the operation than state-of-the-art practical methods for improving the efficiency. We demonstrated our investigation by implementing RSA cryptosystem using the stochastic approach and the results benchmarked with the existing current methods.
Now-a-days, the security of data becomes more and more important, people store many personal information in their phones. However, stored information require security and maintain privacy. Encryption algorithm has become the main force of maintaining the security of data. Thus, the algorithm complexity and encryption efficiency have become the main measurement of whether the encryption algorithm is save or not. With the development of hardware, we have many tools to improve the algorithm at present. Because modular exponentiation in RSA algorithm can be divided into several parts mathematically. In this paper, we introduce a conception by dividing the process of encryption and add the model into graphics process unit (GPU). By using GPU's capacity in parallel computing, the core of RSA can be accelerated by using central process unit (CPU) and GPU. Compute unified device architecture (CUDA) is a platform which can combine CPU and GPU together to realize GPU parallel programming and this is the tool we use to perform experience of accelerating RSA algorithm. This paper will also build up a mathematical model to help understand the mechanism of RSA encryption algorithm.
In cloud computing application scenarios involving computationally weak clients, the natural need for applied cryptography solutions requires the delegation of the most expensive cryptography algorithms to a computationally stronger cloud server. Group exponentiation is an important operation used in many public-key cryptosystems and, more generally, cryptographic protocols. Solving the problem of delegating group exponentiation in the case of a single, possibly malicious, server, was left open since early papers in the area. Only recently, we have solved this problem for a large class of cyclic groups, including those commonly used in cryptosystems proved secure under the intractability of the discrete logarithm problem. In this paper we solve this problem for an important class of non-cyclic groups, which includes RSA groups when the modulus is the product of two safe primes, a common setting in applications using RSA-based cryptosystems. We show a delegation protocol for fixed-exponent exponentiation in such groups, satisfying natural correctness, security, privacy and efficiency requirements, where security holds with exponentially small probability. In our protocol, with very limited offline computation and server computation, a client can delegate an exponentiation to an exponent of the same length as a group element by only performing two exponentiations to an exponent of much shorter length (i.e., the length of a statistical parameter). We obtain our protocol by a non-trivial adaptation to the RSA group of our previous protocol for cyclic groups.
Digital signatures are replacing paper-based work to make life easier for customers and employees in various industries. We rigorously use RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) for public key cryptographic algorithms. Nowadays ECDSA (Elliptical Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) gaining more popularity than the RSA algorithm because of the better performance of ECDSA over RSA. The main advantage of ECC over RSA is ECC provides the same level of security with less key size and overhead than RSA. This paper focuses on a brief review of the performance of ECDSA and RSA in various aspects like time, security and power. This review tells us about why ECC has become the latest trend in the present cryptographic scenario.
In the process of mobile intelligent terminal for file transfer, ensure the safety of data transmission is significant. It is necessary to prevent the file from being eavesdropped and tampered during transmission. The method of using double encryption on covert channel is proposed in this paper based on the analysis of encryption algorithms and covert channel, which uses asymmetric encryption algorithm to encrypt the key of symmetric encryption, to form hidden information, and to carry out covert transmission through covert channels to enhance the security of mobile terminal data transmission. By simulating the above scenarios in intelligent mobile terminal, the confidentiality and concealment of important information are realized in the transmission process.
Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) is a system of wireless mobile nodes that are dynamically self-organized in arbitrary and temporary topologies, that have received increasing interest due to their potential applicability to numerous applications. The deployment of such networks however poses several security challenging issues, due to their lack of fixed communication infrastructure, centralized administration, nodes mobility and dynamic topological changes, which make it susceptible to passive and active attacks such as single and cooperative black hole, sinkhole and eavesdropping attacks. The mentioned attacks mainly disrupt data routing processes by giving false routing information or stealing secrete information by malicious nodes in MANET. Thus, finding safe routing path by avoiding malicious nodes is a genuine challenge. This paper aims at combining the existing cooperative bait detection scheme which uses the baiting procedure to bait malicious nodes into sending fake route reply and then using a reverse tracing operation to detect the malicious nodes, with an RSA encryption technique to encode data packet before transmitting it to the destination to prevent eavesdropper and other malicious nodes from unauthorized read and write on the data packet. The proposed work out performs the existing Cooperative Bait Detection Scheme (CBDS) in terms of packet delivery ratio, network throughput, end to end delay, and the routing overhead.
Dependency on cloud computing are increasing day by day due to its beneficial aspects. As day by day we are relying on cloud computing, the securities issues are coming up. There are lots of security protocols but now-a-days those protocol are not secured enough to provide a high security. One of those protocols which were once highly secured, is Kerberos authentication protocol. With the advancement of technology, Kerberos authentication protocol is no longer as secured as it was before. Many authors have thought about the improvement of Kerberos authentication protocol and consequently they have proposed different types of protocol models by using a renowned public key cryptography named RSA cryptography. Though RSA cryptography is good to some extent but this cryptography has some flaws that make this cryptography less secured as well as less efficient. In this paper, we are combining Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) as well as Threshold Cryptography to create a new version of Kerberos authentication protocol. Our proposed model will provide secure transaction of data which will not only be hard to break but also increase memory efficiency, cost efficiency, and reduce the burden of computation.
We would like to compute RSA signatures with the help of a Hardware Security Module (HSM). But what can we do when we want to use a certain public exponent that the HSM does not allow or support? Surprisingly, this scenario comes up in real-world settings such as code-signing of Intel SGX enclaves. Intel SGX enclaves have to be signed in order to execute in release mode, using 3072-bit RSA signature scheme with a particular public exponent. However, we encountered commercial hardware security modules that do not support storing RSA keys corresponding to this exponent. We ask whether it is possible to overcome such a limitation of an HSM and answer it in the affirmative (under stated assumptions). We show how to convert RSA signatures corresponding to one public exponent, to valid RSA signatures corresponding to another exponent. We define security and show that it is not compromised by the additional public knowledge available to an adversary in this setting.
Public key cryptography or asymmetric keys are widely used in the implementation of data security on information and communication systems. The RSA algorithm (Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman) is one of the most popular and widely used public key cryptography because of its less complexity. RSA has two main functions namely the process of encryption and decryption process. Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) is a digital signature algorithm that serves as the standard of Digital Signature Standard (DSS). DSA is also included in the public key cryptography system. DSA has two main functions of creating digital signatures and checking the validity of digital signatures. In this paper, the authors compare the computational times of RSA and DSA with some bits and choose which bits are better used. Then combine both RSA and DSA algorithms to improve data security. From the simulation results, the authors chose RSA 1024 for the encryption process and added digital signatures using DSA 512, so the messages sent are not only encrypted but also have digital signatures for the data authentication process.
The use of self organized wireless technologies called as Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) has increased and these wireless devices can be deployed anywhere without any infrastructural support or without any base station, hence securing these networks and preventing from Intrusions is necessary. This paper describes a method for securing the MANETs using Hybrid cryptographic technique which uses RSA and AES algorithm along with SHA 256 Hashing technique. This hybrid cryptographic technique provides authentication to the data. To check whether there is any malicious node present, an Intrusion Detection system (IDS) technique called Enhanced Adaptive Acknowledgement (EAACK) is used, which checks for the acknowledgement packets to detect any malicious node present in the system. The routing of packets is done through two protocols AODV and ZRP and both the results are compared. The ZRP protocol when used for routing provides better performance as compared to AODV.
Now a days transferring of texts, documents over the internet are the tasks in common. The transferred text must be cryptographically protected so that cannot be accessed by the invaders. In the communication medium, protected data uses cryptographic techniques and random bit generators. Once the key is generated by the random generators, how well we can secure and transmit fast in the network plays a vital role by applying appropriate algorithm. As a solution, a system is developed by symmetric algorithmic approach, uses AES and Fiestel content and also implements three different ways of random generators such as pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), linear multiples of prime sequence based method and nonlinear prime methods. Multilevel encryption and decryption techniques are adopted in the solution to transfer the information over the network securely with reduced delay. This method provides very strong technique against different kinds of attacks.
This paper proposes a new DNA cryptographic technique based on dynamic DNA encoding and asymmetric cryptosystem to increase the level of secrecy of data. The key idea is: to split the plaintext into fixed sized chunks, to encrypt each chunk using asymmetric cryptosystem and finally to merge the ciphertext of each chunk using dynamic DNA encoding. To generate chunks, characters of the plaintext are transformed into their equivalent ASCII values and split it into finite values. Now to encrypt each chunk, asymmetric cryptosystem is applied and the ciphertext is transformed into its equivalent binary value. Then this binary value is converted into DNA bases. Finally to merge each chunk, sufficient random strings are generated. Here to settle the required number of random strings, dynamic DNA encoding is exploited which is generated using Fibonacci series. Thus the use of finite chunks, asymmetric cryptosystem, random strings and dynamic DNA encoding increases the level of security of data. To evaluate the encryption-decryption time requirement, an empirical analysis is performed employing RSA, ElGamal and Paillier cryptosystems. The proposed technique is suitable for any use of cryptography.
as data size is growing up, cloud storage is becoming more familiar to store a significant amount of private information. Government and private organizations require transferring plenty of business files from one end to another. However, we will lose privacy if we exchange information without data encryption and communication mechanism security. To protect data from hacking, we can use Asymmetric encryption technique, but it has a key exchange problem. Although Asymmetric key encryption deals with the limitations of Symmetric key encryption it can only encrypt limited size of data which is not feasible for a large amount of data files. In this paper, we propose a probabilistic approach to Pretty Good Privacy technique for encrypting large-size data, named as ``BigCrypt'' where both Symmetric and Asymmetric key encryption are used. Our goal is to achieve zero tolerance security on a significant amount of data encryption. We have experimentally evaluated our technique under three different platforms.
Data security has become an issue of increasing importance, especially for Web applications and distributed databases. One solution is using cryptographic algorithms whose improvement has become a constant concern. The increasing complexity of these algorithms involves higher execution times, leading to an application performance decrease. This paper presents a comparison of execution times for three algorithms using asymmetric keys, depending on the size of the encryption/decryption keys: RSA, ElGamal, and ECIES. For this algorithms comparison, a benchmark using Java APIs and an application for testing them on a test database was created.
Interchange of information through cell phones, Tabs and PDAs (Personal Digital Assistant) is the new trend in the era of digitization. In day-to-day activities, sensitive information through mobile phones is exchanged among the users. This sensitive information can be in the form of text messages, images, location, etc. The research on Android mobile applications was done at the MIT, and found that applications are leaking enormous amount of information to the third party servers. 73 percent of 55 Android applications were detected to leak personal information of the users [8]. Transmission of files securely on Android is a big issue. Therefore it is important to shield the privacy of user data on Android operating system. The main motive of this paper is to protect the privacy of data on Android Platform by allowing transmission of textual data, location, pictures in encrypted format. By doing so, we achieved intimacy and integrity of data.
Cooperation of software and hardware with hybrid architectures, such as Xilinx Zynq SoC combining ARM CPU and FPGA fabric, is a high-performance and low-power platform for accelerating RSA Algorithm. This paper adopts the none-subtraction Montgomery algorithm and the Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT) to implement high-speed RSA processors, and deploys a 48-node cluster infrastructure based on Zynq SoC to achieve extremely high scalability and throughput of RSA computing. In this design, we use the ARM to implement node-to-node communication with the Message Passing Interface (MPI) while use the FPGA to handle complex calculation. Finally, the experimental results show that the overall performance is linear with the number of nodes. And the cluster achieves 6× 9× speedup against a multi-core desktop (Intel i7-3770) and comparable performance to a many-core server (288-core). In addition, we gain up to 2.5× energy efficiency compared to these two traditional platforms.
We report on our discovery of an algorithmic flaw in the construction of primes for RSA key generation in a widely-used library of a major manufacturer of cryptographic hardware. The primes generated by the library suffer from a significant loss of entropy. We propose a practical factorization method for various key lengths including 1024 and 2048 bits. Our method requires no additional information except for the value of the public modulus and does not depend on a weak or a faulty random number generator. We devised an extension of Coppersmith's factorization attack utilizing an alternative form of the primes in question. The library in question is found in NIST FIPS 140-2 and CC\textasciitildeEAL\textasciitilde5+ certified devices used for a wide range of real-world applications, including identity cards, passports, Trusted Platform Modules, PGP and tokens for authentication or software signing. As the relevant library code was introduced in 2012 at the latest (and probably earlier), the impacted devices are now widespread. Tens of thousands of such keys were directly identified, many with significant impacts, especially for electronic identity documents, software signing, Trusted Computing and PGP. We estimate the number of affected devices to be in the order of at least tens of millions. The worst cases for the factorization of 1024 and 2048-bit keys are less than 3 CPU-months and 100 CPU-years on single core of common recent CPUs, respectively, while the expected time is half of that of the worst case. The attack can be parallelized on multiple CPUs. Worse still, all susceptible keys contain a strong fingerprint that is verifiable in microseconds on an ordinary laptop – meaning that all vulnerable keys can be quickly identified, even in very large datasets.
QR codes, intended for maximum accessibility are widely in use these days and can be scanned readily by mobile phones. Their ease of accessibility makes them vulnerable to attacks and tampering. Certain scenarios require a QR code to be accessed by a group of users only. This is done by making the QR code cryptographically secure with the help of a password (key) for encryption and decryption. Symmetric key algorithms like AES requires the sender and the receiver to have a shared secret key. However, the whole motive of security fails if the shared key is not secure enough. Therefore, in our design we secure the key, which is a grey image using RSA algorithm. In this paper, FPGA implementation of 1024 bit RSA encryption and decryption is presented. For encryption, computation of modular exponentiation for 1024 bit size with accuracy and efficiency is needed and it is carried out by repeated modular multiplication technique. For decryption, L-R binary approach is used which deploys modular multiplication module. Efficiency in our design is achieved in terms of throughput/area ratio as compared to existing implementations. QR codes security is demonstrated by deploying AES-RSA hybrid design in Xilinx System Generator(XSG). XSG helps in hardware co-simulation and reduces the difficulty in structural design. Further, to ensure efficient encryption of the shared key by RSA, histograms of the images of key before and after encryption are generated and analysed for strength of encryption.
Data security is a primary concern for every communication system. Communication becomes an essential tool for any business, education, defense services etc. It is essential to transfer data safe and secure. At present, various cryptography algorithms have been proposed and implemented. Those algorithms are classified into symmetric and asymmetric algorithms based on the number of keys used. Even though several algorithms are used for data security, they are compromise the security at the certain period. Now the idea is to combine the several secure algorithms to provide a highly secure environment for data transmission. The algorithms that are going to be combined are AES symmetric cryptographic algorithm, RSA asymmetric algorithm and MD5 hashing algorithm. With these three algorithms, we can ensure three cryptography primitives confidentiality, authentication and integrity of data.
The rapid increase of connected devices and the major advances in information and communication technologies have led to great emergence in the Internet of Things (IoT). IoT devices require software adaptation as they are in continuous transition. Multi-agent based solutions offer adaptable composition for IoT systems. Mobile agents can also be used to enable interoperability and global intelligence with smart objects in the Internet of Things. The use of agents carrying personal data and the rapid increasing number of connected IoT devices require the use of security protocols to secure the user data. Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) Algorithm has emerged as an attractive and efficient public-key cryptosystem. We recommend the use of ECC in the proposed Broadcast based Secure Mobile Agent Protocol (BROSMAP) which is one of the most secure protocols that provides confidentiality, authentication, authorization, accountability, integrity and non-repudiation. We provide a methodology to improve BROSMAP to fulfill the needs of Multi-agent based IoT Systems in general. The new BROSMAP performs better than its predecessor and provides the same security requirements. We have formally verified ECC-BROSMAP using Scyther and compared it with BROSMAP in terms of execution time and computational cost. The effect of varying the key size on BROSMAP is also presented. A new ECC-based BROSMAP takes half the time of Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) 2048 BROSMAP and 4 times better than its equivalent RSA 3072 version. The computational cost was found in favor of ECC-BROSMAP which is more efficient by a factor of 561 as compared to the RSA-BROSMAP.